god only knows what the pump room stands for with you.
It's a restaurant/bar and a fine one at that. You should try googling for answers before putting your foot in your mouth.
Oh, if you really believe your dog has free-will then ask your dog "what is the meaning of life?"
Women are underrepresented not only in professionally choice and desirable positions suchb as executive posts but also amongst ditch-diggers, sewer workers and dustmen. Shouldn't they now be called dustpersons? And shouldn't those disparities also be corrected?
Those who strive to impose government mandated quotas for the 'good professions' always ignore
your logical point about all professions. Their reasoning skills have been blunted by current forms of "political correctness". and they can't seem to overcome them. The old expression of "thinking out of the box" is sadly lost on them. Remember the feminist shrill cry, "women can do a job as well as men and better"? If true then it's a mystery why so many are absent from the coal mining, oil-rigging and crane operation industries. so 'unequal' eh?
" Male dominated" seat?
Academic institutions have really done a job on you. Once again, nothing prevents women or men from voting for the candidates of their choice. Indeed, in the U.S. women make up the majority of voters.
You've given me an idea to write a skit for "Second City".
The scenario is this; the cavemen are ready to go out to hunt beasties but some women want equal representation so they get half the men to take care of the babies and half the women to go hunt for meat. Chaos insues as the men wait for the women to put on their make-up and............
Now, the above potential skit is politically incorrect because it has a basis of reality which is not popular with current liberal thought. That's the point, reality scares these people.
how come I have to keep fixing who I am quoting, it keeps bringing the wrong persons name
then I have to edit and go back out.
Maybe you can't multi-task? Maybe you would do better as a long-haul trucker? lol
my main point in the debate is - do not replace discrimination with discrimination.
That's too logical. People caught up with current trends cannot grasp something so simple and true. Additionally, why should an innocent person today pay for past discrimination (if any) of people who are no longer with us? For example, why should a Stash Kowalski be denied a job because LeRoy Johnson's great great grandfather was a slave? That scenario has occurred far too often between 1970 and 2000 and to some extent still does. Many other euro-ethnics have been affected in the same way.
When government thru force institutes quotas, it falsely claims to fight discrimination by discriminating. WTF?
Let's take golf, for example. Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. In my eyes, there is no good reason to debar women from sitting in a clubhouse
Are you aware that in the U.S. there are many women-only organizations while men-only ones are illegal? Currently, there are 74 women-only colleges while men-only ones are prohibited. There are women-only weight loss centers and none for men. There are women-only travel vacations, none for men, etc, etc. These obvious forms of discrimination are overlooked because they are not part of the culturally preferred template.
Many here are still stuck with that template which has become archaic but is unfortunately still used. It's like the one where feminists claim women to be "independent" and "strong". Yet, these same women are still incapable of paying their half for dinner and entertainment. These hypocrisies will become legendary, at least when historians write the history of these 'unequal' times.
Feminist 'political correctness' prefers lies to reality. Our western societies swim in this sort of propaganda which is reminiscent of Sovietism.
Unfortunately, this sort of phony feminist hype is typical and not the exception. Even MSNBC has shown this made-up photo and newspapers have printed it without challenge. Seems like our cookie-cutter liberal journalists believe everything given them. They only become introspective with libertarians and conservatives.
Well, I suppose it's time to be controversial again. While there is overlapping between men and women in many areas of mutual interest, I will say that
in general, men want women, and women need men. That largely explains why men look for beauty (and why women doll-up) and why women seek security (financially stable men).