What would be inherently wrong then with a political system of representation in which there is an accurate ratio of representation based on population?
It is wrong however, to mandate quotas thru (government) force. Let the people decide by voting. Nobody stops women or anyone else, at least in western countries from voting their choices.
limp-wristed liberals like yourself
I'm a libertarian as almost everyone else knows in these forums, except you. Is this your attempt at sarcasm since liberals (not to be confused with European liberals) in the U.S. are the proponents of quotas.
You'd probably hypothesize on the importance of choice if you saw a woman laid out in a burning building-
What makes you come up with such ludicrous ideas? You continually postulate assumptions that have no bearing on the discussion, let alone how I handle things. Try to focus.
ZIMMY the coward and a woman hater to boot.
Again, thank you for such a concise argument on your part. (sarcasm). You've summoned your demons and defaulted to name-calling because you couldn't argue your dubious position.
I'm sorry that I did not fall for you question about "choice". That's why I answered it the way I did noting its definition and its positive value(s). I also pointed out that people make bad choices as well as good ones. I check-mated you before you postulated this comment, "people like yourself might think it's a choice to do the right thing but the rest of us, the people who were brought up right, know that's not a choice but a trap" which says it all. I rightfully noted that choices are bad or good and sometimes even neutral.Hipster douche bags like yourself pretend to be working class
Hmmm, "Hipster douche bags" sounds like a good name for a rock group. Now, I don't pretend to be working class, haven't been for many years. (How do you come up with this stuff and doesn't it embarrass you, not one little bit?).
pretend to be socialites
I don't
pretend to be a socialite.
you delusional twat-
Sorry I hurt your feelings. I can read your pain.
you really just hate the idea of confident women so you pain them all with the same brush
I'll tell my female vice-president that but I usually paint her green but I use different brushes.
What's the matter? Mom didn't give you enough muffins last birthday?
You've decided to go the mother route eh? I thought only grammar school kids still did that, hmmmm. Have you reached rock bottom yet?
You make me sick.
Take two cheese pierogies and a bottle of Maalox and call me in the morning. If you don't feel better by then-look in the mirror and yell, "I am somebody" 10 times at the top of your lungs. That should clear your sinuses.
millions of animals make choices as regularly as you do
So it's true, you really don't understand the difference between free-will and instinct? ....and I'm actually conversing with you? Part of that answer lies in how fascinated I was with your inability to understand what is actually stated. You continue to dig a hole deeper instead of digging out of it. Perhaps that explains your inability to be optimistic. I've gone as far as I choose to with you. You might be surprised that
I wish you good luck and you're probably not a bad guy, just a bit thick.
how inept you are at processing truths that are obvious to everyone else strutting above your level.
I only see angels dancing on the head of a pin and am still counting them. They aren't "strutting" either.
...take the stairs on your way up cause the lift will only confuse you.
You didn't pay anyone for that attempt at a clever line did you? Once again, good luck and I mean it. The only advice I can give you is to not be so defensive and mean spirited with all that name calling. "That's no way to go through life son".
Zimmy, you been served.. lol
If you call that being "served" then there's nothing I can say about your lack of logic. ... and like Foreigner, do you also compare animals instinctual "choices" to man-kinds free-will? Good luck with that.
edit: Anyone wanting to meet me tonight will find me at the "Pump Room" and later at "Gibson's" in Chicago. Just don't offend the company I'll be with.