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Do Polish parents let/encourage their kids to **** outdoors?

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
30 Sep 2011 /  #1
their little ones to p*ss any where when they are out doors? Do other European parents do the whole routine where they whip down their child's trousers and such then prop their little legs up and let them fire off what ever they have to?

I find it rather, ummm, filthy, provincial, classless, etc. But maybe I'm a minority on this, maybe it's just where I live that this goes on. I've even seen parents that take their kids a few paces off the pavement for a crap on the grass- "oh s/he's just a child" they said while looking at me in disbelief that anyone would object.

Anyhow before I get carried away:
Is this common where you live in Poland?
Is this common where you live in Europe?
Is this common where you live in the world?
How do you feel about that kind of behaviour (experiential or hypothetical)?
Teffle  22 | 1318  
30 Sep 2011 /  #2
their little ones to p*ss any where when they are out doors?

I've seen it a few times and I wasn't even in Poland for long.

is this common where you live in Europe?

Not at all. Occasionally you see it at the sides of busy roads, car parked, an act of desperation obviously. It's discreet too.

How do you feel about that kind of behaviour (experiential or hypothetical)?

The peeing is a bit nasty I suppose but it doesn't bother me that much. Crapping is much worse. I just think of rural India or something.
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
30 Sep 2011 /  #3
their little ones to p*ss any where when they are out doors? Do other European parents do the whole routine where they whip down their child's trousers and such then prop their little legs up and let them fire off what ever they have to?

I understand that it is quite common in France, personally I haven't ever come across in Poland or France, and it is not common in Australia.
smurf  38 | 1940  
30 Sep 2011 /  #4
dont mind if it's piśś, piśś is harmless, just soaks into the ground (no different than a dog really), never seen a kid shitting in public tho, that's just wrong. Think I'd howl with laughter and embarrass the idiot parent.

On the subject is this the only country in Europe that still refuses to clean up after their dogs? Fuckin dogshit everywhere....gets so hot in the summer than you can literally smell it baking in the sun...and then when the snow melts in Feb, there's wee little snow eggs everywhere on the grass.
Olaf  6 | 955  
30 Sep 2011 /  #5
there's wee little snow eggs everywhere on the grass.

I agree totally - this is insane. When I see a mother urinating her child in public I always thought it is at least strange, but I never said anything because I was uncertain. Dog owners - they are completely different kind: when I see a dog taking a c*ap on a pavement or grass area I point it out to its owner "Are you going to clean it up?". If they say no, I often say that I will call the Straz Miejska and see if s/he changes mind.

That works, but you have to take some time for the Straz to come. I found no other way, and dog sh*t on the pavement is really not the best view.
pip  10 | 1658  
30 Sep 2011 /  #6
I think it is disgusting. And it is everywhere in Warsaw. Drivers that stop their cars , walk to the side of the road and take a piz where ever the hell they want. And the parents that teach their children to do this are equally revolting. Sorry, I have two kids. If my kids ever had to pee and we were driving, we would stop and walk into the bushes. One time my youngest had to pee and we were stuck in the middle of no where on our bikes- still went into the bushes so nobody could see.

my husbands cousin does this with his little boy. they were potty training him and we were on the beach. he crapped right on the sand. Luckily we carry doggie poop bags where ever we go so they cleaned it up- but seriously, how difficult is it to walk into the bushes and do your business there.

It is the mentality that needs to change. why is this ok?
patrick  6 | 113  
30 Sep 2011 /  #7
At least somebody is taking the 'law' into their own hands.
Richfilth  6 | 415  
30 Sep 2011 /  #8
Is it popular in Europe? Well, there's a little boy in Brussels who's been doing it for the last 400 years...
Jimmu  2 | 156  
30 Sep 2011 /  #9
What would the police say if you were to pee into the fountain right alongside him????
OP Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
30 Sep 2011 /  #10
It is the mentality that needs to change. why is this ok?

It's the same mentality that sees nothing wrong with littering in the streets or in nature but insists on keeping one's private back yard pristine. Poles, as a collective group, really get a big failing mark on this. People here don't seem to see the forest for the trees on this and realize that it's the little things, accumulated, which make the big differences in how a places looks.

When I cross from the south into czech rep. these accumulated little differences become more apparent.

At least somebody is taking the 'law' into their own hands youtube.com/watch?v=bJQHyxCjB2k

That is awesome!
patrick  6 | 113  
30 Sep 2011 /  #11
Yes that little video is what everybody who has lived in Poland has always wanted to do.
pip  10 | 1658  
30 Sep 2011 /  #12
nah, maybe half- the other half are the ones who let their dogs sh*t everywhere. I have a dog. I carry two doggie poop bags with me all the time. I think it is arrogant, selfish and simply disgusting leaving dog-sh*t everywhere. If you have a dog then clean up after it.
noreenb  7 | 548  
30 Sep 2011 /  #13
It's interesting what foreigners notice in Poland.
I saw some funny and disgusting scenes during studying at a sport camp. Yes, it happens. To drunk or a very tired students.
I really don't remember many people who do it in public places. Even if I see something like it I go on the second side of the street or I just don't pay any attention.
pip  10 | 1658  
30 Sep 2011 /  #14
I may be foreign but my husband is 100% Polish- and both the p*ssing everywhere and dogsh*t everywhere really bothers him.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
30 Sep 2011 /  #15
It's not heathly to suppress bodily functions. What a bunch of uptight prigs you are to complain about this.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Sep 2011 /  #16
It's called "civilisation", something that you aren't too familiar with.

Incidentally, being able to control your bladder is a normal function of a healthy child/adult. If you feel the need to urinate everywhere, perhaps you need help?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 Sep 2011 /  #17
It's called "civilisation", something that you aren't too familiar with.

'civilization' might also include the installation of more public toilets.
PWEI  3 | 612  
30 Sep 2011 /  #18
Des Essientes
It's not heathly to suppress bodily functions. What a bunch of uptight prigs you are to complain about this.

So you see nothing wrong with the drunk guys I see taking a leak right outside the primary school I walk past on my way to work? To you there is nothing wrong with little kids having to walk past grown men exposing themselves?!
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
30 Sep 2011 /  #19
Dopeyandomine, you are an uneducated Scottish clown that knows very little about civilization as you demonstrate over and over again on this forum with your rudeness. I laugh at you. Hahahaha you are a joke! Poles **** on your face because you are a worm on the sidewalk.

PWEI, you are indulging your tendancy to project your disgusting pedophilic fantasies on others again. You sick scum.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
30 Sep 2011 /  #20
if there is now a war of words the quoted post will be seen as causing it. and that equals suspension.

just in case anyone thinks of joining in they will also be suspended.

keep in mind that it will be measured in days not hours.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
30 Sep 2011 /  #21
Haha PWEI, you think you can tell me where I can, or cannot, travel! Your arrogance and stupidity knows no bounds. Get over yourself you stupid jackass.
PWEI  3 | 612  
30 Sep 2011 /  #22
'civilization' might also include the installation of more public toilets.

I don't know about Wroclaw but in Warsaw there are plenty of toilets which the public can use if they ask nicely (e.g. bars, restaurants, cinemas, etc).
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
30 Sep 2011 /  #23
Back to the topic of the thread, what is the phrase that's traditionally used in Polish when you see someone p1ss1ng in the street?

And why's the word p1ss changed to asterisks.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
30 Sep 2011 /  #24
It's not heathly to suppress bodily functions. What a bunch of uptight prigs you are to complain about this.

Is it the mission of this guy to imply that everyone who isn't him is somehow uptight?!
PWEI  3 | 612  
30 Sep 2011 /  #25
It's bad form to speak negatively of people who can't speak back (isn't it?).
Teffle  22 | 1318  
30 Sep 2011 /  #26
Sarcasm or making a real point?
PWEI  3 | 612  
30 Sep 2011 /  #27
Making a real point. Truly.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Sep 2011 /  #28
if there is now a war of words

There won't be - he was dealt with quickly and effectively - thanks :)

(don't delete his posts, let them stay as a reminder to others...)

So you see nothing wrong with the drunk guys I see taking a leak right outside the primary school I walk past on my way to work? To you there is nothing wrong with little kids having to walk past grown men exposing themselves?!

I once saw a kid taking a leak in the school playground - what kind of parents teach such behaviour?

'civilization' might also include the installation of more public toilets.

I've seen cases in Wroclaw where parents have let their kids **** freely outside when they were about 10m away from a (free) toilet. Insane.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
30 Sep 2011 /  #29

You see this looks to be dripping with sarcasm to me : )

But taking it at face value, yes, I guess you're right. Although I wasn't particularly negative - was I?
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
30 Sep 2011 /  #30
And I've certainly seen people in Poland performing other bodily functions in public places while people are passing by.

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