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Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia

12 May 2013 /  #1
I meanif anyone who would have a reason to hateRussian, it would be the Ukrainians. They were hurt much more than Polaks by them -- Stalins famine for instance and the fact they were fully incorporated while poland had some indepndence during communism. Yetthey dont display anything like the Polak and Polak media do when it comes to Ruskies. Its only Polaks who are obsessed with them and live in their own little bubble of hate.

I mean just read the thread and look at the ignorance by the Polaks spread there while they defend a muslim over Russians:
polishforums.com/news-politics-4/donald-tusk-polish-interests-det ermine-zakayevs-fate-46558/

Whats sad is the Polaks who defend the muslims or chechens would never defend them if they start bombing crap in their homlands, but its ok if its in Rusky land rightt? I wonder what Polaks would say if the kashubs wanted an independent state or the tatars? I dont kow the history of the region but I have heard chechens dont really want to be independenly run by terrorists only terror groups therewant that so they can create terror states. So why dont Polaks look at the world with a little bit of objectivity. Again, how would they feel if some groups within Poland wanted to take a chuck out of the land or what about the lithuanians and Wilno? polaks are such hypocrites sometimes and like to meedle.
legend  3 | 658  
12 May 2013 /  #2
Only "some" amount of Poles dislike Russians. And from that its mostly dislike for the Russian government.
There are some Ukrainians who dislike Russians too.

Ya i have seen some polls that show the relationship isnt good between the two nations.

The longer I live here in the west, I have grown to dislike America more and more.
I really have no problem with any Slavs, including Russians.

Perhaps some Poles see USA as a "light" to help them against a "Russian invasion". Maybe some think its a land of milk and honey.

But its not. I will bet if **** got real, America wouldnt give a **** about Poland.

I think (hopefully) that this and next generation will try to build relations with the Russians.
Hopefully Russian government will be less aggressive toward Poland too.
OP Abert28  
13 May 2013 /  #3
Yea I agree, maybe if youmlive in Poland they can be dangerous but thats only their govt. the people are great and culture is similar to ours. In terms of if you live in the west, I would much rather have a rusky fighting on my side than any american who will run away or backstab you when **** hits the fan. The ruskys are fun to party with too and their women look nice plus are not too hard to get in bed which is a plus to me.

For instance, if **** hits the fan with mexican or black gangs in san jose and your stuck in aclub becausetheyre waiting ror you outside, i would call. The ruskis to have my back in that situation over anyone else, probably even other Polaks. They get down and as long as youre down with them and your a fellow slav they respect that. Plus they got a rep on the street unlike any other whites.
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 May 2013 /  #4
Abert, if you dislike America and Americans that bad, why don't you go back to Poland, or let's say Vladivostok?
I sense obvious anger in your posts. Why should Poles choose Russians over Americans? Why should Poles choose one of them anyway?
I actually see some complex (inferiority or anything) in your posts.
And I agree with legend, Polish people in general are in good terms with Russians.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
13 May 2013 /  #5
Russia is a big bully in the region. Just look at how they acted on Polish soil during Euro 2012 Tournament and that had nothing to do with Russian government. While Poles have their bad apples, Russians are known by everyone as obnoxious.

In terms of Poles/Russians living in the USA and their relations to each other. I don't think it's any different than Polish-German or Polish-British. Your post seems to argue Poles should go out of their way for Russians because we are both Slavs. I think in the USA it's wise to treat everyone on equal footing or you will lose out on opportunities. The ironic part is that us both being Slavs, almost creates a sense of competition: ''We both immigrated to this country and look who is better off''

We expect Americans to understand Polish history and respect us but we shouldn't expect the same from Russians, who is an actual neighbor? At the end of the day Russia doesn't want to be part of the European Union and almost considers itself it's own continent. So other than ethnicity, we don't share much any longer.
OP Abert28  
13 May 2013 /  #6
Like I said, no other slavs except Polaks have a problem with them and are friends with the, in the usa except Polaks. And like I said, many other slavs like ukrainians or even yugoslavians have just as much if not more reasons to hate them but they dint, and they certainly dont obsess over them like some sort of Polak inferiority complex.

Also, the Polaks hurt and attacked unarmed russian toursist even older people that had nothing to do with hooligans. I posted some youtube vids about this on mma.tv otherground and they all called Polaks cowards and pussies for doing that and basiclaly not worth to even live (they said in texas cops would just spray them with bullets). Are you really proud of this?


Thats multiple people blind siding or sucker attacking russian tourists and old people. Id like to see Polaks try to do this to Russian in San Jose like the bipouncers at clubs who are Russian (not Polak).

"We expect Americans to understand Polish history and respect us but we shouldn't expect the same from Russians, who is an actual neighbor? At the end of the day Russia doesn't want to be part of the European Union and almost considers itself it's own continent. So other than ethnicity, we don't share much any longer."

Actually they dont, most Americans think Polaks are unciivilized and russians are actually respected because they put Sputnik on the moon and were a worthy adversary. Also Russians tend to be quite educated and become either business owners or co puter programmers at least here in California, while Polaks are either unheard about or wash cars and become mechanics. Also, Polaks get made fun of and rhey make jokes about them and are known to be racist backward thinking bigots while Russians actually accomplish a lot. The only thing Polaks are known for by Americans is the poor stepchild if Russia and zgermany who constantly gets its ass kicked (Im not saying this is true just the stereotype the teachers told me in california high schools). American history books even said the Polaks gave up almost just as Germany came in and that Slask is one of the most polluted areas in the world.magain, even american academia makes fun of Polaks not Russians.
GTO  3 | 22  
13 May 2013 /  #7
Is it this one that made you bring up this? :)

pierogi2000  4 | 226  
13 May 2013 /  #8
- You've met every single Pole living in the USA and quizzed them on their feelings about Russia?

- You seem to be the only ''Pole'' on here obsessing over the matter

- Russian fans beat up Polish stewards a week before the Poland/Russian match. Their fans also had inappropriate signs and wore military uniforms (WTF) to matches. Which is why FIFA penalized Russia and not Poland.

Typical Russian cowardliness thuggery.

- What was occurring in Poland while Russia put Sputnik in space? We were under Soviet rule. You should pick up a history book sometime.

If Poland is so backwards then why do you as a Russian feel the need to come on a Polish forum and describe ignorant American opinions? Americans look down on all of us, they laugh at Russia murdering tens of millions of their own citizens. You live in San Jose. I live in San Diego. So there's one Pole that accomplished more than a Russian.

On the subject of Russia.
*The average Russian man has a life expectancy of 58 years, which is among the shortest in the civilized world.

* The Russian population is down to 142 million. In 1991 it was 148 million. It is expected to decrease by 1/3 by 2050, down to 96 million.

* The birth rate in Russia (The number of children born to the average woman) remains below 2.0, which is the 'breakeven' point.

* The Russian death rate is 14.3 per 100,000. Compares to 8.5 for the USA.

There may be an occasional young woman kidnapped from Ukraine and dragged into Russia, but that would be the extent to any immigration problem.

OP Abert28  
13 May 2013 /  #9
Wow you must be so proud of this cowardeness arent you?

Wow they must feel so tough (reminds me of Dabrowa Gornicza where they all kick in groups like cowards and never fight alone):
media.smh.com.au/news/world-news/russian-and-polish-soccer-hoolig ans-clash-3370577.html

Attacking regular people turned around in a group who were just walking and waving their country's flag. By the way, ask yourself why were so many Polaks arsted in their own country vs so few Russians if the Ruskies were the true aggressors as you say?

dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2158272/Euro-2012-Russia-Poland-fans -clash-streets.html

"Ugly rioting saw 184 arrested, including 156 Poles and 24 Russians, and at least another 24 injured."

Maybe someday the great Russian empire will take you back so you wont have to have such an inferiority complex anymore trying to boast about having a kingdom from sea to sea when the mighty Russian empire has a kingdom up to this day from ocean to ocean, from asia to europe. And lol at the youtube comments mostly americans making fun of Polaks and a bunch of anti jew racist Polaks trying to defend this. The Polaks are basically the Mexicans of Europe except they wouldnt actually have the balls to pull a trigger or go up against real criminals.

The Americans are even making fun of Polaks they said they were fighting among themselves after running out of Ruskies to fight:
breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/06/12/Hooligan-clashes-in-Poland-lea ve-15-injured

"Later, during the match, new fighting apparently unrelated to nationalist tensions broke out among Polish fans near the fan zone. Police responded with rubber bullets and tear gas and made some arrests. Some of the men wore Polish team T-shirts and one said he was attacking police simply because he didn't like them...

In another incident, a group of clearly drunken Polish men began fighting among themselves, hitting and kicking each other. Two were on the ground bleeding and police intervened, throwing two more to the ground. The men were holding cans of beer and mumbling and one appeared to be unconscious. An AP reporter witnessed the incident and saw police detain three people."

Krokodil exists in Poland too, I researched it and in various zpolish articles on it someone mentioned it I bet in poor villages in Poland like near agermany with drug problems and people with no money its just as popular. In a Polish village called Jasien where my aunt used to live they would sniff glue and Polaks would drink denaturat through bread and other scary ****. Plus nalewki are pretty ****** alcohol that is the zpolak national past time and they got it from Russia I believe so the two nations arent as far apart as you think. I mean certainly no one in Western europe besides Polaks and zrussians dirnks nalewki.
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
13 May 2013 /  #10
Hey, you're the one coming onto a Polish forum pretending to be Polish. I'd say that about says it all.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 May 2013 /  #11
Albert, why do you mistakenly write names of some nationalities? Polish dislike Russians more, perhaps because of our media and historical rhetoric. People can be controlled by that. Also contrary to post soviet countries we were less brainwashed by soviet propaganda. We also don't speak Russian and don't go work to Russia. And simply because Russia is currently only country which could endanger independence of Poland. (but that's is true also for other Russian neighbors)
OP Abert28  
13 May 2013 /  #12
I am Polish. Ja jestem Polakiem i pocjodze z Sosnowca. Babcie mialem w Dabrowie agorinczej i teraz moja rodzina mieszka kolo Niemczech w Lubsku. I just hate racism and intolerance and hate, because I was the recipient of this growing up in America and being put on a sex offender registry and facing charges of a corrupt system of assualting a fuy at a bar after he attacked me (charged with assault with a deadly weapon) and a bunch of liers hating and wanting me out just for being a foreigner and bar ****** coming out to get money out of me dlaiming that they for injured apin the scuffle when no one was there. When I see discrimination and hate from Polaks it reminds me how much as a Polak I redeived it here in Amerikkka. And I would take any rusky to be my friend or watch my back iver american coward ***** who call cops and make up lies and stories after doming at you first. Police state and cowards live in amerikkka. A bunch of local boys decided to make up a story against me after I defended myself and surprisingly no one saw the beginning of it. In Poland no one would even call cops, but the ******* amerikkka cowards do every time after starting ****. And look what they write in american media anytime a Polak makes the news. The vitches wrote articles aout me any chance they got no matter what I did and made it clear I was a Polak. Made it very clear for all their readers. Thats how much they love you for being Polish. It reminds me of how when I was growing up in school they kept making sure I knew Polak jokes and what I was. **** amerikkka.

"Polish dislike Russians more, perhaps because of our media and historical rhetoric. People can be controlled by that. Also contrary to post soviet countries we were less brainwashed by soviet propaganda. We also don't speak Russian and don't go work to Russia. And simply because Russia is currently only country which could endanger independence of Poland. (but that's is true also for other Russian neighbors)"

Do you realize how much of a hypocrite you sound and many Polish are? You say they dislike them more because of media and call them propagandists? Look at your own propaganda filled media. They were the ones who caused the violence and mayhem at euro and on onet.pl many Poles expressed this. Nobody would have known about that march or made a bug deal had the media not acted on national and agressive sentiments and announced it before it happened. And look how much abti russian propaganda the media keeps feeding Poles like their constant focus on that plane crash in Russia way after it happened when so many other tragedies are occuring around the world. I just hate hypocricy. You think youre somehow superior to them but how did you feel when the Nazis about Polaks or many Germans today? People in Maerikkka often ask me where im from and when I tell them Poland almost none of them consider it europe. No one besides really Polaks considers anything beyond German europe. To them all you are is a Polak joke. And you are not doing your people any good or destroying stereotypes by pointingyour fingers at jews, showing ignorance and hate, hating russians because of what their andestors did who the fans at those games were not even alive for (thats like blacks hating white people because of slavery yet you also hate blacks, etc.) i am starting to think there is a reason these stereotypes. Exist in america and when a Polak hits the system like I did, the media does everything in its power to point out you are a Polak, even kegal in the country, and mention you as often as possible when compared ro much worse criminals who are local to America. Not only that but they even mention immigrationa nd Ice and other non relevant crap as often as possible just because you are from Poland. I. Had a history teacher in Umerica tell me straight out: "why is it that I never hear anything good about Poland. I hear good stuff about any other european country and whites but never anything about Poland outside of jokes or how they did something stupid like crashed a plane?" Ask youself this. Also, all the Russians I know in silicon valley are much more educated than Polaks in Chicago. A lot of them have master degrees and ph.Ds and most are into computer programming. Compare this to what the Polaks in Chicago do for a living.
Polson  5 | 1767  
13 May 2013 /  #13
'Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia', I see only one person obviously obsessed with Russia here, it's you Abert28.
I think most of the Poles today just don't give Russia so much attention. Why would they? Do Czechs care more about Russia? I'm really not sure.

About what the Americans think of the Poles, who cares? The average knowledge of Europe among the American population is nothing to be proud of. Sweden is ABBA, Spain is sun and beaches, and France is Paris. That's about it.

Again, you're talking about some inferiority complex, are you sure you're not the one with that complex? And actually we may wonder if you're actually Polish.

If you care so much about Poland and hate Americans so badly, why don't you go back to your motherland?
ob1  1 | 30  
13 May 2013 /  #14
Most Americans don't know their own history. Thadeus Koscuiszko founded West Point in 1776. General Pulaski led a march to Savannah, GA in 1776. Hollywood marxists are responsible for the treatment of Poles in the US. Most Americans don't know that the Polish flag was worn by American cavalry in the settling of the West in the 1800's. I believe that the red and white badge remains the badge of the US Army mechanized cavalry.
OP Abert28  
13 May 2013 /  #15
If anyone should have hate its the indians who were almost wiped out by Americans in mass genocides. Btw, do you know whats going on in Arizona? They seem to hate immigrants and even if you are white and Polish they will still put you in a detention center there if you commit any crime (or are accused of defending yourself against rednecks for instance who will make up a story how you attacked them dirst if you have no witnesses). And if you get accused of doing snything sexual or even having sex with a willing 15 yr old in arizona youre done, theyll give you like 30 years there. Theyll think youre trying to pollute their virgins with your Polak ways. Read about that sheriff they got there and focernet Brewer. Even in some CA counties there are das that go to court dressed like xowboys with boots and a hat and all.
ob1  1 | 30  
13 May 2013 /  #16
You guys should take a page from history about the Visigoths in the Middle Ages. They went to whatever country gave them an opportunity. Their motto was: My country is where I prosper. There are many other pages in history that you should take. Learn from different cultures. Assimulate the customs which succeed.

One thing I learned from a woman a while ago: Don't draw generalizations about races. She said: don't paint with a broad brush. Take people as individuals.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
13 May 2013 /  #17
mass genocides

nice read for you


OP Abert28  
13 May 2013 /  #18
Like I said 4 eigner, if anyone should be upset with Soviets or Stalin or delve on the past it should be the aukrainians not Polaks. They actually were the victims of a genocide and a famine. Polaks had their own rule and somewhat independent govt after the war while the Ukrainians did not. Yet they do not share your sentiment and hate for Russians that you do. In fact, the ordinary russians were as much if not more victims of their gobernment than Polaks. By the way, it wasn't an ethnic clensing they did in Poland, Germans planned to do that. What the Americans did by wiping out almost the entire indian tripes and populations was ethnic clensing. People actually sometimes got out of gulags and many Polaks were not moved to other regions of thesifiet union, while all indians were slaughtered on sight.dont even compare that. If you compared it in front of an indian youd probably be punched in the face or a bladk and slavery. And look at what Polaks did to jews during the wa like at jedwabne and later in the z70s how they kicked them out of the country. You must be so proud to follow in ahitler's footsteps huh?
4 eigner  2 | 816  
13 May 2013 /  #19
if anyone should be upset with Soviets or Stalin or delve on the past it should be the aukrainians not Polaks.



it's time to humble up, Abert.
legend  3 | 658  
13 May 2013 /  #20
Attacking regular people turned around in a group who were just walking and waving their country's flag. By the way, ask yourself why were so many Polaks arsted in their own country vs so few Russians if the Ruskies were the true aggressors as you say?

This event happened in Poland. There are 38,000,000+ ppl there. If some idiot starts mouthing off or fighting things will get bad. Also people will come to aid.

The large population is a big factor of why there were more Poles.

Additionally the way things are in Europe, cops tend to arrest their own easier than foreigners. A group of idiot Russians started waving a retarded flag in that soccer game.

The Polaks are basically the Mexicans of Europe except they wouldnt actually have the balls to pull a trigger or go up against real criminals.

You have got to be kidding?! If anyone is the Mexicans of Europe its Muslims or Gypsies (its just the way it is).
You seem very angry. Do you have any pride in Poland?

The Americans are even making fun of Polaks they said they were fighting among themselves after running out of Ruskies to fight:

Kto kontroluje dużą porcję mediów i gazet? Żydzi. (Szczególnie w USA).

. And simply because Russia is currently only country which could endanger independence of Poland. (but that's is true also for other Russian neighbors)

Poland is Germanys and Americas little experiment.

'Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia', I see only one person obviously obsessed with Russia here, it's you Abert28.

And I think many Poles overexaggerate the "evil aggressive" Russians.

'Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia', I see only one person obviously obsessed with Russia here, it's you Abert28.

I agree.

If you care so much about Poland and hate Americans so badly, why don't you go back to your motherland?

Some people have families (who may disagree of returning), financial problems (god plz I hope harry/delph dont comment about their money offers), and its very tough to move across ocean.

And look at what Polaks did to jews during the wa like at jedwabne and later in the z70s how they kicked them out of the country. You must be so proud to follow in ahitler's footsteps huh?

Please learn about wlad komulka.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 May 2013 /  #21
Some people have families (who may disagree of returning), financial problems (god plz I hope harry/delph dont comment about their money offers), and its very tough to move across ocean.

Our money offer still stands : any proud, patriotic Polonia poster with a history of posting dubious views on PF is welcome to take up an all-expenses paid volunteering opportunity in Poland. They certainly don't have to worry about money issues.
Rysavy  10 | 306  
13 May 2013 /  #22
And I return....

to a clown act; all this guest posting prolly by some banned PF trolls. This OP posts after himself rapid fire as soon as timer wears off like he is talking to another personality.

I see blanket statement "Why do Poles...etc etc?" to start thread. And not much improvement after. Which by the way if you use PF as an example of what Poles think? be sure you quote some of the few Poles here. Most are American or Brit here . With or without Polish ancestry. And using Soccer Hooligans from any country as pro/con? Oh pleeez

And Dude? Please..do NOT ever move to Arizona! We were Californicated enough by the Real Estate boom. We have equal discontent with all illegals ...notice the word meaning-NOT legal. And we do however, have special unlove for Russian nationals since we have had THREE major crime rings based from Russia in a 10 year span. A swoop operation. A med scam operation and people trafficking. Thanks! And Dem straight we:

put you in a detention center there if you commit any crime

and I don't know if I'd want to live in some anarchist state they DIDN'T do that!
And if you don't want to wear a Stetson or a pair of Ropers? you don't have to! Welcome to America! There is sizeable hip raver blotto crowd in Tempe as well as the CoEd crowd, plenty Newage fru fru gurus and weed head vegans in Sedona and sleek metrosexuals in Scottsdale. Oh and unlike San Jose? We are cool.

Even have several vehicle models named just for our suburbs. Laughlin-Navajos-Casinos-Apaches-SETI-ASU-Saguaro Catus-Gila Monsters-Scottsdale- Pony Express Run-Tuscon-Grand Canyon-Sedona-Painted Desert-Petrified Forest..and more. San Jose has ?Oh right..the Winchester Mystery house LOLOLOLOLOL !!Oh and Russian Bouncers? <_< like what kind of club goes out of way to find ethnically pure bouncers? Not one I'd frequent I'm sure.

0n a personal level? My Russian X is a tool that tried to kill me for insurance money. I loved my MIL but she would be considered a reprobate. The Russian community in NoCal is split between thugs and pious Orthodox Old Worlders. and all those Russian geniuses in Silicon valley -amazing! yet nothing famous with a Russian last name developer? Russian Investment wasn't even common until about 2 years ago. Must be the "man " keeping them down! LAWLZ

And really Texas would spray real bullets in the crowd? really?

And as a person with Roll Number I say DONT SPEAK FOR ME!

a willing 15 yr old in Arizona

I view "nothing to see here" except another boorish self hating Pole that is unlucky enough to live in left armpit of California-San Jose (Bakersfield would be the right) and seems to hate that he can't bang underage girls when being a bad example in places he won't be caught by peers , family and friends instead of dirtying his own den. It isn't any wonder he is bitter.

You're marek28 aren't you....?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
13 May 2013 /  #23
Albert, you didn't understand what I wrote. You lie that you're Polish, and you write whatever is on your mind, so it's hard to read it.
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
13 May 2013 /  #24
Why would I lie about being Polish? So if another slav like a yugol is hanging out with you and tells you he has russian friends or says good things about russians, like most slavs besides Polaks in the west seem to have good relations with them and are friends ith them like Bylgarians, etc. how do you react? What do you say? Oh no they arent good youre a traitor for hanging out with them? Im just curious ho the Polak mind works. Id much rather hang out with them since they are closer to my culture and mentality than anyone from western europe or americans. They actually know how to party and drink like Polaks and wont run away in a fight like americans. Theyll have your back. OThey also wont blow in your ear or do ***** **** like that in rich san francisco bars like the flift hotel like americans do. Coward, ****. Or provoke you and come at you and when they get hit with a bottle for attacking you call the cops. No, I'd much rather hang out with ruskys than those pussies.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 May 2013 /  #25
Why would I lie about being Polish?

Because you're a **** poor troll, that's why.
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
13 May 2013 /  #26
I always see various slavs besides Polaks hanging out with Russians all over Silicon Valley (like in Palo Alto or Santana Row at the clubs). Almost no slavs harbor some deep rooted anger or jelousy to them and are friends with them. People are people forget the past or some big scary russian republic trying to get you. America is what the world whiuld be scared of right now, just watch the way they speak on fox news what they think of the rest of the world.

If I was to be angry at anyone or ****** off it would be the Chinese not Russians. The Chinese in Silicon zvalley and in Francisco are some of the biggst scammers and most rude people you could run into. They also never say anything bad about their homeland or the Chinese government and think sweatshops and communism are good things. They also go around picking up cans and garbage at night (or old ladies) just because their families qre so greedy for money even if they are making a licing they send their families to do that for more money that are illegal in the country. If you ever also tried working for a Chinese like me as a freelance writer they are the hardest to work with or work for because they always try to rip you off or get the most return off of you for the most work for cheap. They dont understand the concept of hiring someone or working with them so they can actually earn a living. They also have this weird superiority complex like if you open a door for them, they wont even say thank you, particularly if theyre older. And there is this bar in SF on Bush street run by this Chinese lady who goes up to people and offers them drinks and pours herself one than charges the people for all the drinks while making it sound like they were on the house or she was offering them. She wont even pour you new beer if the keg is flat. Thats their mentality. And you think jews are cheap?


Russians are quite lethal and athletic. I think theyre cool people and like their serious style. They wre direct and to the point people. I respect that.
Polson  5 | 1767  
14 May 2013 /  #27
Yes, Albert, you're obsessed with Russia, we all got that. You should find a Russian chick and marry her.
I still don't know why you want Polish people to be as obsessed with Russia as you. Because they're not, really.
MrAlbert  1 | 16  
14 May 2013 /  #28
Since someone brought up Krokodil:

"But today, the problem is especially worrisome in a country where one-third of the nearly 40 million population is aged 16 to 35 and there are numerous reports of children as young as 9 or 10 who get high by sniffing glue.

Using a chemical process that takes less than an hour and can be done on a kitchen stove, the straw is boiled down into a thin but powerful injectable substance called kompot--a slang reference to stewed fruit, a popular Polish dessert--that is 30 to 70 percent pure heroin.

Ten grams of it, enough to satisfy the daily demands of a hard-core addict, costs about $3.50.

A less potent morphine version, known as soup, is even cheaper. It requires no chemical additives and is drunk in large quantities. Authorities say it`s a favorite of high-schoolers.

In general, though, young people experimenting with drugs go straight to the hard stuff.

``The tragedy of Poland`s drug problem,`` Kotanski said, ``is that unlike in the West, people here mostly begin with heroin because it`s so easily available.``"

And a newer article:

"The reputation of Polish heroin has spread beyond the country's frontiers: in the West, the heroin-making process developed by the medical student is popularly known as the "Polish method," and drug users and dealers who flock to Warsaw for bargains have dubbed the East European capital "little Nepal." "You can buy a gram for a dollar here, and you're fixed for days," says Michal, 22, a Warsaw drug-user who has twice tried to kick the habit, but has come back to it both times because, as he puts it, "There's no point to life, but at least when you're taking, you don't worry about that."

It was never supposed to happen in a Communist country, but drug abuse has come to Poland with a vengeance. Not just a minor problem of a fringe group, it has spread to near-crisis proportions among Poles of the younger generations. Estimates of the numbers of young Poles experimenting with drugs range from 200,000 officially to 600,000 unofficially in a total population of 37 million. Hardcore addicts are said to number about 120,000, and the number of drug-related deaths has reached as high as 100 a year. By contrast, the U.S. has about 500,000 heroin addicts and 5.8 million cocaine users, according to The National Institutes on Drug Abuse.

In almost all cases, kompot, or Polish brown sugar, is the drug of choice. Reputed to be three to four times more potent than heroin available in the West, it is easily made on a kitchen stove from the straw and husks of wild poppies, which have traditionally grown abundant and free in Poland's vast fields. While some drug abuse, mainly of pharmaceuticals, LSD and marijuana, existed in Poland as far back as the '60s, the development of kompot by a medical student in Gdansk in 1975, and its cheapness and availability, opened up a tragic vista to a whole generation of bored, frustrated and depressed young people.

Nowadays, drug-taking is so common an act in the major cities that society turns as blind an eye to it as it has for years to the alcoholism that plagues older generations. On Nowy Swiat (New World) Street in downtown Warsaw, dealers openly offer their goods to eager buyers right under the noses of indifferent passersby. Not far away, young boys shoot up in broad daylight in the hedges that encircle the city's monumental Palace of Culture. One day last summer, a speeding ambulance pulled up on the sidewalk beside one such hedge, and workers jumped out to drag out the body of an overdose victim as a crowd gathered to watch."
pierogi2000  4 | 226  
14 May 2013 /  #29
Those articles are from the 80's

MrAlbert  1 | 16  
14 May 2013 /  #30
What is funny is that a lot of arussians esp women or cocky russians feel just the same about Polaks as Polaks feel about them. I met this red headed russian chick in a fancy cocktail bar in san francisco and we made out and danced and jumped aorund barsand clubs. She said she was starting some clothing business called skinnyrichvitch.com or something and that she was like a celebrity among russians and even has protection something probably from some oligarchs. She even said when she was young she was an international student and it was in a mansion and cost like 20 thousand for a few day trip. Then when I started telling her about Polaks and history she asked z"is that what they really teach you in Poland? That you came in and almost captured Moscow in 1920 or that you were a real opponent to Russia?" She looked seriously surprised and I was being kind to her, i didnt even tell her other stuff they teach in Polak land.

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