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Noisy kids every night. Police in Warsaw don't care..

eberhart  13 | 120  
23 Jul 2012 /  #1
Ok this is going to make me sound like a grumpy old man but I am sick of the noise every single night. The teenagers hang out in the courtyard across from my balcony and talk and yell until 3 or 4 am every ******* night. The Police don't care. Would the Straz Mieska be worth a call? I have only ever seen them harrassing homeless people and giving parking tickets so not sure if they'd even bother. I have asked the kids nicely and they of course tell me off. I have yelled at them with similarly ineffective results. It's rude and obnoxious and I have had it. Short of going down and assaulting their insolent asses, which would feel great, does anyone have any other ideas? They are too far away for water balloons or similar artillery. I have thought about buying an air rifle and sniping them from the window with the lights off.

I believe in the "ask nicely" doctrine but it has failed and I am tired of the noise.

I am in Warsaw if it matters.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
23 Jul 2012 /  #2
Make it a habit of playing some really loud opera music at the appropriate times. It will be like rats fleeing a sinking ship.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Jul 2012 /  #3
Would the Straz Mieska be worth a call?

An acquaintance here tells me they respond efficiently more times than not to external nuisance noise, turning up in 30-45 mins.
However, the problem recurs and the SM seem to be limited to just coming out again and again reactively.
OP eberhart  13 | 120  
23 Jul 2012 /  #4
Might give them a try. Between these little cretins and the ones who rev their scooters over and over while driving up and down the street I am going mad.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Jul 2012 /  #5
I am a veteran of sleepless nights due to the people upstairs who the former owner tried to get evicted, even took them to court, lost. I just rent here thankfully. Currently quieter here as main culprit is abroad. Not total peace but better than usual, I wish you success, being kept up for hours is no joke night after night, even worse if a person has a job the next day which fortunately or unfortunately I don't as no one here will employ me anyway :o)
OP eberhart  13 | 120  
23 Jul 2012 /  #6
I am looking for a new place as this one is far too loud. And it's not normal city noises which I am used to...it's idiot people noises. In the day it's the old ladies and old drunks....in the afternoon it's the school kids...at night the teenagers and drunks. And in the morning it's the trash trucks who against all logic drag the bins out toward the flats and their balconies to empty them instead of on the road side where the businesses would block the noise. A lot of flats are for rent and sale around here and I see why.
f stop  24 | 2493  
23 Jul 2012 /  #7
when I lived in apartments, I've learned to live with background music.. not too loud, but loud enough that the outside noises didn't startle me.

Now, even though I don't need to, there is still low music streaming
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2012 /  #8
What Warsaw needs is a city wide curfew.
Nightglade  7 | 97  
23 Jul 2012 /  #9
And a special area cordoned off, maybe, just for the Jews. Oh, wait.

Melodramatic much? There's a slight difference between curfew (say, group orders) and, well.. we won't go there.

I do understand your plight OP. I have the teens outside here yelling, drinking, singing and blowing fog horns every night and sick of it too. If it were people from another neighbourhood, I wouldn't mind throwing a water balloon at them either, but they're people who live in my apartment building or the one opposite and I'd rather not have to deal with that.

On a funny note - last Monday, at 1am, a large van pulled up with three or four people who came to collect the clothes in a little donation point outside my building. They were extremely noisy - the engine was on (and sounded like it was fueled by vodka) and loud, obnoxious techno music was blasting out of the windows. Had to get up at 6am for work and it was taking the **** - tried telling them to turn the music off and got no result. Eventually we called the Police, who told us "We'll come, but we'll also have to knock on your door and get your details". The men started packing up after 15 minutes and we thought they'd leave before the police got there, but thankfully they didn't. Police showed up and as they were pulling up we heard one of the guys say "I'm sure it was that ****** who called them.". They got a ticket for something and we let off a vengeful smile. Alas, they came back again last night at 11 but they had a new guy with them. They started telling him "Oh that window there is where they called the Police on us" and they were all looking at the window as I waved to them. They started shouting "oooh we're criminals" before making a bit of noise and ****ing off. Got a photo of their license plate and took two videos of them on each night, I hope they'll lose their jobs and the neighbourhood can sleep peacefully.

Don't give up :)
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Jul 2012 /  #10
"Oh that window there is where they called the Police on us" and they were all looking at the window as I waved to them. They

Of course, in many parts of the UK they would be shouting up "We're gonna cut ya, innit, you is a dead man innit bruv." The Polish yobs were, by comparison, gentlemanly.
OP eberhart  13 | 120  
23 Jul 2012 /  #11
There has always been a 10pm to 6am noise curfew to my knowledge but it's impossible to enforce until after the fact. I get that people want to hang out and have fun...but to act like that when there are hundreds of people in earshot trying to sleep is just selfish and pathetic. I have had nieghbors remodel flats at all hours, have 30min chats in the hall outside my door etc. I don't know if it's just my building/area or if it's become less polite in general here.
sa11y  5 | 331  
23 Jul 2012 /  #12
Try a high pressure hose... Not much damage and hell of an inconvenience on a chilly night :)
23 Jul 2012 /  #13
I am looking for a new place as this one is far too loud.

They have most likely grown up in the area so it is their manor, you are the visitor.
Sounds like you are just pissed off with the area you live and nothing will make it better. Move on.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2012 /  #14
I am surprised people remodel in the middle of the night. I hope none is on meth.
pip  10 | 1658  
23 Jul 2012 /  #15
there is a noise by law of sorts- none past 11. you could call straz and see what they will do.
Richfilth  6 | 415  
23 Jul 2012 /  #16
Straz don't do anything for these sorts of complaints; Straz for outdoor drunks, Police for "cichy noc" problems.

I have the issue of drinkers outside my block. Every single day, like clockwork, 7pm a group of between 4-8 of them gather, braying like donkeys and swearing non-stop. They disappear after 90 minutes; exactly five minutes before Straz turn up, every single time. The wife and I have given up trying to do anything about them, since Straz are so useless.

On the flipside, a group of students moved in upstairs. They had some noisy housewarmings, and I let it slide. Then they started having friends over repeatedly, smoking in the stairwell and vomiting out of the windows. A polite word stopped that.

They still have occasional parties, and I'm alright with that. But a week ago they had hip-hop thunking through the floorboards at 6pm. 5 minutes after 10pm, after four monotonous hours, I knocked on their door to ask them to turn it off since I have to be at work at 7am the next day. No answer. I knocked again. No answer.

I called the police, who turned up after just 20 minutes. THEY knocked, and the door opened. The music turned off.

If you want something done, ignore Straz; they're both inept and powerless.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Jul 2012 /  #17
they're both inept and powerless.

Indeed. You can't even get through to them most of the time.

We've got constant problems at work with morons who park in front of our gate. A good 50% of the time, the Straz Miejska won't even answer the phone.
OP eberhart  13 | 120  
23 Jul 2012 /  #18
They have most likely grown up in the area so it is their manor, you are the visitor.
Sounds like you are just pissed off with the area you live and nothing will make it better. Move on.

I don't care if they have lived there 100 years their behavior is rude and disrespectful of everyone else who lives there. I fully plan to "move on" and made it clear, so not sure why you needed to say that. Sounds like you are a typical defender of all things Polish even when it's wrong.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Jul 2012 /  #19
ndeed. You can't even get through to them most of the time.

We've got constant problems at work with morons who park in front of our gate. A good 50% of the time, the Straz Miejska won't even answer the phone.

I am told by someone who usually criticises the hell out of everything and everyone that the Wroc Straz Miejska turned up each time there were people outside making a noise after 11pm. Their worst response time was 45 mins and 2 calls were made to remind them but after the second call they were there in 10 mins. Problem is the yobs keep coming back again and again.
OP eberhart  13 | 120  
23 Jul 2012 /  #20
I misread your post sorry. I thought you said they were never there faster than 45min. I have never had good luck with the Police when I needed them. I got the typical Polish apathy everyone seems to be issues at birth here.

Ironically the little twits are not out tonight. First night in a couple of weeks there has been quiet.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
23 Jul 2012 /  #21
Ironically the little twits are not out tonight. First night in a couple of weeks there has been quiet.

They obviously read PF !

I think the person said that here in Wroc the SM typically turn up 20 mins after the call but once it took them 45 mins.

I had or have problems with the people upstairs here - remodelling or DIY until 4am on several occasions. Next time I will be calling the police as my polite chats did not really have much effect. Problem is, I know for a fact the owner before the landlord here took them to court in the past for regular party noise - and lost. So the police didn't silence them then, as didn't a court case. Other residents here filled me in on this info after I told them of the noise I suffer.
24 Jul 2012 /  #22
I don't care if they have lived there 100 years their behavior is rude and disrespectful of everyone else who lives there. I fully plan to "move on" and made it clear, so not sure why you needed to say that. Sounds like you are a typical defender of all things Polish even when it's wrong.

If you had bought the property you would be stuck the fact you are renting gives you the flexibility to move on. As the Polish saying goes , You can choose your place to live,but you can't choose your neighbors.

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