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New To Warsaw. Where can i buy household items, bedding etc?

Alexs464  2 | 11  
25 Feb 2014 /  #1
Hi, folks!
I am arriving to Warsaw on March 6th and will be staying there for a few months.

I rented a small furnished flat at Pole Mokotowskie Metro, however it's missing a few things. I'd need to buy some sheets, pots, pens and a a few other household items.

So here are a few questions:
- Where can I buy used pots and pens? (because I'll have to leave them there, don't want to buy too many new things)

- Where can I buy cheep sheets and pillows?

- Are there any bazars close to Pole Mokowskie? Whenever I travel I prefer to buy fresh foods from markets rather than stores.

- Are supermarkets better than small stores? (price, selection, etc). Are there any big supermarkets not too far from my flat?

Thank You!

Dont gag me yo  7 | 155  
25 Feb 2014 /  #2
Without knowledge of Polands life style and geography I would suggest you go to carrefour in galeria mokotovwhere they sell it all and cheap brands.used pots and pans,silverware they also have some cheap quality stuff to last you ,and wont hurt you to leave them behind aswell.bazaars if any around there by pualska might cost you same or very close as well.
OP Alexs464  2 | 11  
25 Feb 2014 /  #3
Without knowledge of Polands life style and geography

Thanks. I might not be very familiar with Poland but I have spent my fair share of time in Romania. Czech Republic and Ukraine, so I am pretty sure I can manage the Polish lifestyle just fine :)

Wherever I go, I usually tend to stay away from "Americanized" stuff and I go for the local culture. I'd rather cook my own pierogies then buy a frozen pizza. I'd rather have local beer then Bud.

I'd rather learn the language then try to speak English to everyone.

And I love discovering, so "geographical" knowledge is not an issue. As long as I know the names of the places where I need to go - I'll manage :)
Monitor  13 | 1810  
25 Feb 2014 /  #4
IKEA ikea.com/pl/pl/store/warszawa_janki
sobieski  106 | 2111  
25 Feb 2014 /  #5
Carrefour sells pots & pans (and plates etc) by weight. (At least they did so last time I was there).
As for buying fresh produce....I wouldn't buy anything in the supermarkets, quality abysmal. We only shop at markets. I don't know if near Puławska there are some, but I guess there are. The best-known one in Warsaw is (I think) Hala Mirowska.

Here in Bielany it is Wolumen (that's where we shop). Metro Wawrzyszew.
Eggs you buy there are real eggs, not to speak of fruit & veg.
OP Alexs464  2 | 11  
25 Feb 2014 /  #6
As for buying fresh produce....I wouldn't buy anything in the supermarkets

Thank you for the advice!
As I already mentioned, I prefer to buy food at markets rather than stores :) I'll make sure to check out Hala Mirowska!
25 Feb 2014 /  #7
I'll make sure to check out Hala Mirowska!

When you go there you'll find that the main hall is home to a very disappointing supermarket (the one in Hala Gwardii, the hall behind Hala Mirowska is better but still not good). The stalls you want are to the right of the main hall (as you face it from the tram stop) and in between Hala Mirowska and Hala Gwardii.
OP Alexs464  2 | 11  
25 Feb 2014 /  #8
The stalls you want are to the right of the main hall (as you face it from the tram stop) and in between Hala Mirowska and Hala Gwardii.

Thank You! That's very helpful :)
25 Feb 2014 /  #9
My pleasure. BTW, the fish shop in the back of Hala Mirowska (i.e. the bit facing the stalls between the two halls) is one of the best in the city and they'll even cook the stuff for you. There aren't many better things in Warsaw to spend six zloty on than a bowl of their fish soup.
OP Alexs464  2 | 11  
25 Feb 2014 /  #10
There aren't many better things in Warsaw to spend six zloty on than a bowl of their fish soup.

Haha, thanks again!
That's the kind of information I love to find out before I go somewhere :)
lpinho  - | 8  
25 Feb 2014 /  #11
I'm new in Warsaw too, living in Wola.

Next saturday I'm going with a friend to buy that kind of things.
These information helped me! :-)
sobieski  106 | 2111  
25 Feb 2014 /  #12
My pleasure. BTW, the fish shop in the back of Hala Mirowska (i.e. the bit facing the stalls between the two halls) is one of the best in the city and they'll even cook the stuff for you. There aren't many better things in Warsaw to spend six zloty on than a bowl of their fish soup.

Harry, maybe I lack male orientation skills, but I was a few days ago at Hala Mirowska and cannot recall a fish shop there. You mean it's inside Hala Mirowska?

For the rest we buy our fresh produce in Wolumen, one metro stop from home. Quality-wise I think the same as Hala Mirowska. Only in Wolumen you buy straight from the producers - none of the produce is gentrified, which I have the feeling is often the case at Hala Mirowska. I cannot recall seeing muddy & grubby carrots there.

In Wolumen they sell their produce straight from the cracky wooden crates it was collected in. And the egg man we buy ours from....Every egg somehow looks different, and equally dirty.

I suppose it is this one?
25 Feb 2014 /  #13
I suppose it is this one?

Yep, that's them.
OP Alexs464  2 | 11  
25 Feb 2014 /  #14
In Wolumen they sell their produce straight from the cracky wooden crates it was collected in.

Awesome, that's how we try to buy our veggies and fruits in Montreal as well :)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll be checking out Wolumen as well :)
25 Feb 2014 /  #15
On ul. Rakowiecka the side where the trams go down there are a few good shops. The best grocer's is on the corner of Rakowiecka and Opyczynska they also do fresh fish on certain days, it's next door to the butcher's. There's also a half decent baker's. The produce is generally fresher and better than supermarkets but less choice. I think about the same price really. Down the end of Rakowiecka there's a post office and around the corner a nice health / organic food shop. There's also a nice cured meat shop on ul. Kielecka. Nearest big supermarket is Galeria Mokotow or Zloty Tarasy both a tram ride away. Most of the markets have died away from the area. However when summer hits there will be one or two farmers selling their produce on the streets very cheaply. Hala Mirowska is good and nice to explore but a bit of a trek. Generally where you're living, Stary Mokotow, is an old area of Warsaw which is quite desirable although there are still parts of streets that may not be in this category. A lot of students mill around due to the proximity of 2 universities. There are a few small supermarkets on ul. Niepodleglosci but I don't know them well.
OP Alexs464  2 | 11  
25 Feb 2014 /  #16
Generally where you're living, Stary Mokotow, is an old area of Warsaw which is quite desirable

Thank you so much, Krecik. I will try to visit all those places :)

About the prices, I don't mind paying MORE for good food and produce.
What I want for cheap are the household items that I will be leaving behind anyways :)
26 Feb 2014 /  #17
There are probably small shops selling bedding nearby but they're probably not on the internet. The larger shopping malls tend to cater for higher end products so you may not be able to find cheap bedding there. Something like this shop - jysk . pl - It's a diy / household superstore. They will have cheap bedding products. The stores are a bit out of the way though. There's a 24 hour tescos supermarket at the end of the metro line -right by Kabaty station - convenient as you live near one. In the UK they sell bedding but going on what they've got online not sure here. They're good for cheap cleaning products, kitchen stuff etc.
OP Alexs464  2 | 11  
1 Mar 2014 /  #18
There are probably small shops selling bedding nearby but they're probably not on the internet.

Thank You.
I think i'll get all the bedding stuff at Ikea after all. Cheap and okay quality.
2 Mar 2014 /  #19
before I go somewhere :)

There is a music venue quite close to you stodola.pl
Polsyr  6 | 758  
2 Mar 2014 /  #20
Jump on the metro to Metro Wilanowska, then walk one block south on Pulwaska, there is a bazar type of market at the intersection with Al. Lotnikow. You might find all sorts of used stuff over there. Be ready to haggle - take a friend that speaks Polish with you.
12 Nov 2014 /  #21
Merged: Where Can I Buy Dry Erase Board in Warsaw?

Cheers guys, I'd like to buy a whiteboard, any ideas where can I find it in Warsaw?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
12 Nov 2014 /  #22
Here you have Warsaw's companies selling them in Allegro: allegro.pl/tablice-magnetyczno-suchoscieralne-64596?city=Warszawa&postcode_enabled=2
12 Nov 2014 /  #23
Thanks mate, owe you one!
jon357  72 | 23361  
12 Nov 2014 /  #24
Office Depot has them ofix.pl/tablice_suchoscieralne_magnetyczne_i_planery.html

Also Office Media (a real shop a bit like Staples) at ul. Towarowa 22 has them; I once bought one there.
12 Nov 2014 /  #25
Thats cool,thx guys ń

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