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Polish natural remedies and homeopathey better than English

Wroclaw Boy  
29 Jul 2013 /  #1
For a while now my wife and I have decided where possible to take the natural option over the usual Doctor = prescription drug route for our common illnesses and general health issues. Well its actually not so much for us but our daughter. We've had great results with the natural remedies such as healthy foods and spices, natural anti oxidants and anti bacterial agents such as Oregano Oil. But it seems every time we need to research a specific health problem and link that to a potential natural cure its far more efficient to search the internet in Polish.

Its got to the point now that when my wife asks me to research something i just tell her that the Polish website will have better information and to do it that way. Bloody marvelous. These natural cures are dying out in the place of expensive drugs. I mean its not a like a Doctor to advise a glass of water topped up with whiskey, honey and lemon juice for a common cold. Polish people know about these things and even the Doctors when we lived there advised certain foods and such.... In the UK they almost always hand over a prescription for drugs.

My wife has become quite the expert with her various natural remedies, all thanks to the resources she finds online in Polish. Long may it last.
bluesfan  - | 77  
29 Jul 2013 /  #2
In the UK they almost always hand over a prescription for drugs.

That's because there is no profit in natural remedies.
Drugs on the other hand....

Isn't it strange that people would prefer to trust a white pill full of nasty chemicals than go with mother nature?
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #3
well ,although WB seems to have found a way to use natural cures ,some people like to play it safe and listen to doctors and take the pills that will probably work .

don't know if some drugs are replaceable with natural remedies (such as antidepressants) ,but i think that using natural remedies is good when the illness isn't dangerous (like having a cold )
bluesfan  - | 77  
30 Jul 2013 /  #4
don't know if some drugs are replaceable with natural remedies (such as antidepressants)

I wouldn't ever touch an anti-depressant drug in my life.
I'd trust NLP over an anti-depressant.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Jul 2013 /  #5
That's because there is no profit in natural remedies.

You'd be surprised - I spotted "baby water" the other day...
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #6
I wouldn't ever touch an anti-depressant drug in my life.

i was stating it as an example .some drugs can't be replaced with natural remedies .
30 Jul 2013 /  #7
These natural cures are dying out in the place of expensive drugs.

Food as medicine is on the increase, as well as the rise of organic products.

My kids make their own version of lemonade & ginger with cane sugar and prefer it over carbonated drinks.
Cardno85  31 | 971  
30 Jul 2013 /  #8
I would say that it's good the doctors are advising certain things to eat and drink with natural treatments. However I would be wary, by all means increase certain anti-oxidants and things in your diet and eat healthily with natural ingredients. But be careful substituting homoeopathic treatments in place of prescription meds. Natural remedies should be just that, remedies. They are not tested and dosed to be up to the safety standards of prescription medication and sometimes may not even contain a small percentage of what they are meant to.

Again, I am not saying not to use natural treatments, but use them a remedy or as a preventative measure in meals, etc. Don't think that they are a good replacement for modern medicine.

I mean its not a like a Doctor to advise a glass of water topped up with whiskey, honey and lemon juice for a common cold.

Doctors in Scotland often recommend a hot toddy when you've got a cold. I mean, there's nothing you can do to cure your cold so you may as well make yourself comfortable!
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #9
If there is more about homeopathy in Polish internet than in English that only means that there is more idiots in Poland.
30 Jul 2013 /  #10
For a while now my wife and I have decided where possible to take the natural option over the usual Doctor = prescription drug route for our common illnesses and general health issues.

Are you talking about natural remedies only WB, or are you including herbal remedies and Homeopathy?

don't know if some drugs are replaceable with natural remedies (such as antidepressants)

St Johns Wort is a herbal remedy used for treating depression, but I'm not sure if it should be included as a natural remedy as such.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
30 Jul 2013 /  #11
If the company that supplies homeopathic remedies is reliable and reputable there's no reason why many of the remedies they sell should be any less effective than many of the pharmaceutical ones. Most pharmaceutical therapies are just chemical analogues of plants/fungi/yeasts etc anyway, better to have the real thing. Obviously there are some illnesses that may need specialist drugs but not that many!

The drug companies are pretty corrupt anyway, for years they put forward expensive treatments for stomach ulcers when cheap anti biotics were more effective, they do it with other things too.

Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle works wonders for prevention of illness where there are no basic anatomical or physiological defects in a person!
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #12
If the company that supplies homeopathic remedies is reliable and reputable there's no reason why many of the remedies they sell should be any less effective than many of the pharmaceutical ones.

Here is one of mentioned by me persons.
kaz200972  2 | 229  
30 Jul 2013 /  #13
Speaking as a person who has brothers who are doctors, parents who are nurses, 3 cousins who are pharmacists and who studied chemistry as a second subject at university (physics main subject) , so I do know something about the subject and the chemical elements involved!
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #14
If there is more about homeopathy in Polish internet than in English that only means that there is more idiots in Poland.

do you have proof that homeopathy isn't effective ?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #15
Do you have prove that God doesn't exist?

Speaking as a person who has brothers who are doctors, parents who are nurses, 3 cousins who are pharmacists and who studied chemistry as a second subject at university (physics main subject) , so I do know something about the subject and the chemical elements involved!

Great majority of scientist agrees that effectiveness of homeopathics is equal effectiveness of placebo. And it's a shame that you have studied physics and don't understand that homeopathics is only sugar.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #16
Do you have prove that God doesn't exist?

i'm agnostic so no ,but that's not the point ,i meant scientific researches ,doctor's opinion etc ...


placebo can only ease pain and not cure diseases
kaz200972  2 | 229  
30 Jul 2013 /  #17
Great majority of scientist agrees that effectiveness of homeopathics is equal effectiveness of placebo.

Not true, most are fairly open minded about it especially if you include herbal remedies along with the homeopathic ones. Don't confuse the majority of scientists with the pharmaceutical company employees who have a vested interest in keeping people tied to their products, clearly they are going to say any other product is inferior!
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #18
i'm agnostic so no ,but that's not the point ,i meant scientific researches ,doctor's opinion etc ...

Here you have random paper from the Nature:

After a lengthy review process, in which the referees insisted on seeing evidence that the effect could be duplicated in three other independent laboratories, Nature published the paper. The editor, John Maddox, prefaced it with an editorial comment entitled 'When to believe the unbelievable', which admitted: "There is no objective explanation of these observations."

Naturally, the paper caused a sensation. "Homeopathy finds scientific support," claimed Newsweek. But no one, including Benveniste, gave much attention to the critical question of how such a 'memory' effect could be produced.

You're asking me to show you a paper writing that homeopathy doesn't work. There is no reliable paper showing why taking sugar should would be more effective than any other placebo.

Instead I ask you to show me a paper from Science or Nature supporting use of homeopathics or explaining how it should work.

I don't ask you for doctors opinion because most of them are not scientists and they don't prescribe other placebo to patients in order to check weather homeopathics are any better.

And wikipedia:

The medicinal claims of homeopathy are unsupported by the collective weight of modern scientific research - outside of the CAM community, scientists have long regarded homeopathy as a sham.[14] There is an overall absence of sound statistical evidence of therapeutic efficacy, which is consistent with the lack of any biologically plausible pharmacological agent or mechanism.[10] Abstract concepts within theoretical physics have been invoked to suggest explanations of how or why remedies might work, including quantum entanglement,[126] the theory of relativity and chaos theory.

dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #19
Instead I ask you to show me a paper from Science or Nature supporting use of homeopathics or explaining how it should work.

i'm not here to defend homeopathics ,it's just that the other guys seem to believe that homeopathey is effective and wanted to see the counter-argument

I don't ask you for doctors opinion because most of them are not scientists

some doctors might have tried using homeopathey with their patients and found it to be effective (other than having the placebo effect )
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #20
(other than having the placebo effect )

So what is placebo effect according to you?
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #21
i believe that his is the placebo effect :
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #22
No placebo is not an youtube video. My point is that to notice weather some healing effect is caused by placebo or not, scientist must perform statistical work by giving real medicine to 50% of population on which it's tested and to other 50% fake pill, lets say sugar.

Doctors don't do that, so how can they know that it's not the placebo effect? Can you explain me that?
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #23
No placebo is not an youtube video

ok i'll try to put it in simple words :placebo is like morphine ,it makes the pain go away but doesn't heal anything

Doctors don't do that, so how can they know that it's not the placebo effect? Can you explain me that?

the doctor doesn't assume you're cured if you don't feel pain ! he examines you (temperature ,heartbeat rate etc..... )
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #24
ok i'll try to put it in simple words :placebo is like morphine ,it makes the pain go away but doesn't heal anything

You're wrong, placebo effect is not only about feeling better. Placebo effect is also about really getting better.
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #25
well ,not according to what i know and not according to the psychologist in the video
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #26
Then don't base your knowledge on some random videos only :)

Sometimes patients given a placebo treatment will have a perceived or actual improvement in a medical condition, a phenomenon commonly called the placebo effect.

dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #27
random videos only

not just random videos .


i have been reading this article as we speak ,but again ,it's well explained by the psychologist on how and why placebo works
Monitor  13 | 1810  
30 Jul 2013 /  #28
End here factual discussion ends :)
dany_moussalli  13 | 259  
30 Jul 2013 /  #29
just to add that the psychologist isn't just a random person ,his name is Nicholas Humphrey

He has been Lecturer in Psychology at Oxford, Assistant Director of the Subdepartment of Animal Behaviour at Cambridge, Senior Research Fellow in Parapsychology at Cambridge, Professor of Psychology at the New School for Social Research, New York, and School Professor at the London School of Economics.

so i think he knows what he's talking about
OP Wroclaw Boy  
30 Jul 2013 /  #30
Food as medicine is on the increase, as well as the rise of organic products.

Absolutely agree.

Its amazing how sweet these common carbonated drinks taste when you abstain from sugar for a while.

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