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The Polish Mustache: Facial Hair Past Its Prime

21 Feb 2013 /  #1
As Poland "A" takes more of a lead in world affairs, it's time to follow to follow the President's lead and shave that sucker. The quintessential facial hair of Slavic yesteryear no longer has a place in a European Union country.
wjtk  - | 29  
21 Feb 2013 /  #2
I'm going to wear facial hair just to stand opposite to western Europe and p*ss off people trying to tell me what is right or wrong regarding this ;).
BBman  - | 343  
22 Feb 2013 /  #3
:) I never liked the Polish moustache.
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
13 Jan 2017 /  #4
facial hair of Slavic yesteryear no longer has a place

That is no logner the case. Seems like half the men shown on Polish TV these days have beards and moustaches.
About hairless, bald as a cueball commie-era "iron" PM Józef Cyrankiewicz it was said he always put on a tie when going to bed. So his wife could distinguish his face from his a*se.
18 Jan 2017 /  #5
Moustaches are never "in" and never "out". They just are and always have been. Shaved heads, on the other hand, are gross looking. Those guys look like some kid just discharged from St Judes Hospital after 6 months of radiation and chemotherapy. Totally ugly.

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