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Moving to Krakow next year, 5000 zloty net.

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Nov 2017 /  #31
Nojas I really have no idea, I just know you are on a hiding to nothing...:):)

So if a school offered say, 4000 and shared flat... would that be doable for a single person with no dependents who has other means of saving?
Nojas  4 | 110  
27 Nov 2017 /  #32
Net? Absolutely, you could have a decent life. If you are young and have lower expectations. Biggest expense will be your accomodation, and that is true for all european countries.

A good flat to call your own will go for about 2k. And if you know how to cook (which as I pointed out you should) then life can be good.

2k net with housing taken care of is easy to live on in Krakow, but you won't be able to save.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Nov 2017 /  #33
If you are young and have lower expectations

no I am older and have very low expectations....:)
Yes I can cook.,...
Nojas  4 | 110  
27 Nov 2017 /  #34

So you would do fine.

My beef was with the person not living here claiming 1kg of potatoes doesn't cost 5 pln and minced meat doesn't cost 5pln.

It's just that I've seen a clear pattern regarding British people in Poland on this forum, that none of them seems to know how to cook so they are forced to live on restaurants which clouds their judgement on cost of living.

Who the hell lives on restaurant food?

I can tell you right now that going out to restaurants several times per week in Stockholm you'd better be a millionaire. Nobody does that, except if you're a brit on polishforums...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Nov 2017 /  #35
none of them seems to know how to cook so they are forced to live on restaurants which clouds their judgement on cost of living.

that is because they are men who have been spoilt, whereas I am a woman and know how to cook and live economically..:):)
mafketis  38 | 11288  
27 Nov 2017 /  #36
that is because they are men who have been spoilt

My anecdotal evidence is that British men in Poland are among the most pathetic and useless creatures on the planet.... I blame that on British women spoiling them (they don't get that way without a mother or mother figure ruining them for polite company).
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
27 Nov 2017 /  #37
I blame that on British women spoiling them

but note, they ran away from Britain in search of Polki, who spoiled them rotten...:):)
idem  - | 131  
27 Nov 2017 /  #38

And because there are only few of them in Poland they are still quite exotic so they can choose how to be spoilt :-).
OP Raddit  
28 Nov 2017 /  #39
Hi, thank you for the replies.

I have another question: About air pollution in Krakow, is there something one can do to prevent or reduce the damage. I've also read that even those smog masks are not effective :(
DominicB  - | 2706  
28 Nov 2017 /  #40

Really? Nothing much. Surgical face masks are useless. You'll just have to live with it, like the locals do.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
28 Nov 2017 /  #41
The pollution in krakow is nothing compared to China or even many us U.S. cities.
Nojas  4 | 110  
28 Nov 2017 /  #42

I have a mask with filters during the winter. They help. More and more people are using them, specifically those who bike or walk.

Similar to below (just took the first of the internet).


And if you really want there are air purifiers to buy for your home (quite expensive).

Summer is no big problem.
idem  - | 131  
28 Nov 2017 /  #43

I think government had some legislation to reduce it and pollution is not the same everywhere. Centre is the worst - outskirts especially south of Krakow is not so bad
Maciek_G  4 | 18  
30 Nov 2017 /  #44
What are you guys talking about? 5k PLN is way more than enough to live good for a single guy in Poland. Nojas is the only one saying the truth here. I just came back from living in Poland for the past 4 months and I was living like a king there for $2000 Canadian dollars a month which is roughly 5600PLN, I was literally living like a rockstar. The average wage is $3200PLN, so from what people are saying I should have seen the street littered with corpses from people not being able to survive. From what I seen most people were living a pretty good life so I have no idea what your talking about.
idem  - | 131  
1 Dec 2017 /  #45

That is what I thought....I think DomonicB has some strong 'economic anti polish' conviction. I don't quite understand it. I don't think that expats can save so much because they have to live somewhere (rent house/flat) and it takes big chunk of income. Not different from someone living in UK, France, Germany who moved out from parents house and has to rent.
polishinvestor  1 | 341  
1 Dec 2017 /  #46
I was living like a king there for $2000 Canadian dollars a month

Well in that case there is living like a king and there is also living like a king. Many people spend more than than on the leases of their cars.
Nojas  4 | 110  
1 Dec 2017 /  #47
I'm more interested in where the british "know it all" disappeared to...

Dominic B is usually on spot in his hilarious "savings in absolute dollars" rantings. But there's more to life than that, and far more variables than wages+living expenses.

But when brits are going at it... sorry I just loose my ****... :)
idem  - | 131  
1 Dec 2017 /  #48

He is obsessed with savings.
I am not sure what is the difference between expat and emigrant ? I am probably in the second group but most expats/emigrants want to have relatively decent life and unless they want to settle for longer in foreign land and buy house/flat ( save for deposit) I don't think they are so obsessed with savings. Some of them have probably already houses in their native countries .....

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