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Moving to Krakow and in need of advice and pointers.

jack 1  2 | 5  
21 Jun 2011 /  #1
hej folks, i'm thinking of going to live in poland in early spring next year.2012 my reasons are simple,i have visited alot and i love the place! however i am a realist and i'm aware it will be a massive change!:) i'm going to do a 4 week celta course in krakow when i arrive,and i will also enroll in a polish language course. i know what the rental market for accomadation is like so i'm fine at sorting out a place to live,i suppose i'm just looking for some very practical advice on what i should expect! both good and bad! naturaly i will also be looking for employment! my background is in sales and hospitality,and i have ran my own business a bar and guesthouse for the past 6yrs.but its a fresh start for me so i would consider all my options. i'm 32 yrs old and i'm from ireland.any feedbak would realy be appreciated!:)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Jun 2011 /  #2
If you're a realist, you won't go to Krakow in early spring.
OP jack 1  2 | 5  
22 Jun 2011 /  #3
why? the weather will be improving,and i thought a hard winter would be the worst time 2 try it!?
scottie1113  6 | 896  
22 Jun 2011 /  #4
i have ran

Better bone up on irregular verbs before you start your CELTA.
EdWilczynski  3 | 98  
22 Jun 2011 /  #5
Better bone up on English full stop before he starts his CELTA. Sorry, harsh and possibly a little rude. I'm just being honest.

I'm no English teacher nor do I have any desire to be, but judging by the initial post, English is not a strong point.
wielki pan  2 | 250  
22 Jun 2011 /  #6
Better bone up on English full stop before he starts his CELTA. Sorry, harsh and possibly a little rude. I'm just being honest.

This is a common problem with teachers from Ireland, they think because they can say a few words in English, they can then teach the language, those days are gone...Jack have you thought about setting up a bed and breakfast type of accommodation, give teaching a miss.
Olaf  6 | 955  
22 Jun 2011 /  #7
i will also be looking for employment! my background is in sales and hospitality.

Hi! With this you could either think of your own venture, or look for some opportunities in one of the SSC and other centers around Krakow. They are always hiring. Sales positions are also to fill. Or try hotels also. First tip: Park Inn hotel is looking currently to hire a marketing/sales person for their conference rooms. Maybe this one?
OP jack 1  2 | 5  
22 Jun 2011 /  #8
all your points about the english language bit are well made!:/ its been a while since i have had to speak english correctly.but i think i could knock the rust off! the polish language is the one that will be tough!:) i would consider my own venture in krakow but i would rather not have any responsability untill i have settled in.i have also been a victim of the irish economic crash.so i dont have bags of cash!:) thanks for the tips guys and please keep posting!:)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Jun 2011 /  #9
why? the weather will be improving,and i thought a hard winter would be the worst time 2 try it!?

Do your homework.

I'll give you a tip - the academic year runs from September-June.
22 Jun 2011 /  #10
I'll give him a second one: Krakow is the worst place in Poland to live if you want to teach English. Why are you specifically interested in going there?
OP jack 1  2 | 5  
22 Jun 2011 /  #11
i realy like krakow! and i will be doing my homework.and i realy want to stress that i'm under no illusions about how hard or easy it will be there! it will be very different. krakow is my destination but i have no ties to it.if i can pick up the language i would be very happy to work at any job.the celta course would just be "another string to my bow" also i have alot of contacts in the music industry here.again i am only putting the idea out.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
22 Jun 2011 /  #12
if i can pick up the language

Polish is not a language you "pick up". It is extremely difficult for native English speakers. I wish you all the best, sincerely, but just to warn you, studying Polish is like unravelling the Gordian knot. As for teaching, as has been said, spring is just about the worst time of the year. Harry's right, Kraków is saturated. Try somewhere like Lublin. You can always visit Kraków.
22 Jun 2011 /  #13
Try somewhere like Lublin.

Lublin would be an excellent choice. Gdansk also not a bad one. And there is certainly plenty of demand for teachers in Warsaw.
22 Jun 2011 /  #14
Try somewhere like Lublin.

Even Lublin is swamped with Natives now and maybe if he wants to come over to this area then try Zamość or Chelm, as I was told last year there were no natives in either of these towns - so it maybe worth a go, that is if you can lower yourself to live in Poland 'B' lol
22 Jun 2011 /  #15
try Zamość or Chelml

Nothing much wrong with either of those towns (although Chelm does suck when it comes to hotel options).
OP jack 1  2 | 5  
22 Jun 2011 /  #16
i'm aware spring is a bad time. but it will give me the summer to get to know the place properly.i want to spend a few months just getting to know the place and learn to at least speak the language. boredom will be my big problem.if i'm not working. i would love to start work immediately but i wont be under pressure to get a job straight away.i think doing the courses is positive and also a good way to meet people
PolishNewbie  - | 5  
8 Apr 2015 /  #17
Merged: American moving to Krakow in June, looking for advice

Hi all -

I just received an opportunity to work abroad in Krakow. I'm extremely excited but the date to start is soon.

For other Americans in Krakow, I was hoping you could give me some advice on what I need to do immediately to get this going. The employer is taking care of the Visa, naturally.

- Need a place to stay. I know of Gumtree but I would rather deal with an English speaker who can 'guide' me. I'm starting in June so ideally I want a place mid May.

- Health insurance recommendations? I know most recommend getting private insurance?
- Is it possible to open a bank account before I arrive?

Sorry this post is somewhat vague, I just found out about the offer and I am all over the place right now.
8 Apr 2015 /  #18
Need a place to stay.

Go with a short-term apartment from airbnb booked for maybe a week and then get yourself an English-speaking real estate agent to line up properties to view from your second day onwards in Krakow.

Health insurance recommendations?


Is it possible to open a bank account before I arrive?

No (you won't have an address for them to register it at).

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