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Who is living in better conditions in their host countries?

15 Feb 2015 /  #1
Who do you think is better in there host countries ? Poles living in UK or British people living in Poland ?
15 Feb 2015 /  #2
Better? I have much more room here for my 4x4s and can be a lot 'greener' here (greener is subjective) Just an example I built a 3 car garage in UK and the biggest problem I had was getting rid of all the wood I used for shuttering - for the concrete base?? here it would have been burned in the central heating unit, but in UK I had to cut some up small and sneak it in with ordinary waste in the dustbin and the rest I had to make special journeys to a council waste site, even then I could only take a certain amount or it would be classed as 'commercial waste' and I would have to pay. It feels good that the same kind of wood here can be used for 'shuttering', several times over, then maybe find another temporary use, but will always be available to heat the house one day. Paper = junk mail used to be a pain, but now I don't have enough?? (for that period when wood fired central heating is allowed to go out at night but needs re-lighting on a cold morning). UK we were surrounded by urban sprawl and light pollution at night.........here I am on top of a hill, have 'big sky' all day and stars at night.....(I bought a telescope).
15 Feb 2015 /  #3
Certainly British nationals who moved to Poland in late 90s with teaching English as carriers who could not afford the same standard of life back in there own country.but things are changing in Poland and they will soon be facing the same tune in Poland now.

Similarly poles in UK are living a better life also as they are Atleadt saving money.

As you started this thread I would like you to stick to the one username or I will be removing your posts.
15 Feb 2015 /  #4
I don't envy people who have to work here....I just enjoy the countryside and live off my pensions (there is nothing like providing for yourself earlier in life, it is a lifestyle choice as much as anything....my advice, put something away now, even though you feel like you will live forever you will get older and want to enjoy before you croak......LOL besides how the hell would I get to work from the top of a hill in freezing snow and ice? time to get the sanki out and have fun. (or get the big blue shovel out and clean the pathways)
Roger5  1 | 1432  
15 Feb 2015 /  #5
UK we were surrounded by urban sprawl and light pollution at night

Not to be able to see the night sky limits the imagination. In my village two nights ago the sky was so clear I could see stars near Orion's sword that I'd never seen before. I've seen all four of Jupiter's Gallilean moons at once with the naked eye. I couldn't have done that when I lived in the UK.

junk mail used to be a pain

We fill one bin a month. Food waste goes on the compost heap or in the cats, waste paper gets burned, wine bottles go back to the supermarket, beer cans get sold.

I don't envy people who have to work here....I just enjoy the countryside and live off my pensions

Good for you, mate. I have to work but I enjoy it immensely. I earn less than I would in London, but my quality of life is hugely better.

get the big blue shovel out

I've got a big hand plough. Much easier.
16 Feb 2015 /  #6
Karma...looked at those big hand ploughs in Makro just this Saturday, If I had read this previously I would have bought one as a try out.
16 Feb 2015 /  #7
Who do you think is better in there host countries ? Poles living in UK or British people living in Poland ?

Given that Brits in Poland tend to make quite a bit more than the average wage in Poland, while quite a few Poles in the UK are on minimum wage jobs (the kind of jobs that simply aren't available to Brits in Poland), I'd have to say that the average Brit in Poland enjoys rather better conditions than the average Pole in the UK.

but things are changing in Poland

If things were to change, I suppose that those people could always join the ranks of the Indians who pretend to be commercial landlords but don't know very basic information about rents of the properties they claim to own or who pretend to be consultants but don't know the names of the two brands which the company they claim to work for operates in Poland.
Levi_BR  6 | 219  
16 Feb 2015 /  #8
That question is complicated for a very single reason:

Brits that go to Poland work in high-paid jobs.

Poles that go to UK, usually not.

So it is obvious that Brits will live much better in Poland.
16 Feb 2015 /  #9
Brits that go to Poland work in high-paid jobs.

That's not always true. I came to Poland to work in a job which paid in a month half what I earned in a day in the UK; however, the job satisfaction in Poland was far, far greater than in the UK.

Poles that go to UK, usually not.

The key word there is 'usually'. There are Poles doing very well paid jobs in the UK, but there are also a lot who are doing minimum wage jobs on zero-hour contracts for employment agencies (a form of employment which pretty much guarantees bad living conditions).

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