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Polish TV licence (abonament) - almost no-one I know pays

Varsovian  91 | 634  
30 Mar 2010 /  #1
I'm amazed TVP can still function as an organisation.

Mind you, they do have adverts.

In the UK, you simply can't get away with it if you live anywhere on a permanent basis. During my first year of married life I had better things to do than watch TV, and the TV inspectors came round 5 times. We were out every time - working, you see. That fooled them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Mar 2010 /  #2
During my first year of married life I had better things to do than watch TV, and the TV inspectors came round 5 times.

Not one prosecution has ever succeeded on the basis of those 'detector vans' - in fact, if you bother to read up on how TVL operate, they rely on people admitting all to the 'inspectors' - if you simply tell them to get lost, there's absolutely nothing they can do - judges are very reluctant to award search warrants on the basis of "i fink they're watching telly guv'nor".
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Mar 2010 /  #3
Hopefully over the next few years the whole idea of needing a TV licence will be left in the past. In the UK it's really strange how the government pushes the idea of every house contain broadband, while they still make us pay for television. Lining the pockets of the BBC and making a little bit more tax for the gov top waste.

This is the modern world, the TV licence should be left back in the 20th century.
jonni  16 | 2475  
30 Mar 2010 /  #4
I never had a TV licence in the UK and certainly not here. There's very little they can do except harass people.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Mar 2010 /  #5
Snap! And now when you buy a TV you must buy a TV licence with it. I was astonished when I bought a new tele for my cousins Christmas only to be asked my address and I.D for them to check if I had a TV licence already bought. Pure cheek of it!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Mar 2010 /  #6
ID?! I'd tell them to get lost - it's not the law to provide ID when buying a telly, though it is the law for you to supply a name and address. You could even go one further and point out that the only acceptable form of ID in the UK is the passport - which has no address.

General rule when buying something like this is to always write nonsense, just to mess up their database that little bit more.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
31 Mar 2010 /  #7
That's what I did, gave them a Polish name and an address of a house that had now been demolished, 2 seconds later they checked the records and gave me a form to fill as database didn't have me down as owning a licence. This new system is basically set up to suck the last of the cash out of licence payers as they know that the licence will cease to exist for much longer.
time means  5 | 1309  
31 Mar 2010 /  #8
And now when you buy a TV you must buy a TV licence with it.

. I bought a new tv a month or so back and nobody asked for anything like that.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
31 Mar 2010 /  #9
Snap! And now when you buy a TV you must buy a TV licence with it.

Really? I thought they just notified the licencing people about you...

I bought a new tv a month or so back and nobody asked for anything like that.

You dont, but you fill in details when you purchase a TV and these are sent on to the licencing people.

ID?! I'd tell them to get lost - it's not the law to provide ID when buying a telly,

Yes it is, but you could always pay with cash and give the address of a friend with a TV licence.

Personally I pay my £150 a year, Id rather not break the law - its just one less pair of shoes!

licence payers as they know that the licence will cease to exist for much longer.

Dont count on it, its a nice little money earner they're not about to get rid of any time soon, TV advertising isnt as lucrative as it used to be since the internet became so popular.
OP Varsovian  91 | 634  
31 Mar 2010 /  #10
I was harrassed because I was the only one on the street not to have a licence! No great philosophy behind that. They just assumed I had a telly and came to check me out. Size 10 footprints in the flower bed as they peered in through the window.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
31 Mar 2010 /  #11
Dont count on it, its a nice little money earner they're not about to get rid of any time soon, TV advertising isnt as lucrative as it used to be since the internet became so popular.

Well it will certainly seem pointless that now ( i think) that the law has changed in the EU and you can access British TV throughout the EU.

its just one less pair of shoes!

Oh NO!!!! not the extra pair of shoes! :) I have the picture of the new Specsavers advert, you walking around Manchester being followed by a pair of Gucci shoes, thinking "If only I didn't pay my TV licence" :D
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
31 Mar 2010 /  #12
I was harrassed because I was the only one on the street not to have a licence! No great philosophy behind that. They just assumed I had a telly and came to check me out. Size 10 footprints in the flower bed as they peered in through the window.

It doesn't mean a damn thing

The golden rule with TV licence inspectors - never, ever allow them into your property. You can actually entirely legally put a notice up saying that representatives of Capita are banned from your property - and you're perfectly entitled to use reasonable force to remove them if they turn up.

They would never get a search warrant on the basis of seeing a television turned on, particularly as you only need a licence to watch live TV.
Think Twice  
31 Mar 2010 /  #13
Polish TV licence (abonament) - almost no-one I know pays

Don,t blame them , TVP is crap and run by morons.

eg. M Jak milosz ( sorry can,t spell in Polish ) given preference over live football.

Back in UK pre-recorded programs are screened later in such circumstances.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
1 Apr 2010 /  #14
dtaylor5632: I have the picture of the new Specsavers advert, you walking around Manchester being followed by a pair of Gucci shoes, thinking "If only I didn't pay my TV licence" :D

You bar steward!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for reminding me!!!!!! Not quite Gucci at a £150 (I wish! its hard to find Jimmy Choo's in the sales that low!)

Back on track

dtaylor5632: i think) that the law has changed in the EU and you can access British TV throughout the EU.

You still need a licencing number.

delphiandomine: The golden rule with TV licence inspectors - never, ever allow them into your property. You can actually entirely legally put a notice up saying that representatives of Capita are banned from your property - and you're perfectly entitled to use reasonable force to remove them if they turn up.

You are evidently unaware of the law Delph! If you are breaking the law which you are by not buying a TV licence (the term is evading), then you are liable...and the £1,000 fine you are culpable for - so if they pursue a fine and then pass on to a debt company it esculates, its rather not worth it. As I said, I pay mine, rather than be a scum bag that enjoys the benefits rather than paying...Call me old fashioned but I'd rather abide by the law in the country I live, like all my family do...silly me for not breaking the rules! You lot who did are obviously so rock 'n' roll! :D <sarcastic tone implied>
TIT  5 | 208  
1 Apr 2010 /  #15
was getting these funny letters for over a year, nothing happened, no sod came to my house
Seanus  15 | 19668  
1 Apr 2010 /  #16
Pull the Scottish trick and switch off the colour when he comes round ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5786  
1 Apr 2010 /  #17
In Poland they said they were thinking of doing away with the T.V. licence.
After that anyone who was paying stopped, that was about a year and a half ago.
TIT  5 | 208  
2 Apr 2010 /  #18
Amathyst: the Brits kep the car industry in Germany


delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
3 Apr 2010 /  #19
I don't know.But I am sure I won't see it in PL.

True, Poland doesn't pay out to people that don't live or work here.

True, but no sales tax,low property and state tax. DE

See also : hideously expensive universities which require taking stupidly large loans, no state healthcare system, most states have high property and sales taxes...you really can't compare.
landora  - | 194  
5 Apr 2010 /  #20
They sent me letters when I was living in the student halls. I didn't have a tv, so I didn't reply. Finally a Great Scary Warning came through, so I called them and shouted at them, and they never sent me anything again.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Dec 2012 /  #21
Is the TV Licence still payable in Poland? How much is it?

(Someone told me if I switch off my cable TV I then have to pay the licence myself, ie if I receive TV through an aerial/antenna. Otherwise, my cable TV company pays I assume. I don't know for sure, I only found out yesterday about there probably still being a licence requirement in Poland.)
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Dec 2012 /  #22
I doubt that your cable TV company pays your licence. The TV licence is possibly not included in the fee they get from you for providing the service (signal), but it will be better to check it with them.

In Germany the TV licence will be included in the electricity bill of all those who pay such a bill. This new arrangment will be valid from the 1st of January 2013 onwards.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Dec 2012 /  #23
I only want to focus on Poland, although it's interesting to read of Germany's arrangement.

Does anyone know how much I have to pay the TV licence organisation in Poland or have a link, please?

BTW In the UK, we have produced info in Polish for those in the UK who are from Poland and need a TV Licence:


I have searched on Google and can't identify which link takes me to the Polish TV licence site - anyone offer any assistance ?
Marysienka  1 | 195  
19 Dec 2012 /  #24
polish radio has a commercial/information during commercials about amount of next year's abonament and says if you pay for cable you still have to pay abonament.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Dec 2012 /  #25
I'm just wondering whether this is the website - in which case the fee is 200zl a year: tvp.pl/o-tvp/abonament

Opłata za używanie odbiornika radiofonicznego w 2012 r. wynosi:

a) 5,50 zł za jeden miesiąc,
b) 10,70 zł za dwa miesiące,
c) 15,85 zł za trzy miesiące,
d) 31,35 zł za sześć miesięcy,
e) 59,40 zł za rok.

Opłata za używanie odbiornika telewizyjnego lub telewizyjnego i radiofonicznego wynosi:

a) 18,50 zł za jeden miesiąc,
b) 35,90 zł za dwa miesiące,
c) 53,30 zł za trzy miesiące,
d) 105,45 zł za sześć miesięcy,
e) 199,80 zł za rok.

Użytkownik odbiornika rtv zobowiązany jest do wniesienia opłaty do 25 dnia pierwszego miesiąca okresu rozliczeniowego.

Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Dec 2012 /  #26
The National Broadcasting Council's site will give you the TV licence fees (unfortunately only in Polish, but please don't complain about it, Polish is still the only official language in Poland). You can pay it monthly, or every two, three or six month or yearly. The latter one for 2013 is 201,40 zł (icludes radio and TV, no option to pay for the TV only, but there's an option to pay for the radio only - 61,00 zł)

berni23  7 | 377  
19 Dec 2012 /  #27
In Germany the TV licence will be included in the electricity bill of all those who pay such a bill. This new arrangment will be valid from the 1st of January 2013 onwards.

Thats a little far fetched even for Germany.
Whats changing from 2013 on is that everybody has to pay.
They just assume that everybody has a tv, a radio, a connected computer or a smartphone.
This is only for state television btw, nobody below 60 watches that ****.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
19 Dec 2012 /  #28
Whats changing from 2013 on is that everybody has to pay.

Except those who don't use electricity (or who don't pay for it). True, those are very few, although such people exist even in Germany (down-and-outs mostly)
berni23  7 | 377  
19 Dec 2012 /  #29
Nope, even those must have a smartphone or portable radio according to the GEZ.
And its certainly not payable thru the electric bill.
InWroclaw  89 | 1910  
19 Dec 2012 /  #30
but there's an option to pay for the radio only - 61,00 zł)

Thanks, my other link was incorrect then?

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Polish TV licence (abonament) - almost no-one I know paysArchived