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LCD monitor in Czestochowa?

Solymosi Robert  1 | 1  
9 Feb 2014 /  #1
Hi, Where can i buy an LCD monitor in czestochowa, second hand if posible??
And is there a volksbank ATM in czestochowa?
jon357  72 | 23562  
9 Feb 2014 /  #2
If you want second hand, try Gumtree Polska or Allegro.pl. Also the place in the entrance of major supermarkets where people leave cards selling second hand items. If Volksbank are part of the Visa or Maestro networks you will find an ATM that works.
OP Solymosi Robert  1 | 1  
15 Feb 2014 /  #3
Can you tell me some websites with delivery in czestochowa? new products
Kowalski  7 | 621  
15 Feb 2014 /  #4
you'd probably need someone speaking polish but tablica.pl is a way to go for second hand LCD monitors, some would deliver also under "firmowe' you'd see companies not individuals offers - they couold deliver (I think). Ohter then that allegro.pl

tablica.pl/elektronika/czestochowa/?search[dist]=5&q= LCD

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