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Why are the Italians and Polski so much alike?

Ironside  51 | 13087  
14 Jul 2010 /  #31
Poland is the Mexico of Europe,

**** its confirmation what I was saying all along that our traitors and corrupt politician are making from Poland banana-republic.

How's that for a stereotype?

don't get excited is no good for your complexion
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jul 2010 /  #32
Now in CR I really became nostalgic about Poland.Corruption has its advantages too.
mvefa  5 | 591  
14 Jul 2010 /  #33
Corruption has its advantages too

yeah just look at greece ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
14 Jul 2010 /  #34
Corruption has its advantages too.

No it hasn't!
A corrupt society is a dysfuntional society.
Northern Europe countries are stable and wealthy because they are LESS corrupt than others.

Fight against corruption is one of the first most important steps to get back to a functioning society/economy.
But it's hard if corruption has seeped already into the bones and DNA of whole peoples (as in Greece and other southern countries)...
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jul 2010 /  #35
I always wondered why the Poles find their way so easily in Greece while the Czechs become totally confused.
Corruption means that many people are underpriviledged but on the other hand a situation where everyone has rights is annoying as well.The russian way seems to give some spice above middle all the time.
Ironside  51 | 13087  
14 Jul 2010 /  #36
Why are they so much alike?

really ? I don't think so !

southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jul 2010 /  #37
Italians are mediteranean type.They talk too much and loud make lots of gestures and are very conservative.They adore women,their moms things like that.They are also easily frightened not the combat type and they are very pleasant in conversation since they are exceptionally good at licking.Una fatsa una ratsa we tell about Italians and us and they tell the same (one face one race).South Italians are clearly former Greeks mixed with Arabs and Blacks that's why the dark complexion.Mafia,family business etc things infused by Greeks there and became powerful.They were always more rough than the Greeks in the mainland(they were violent folks).
OP Allison  4 | 117  
14 Jul 2010 /  #38
really ? I don't think so !

lol what a wannabe!
rychlik  41 | 372  
14 Jul 2010 /  #39
How many Germans and Brits do you know personally Allison?

I have Brit living on my floor and had a couple of Germans living downstairs.
convex  20 | 3928  
14 Jul 2010 /  #40
Italians are mediteranean type

holy ****, insightful comment
14 Jul 2010 /  #41
Theiving scum (mainly cars in Germany) who work cleaning toilets and live illegaly in America hence the reason they cant get on the visa waiver scheme! Marry 3rd world immigrants in the UK for a few hundred bucks? How's that for a stereotype? Which nation am I talking about?

I think that rychlik by "morally corrupted" meant something else.
And u didnt get it, as usually...
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
14 Jul 2010 /  #42
Well, someone who uses stereotypes like "cold, heartless, snobbish, corrupt" for whole peoples shouldn't whine when other stereotypes "stupid thieving idiots" is used against him too....we got it, alright!

What's good for the goose...

Do you get it?

PS: But I'm sure we can find some more stereotypes instead of arguments....
14 Jul 2010 /  #43
Well, someone who uses stereotypes like "cold, heartless, snobbish, corrupt" for whole peoples shouldn't whine when other stereotypes "stupid thieving idiots" is used against him too....we got it, alright!

Does rychlik is Polish?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
14 Jul 2010 /  #44
What non-Pole would call himself "rychlik"? ;)
14 Jul 2010 /  #45
most of this forum has Polish nicknames and are non-poles.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
14 Jul 2010 /  #46
Well...then I hope for a non-Polish troll!
Krystal  5 | 94  
14 Jul 2010 /  #47
I always thought Napoleon left Josephine for Polish Girl and they had child. I have seen movie about them.

Don't forget Italians did settled in Poland back then if I am not mistaken.

I think Polish copied Italian foods.

Ravioli - Perogi
Pantoni - Babka
Recotta cheese - Farmer Cheese

cookies are pretty same.

I know I am bad speller. Forgive me.
14 Jul 2010 /  #49
I always thought Napoleon left Josephine for Polish Girl and they had child.

Err, they were Frenchies, not Italians.

Don't forget Italians did settled in Poland back then if I am not mistaken.

You are mistaken.

I think Polish copied Italian foods.

They did but not those you mentioned. Most famously: veggies, called in Polish włoszczyzna.
southern  73 | 7059  
15 Jul 2010 /  #50
Mediteranean taste and central european cuisine are totally different things.Polish food carries absolutely no similarity to italian food.Generally Italians are mediteraneans and with absolutely no slavic element unlike the Serbs,Croats etc who always balance between the two cultures.
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
15 Jul 2010 /  #51
What non-Pole would call himself "rychlik"? ;)

A Czech, considering it's also a Czech surname, and also means "express train" in Czech.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
15 Jul 2010 /  #52
shared religion and related core values.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
15 Jul 2010 /  #53
Well, someone who uses stereotypes like "cold, heartless, snobbish, corrupt"

That's for the Britts mostly or anglo-Saxons
While zhe Gerries have the reputation of "gute kfratzmanshaft& Orden must sein" :)
I tell you, the only cars I respect are Japanese and German. Everythign else is szais (scheiss)

But I have a special place for Maluch <3

Why are Italians and Poles so much alike? Hmm Good tase of food and Religion? :D
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jul 2010 /  #54
think that rychlik by "morally corrupted" meant something else.
And u didnt get it, as usually...

I Understood perfectly what the little creep meant...Did you guess that nation?

I think you meant "as usual"
15 Jul 2010 /  #55
I Understood perfectly what the little creep meant

No u didnt.
George8600  10 | 630  
26 Jul 2010 /  #56
uh uh thats Romania. Gypsies are like Mexicans.

Well that was dumb. Roma and Romanians are two completely different things. Romanians are Southern Slav's and purely caucasian. Are you going to say now that the Roman Empire was Gypsie? lol

Germans are rather cold and the Brits are often snobbish.

How generalizing do you get?

I often see quite a similarity between Polski families and Italian families. Why are they so much alike? They both seem passionate about culture, food, and often have tight knit families.

Well other than religion not many... Both exist in two different regions, look different (genetically), dress different, are set up differently in terms of economics and civics. And the culture and food is different. Truth is all European countries have passions for these things. As for similarities, when comparing Poles the first thing that comes to mind is Ukrainians, Belarussians, Lithuanians, Czechs, Slovaks...

well I heard that Italians call us Polish "the Italians of the North"

psssh yea right. Italian's can't even get along with their Southern counterparts and they call Poles Italian?
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
26 Jul 2010 /  #57
Well other than religion not many... Both exist in two different regions, look different (genetically), dress different, are set up differently in terms of economics and civics.

In the states, Polish-Italian marriage? Rare. Irish-Italian marriage? Common. Poles and Italians have little in common as expressed by George and Southern.

Allison now that you graduated from High School and your parents are as poor as you say they are it might be time to leave the nest? If you're interested in Med Tech (the Navy has a big presence in NC) why don't you enlist in Naval Medical. Maybe some summer you can find yourself in Spain, Italy or Japan or some other distant port. And you know, see the World for yourself.
George8600  10 | 630  
26 Jul 2010 /  #58
Polish-Italian marriage? Rare.

Indeed, I am Greek-Polish and those are just as rare. However Greek-Italian and Irish aren't. I really like the idea of Polish being distinct and intrinsic to itself. Having traveled the world as you insisted indeed does help live countries and truly see them. I think people like Allison are devoid of such. If anything Allison, you should go a live in Poland for a while. It seems that you know little since your not Polish, but seeing as how you have such strong interest a visit would do you good.

As far as Navy-porting goes idk, you should def. study abroad. Warsaw University has many of those programs and you ought to look into it.
OP Allison  4 | 117  
27 Jul 2010 /  #59
Well that was dumb. Roma and Romanians are two completely different things. Romanians are Southern Slav's and purely caucasian. Are you going to say now that the Roman Empire was Gypsie? lol

I understand that silly but the lot of Romania now is Gypsies, thats just what I've heard. Sorry if I offended non-gypsy Romanians.

As far as Navy-porting goes idk, you should def. study abroad. Warsaw University has many of those programs and you ought to look into it.

Nah I don't have money to do that (I'm poor) and my interest is more in Europe in general than just Poland but I really am interested in the iron curtain in particular I guess. If I could go to Europe the first place I would go is the UK and Scotland, not Poland. The school I went to never had a European history class (it was a poor school), which is the only subject of real interest to me and that really sucked. I just came here in the first place because I had some questions about my genealogy then I picked up on the socializing because I was bored.

In the states, Polish-Italian marriage?

Oh my God shut up about the stupid navy, I am not going to go into navy I'm a girl! Besides that enlisting in something would be about the dumbest thing I could do right now. I'm going to a tech school and living at home to save money. Mind your own business you idiot.

Did I say anything about Poles and Italians marrying each other? No that's not what this thread is about. I said they have some similarities but that doesn't mean they get along and there are a bunch of marriages. Actually people that are more alike but different nationalities would have more of a tendency to not mix well IMO.
king polkakamon  - | 542  
27 Jul 2010 /  #60
Sorry if I offended non-gypsy Romanians.

Only an American could make such a comment.Be careful not to tell this to a Romanian though.

These are some Romanians.


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