Magdalena: I was in secondary school in the eighties and most of my friends had English at school, I did as well. This was in Warsaw though so the percentages might be a bit skewed.
I was growing up in a 30 000 town in eastern Poland, where there were two general secondary schools (liceum) and both had English in the curriculum. True, not all students had it - some groups had German, some French and everybody was having the obligatory Russian. But there were also afternoon English courses - not so many as nowadays, but still available. The thing was most students considered English a bit superfluous - "you'll never use it" was the common approach.
As for travelling, it was like Grubas and Boletus say. In the sticks where I lived I knew lots of people who travelled to USA, Canada, Italy, England, France, West Germany and other places. True, it was bothersome and expensive, but possible unless you were a public enemy meaning engaged with the political opposition. If people say you couldn't travel back then they mean that you couldn't just grab your passport, buy a last minute ticket and go wherever you wanted - every journey abroad took some serious planning. But people did travel.
I was growing up in a 30 000 town in eastern Poland, where there were two general secondary schools (liceum) and both had English in the curriculum. True, not all students had it - some groups had German, some French and everybody was having the obligatory Russian. But there were also afternoon English courses - not so many as nowadays, but still available. The thing was most students considered English a bit superfluous - "you'll never use it" was the common approach.
As for travelling, it was like Grubas and Boletus say. In the sticks where I lived I knew lots of people who travelled to USA, Canada, Italy, England, France, West Germany and other places. True, it was bothersome and expensive, but possible unless you were a public enemy meaning engaged with the political opposition. If people say you couldn't travel back then they mean that you couldn't just grab your passport, buy a last minute ticket and go wherever you wanted - every journey abroad took some serious planning. But people did travel.