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Important: A Good Medical Center with English speaking doctors in Krakow

1 Aug 2015 /  #31
Well, in my country the tests taken need to be approved by a doctor. this is why im asking.
have any of you actually demanded a test lets say potassium , and could get it without any problems or questions?
i dont have insurance, paying cash.

I found this place en.pro-creative.pl/laboratory-tests
Prices are not that bad. I tried to call them though and since They dont speak one word english, i could not ask them if it was possible. :p
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Aug 2015 /  #32
Ok, since you have no insurance, you'll pay. However, some may ask you for skierowanie and it depends on WHAT needs to be tested. If you don't have anyone to call for you in Polish, just go there and you'll see. If they say they need a skierowanie, then you'll make an appointment with an "internista".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Aug 2015 /  #33
Can I just walk into a private clinic and order the blood tests I want without prior doctors consultation?

If you don't need them for any private insurance purposes, sure.

There are plenty of labs that will take the blood, send it off and get the results to you by the end of the day.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Aug 2015 /  #34
@Delph: it also depends on what to test. Sometimes in order to have something tested, we also need to have something else tested otherwise the result does not mean anything and therefore need to see a doctor.

Unfortunately, I had to have hundreds of blood tests in Poland (and I'll have 2 more this month) so trust me, I am sort of an expert ;)

In conclusion: if they want a skierowanie, they'll tell him...
1 Aug 2015 /  #35
Could you name such a lab in Krakow?
The tests I need taken are rare and no way a doctor would agree with taking them (plus i dont speak polish)
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Aug 2015 /  #36
@User: if what you need to have tested is "rare", better to see an doctor. If you need to have more things tested, the doctor shall give you a complete prescription and you won't have to have several blood tests but only one. Why would a doctor NOT agree?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Aug 2015 /  #37
@Delph: it also depends on what to test. Sometimes in order to have something tested, we also need to have something else tested otherwise the result does not mean anything and therefore need to see a doctor.

Wow, really? The lab I use for stuff never seems to ask, but it is a meat factory and all about the cash...

@User: if what you need to have tested is "rare", better to see an doctor. If you need to have more things tested, the doctor shall give you a complete prescription and you won't have to have several blood tests but only one.

What kind of blood tests would be so strange that a doctor would never agree to it? :/
1 Aug 2015 /  #38
Because Im self-medicating due to various reasons and doctors dont approve of that.

what lab is that delphiandom?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Aug 2015 /  #39
Because Im self-medicating due to various reasons and doctors dont approve of that.

Blimey, there's no reason to self-medicate in Poland. You'll always find a doctor willing to give you what you want - it's normal in Poland for people to demand (and get) certain things.

It's a lab in PoznaƄ - rckik.poznan.pl/badania-platne
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Aug 2015 /  #40
@User: It is very dangerous to self-medicate. Do see a doctor!

@Delph: the guy asks about Krakow ;)
22 Aug 2015 /  #41
Merged: VD testing in Cracow

Been in Cracow for a week for a mate's wedding...met a nice girl, average looking, not a sex machine by any means (or so I thought, funny cuz she said she was a virgin) and I think she gave me something. I was thinking of staying on here in Poland for a few months.....where can I get tested?

Also, should I ring her and tell her? I found her on FB and it looks like she's got a boyfriend, another expat.
terri  1 | 1661  
22 Aug 2015 /  #42
I'm afraid you should have thought twice about dipping your wick. Go to a doctor (you will have to pay) for advice. If may just be an infection, on the other hand she may have given you a little present. Even if you ring her, she will not admit to anything (remember she was a virgin before she met you) and tell you that it was you who has given her something. Either way, you will pay.
22 Aug 2015 /  #43
Yeah, normally I'm wise to that..hell, I wouldn't doubt the virgin story if I weren't having symptoms. Lousiest blowjob ever, and she's supposedly a saxaphonist.

The girl's whole story is kind of baffling.
terri  1 | 1661  
22 Aug 2015 /  #44
There are some good private doctors on Plac Szczepanski. Go there. They will be able to say straightaway, and you may just get away with some antibiotics.

As you can see from your experience - looks can be deceiving.
Allison  4 | 117  
22 Aug 2015 /  #45
All I would need is a psychiatrist haha jkjk
22 Aug 2015 /  #46
LOL, this girl needs one for sure. Hoping she's an exception and not the norm for Polish women.
Allison  4 | 117  
22 Aug 2015 /  #47
The psychiatrist throw up their hands with me...I cannot find one
22 Aug 2015 /  #48
@terri, thanks. Hope it's nothing.

Cracow seems to be a small world, turns out I know someone who knows her boyfriend well and he's well known in expat circles here. Best I shut up now.
31 Mar 2017 /  #49
If you are foreigner who decided to visit Poland, then you should read about American Clinic. This place was created for sole purpose of helping foreigners with their health conditions. Even if you are very careful, something might happen: infection, accident etc. This clinic accept insurance policies from other countries and offer highest standards of care. You are going to get private tutor who will guide you through all treatment and also translate the medical documents for you. Highest standards of treatment. What else do we really need?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Apr 2017 /  #50
Certainly would be a very wise idea to avoid the American Clinic in Wilanow with such a bad attempt at advertising.

A private tutor in a clinic, eh? :)

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Important: A Good Medical Center with English speaking doctors in KrakowArchived