So the Poles did not fight for GB and the Indians fought?I tell you one thing the Indians fought here in Athens as well and they were laughable stock.I mean who could ever be afraid of them?
How can Polish immigrants complain about other immigrants?
Old story. Drop it.
Gurkhas. Different story.
I tell you one thing the Indians fought here in Athens as well and they were laughable stock
Gurkhas. Different story.
NorthMancPolak 4 | 642
30 Aug 2010 / #33
Tens of thousands of Poles fought for Britain during World War II - my dad was one of them (Drugi Korpus Wojska Polskiego - Polish II Corps).
Now tell me how many of the Poles who moved to the UK since 2004 have joined the British Armed Forces.
Your Balkan Power would be useless against the Gurkhas, trust me.
Now tell me how many of the Poles who moved to the UK since 2004 have joined the British Armed Forces.
I tell you one thing the Indians fought here in Athens as well and they were laughable stock.I mean who could ever be afraid of them?
Your Balkan Power would be useless against the Gurkhas, trust me.
What is Gurkhas?Are you telling me Indians won one battle against the Germans?I am sure it never happened it is impossible.
NorthMancPolak 4 | 642
30 Aug 2010 / #35
I see Kemal beat them for good in Dardanelles.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11898
30 Aug 2010 / #37
Alot of blahblah in that wiki page..."martial race" my arse...what battles did they win against the Germans (wanna know that too)...
Nepalese (Ghurkas are Nepalese after all) are small, dirt poor people, barely 1.50 m...with turban, I don't think anybody was afraid of them.
And what did they do against the chinese opressors and occupiers during the last decades if they were such a "martial race"? Not much I fear.
I read in some british book that the german soldiers where totally awed about the heroic Ghurkas...but I never found any german story about that they ever met one. So sorry if I don't believe that...looks like wartime propaganda to me.
Nepalese (Ghurkas are Nepalese after all) are small, dirt poor people, barely 1.50 m...with turban, I don't think anybody was afraid of them.
And what did they do against the chinese opressors and occupiers during the last decades if they were such a "martial race"? Not much I fear.
I read in some british book that the german soldiers where totally awed about the heroic Ghurkas...but I never found any german story about that they ever met one. So sorry if I don't believe that...looks like wartime propaganda to me.
What is Gurkhas?
Tens of thousands of Poles fought for Britain during World War II - my dad was one of them (Drugi Korpus Wojska Polskiego - Polish II Corps).
Yet they were allowed to stay in the UK no problem, actually. Gurkhas needed special lobbying, as late as last year, if I remember well.
And - Poles fought for Britain, but only because of the Alliance, so somehow in self-interest. Gurkhas did not fight for Nepal. Even if you treat them as mercenaries, they did well.
Now tell me how many of the Poles who moved to the UK since 2004 have joined the British Armed Forces.
Not legal. Only UK citizens for ?? years allowed. I bet some Polish youth would much prefer UK uniform to hammer and chisel.
What is Gurkhas?Are you telling me Indians won one battle against the Germans?I am sure it never happened it is impossible.
Actually... they took part in Monte Cassino, quite a lot, and strong hope was they will prevail. The thing needed Poles, though, so no shame to Gurkhas, really...
Lost me again. You hint at kosynierzy, or perhaps sickle?
The thread seems to have started wandering, so it's like close to dead.
Dear Mods, please let it live for a day or two, and then I will post conclusions, Ok?
The thread seems to have started wandering, so it's like close to dead.
Dear Mods, please let it live for a day or two, and then I will post conclusions, Ok?
that's it.. escaped me mind..
The thread seems to have started wandering,
yes, that is what all conversations tend to do..
*astonished, actually*
Im rather pleased... :D
But if my block started to fill up with Somalis or Pakistanis, I'd be out of here faster than you can say lokshen kugel!
We both know that is NEVER going to happen :D
This having said, I work with a Somali girl, and no problems. Very nice person.
Now Im astonished..A somali that works..I dont believe you! ;0)
What I noticed was that at one point lots of Antipodeans worked in pubs and sandwich bars but slowly the accents changed to those of South Africa.
Safers now need visas so their access is limited (those applying for a 1st visa that is), too many overstayers and other africans faking SA passports....Ausis come here on WHVs and work for the full 2 years and are also prone to overstaying...
Hard to complain about Nigerians in PL
Give it time ;0) Judging by the posts from our colonial cousins...Poland is the next destination :D
yes, that is what all conversations tend to do..
And sometimes they get more interesting then. Sometimes.
Im rather pleased... :D
so... are you free, then?
just asking...
Oh, forget it...
A somali that works..I dont believe you! ;0)
Scout's word. And she smirks at the English who can't get to work through 5 cm of snow.
Poland is the next destination :D
Ts, I'd be there first flight. My grandpa digged out a sabre behind his barn. Nie damy zieeeemi skąd nasz ród!!
Merged: Even polish immigrants are starting to hate immigrants!
I live in an area where their is quite a big immigrant community and they have been in the country for about five years and they have turned so British that even they complain about immigration. One guy is from Latvia and he was saying how it's unfair eastern Europeans are stealing our British jobs lol.
I live in an area where their is quite a big immigrant community and they have been in the country for about five years and they have turned so British that even they complain about immigration. One guy is from Latvia and he was saying how it's unfair eastern Europeans are stealing our British jobs lol.
how can somebody steal a job that nobody wants to do in the first place.
What's more, it is a Latvian immigrant who started to hate immigrants, while the moron Oxon alias Douglas says "Even Polish immigrants..." .
One guy is from Latvia
so Latvians or Poles?
Merged: What is polish opinion about immigrants from Uk and USA?
I would like to know opinions from Polish people about the people immigrating to Poland from Uk and the USA comparison and there habbits, expectaions and there behaviour?Thanks.
I would like to know opinions from Polish people about the people immigrating to Poland from Uk and the USA comparison and there habbits, expectaions and there behaviour?Thanks.
Egotistical, arrogant, misinformed, uncultured (for most part), men being ill-mannered towards women, western women from USA, UK do not know who they are anymore (want to be feminists but don't know what it means, want to be treated like ladies but do not behave like ones). They also assess intelligence on the basis of being able to speak English (forget the writing skills) and ability to acquire wealth - the non-English speakers and the poor are seen as incompetent and therefore stupid just like "enlighted" Germans saw Polish centuries ago. Hence, the feel more superior than Polish. That is how they are seen after longer acquaintance.
That is how they are seen after longer acquaintance.
I actually feel like this is true
Hence, the feel more superior than Polish.
I have to agree with you Ktos,I have seen that in public how some speak loud and then look around if who is watching them speak.Also you can see arguements on regular basis in Zlota trasy mall in restaurants and shops when they try to belittle the server or the sales person.
I do want to know in Polish opinion that who are more arrogant? Brits or yanks?I have been at super bowl parties in Poland over the years where there are usually more brits then yanks and the rowdy atmosphere.Krakow square in summer weekends is another example.
Also I have seen in some situations when they speak loud and suddenly the quiet polish person starts speaking english and now they just feel challenged and get louder and nastier.
I would like to know opinions from Polish people about the people immigrating to Poland from Uk and the USA comparison and there habbits, expectaions and there behaviour?
I quite like them, especially those who go to Poland with their mindset of being big western lords coming to Poland for an ego boost with a lot of money because they sold their parent's house and as soon as they find out that they are Polish guys who moved to their home land and make money that they can only dream about they start throwing temper tantrums. Those are very amusing individuals and I like them for that and the other ones usually don't get my attention.
19 Feb 2016 / #54
" being big western lords coming to Poland" , The locals do their best to make there lives difficult (Or very expensive) for them.
fair enough
19 Feb 2016 / #56
I pay 800zl for a ton of good quality coal, British guy down the road pays 1100zl for the same stuff , same supplier. the poles certainly know how to kombinować (trick) a foreigner.
polishinvestor 1 | 341
19 Feb 2016 / #57
3 million Poles have moved temporarily or permanently abroad for a better life. But its a two way street. People have a right to move to Poland and take advantage of the fertile investment opportunities here. I dont think really one can argue against people from abroad investing money in Poland while at the same time supporting Poles moving abroad. It has to work both ways. The key here is that certain sets of people see opportunities that others dont for their particular set of circumstances.
because you're Polish investor :-)
lol maybe he gets it delivered and gets it nicely stacked in his storage place:)) and the mess cleaned up after the delivery also,labour costs money you know or its just another arrogant Brit who will struggle to make ends meet in future in Poland.
20 Feb 2016 / #60
All his delivered in bags same as mine nicely staked in the shed "Brit who will struggle to make ends meet in future in Poland" spot on.