noreenb 7 | 548 17 Sep 2010 / #1This man has epilepsy and takes medicines. It causes a contact with him is often almost imposible.He sometimes doesn't know where he is going to and which hospitals they are heading for. A director of the hospital turns a blind eye to a doctor who still works but fired a taxidriver who informed media.The situation will be in question by NFZ soon.Isn't it a bit shocking? If so, for who? The doctor, patients, director of the hospital? For these ones who didn't say a word about it and hid the truth about this guy health's condition?How is it possible that a man who is under pills that causes he is dazed can perform his duties and takes responsibility for peoples's life and health?It is difficult to understand for me and a bit frustrating.Do you have any ponderings?
asik 2 | 220 17 Sep 2010 / #5any links?Here is the link, noreenb wasn't 'blabbing' and the doctor works in