This just reads like semantics to me. Are you going to make a relevant conclusion or leave me guessing at what it is you're trying to communicate?
Ehh.. Once again.
There is no faith involved here, but direct, total knowledge, acquired by means of the intellect, which partakes into the supreme objectivity of God because the human point of view
shares the point of view of the divine, which is objective in the highest possible sense. Thus, Beethoven is a genius, not because i say so, but because i
know it to be so. Can i "prove" this to you? Not unless you posses this faculty also. At this point, the question of whether God exists becomes academic. The "obviousness" of his existence is a realization that is bound to happen sooner or later for the individual who understands the world from the point of view of essence rather then appearances.
Greater than her at what? You have to complete the thought and unless you can quantify the general greatness of people you've never met nor have any hope of meeting, your statement is untenable.
I dispense of any need for dialectal proof by means of direct, total intellection, which is nothing more then intelligence as such.
Just as by means of the intelligence that i have arrived at the "truth" of the origin of man, and the consequent refutation of the theory of evolution.
Comparing the reaction of chlorine to water with trichloramines present. Comparing temperature differences while maintaining all other factors as constants.
But all those things also involve acquiring information by rote. Somebody once said that the only thing one could learn by studying Linux is how Linux works (meaning, the entire effort is redundant). Same applies to science. All you can learn by studying Quantum mechanics is... Quantum mechanics! Is this
knowledge though? Well, can you test how much any one knows about Quantum mechanics? Yes. Can you test how much one knows about Beethoven? Nope. Can a child prodigy learn Quantum mechanics by the time he is twelve? Yes. Can a child prodigy learn the genius of a Beethoven by the same age? Nope. Something doesn't seem to add up here.
You were trying to make some point about how the scientific method is subjective. Please go ahead and give that idea some legs. I may actually agree with you on some things
You mean the one we have
sensible experience of. Meaning, what we can see, ear, touch, smell or taste. But what about those things of an invisible order which can only be attained by the intellect? Or do you deny the existence of human intelligence? Is logic a sensible organ? Is reason a sensible organ? Can you say to be able to "experience" a logically arrived conclusion? And if not, isn't that admitting that there is a level of human "experience" which transcends the constrains of our sensory organs, and if so, why leave intellective intuition out of it?
Some researchers may only require data and are trying to come to conclusions but that doesn't make all their data suddenly subjective (unless we're going quantum then that's a mindfcuk [but a fun one])
Why do you think the LHC was build? Because physicists realized they were teetering towards pseudo-mysticism? And how long has Quantum science been operative before such a device even came into the fore? And now that the device has "confirmed" the theory (according to what physicists believe to be a confirmation), do you think all those decades of running on pure abstractions have been validated in any way or form? If the theory didn't
need actual testing to be weaved into its current state of development, doesn't that make actual testing redundant? So now physicists are feeling good about themselves. Good for them i guess. Has our understanding of the universe changed in any way or form? Nope. Much ado about nothing i guess.
But truth and knowledge can go out of the window. Remember,
science believes men and women are interchangeable.
Science believes race does not exist.
Science believes Beethoven is no greater then Britney Spears.
Science believes the universe can be regressed into pure nothingness.
But none of those things are
true. So, prey tell, what the fu*ck is the purpose of science then? Do we know anything about how the universe started going? No. Do we know anything pertaining to the complexity and profundity of human intelligence? No. Can science tell us if we are going anywhere after death? Nope. Again, much ado about nothing.
When did God say this? What language was God speaking when this was heard? Who was God speaking to? What was the weather like?
You have trapped yourself within constraints which do not exist in reality. To wit, we all use intellective intuition on a daily basis. We couldn't be able to exist without it. To be stuck with reason alone would render human existence utterly inoperative. But this is precisely what modern society tries to inculcate into everybody since birth. That we all have our "opinions", and truth is purely subjective and thus relative.
This is the underlying paradigm of modern civilization.
Everything that is not reducible to "reason" does not exist, even though my entire existence is predicated upon things which cannot be reduced to reason.
Did God say why God create the medical propensity for homosexuality (yes a medical link between circumstances of conception and gestation with homosexuality was discovered some years ago) if God judges it to be wrong?
Refer to my earlier posts in this thread.
The real issue here is not in the nature of homosexuality in itself, but how this
congenital form of degeneracy affects the individual in so far as the integrity of his virtue is to be considered, given that we are talking about someone who is a sinner but not by choice.