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Homosexuality in Polish Culture

Ironside  50 | 12333  
27 Jun 2011 /  #121
Let the vitriol commence! :-)

Oh get real, you got what you were hoping all along for.....and secondly people posting here are citizens of the world. Not Poles.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
27 Jun 2011 /  #122
Pol3, with your extensive experience of being gay and living in Poland, we bow down to your wisdom. Bow down, yes, not bend over ;) Don't get too hopeful :)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
27 Jun 2011 /  #123
I don’t think there is anything wrong with two men kissing in public.

The interesting thing is that most men who are bothered by two men kissing in public wouldn't be bothered by two women kissing in public.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
27 Jun 2011 /  #124
The interesting thing is that most men who are bothered by two men kissing in public

Nah,marynka, the thing is,men who would never dream of kissing another man couldnt care less what two random people do to/with each other,it seems to me that only men with a secret seem to give a second glance.......its classic self loathing /projection.
gumishu  16 | 6182  
27 Jun 2011 /  #125
hahah - dualistic trap - you shouldn't watch gays getting physical cause you would be deemed gay instantly - look where this things take - and what if just want to watch and see - just out of curiosity ? :)
Llamatic  - | 140  
28 Jun 2011 /  #126
I also disapprove of the urban black criminal ghetto culture. Does this mean really I'm a closeted black? Lol...
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
28 Jun 2011 /  #127
this whole discussion is silly. how can one disapprove of what other people do in their bedrooms who they want to spend time with. 1. who cares and 2. what gives one the right to do so. if one doesn't like guys dating guys, well, don't date one. do gays tell straight people who to date and who to marry, and how to f*ck?

I would have a lot of opinions about who my friends and family decided to date or marry at some point, but it's none of my business and not my place to do so, and I would not broadcast my opinions to the entire world.
Llamatic  - | 140  
28 Jun 2011 /  #128
I would not broadcast my opinions to the entire world.

Would you broadcast your sexuality from a parade float while scantly dressed and grinding on a man?
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
28 Jun 2011 /  #129
i can see how it could be fun :)

but seriously, if someone wants to do it, why on earth would I care? I wouldn't expect people to have any business in my choices of wardrobe or who I want to physically close to, would I?

straight people broadcast their sexuality all the time. on parade floats, on TV, in media, in real life...
OP Darren...  
28 Jun 2011 /  #130
Excellent post, ItsAllAboutME.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Jun 2011 /  #131
ItsAllAboutMe wrote:

how can one disapprove of what other people do in their bedrooms who they want to spend time with

Jesus, Jesus and Jesus.

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
28 Jun 2011 /  #132
Jesus, Jesus and Jesus.


St Paul if anything. There's no record of Jesus ever expressing an opinion on the matter.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
28 Jun 2011 /  #133
Jesus, Jesus and Jesus.


At the risk of sounding thick, could you please explain? I see absolutely no connection whatsoever between the leader of a bronze age desert cult and a discussion on homosexuality.
Barney  17 | 1637  
28 Jun 2011 /  #134
At the risk of sounding thick

Iron age my man Iron age.

Man of Iron.......how gay does that sound.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
28 Jun 2011 /  #135
Jesus, Jesus and Jesus.

Deductive reasoning is not always right. Jesus said that a man should take one women. Christians assumed that a man mustn't take a man then. However, Jesus said in his most important commandment to love one another as he loved us. So if anyone claims they live by Jesus' word, they would just let the homosexuals be. The thing is, the homophobes use the religion for their hate arguments, and hurt both, the issues at hand and the religion.
modafinil  - | 416  
28 Jun 2011 /  #136
Being that the majority of Poles are catholic there isn't arguments in how to interpret the bible in the way Protestants are free to. The Catholic church considers the 'act' as sinful, as is mastubation.

So as I am without sin I cannot cast any stones ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Jun 2011 /  #137
One can seee that the image of Satan quoting biblical passages is more than just a metaphor.
Some on PF are bending the Good Book's itnerpretation to suit their own designs.
The only time the Prince of Peace even suggested violent punishment for a sinner was the passage where someone scandalising the innocents should have a millstone tied round his neck and be cast into the sea.

All the deviates who are constantly flaunting their dissolute promiscuity in people's faces and forcing their skewed anti-values on others seem to be the prime target of those remarks.

Another passage says (my paraphrase): If your brother (meaning fellow-man) acts improperly, call him to order. If he ignores you, bring along a witness to your admonition. And if he still proves incorrigible, then you may disown him.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
28 Jun 2011 /  #138
All the deviates who are constantly flaunting their dissolute promiscuity in people's faces and forcing their skewed anti-values on others seem to be the prime target of those remarks.

How would you know?
Marynka11  3 | 639  
28 Jun 2011 /  #139
If your brother (meaning fellow-man) acts improperly, call him to order. If he ignores you, bring along a witness to your admonition. And if he still proves incorrigible, then you may disown him.

Ok, Polonius, and who decides what improperly means?
Barney  17 | 1637  
28 Jun 2011 /  #140
Pol3 most if not all religions are based on fear not love thats why the Prince of Peace needs Hell.

All the deviates who are constantly flaunting their dissolute promiscuity in people's faces and forcing their skewed anti-values on others seem to be the prime target of those remarks.

There is a thread about Mumbo Jumbo.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
28 Jun 2011 /  #141
Pol3 most if not all religions are based on fear not love thats why the Prince of Peace needs Hell.

No, I think you are getting it wrong. Most religions are based on love. Hell is really handy for the churches to scare people into submission and donations.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
28 Jun 2011 /  #142
Hell is really handy for the churches to scare people into submission and donations.

isn't it fear based than? :)
Marynka11  3 | 639  
28 Jun 2011 /  #143
That's why i think churches and religion are two different things.
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Jun 2011 /  #144
teflcat wrote:

At the risk of sounding thick, could you please explain? I see absolutely no connection whatsoever between the leader of a bronze age desert cult and a discussion on homosexuality.

what is there to explain.

it's common knowledge that the catholic faith is no fan of homosexuality, along with many of its followers. which is quite ironic because.......bec......well.......yeah, no time for jokes.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
28 Jun 2011 /  #145
the catholic faith is no fan of homosexuality

When I was a kid I thought the Catholic Church and Christianity were the same thing. Then I grew up.
The Catholic Church would better be named the Pauline Church. When I hear the likes of Rydzyk I think, "Yes, that's Catholic, but it's not Christian."
FUZZYWICKETS  8 | 1878  
28 Jun 2011 /  #146
teflcat wrote:

"Yes, that's Catholic, but it's not Christian."

regardless, Christians as a whole are not terribly fond of homosexuality/same sex marriage.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Jun 2011 /  #147
10 (comandments) and 8 (beatitudes) - it's all there and tells you right from wrong. Or you can create your own selfish, libertine behaviour pattern and do only what feels good, is profitable, convenient or fun and to hell with the rest. You'll be in very large company.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
28 Jun 2011 /  #148
10 (comandments) and 8 (beatitudes) - it's all there and tells you right from wrong.

these are the rules you as a person can choose or choose not to live by. you can't impose them on anyone else. hence they should not be legislated or considered in public discourse.

selfish, libertine behaviour pattern and do only what feels good, is profitable, convenient or fun and to hell with the rest.

it's quite interesting that the only two options in your mind is either be Christian or be an essentially immoral person.

it may surprise you that there are plenty of non-Christians who honor their parents or other people who took care of them, do not kill, do not steal, do not deceive, not because they belive in some mythological figure that will send them to hell for disobedience, but because they know, too, that these things are wrong
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
29 Jun 2011 /  #149
10 (comandments)

which one do you mean here?
lets face it, a Roman Cathloic lecturing on the 10 commandments is on sticky ground ....

2."Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."
This prohibits the construction or fashioning of "idols" in the likeness of created things (beasts, fish, birds, people) and worshipping them (aniconism).

So,better get rid of all those little statues of "virgins" and grim woodcarvings of jesus hanging by nails on a cross then.

OOps,sorry,Im forgeting that once again with so called religious people they tend to pick and choose which things to follow and which to ignore..wearing wool and cotton today or ever? Shame on you,you should be stoned to death for that Biblical sin you hypocrite.
catsoldier  54 | 574  
29 Jun 2011 /  #150
I don't know much about Polish culture and nothing about being gay but my own guess is that it isn't too popular on any building site in any country. Maybe he should just find a new profession.

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