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Homosexuality in Polish Culture

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
24 Jun 2011 /  #61
How do they get treated in Poland?

very well i would think. no-one likes hospital food. lol
RobertLee  4 | 73  
24 Jun 2011 /  #62
I can understand Polish people not liking effeminate men, however what about normal rugged men, who look like the type that would beat you up but who just happen to be homosexual? How do they get treated in Poland?

Like normal rugged men. Public display of affection may be frowned upon - I believe Poland is no exception here. Here is a list of Polish celebrity gays who came out and survived:


Why do you care so much whether all Polish people like you or not?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
24 Jun 2011 /  #63
Problem with Poland is that the most visible gay movement comprises of idiots who show their fat asses in pink lingerie on some parades

I don't remember seeing 'pink lingerie' on this year's parade - or any other.

Understandably, many people get into active defense mode after seeing that kind of events.

Do you often see 'that kind of events'? Perhaps you were among the thousands of people waving from their balconies. Stick to starting anti-semitic threads rather than talking about things you know nothing about.

For the record, this year's parade was rather a good one - surprisingly, between a third and a half of the participants weren't gay. I got a bit sunburnt carrying one end of a banner for three hours, but all in all it was a good one.

Yes, but City is still the pick of the bunch.

I was in there the other day and didn't think much of it - mind you, it was karaoke night.

Między Nami... Flow ... Meta

Hunters, Toro, Galeria, Glam

Of those only Między Nami, Toro Galeria and (maybe) Glam can really be called gay. As far as I know Fantom and Wild are still going, for those who like that. Personally I prefer Lodi Dodi and Piotruś for reasons of good taste and quiet music.
24 Jun 2011 /  #64
I was in there the other day and didn't think much of it - mind you, it was karaoke night.

Yes, karaoke night isn't particularly enjoyable. Although the drag show isn't that much better.

Personally I prefer Lodi Dodi and Piotruś for reasons of good taste and quiet music.

Yes, the upstairs bar at Lodi Dodi is cracking.
24 Jun 2011 /  #65
why do people assume just because someone does not except the gay community that, that person is not educated. I think acceptance is more about a persons upbringing and background, the lifestyle and beliefs that were put unto them, it has nothing to do with their education. Being with a man or a woman is a choice, for someone else to accept that or not to accept that is also a choice. Should they not also have the same freedoms as the gay community to make choices??
24 Jun 2011 /  #66
Being with a man or a woman is a choice, for someone else to accept that or not to accept that is also a choice. Should they not also have the same freedoms as the gay community to make choices??

Yes, of course they have the right to not accept other people's choices. However when they support the rights of that other person being limited because of a choice which that person has made, then there is a problem.
aston  - | 7  
24 Jun 2011 /  #67
The matter is rather delicate and I'd try not to offend anyone. I have nothing against any minorities. I consider myself as one of them as well (although not homosexual). However, the most annoying is when people (not all!) exaggerate in striving for acceptance. They can, for instance, openly lick each other on the street, what I personally consider not appropriate and it doesn't depend on the sexual orientation at all.

What I want to say, is that such behaviour doesn't make it easier for homosexuals and many people tend to be neutral when stating their opinions on the minorities but they don't like and don't accept such exaggeration, which in fact is not compatible with social norms of the public behaviour. Sexual matters just shouldn't be taken to the street.

On the other hand, yes, homosexuality is still consider as inferior in general and the social situation of homosexual people is worse than this of transsexuals, even though both groups are in the same boat. The answer seems quite simple, it's all about appearances as always. People judge by appearances, so they are more willing to accept that someone undergoes a sex switching treatment than a fact that a man loves a man. In the first case it is about trying to adapt yourself to the social reality (you already look and act like the opposite sex, so no one has doubts) and in the second one it is rather about trying to adapt the society to yourself. I think this is what drives people mad.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
24 Jun 2011 /  #68
However, the most annoying is when people (not all!) exaggerate in striving for acceptance.

You are missing the point. LGBT people are not 'striving for acceptance'. We are striving to be ignored.

What I want to say, is that such behaviour doesn't make it easier for homosexuals

So what in your opinion does 'make it easier'.

the social situation of homosexual people is worse than this of transsexuals, even though both groups are in the same boat.

Surely you aren't suggesting that the two are mutually exclusive. Trans people, as you well know, Aston, can be homosexual or (as in your case) homophobic.

it is rather about trying to adapt the society to yourself. I think this is what drives people mad.

So you're saying it's OK as long as people hide?
RobertLee  4 | 73  
24 Jun 2011 /  #69
You are missing the point. LGBT people are not 'striving for acceptance'. We are striving to be ignored.

Right: images.google.com/images?q=parada%20rownosci&biw=1280&bih=888

BTW It is beyond your comprehension that one may be tolerant towards homosexuals and not be intimidated with the whole political correctness BS towards Jews (or any other "untouchable" group out there) at the same time? It's not what you read in Gazeta Wyborcza, right?
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
24 Jun 2011 /  #70

Wrong. Were you on the parade or do you just prefer to salivate over people's photos of the more exotic bits?

one may be tolerant towards homosexuals and don't be intimidated with the whole political correctness

You mean afraid of reality?

BS towards Jews (or any other "untouchable" group out there)

Didn't take you long to come out with some racist stuff. If you can't make a decent point, you should stay out of the discussion.

It's not what you read in Gazeta Wyborcza, right?

Llamatic  - | 140  
24 Jun 2011 /  #71
LGBT people are not 'striving for acceptance'. We are striving to be ignored

Hardly. Always announcing their homoism... in-your-face lewd parades... endless activism... Hardly sounds like they want to be ignored.
aston  - | 7  
24 Jun 2011 /  #72
You are missing the point. LGBT people are not 'striving for acceptance'. We are striving to be ignored.

That is only part of the truth. Some want, the others are just too expansive, blunt (looking for the right word but hopefully you'll get what I mean).

So what in your opinion does 'make it easier'.

I gave the example of people licking each other on the street. This is what I personally don't like and what I consider not normal at all. And I don't care if these are two men, women, or a man with a woman. If you are normal, act like normal. Of course, you can say that some hetero are serial killers and this doesn't mean that all hetero will be called criminals but my point was that such beahaviour simply doesn't help when people fight for their rights.

Surely you aren't suggesting that the two are mutually exclusive. Trans people, as you well know, Aston, can be homosexual or (as in your case) homophobic.

And why do you think I'm homophobic? I only stated I don't like any exaggeration. If I had my own business and I had to choose between a stupid woman and an intelligent man, I would obviously chose the latter. Not because I'm discriminating women but because I want an intelligent worker. Of course if the situation was different, I would choose the woman. But then if you asked the feminists, you probably know what would be the reaction... And would you choose differently?

Sorry, but I believe in a natural way of being and in the reason. I won't act against my interests only because some people might consider me intolerant or homophobic. This is how it becomes a paranoia and soon you are suspecting everyone of the discrimation issues.

As to the 'mutual exclusive' thing, I only tried to report a general view on the matter and I don't have any idea why you attached me to this view.

So you're saying it's OK as long as people hide?

No, once again. I was NOT saying about hiding, nor that I'm against homosexual people or anything like this. I only described some social tendencies and personally I think people just should act naturally but according to good taste. If I go to the dean, I'm not trying to convince him/her that I'm a man, cause my ID is just as it is and it simply would bring me more problems than it is needed. When I'm with my partner on the street I don't put my tongue into his/her mouth or dig in his/her pants. I guess this is or at least should be obvious.

But there're and will be people who don't know how to behave in public places and it doesn't have anything to do with their status. Just when the minorities are in the kinda hot seat right now, some people might dig pits for themselves and it might become the biter bit, unfortunately.
Llamatic  - | 140  
24 Jun 2011 /  #73
others are just too expansive, blunt (looking for the right word but hopefully you'll get what I mean).

Arrogant. Uppity. Hateful. Bullies. Flamboyant. Exhibitionists...
Marynka11  3 | 639  
24 Jun 2011 /  #74
You only see this kind in some stupid sitcoms. The real gay people I know are friendly, helpful and discrete about their sex-lives.
Llamatic  - | 140  
24 Jun 2011 /  #75
The real gay people I know are friendly, helpful and discrete about their sex-lives.

Me too. But it's the offensive ones I described that seem to serve as their spokespeople. The decent ones hate the militant ones as much as everyone else does.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
24 Jun 2011 /  #76
The decent ones hate the militant ones as much as everyone else does.

Just like most women hate the extremist feminism. But we should not forget how much the feminism movement did for women rights.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
25 Jun 2011 /  #77
I can understand Polish people not liking effeminate men, however what about normal rugged men, who look like the type that would beat you up but who just happen to be homosexual? How do they get treated in Poland?

You got you answer.What are you after? Mr Darren Troll you are fishy !
Cheers !
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #78
Just like most women hate the extremist feminism. But we should not forget how much the feminism movement did for women rights.

Exactly. Without them, it's back to the burkha. And without the parades, and the ones "Aston doesn't like because they're too obvious, it's back to ruined lives and jail sentences.

Sorry, but I believe in a natural way of being and in the reason

Yes and homosexuality is natural. If some people are offended by public displays of affection it is their complexes and hang-ups.

Here in Poland, where homosexuality has always had its role in culture, most intelligent liberal people don't care.
Llamatic  - | 140  
25 Jun 2011 /  #79
But we should not forget how much the feminism movement did for women rights.

That doesn't make it right.

Without them, it's back to the burkha

OMG. Nah, not shrill at all...

without the parades, ...., it's back to ruined lives and jail sentences


homosexuality is natural


If some people are offended by public displays of affection it is their complexes and hang-ups.

Only in Crazy Backwards Gay Liberal World are the normal people the ones with the problem.

intelligent liberal people


Jonny is a militant, shove-it-in-everyone's-face parader fer sure.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #80
Jonny is a militant, shove-it-in-everyone's-face parader fer sure.

You betta believe it, troll.
Llamatic  - | 140  
25 Jun 2011 /  #81

Lol. Militant rumphumpers...
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #82
And proud of it. Better that than a waste of space with multiple usernames trolling a Polish forum despite never having been here or speaking the language.

So what exactly do you know about homosexiuality in Polish culture?
Llamatic  - | 140  
25 Jun 2011 /  #83
So what exactly do you know about homosexiuality

I know that it is a mental illness that they try to pass off as perfectly normal and force others to accept this warped view, all to make themselves feel better about their defective selves. Being a mental illness, gay is something to pity. But all pity goes out the window when one of the sick peeps goes all angry militant about it. They hurt their cause far more than they help it. But ya can't explain this to the mentally ill.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #84
I know that it is a mental illness

You pretend you think it is. Experts disagree.

But the question (and the topic of this thread) is about Poland, a country to which you have no connection and have never visited. So what, if anything, do you know about homosexuality in Polish culture? Let's start maybe with Aleksander Fredro.
Llamatic  - | 140  
25 Jun 2011 /  #85
You pretend you think it is.

You pretend it isn't.

Experts disagree.

Experts lie. They changed the designation not based on any science but on social sympathy.

do you know about homosexuality in Polish culture?

I know that it is a mental illness the world over.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #86
Experts lie

You're entitled to your views, however weird.

I know that it is a mental illness the world over.

So in fact you don't know anything about the topic of this thread. Buzz off and stop trolling.
Llamatic  - | 140  
25 Jun 2011 /  #87
You're entitled to your views, however weird.

Back attcha. I'm not the one with the mental illness.

you don't know anything about the topic of this thread. Buzz off and stop trolling.

You keep trying to use this not for any reason but in attempt to silence me. If I was saying things you wanted to hear you certainly wouldn't be trying this, now wouldja. Liberal tyranny; silence all opposing views.

You're like a gay Nazi. You would have my kind exterminated if you could, if that's what it took in order to advance your cause. Such hatred is hardly worthy of sympathy and is borne of self hatred.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #88
I'm not the one with the mental illness.

Nor me, trener. Homosexuality isn't a mental illness.

You keep trying to use this not for any reason but in attempt to silence me

Or stay on topic.

You're like a gay Nazi. You would have my kind exterminated if you could, if that's what it took in order to advance your cause. Such hatred is hardly worthy of sympathy and is borne of self hatred.

Strange. Probably just trolling but who knows? You should grow up a bit before posting.

Anyway - what do you actually know about homosexuality in Polish culture? Or polish culture at all?
Llamatic  - | 140  
25 Jun 2011 /  #89
Be gay, see if I care. But when you go all ugly angry militant about it expect to hear about it.
Kasper  - | 5  
25 Jun 2011 /  #90
Find cure for homophobia and all those ugly, angry, gay militants will disappear. That's my five cents.

And by the way, this is the Gay Pride week in Chicago and we are having a ball! The weather rocks, the music is on, and the party begins!

For gay Polish guys in Chicago, here's a link to a gay Polish group: www meetup.com/Polscy-Geje-w-Chicago-Polish-and-Gay-in-Chicago/
We have 63 guys in the group and growing.

Everybody have a great pride weekend!!!


Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Homosexuality in Polish CultureArchived