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Please help me, with deciding a good Polish name for my baby boy :)

berni23  7 | 377  
23 Nov 2012 /  #31
Smeagol is pretty original.
I bet he will be the only Smeagol in the neighborhood. :D

Seriously, your son will read this in 15 years. ;)
natasia  3 | 368  
23 Nov 2012 /  #32
In my humble opinion, probably the most lovely Polish name I have come across (and I came across it late) is ... Rafal.

I like it because it has a kind of romantic feel to it ... Raphael.

It is a strong name. And 'Raffy' or 'Raf' is very popular in successful circles in the UK at the moment.

Aleksander is always good.

Oliver should be Olivier (which I rather like).

I like Kuba and Kacper, but that is just me.

Rafal Dariusz is a sexy name, I think. Piotr Dariusz is much more well-behaved.

It depends who you want him to be ... : )
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Nov 2012 /  #33
Aleksander is always good.

Bronek sounds even better
kj99  8 | 54  
23 Nov 2012 /  #34
cant think of any polish names ....

how bout the following tho .





if i had a boy any one of them would do.
OP Kasia84  8 | 40  
23 Nov 2012 /  #36
Just a thought, Kasia, how will those names go with your surname?

I think it will flow nicely :-)
polonius  54 | 420  
23 Nov 2012 /  #37
How about Bogdan, Andrzej or Jędrzej, Zbigniew, Czesław, Maciej or Wiesław.
MoOli  9 | 479  
23 Nov 2012 /  #38
Name him Barack MOhamad and ur last name:)
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642  
23 Nov 2012 /  #39
what;s wrong with Ned

It's like calling your kid "dresiarz" or "blokers" lol :)
OP Kasia84  8 | 40  
23 Nov 2012 /  #40
Well, well... I've got some interesting suggestions on here lol Thank you all! ;)

I think I might stick to Jakub or Lukas. I did think of Adam but I think there are way too many Adams that I know here. I'd like a name that can flow well both in Polish and English.
4 eigner  2 | 816  
23 Nov 2012 /  #41
Jakub or Lukas

and not Jasio and Jozio? :-( LOL
jon357  72 | 23712  
23 Nov 2012 /  #42
Filip, Konrad, Feliks...
natasia  3 | 368  
23 Nov 2012 /  #44
Teddy. (Tadeusz)
Dorota Gouveia  - | 8  
28 Nov 2012 /  #45
how bout the following tho .


actually... Sasha is a boy's name - originates in Russia and it's a short from Aleksander.

I'd like a name that can flow well both in Polish and English.

if so, than try to find a name that writes and sounds the same way in both languages and doesn't determine if he should feel he is polish or english :

Harry84  1 | 82  
1 Sep 2017 /  #46

Suggestion of baby boy name

HI All,

Can you suggest some name of baby boy, name should be common of Indian(hindu) and polish.

Thanks in advanced.

Roger5  1 | 1432  
2 Sep 2017 /  #47
Daniel or Adamya.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
2 Sep 2017 /  #48

Note the following facts according to Wikipedia and other online sources regarding the history of the Jews in Poland and comparisons between Hinduism and Judaism:

- Jews lived in Poland for over a 1,000 years and in India for 2,000.

- Polish Christians would recognize the name Abraham from bible stories.

- There are many similarities between the Jewish and Hindu religions. Deceased Israeli scholar David Flusser noted that 'the tale of Abraham has many similarities with a certain story from the Upanishads, stating that "One can easily discover parallels in the Upanishads to the Abraham legend".'

- Hindus do not have a fraught history with Jews whereas Poles do.

Also, Leftists (especially their media) wildly celebrate the "revival" of Jewish life in Poland even in its most minute forms. So the name Abraham would definitely be an informed, virtue signaling choice.

The name Abraham is also common in other Western countries and the Polish spelling is exactly the same in many other languages which use a Roman style alphabet such as English, German, French, Spanish and even Esperanto and Tagalog. It's a perfect name for a future world with no borders.

Abraham is also certainly a name that bridges the deep linguistic and cultural chasms which exist between India and Poland.

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