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Where can I get a good American Haircut in Poznan?

25 Apr 2015 /  #1
I'm new to Poznan and haven't had a haircut since I've arrived. It's time for a trim and can't find a traditional barber. Can any if you help out?
teargas  - | 71  
25 Apr 2015 /  #2
I asked a friend that lives in Poznań, and he suggested that there's a very good American barber on ul. Szylinga. The guy is called Carlos, he's an older guy that's lived in Poznań for a while.

Might be worth a try?
jon357  72 | 23654  
26 Apr 2015 /  #3
There used to be a very good one (and cheap) at the railway station - not sure if it's still there especially since the building works and there's one near Rynek Srodecki that is OK.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Apr 2015 /  #4
Just curious, are you asking about a barber who holds US citizenship or any barber that barbers the American way? Is there even such a thing as an American-style haircut? If so, what is it?
26 Apr 2015 /  #5
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
27 Apr 2015 /  #6
Isn't that what's known in Poland as "na amerykańskego lotnika" or "żołnierza"?
f stop  24 | 2493  
27 Apr 2015 /  #7
I'm curious too, what is an American haircut?
el_easy  2 | 54  
27 Apr 2015 /  #8
It's time for a trim and can't find a traditional barber. Can any if you help out?

Note:I got this info from Facebook, I haven't try yet:

Name from facebook: Madi Da Barber
Hi everybody im hairdresser moved here to Poznan good with all kind of hair afro European also beard design .if interested just contact me will give salon address.reply in any language you can talk except Chinese. Thx

Location: Salon is lafayette galeria pestka. Poznan
facebook page: facebook.com/cassenoisette.mido?fref=nf
Salon page and location: lafayette.pl/strona2
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
27 Apr 2015 /  #9
An American-"style" haircut as compared with a kancik.
jon357  72 | 23654  
28 Apr 2015 /  #10
Yes. You might have to (I had to in Poznan) make sure they don't leave it bushy at the back in that kind of mini-mullet that seems to be popular among the bigos and Tyskie crowd.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
28 Apr 2015 /  #11
bigos and Tyskie crowd

Any chance of a photo?
jon357  72 | 23654  
28 Apr 2015 /  #12
None of these are 100% what I mean, but they should give a clue as to the way barbers in Poznan will do the back unless you make sure they don't.

  • image.jpg

  • image.jpg

  • image.jpg

  • image.jpg
Roger5  1 | 1432  
28 Apr 2015 /  #13
Good grief. I have a student with the first one. I must ask him about bigos and Tyskie.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
28 Apr 2015 /  #14
You mean they only do weirdo haircuts in Poznań?
23 Nov 2015 /  #15
Does anyone know where I can find a hairdresser that speaks english In Poznan ? I really need someone who I can communicate with because I'm a male with medium length hair and want to achieve a certain style , I fear that they will cut it too much if there's a poor communication.
23 Nov 2015 /  #16

There's one in M'M shopping mall
23 Nov 2015 /  #17
Greg , get in touch with this guy (American) david-polanddavid.blogspot.co.uk/ he knows all about Poznan
7 Dec 2019 /  #18

Four years later and your post saved my life. Thanks for posting this!

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