This bit of information about police seizing 18,000 portions of ampha in Bielsko-Biała in itself is not a major development, but it does raise a serious question. The only way to resolve the drug problem is by focusing on the demand end. As long as there are nutters who want to ingest poison, the problem will not go away. But Poland has laws against inciting or instigating criminal activity. Why are pop culture representatives (performers, composers, journalists, publishers, film makers, etc.), who effectively normative drug-taking by glamourising it as cool and trendy, not charged with inciting criminal activity. It is they, not parents, schools, the church, etc., who encourage young people to reach for and often become addicted to various stupefying substances.
Such an approach together with a serious crackdown on drug dealers and a dynamic anti-drug information campaign might achieve the results vote-seeking politicians only spout pious platitudes about.
Such an approach together with a serious crackdown on drug dealers and a dynamic anti-drug information campaign might achieve the results vote-seeking politicians only spout pious platitudes about.