Some say Norwegian Black Metal is satans music, but i dont agree. Disco Polo is the devils work! No other band makes me want to kill somebody like they do.
Norwegian Black Metal is Satanic, it is by nature. Still, Dimmu Borgir and the like have written some good stuff. Not to keen on Gorgoroth tho. Satyrycon can be quite melodic. Symphonic Black Metal is the best
It may be part of the cultural phenomenon where people who move away stick to the old traditions, whereas those who stay at home move on. Not only do I hear D**** P*** at home sometimes, it can also be heard when I'm at work blaring out of someone's mobile phone. I like cheese too much to call it cheesy. I prefer Porta's take on it.
Some say Norwegian Black Metal is satans music, but i dont agree. Disco Polo is the devils work! No other band makes me want to kill somebody like they do.
LOL I agree 100%. Gangsta rap makes me wanna yawn, but when I hear eurotrash disco - it turns me from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde.
how come your are exposed to it? If it is your roomate
definitely roommate (from £omża near Białystok, that was the capitol of the Disco Polo in the 90's, so I guess the "genre" is more persistent in the area)
Wrong. The £omżans I know don't go for Disco Polo like the flatmate does. He's from somewhere else. Thankfully he's not in this afternoon - a rare chance for a peaceful Saturday.
Yea heheh. I don't listen to dp but it's good for party : ) Everyone has fun with
I liked it! I liked the complexity of the melodyline, the sophisticated chord-scheme and the depth of the lyrics! And most of all, I liked the high quality video they made! These guys must have a huge budget at their disposal to make videos! Disco Polo Rules!
M-G (is feeling a bit awkward ever since he got out of bed this morning - and is now really, really off now: stop feeding me Disco Polo, before you know it, I will buy one of those flashy shirts these guys are wearing)
Discopolo is great! at least its more entertaining that american black gangsta wannabe's urging everyone to go out and "slap their ho's and buy a Hummer"
That first video sounds like a pisstake of some of ATB's tracks and aqua.
When it was in and a lot of people listened to it, I hated it. But now I have a lot of laugh over it! It's so horrible that it's hard to take it seriously. I like it at parties: this 'music' is perfect for taking the p*ss out of it and having good time.
I'd like to thank forum member Wyspianska for her occasional youtube links she provides to me, of dodgy Polish pop tunes played by groups of young men in the ealry 90s, often including at least one with a moustache, and often with titles like "Polskie Dziewczyny". I think she is determined to make me cringe.
I still haven't gotten round to working out "Jestes Szalona" on the banjo and thermin yet.
Mydełko FA is quite a catchy tune, these kids made me learn the lyrics at this summer camp I taught at, only polish i know now, "Dzien Dobry, gde sie pojawiac, na slanem ekranie..." [sic]