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Differences in Polish, American and British mentality

JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Mar 2011 /  #211
there may well be some deep-seated psychological issues, perhaps something to do with repressed memories from the years in which he and his mother had been abandoned by his daddy.

He shouldn't worry - it is no source of shame. Since time began, some unfortunate women have had to make a living in the only way they can, by selling that commodity for which there is always a demand, no matter how tattered and scabby it may have become through years of overuse.
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #212
Really??? one person was responsible for 40 million lacking basic items? ODD. One person taking things for 1 year (1988) made all peoples lives harder throughout 45 years of communism.

1 person multiple X times makes huge number.

I'm saying that everyone felt like the government has been taking, stealing from the people for yearsss

Now they also feel that. Do you encourage people to steal?
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2011 /  #213
One person taking things for 1 year (1988) made all peoples lives harder throughout 45 years of communism.

following your logic, if you steal a chocolate bar from a store, everyday for a year, it's ok, because nobody even notices and it won't make any change...

well, the change is that you will be labeled as a thief, for all the right reasons...
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #214
OMG you people are lame, yes lets go back to PRL you all wait in queues and live on kartki beg for crumbs i'll sell things and live like a human being, within a year you'll be begging me to let you join me. dwulicowce
Ironside  50 | 12333  
10 Mar 2011 /  #215
ok,you wanna buy a cow from America?

An American Cow ? nay ! you keep her !
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #216
Do you encourage people to steal?

Your question is without the necessary context. Let me ask question as well. Would you steal food if you were starving?

An American Cow ? nay ! you keep her !

so what do you want? What is your agenda?
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #217
Your question is without the necessary context. Let me ask question as well. Would you steal food if you were starving?

It's bs. Nobody was starving.

To reanimate discussion I would like to turn back to this issue:

And yes, people here do pretend not to be Polish. I won't point fingers but if one has a Polish nickname and yet you say you're not only NOT from Poland, but you don't even speak Polish, there is something to think about. If people claim that English is their native language but their sentence structure or their vocabulary doesn't reflect that, there's something to think about.

Many people here have Polish wifes and families or friends. Why do you think it's so hard to think of Polish nickname? I can think of English one, that's not a problem - does it mean I'm English?

Actually I still can't think of many users who have Polish nicknames and possibly could be Poles.

So who you exactly mean?
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #218
It's bs. Nobody was starving.

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #219
Half the people in the country took things from work, people in factories took parts and tool, railway workers sold rails, people in stores stole food, people in administrative positions took more valuable items he who didn't lived in misery, that was the reality. The other half (your parents)were SCARED, that's right scared. You're too young to know how it was in the 70s and 80s there was nothing in stores, inflation your paycheck was worthless, family form the countryside brought food to people in the cities.
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #220
Puella I’m asking you a question would you steal food for yourself and your kids if you were starving?

I won't get into that manipulation of your. Pennboy's dad wasn't starving.

Half the people in the country took things from work, people in factories took parts and tool,

Half of the school is cheating on tests - do you tell your kid to cheat as well?

people in factories took parts and tool, railway workers sold rails, people in stores stole food, people in administrative positions took more valuable items he who didn't lived in misery, that was the reality.

yes and they steal still if they just have any opportunity.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #222
I won't get into that manipulation of your. Pennboy's dad wasn't starving.

ok, So go ahead and explain to me why my father was stealing milk from the factory
Ironside  50 | 12333  
10 Mar 2011 /  #223
so what do you want? What is your agenda?

I want a fix! I'm PF junkie !

ok, So go ahead and explain to me why my father was stealing milk from the factory

For a cow?
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #224
For a cow?

Cows don't drink milk you dumbas$.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2011 /  #225
why my father was stealing milk from the factory

because thieves like zsiadle mleko?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
10 Mar 2011 /  #226
Cows don't drink milk you dumbas$.

Are you sure ? How about cream then ?
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #227
because thieves like zsiadle mleko?

ooooooh,so that's why... Thanks pgtx you're the best :)

Are you sure ? How about cream then ?

get off my thread and start you own, or write something that i can use against you later to make my point.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #228
because thieves like zsiadle mleko?

Because your mom's breast milk was stale HAHAHA
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2011 /  #229
ooooooh,so that's why... Thanks pgtx your the best :)

any time :)
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #230
ok, So go ahead and explain to me why my father was stealing milk from the factory

ask him. Do you suggest that those who didn't work in mleczarnia were starving? Maybe he was also looking for excuses for his greedy (no bo w końcu skoro można mieć 2 butelki mleka zamiast jednej...)

Uważam, że obaj Panowie nie dorośliście to amerykańskiej mentalności. Nieuczciwości nie można niczym wytłumaczyć. Można jej żałować i szukać "rozgrzeszenia", bo każdy ma chwile słabości. Ale pochwalanie jej, jako jedynej drogi do sukcesu jest po prostu oburzające. Większość skorumpowanych polityków tłumaczy sobie swoje postępowanie w taki sposób jak Panowie (bo każdy to robi, bo tak trzeba, bo nie ma innej możliwości, bo świat jest bezwzględny, bo inaczej nie można...). I ci komuniści którzy sprzedawali kraj też sobie pewnie tak to tłumaczyli. Penn nie tylko ty miałeś rodziców kierowników i wyobraź sobie, że nie wszyscy byli złodziejami... Może czasem lepiej jest być biednym frajerem, który na koniec swojego życia przynajmniej będzie mógł spojrzeć w lustro bez wstydu...
10 Mar 2011 /  #231
You're too young to know how it was in the 70s

Son, you weren't even born in the 1970s, don't try and tell us how it was then. Or rather, don't repeat your father's excuses.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #232
You gotta translate this to English for my wife, she wanted to read this. I'm not doing it, because it's a bunch of crap

ask him.

I think you should tell me, you seem to know everything.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #233
Penn nie tylko ty miałeś rodziców kierowników i wyobraź sobie, że nie wszyscy byli złodziejami... Może czasem lepiej jest być biednym frajerem

Wstyd powinien mieć reżim który okradał ludzi przez dekady z pieniędzy które im się należały, gdy się komuś oddaje czuje się ulgę i dumę , nie wstyd ;)
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #234
Wstyd powinien mieć reżim który okradał ludzi przez dekady z pieniędzy które im się należały

i gdzie te pieniądze szły twoim zdaniem?

gdy się komuś oddaje czuje się ulgę i dumę , nie wstyd ;)

komu oddałeś? Polsce?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #235
i gdzie te pieniądze szły twoim zdaniem?

Let's keep it in English it's disrespectful to others. The money went to my mom i saw my father give it to her, when he left for Spain we lived off that money. Kids were fed and clothed for it, he didn't spend it on vodka and hookers.

komu oddałeś?

communists got what they deserved, anything to help speed up the fall of the regime.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #236

I'm waiting on your explanation on why my father was stealing milk from his workplace back in Poland.

We were not starving in Poland so why would he keep stealing that fucken milk? Surely you gotta know the answer to this question. Just look at you, you know everything about Penn’s father.
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #237
Let's keep it in English it's disrespectful to others. The money went to my mom i saw my father give it to her, when he left for Spain we lived off that money. Kids were fed and clothed for it, he didn't spend it on vodka and hookers.

So you admit that your father was a part of regime? I was asking where those maney stolen by regime went...

communists got what they deserved, anything to help speed up the fall of the regime.

You're hopeless.

Ok. I wanna finish the discussion. Today I learn something new. Thank you all.

Btw. I would like to ask some foreigners is it also accepted in other countries to steal and under what conditions...

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