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Differences in Polish, American and British mentality

puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #181
Polish mentallity:
- looking for excuses for thefts
- looking for excuses for cheating ("schools demand too much unimportant knowledge, so I'm excused for cheating")

British mentallity:
- it is unacceptable to steal
- it is unacceptable to cheat

American mentallity:
- I'm too proud to steal
- I'm too proud to cheat
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #182
And I think you must secretly hate your father

I love my father, i did it to prove he wasn't a commie because some a holes wouldn't get off my case i knew how it would have made him look but stealing from PRL was a good thing.

but everyone can choose not to be a thief.

Have you even read what I wrote

they paid you almost nothing(for you young boys and girls in contrast to a capitalist country a communist chose how much they wanted to pay you, you paid no taxes utility bills were low but you were almost starving and had no material possessions, some deal) even after an education, so they robbed you of what was supposed to be your money, your health by working you like a dog, and your freedom

So pardon me if i don't cry for you Argentina.
10 Mar 2011 /  #183
Harry didn't say a word about stealing issue, yet. I wonder why...

What's to say about it? PennBoy has admitted that his father was a thief and that he stole from the very same people who he had betrayed by becoming a collaborator. It's black and white, very little to discuss.

Given that half his genes come from a traitorous, cowardly, mercenary thief, it is surprising that PennBoy hasn't turned out far worse than the miserable excuse for a human being which he actually is.

Did your mommy teach you that or you learned it from life?

And again you bring up mothers. I dread to think what Freud would have made of you.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #184
Given that half his genes come from a traitorous, cowardly, mercenary thief, it is surprising that PennBoy hasn't turned out far worse than the miserable excuse for a human being which he actually is.

And given that you come from a 2zl tirokwa mother who didn't finish grade school shows that you have absolutely no brain and are tower block trash.
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #185
t would have made him look but stealing from PRL was a good thing.

Penn he wasn't stealing from PRL. He was stealing from PRL citizens who as a result couldn't get many things which were constantly lacking... guess why?
Marynka11  3 | 639  
10 Mar 2011 /  #186
stealing from PRL was a good thing.

Stealing is never a good thing. I'm done. Have a good life Penn. Don't follow your fathers example.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
10 Mar 2011 /  #187
from the very same people who he had betrayed by becoming a collaborator

you're looping. did you take your meds today?

PennBoy hasn't turned out far worse than the miserable excuse for a human being which he actually is.

interesting logic structure

so, Harry, what makes you so much better, exactly? what is your claim to fame? you don't seem to be all that willing to say anything about yourself? afraid to reveal anything not-so-saintly? at least Penn is honest about his opinions and his background.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #188
Polish mentallity:
- looking for excuses for thefts
- looking for excuses for cheating ("schools demand too much unimportant knowledge, so I'm excused for cheating")

British mentallity:
- it is unacceptable to steal
- it is unacceptable to cheat

American mentallity:
- I'm too proud to steal
- I'm too proud to cheat

I would tend to agree with this one.

by becoming a collaborator

I'm not sure if you realize that word collaborator has a positive meaning in the US. I was confused why you kept saying that. I finally figured it out. lol.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
10 Mar 2011 /  #189
American mentallity:
- I'm too proud to steal
- I'm too proud to cheat

American mentality IMHO: I have too much too lose if I get caught cheating or stealing.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #190
Penn he wasn't stealing from PRL. He was stealing from PRL citizens who as a result couldn't get many things which were constantly lacking... guess why?

Really??? one person was responsible for 40 million lacking basic items? ODD. One person taking things for 1 year (1988) made all peoples lives harder throughout 45 years of communism.

The government robbed the people of the money they deserved.
w 20% rodzin robotniczych spożycie mięsa pozostawało poniżej normy "ledwie wystarczającej" (3 kg tygodniowo), 34% pozostawało w zakresie tej normy ale nadal poniżej normy "dostatecznej" i zaledwie 16% w jej granicach; jeszcze gorzej kształtowało się spożycie warzyw, ryb, owoców, masła i jaj,

w 10% rodzin przypadło po­niżej 3 m2 powierzchni mieszkalnej na osobę, w dalszych 19% rodzin od 3-4 m2, a w 10% rodzin od 4-5 m2 i w 13% rodzin 5-6 m2; łącznie 52% rodzin posiadało poniżej 6 m2 powierzchni mieszkalnej na osobę,

# ciepłą wodę bieżącą posiadało w mieszka­niu 1% badanych rodzin, zimna wodę bieżącą – 46% rodzin; ubikacje posiadało w domu mieszkalnym 25% rodzin, łazienki – 7% rodzin; na jednego członka badanych rodzin robotniczych przypadało średnio 0,3 łóżka,

# 65% robotników chorowało na przewlekłe choroby (badania na rodzinach pracowników Warszawskiej Fabryki Motocykli).
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Mar 2011 /  #191
one person was responsible for 40 million lacking basic items?

Corruption is a vicious circle - each link in the chain is as guilty as the rest.

One person taking things for 1 year (1988) made all peoples lives harder throughout 45 years of communism.

In a sense yes, if that person played their part.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #192
In a sense yes, if that person played their part.

Then half the people in the country were guilty don't single out one guy. I said it to make a point about him not being part of communism not for you to judge him, OK?
10 Mar 2011 /  #193
you come from a 2zl tirokwa mother who didn't finish grade school shows that you have absolutely no brain and are tower block trash.

Really showing your class there PenisBoy.

Your attempt at an insult falls rather flat for a number of reasons: firstly, there are no tirowki in the UK; secondly, 2zl is not now and never has been exchangeable into real money in the UK and one of the things prostitutes always want is to be paid (just ask your father about that); thirdly, of course she didn't finish grade school, there are no grade schools in the UK; fourthly, I clearly do have a brain, I'm using it in this thread to point out your lies. Unfortunately I wasn't actually brought up in a tower block; instead it was a rather nice house in the country and private school, all of which my father managed to pay for without stealing anything or collaborating with communist regimes in even one country, let alone two.

what makes you so much better, exactly

For one thing I'm not a racist cretin who makes Poland look bad. For another I'm not a traitor.

what is your claim to fame? you don't seem to be all that willing to say anything about yourself? afraid to reveal anything not-so-saintly?

Could you perhaps quote me saying that I'm famous? Or saying that I'm saintly. I've said far more about about myself than most people here (including you), just ask the regular posters who've been here for a while.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
10 Mar 2011 /  #194
Seriously, people, get real. You can't blame Penn's father, or a lot of others in his situation, for communism in Europe. I'm not inclined to half of the contents of my fridge to Africa, does it make me responsible for the famine there? Most of my clothes are not organic cotton, should I be crucified for global warming? You buy cheap sh*t from China, are you sending the money you save this way to educate poor children there?
10 Mar 2011 /  #195
I said it to make a point about him not being part of communism

I still fail to see why him being a thief makes it impossible for him to have been a commie. After all, you claim that the communist state was in itself a thief, which would mean that commies would also be thieves!
Ironside  50 | 12333  
10 Mar 2011 /  #196
I'm sure they will, put a bullet in your leader's psychotic as$

No, no ...Your distinguished leaders are using our BOSS help to squeeze more monies from you american cattle !there a lot of slack to do the squeezing !Soon you will join our faithfully slim praetorian iron ranks, rejoice !
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #197
American mentality IMHO: I have too much too lose if I get caught cheating or stealing.

I would agree that's true as well.

Polish-American mentality:
- I'm too proud to steal
- I'm too proud to cheat

A lot of Polish-Americans would associate stealing and cheating with the lowest form of survival. Resorting to those two is a sign of desperation.

No, no ...Your distinguished leaders are using our BOSS help to squeeze more monies from you american cattle !there a lot of slack to do the squeezing !Soon you will join our faithfully slim praetorian iron ranks, rejoice !

You're not making much sense. Do you wanna buy a cow or something?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #198
which would mean that commies would also be thieves!

hen half the people in the country were guilty don't single out one guy.

Havok said his father took thing, Ironside also admitted it, the list is very long half the people in Poland took from the government don't single out one person.

still fail to see why him being a thief makes it impossible for him to have been a commie. After all, you claim that the communist state was in itself a thief, which would mean that commies would also be thieves!

Yes but if he was a commie they wouldn't try to imprison him for it!!
change of subject, back on topic ..........
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2011 /  #199
people, get real. You can't blame Penn's father, or a lot of others in his situation, for communism in Europe

nobody blames him for communism... try to understand what you read...

You buy cheap sh*t from China, are you sending the money you save this way to educate poor children there

if people wouldn't buy it, it wouldn't be a problem...
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Mar 2011 /  #200
Then half the people in the country were guilty don't single out one guy

So in effect, you're saying that because everybody was doing it it somehow isn't as bad.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #201
I'm saying that everyone felt like the government has been taking, stealing from the people for yearsss... they felt it owed them something.
10 Mar 2011 /  #202
the list is very long

Yes, as is the list of commies, millions of Poles were in the party; for example, your father.

Yes but if he was a commie they wouldn't try to imprison him for it!!

Actually, commies were also sent to prison, even if they were just following orders. Look what happened to the murderers of Popieluszko.

One thing that troubles me though: if the commies were trying to imprison your father, how was he able to get a passport and an exit visa?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #203
millions of Poles were in the party; for example, your father.

As your mother was on the street selling herself, agreed.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
10 Mar 2011 /  #204
You do seem to have some deep and complex issues about this.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2011 /  #205
Poles, Americans and Brits have something in common, though... what do they think or do if a foreigner criticizes their presiden, government, life style etc?

take a wild guess.... :)
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #206
if people wouldn't buy it, it wouldn't be a problem...

I think what she is saying is that everyone buys cheep Chinese crap but no one really thinks about children in Chinese sweatshops who make it.

Personally I don't care, I like being able to buy 60 roles of paper towels that are made in China for 10 bucks and wipe up my cat's puke off the floor with it, without sweating about the cost.

Poles, Americans and Brits have something in common, though... what do they think or do if a foreigner criticizes their presiden, government, life style etc?

take a wild guess.... :)

perhaps consider what the other person says?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
10 Mar 2011 /  #207
You're not making much sense

At last we have something in common !
10 Mar 2011 /  #208
You do seem to have some deep and complex issues about this.

He most certainly does. At first I thought it was just him being himself (i.e. an utter arsehole) but now I think that there may well be some deep-seated psychological issues, perhaps something to do with repressed memories from the years in which he and his mother had been abandoned by his daddy.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
10 Mar 2011 /  #209
Personally I don't care, I like being able to buy 60 roles of paper towels that are made in China for 10 bucks and wipe up my cat's puke off the floor with it, without sweating about the cost.

charming... stop provoking... :)
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #210
At last we have something in common !

ok,you wanna buy a cow from America?

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