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Differences in Polish, American and British mentality

OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #151
I'd rather be poor and work for the good of Poland.

In Warsaw, I’m mean Harry, you sound like a commie to me. Are you looking for redemption?

You attack other people and insist on forgetting about individual well being, and working hard for the common good of the mother Polska... Seriously?

You're not going to get any sympathy from people who lived in a system that you’re describing here. Trust me. We’re free now and we do what’s good for us now.

Get to work and make something out of yourself too you loser.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
10 Mar 2011 /  #152
Thieves steal property; collaborators steal freedom.

As noble as it sounds, you can't feed your kids with freedom.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
10 Mar 2011 /  #153
You've already had your answer

In fact, I didn't. Please indulge me. What's the big deal? Why can't you say how you know this stuff?

I agree about the church, btw.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
10 Mar 2011 /  #154
Listen commies stole legally others illegally everyone did it, you didn't you lived just like all commoners on kartki. In Russia Vory v Sakonye is a proud term.

My father did do it!
Everyone ? Nay !It an excuse of a guilty ones !
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #155
Communists robbed all Poles!!!

No not communist. People like your father did it, regardless of their political views!

hat Catholic Church has brainwashed you, told you what to do, how to feel about certain things, meanwhile they steal from the people take their money take their services to build for free

What it has to do with your father?
10 Mar 2011 /  #156
That Catholic Church has brainwashed you, told you what to do, how to feel about certain things,
meanwhile they steal from the people take their money take their services to build for free, and
molest little children. They do all those things they've been teaching you are wrong.

What an impressive anti-church rant. Where did you take it from - Joseph Stalin's Life and
? Communist Propaganda Handbook for Traitors?
enkidu  6 | 611  
10 Mar 2011 /  #157
Communists robbed all Poles!!! your money your health, freedom to hurt them was something good why is it so hard for you to see that?

Exactly. And your father was one of them. He escaped the commie paradise like a rat from sunken ship.
It's your and your father's problem. Not ours.

Just cut down the "Brave freedom fighters escaped Poland while the collaborators stays" - story? OK?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #158
My father did do it!

There you go, maybe not all but many people did.

What it has to do with your father?

It has to do with you having this idea of what is right and wrong. You've been brainwashed by your Catholic upbringing. This church steals money from people as much as they can suck out of you they can, in the Polish countryside they use people for services (houses #104 to 154 we need people to build a new roof, houses #162 to 201 we need people to lay a new sidewalk etc.) for free!! they lie and they deceive people, molest little children and at the same time teach you not to do the same. You said something of anti semitism, the Pope and the church approved of the extermination of the Jews!! people who should be for peace, how many thousands of women were killed or burned because of being belied to be witches? You've been brainwashed by these people meanwhile they do with you as they please.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #159
No not communist. People like your father did it, regardless of their political views!

I think it's really presumptuous to say that is a system where everyone was stealing one person is guiltier than the other one.

For instance, my father was stealing milk from the factory where he worked at. He supposed to have only one bottle of milk per day but he took two. I'm sure other parents did similar things. I know it’s shameful but that was the system back than. Everyone did what they had to do to survive.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
10 Mar 2011 /  #160
Communists robbed all Poles!!! your money your health, freedom to hurt them was something good why is it so hard for you to see that? That Catholic Church has brainwashed you, told you what to do, how to feel about certain things, meanwhile they steal from the people take their money take their services to build for free, and molest little children. They do all those things they've been teaching you are wrong.

tisK,tisk ....till now I was giving your father benefit of the doubt about that collaboration thingy, after above words, words of your father mainly I suppose, I have doubts no more, tell me, is your father active member of one of Polish organization in U.S.?
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #161
Go back to North Korea dude. Work on some failed nukes with your buddies.
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #162
I think it's really presumptuous to say that is a system where everyone was stealing one person is guiltier than the other one.

For instance, my father was stealing milk from the factory where he worked at

And now you wonder why Poles are considered as a nation of thieves...

I know it’s shameful but that was the system back than.

Oh it's just like cheating at schools now. A part of a system...

It has to do with you having this idea of what is right and wrong.

I don't believe in Catholic Church. You got wrong adress...
And it's my parents' upbringing not church's.
Marynka11  3 | 639  
10 Mar 2011 /  #163
This church steals money from people as much as they can suck out of you they can

Penn, there is a huge difference between willingly taking money from you pocket and putting it in the church basket, and secretly schlepping stuff from a factory to secretly sell.

Please do not compare priests to your father. If I put little effort I can understand why he collaborated. But the fact that he is a thief killed any respect for that man.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
10 Mar 2011 /  #164
Go back to North Korea dude. Work on some failed nukes with your buddies.

Don't worry comrade, your secret service will help us with that!
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #165
I'm sure they will, put a bullet in your leader's psychotic as$
10 Mar 2011 /  #166
the Pope and the church approved of the extermination of the Jews!

Yes. That's probably why Pius XII had set up an organisation to save Jews and helped
thousands of them. Raphael's Verein supplied Jewish families running away from
Germany with money and passports, but I guess there's nothing about it in your
favourite book: Anti-Church Libel For Dummies?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #167
Penn, there is a huge difference between willingly taking money from you pocket and putting it in the church basket,

OK Marynka we talked of Port Richmond yest. you think when the monseigneur at that parish says "we have a 2 thousand dollar heating bill this month" or "why don't you guys just give your money to the church you'll spend it anyways" is right?

That's why f that neighborhood and f that church.

why he collaborated

He never collaborated, he took from them and gave to his family, a noble cause.
10 Mar 2011 /  #168
He never collaborated, he took from them and gave to his family, a noble cause.

And the bit where he built weapons for two different communist regimes? That doesn't meet the definition of 'collaborator'? It seems that you're in a minority of one when it comes to that definition!
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #169
So we have 3 categories: People who say...
1. that commies were thieves and those who weren't commies weren't thieves even if they were stealing (PennBoy, Havok)
2. that thieves were commies because they were thieves (Ironside, Harry)
3. that thieves are thieves (me)

Who's right? ;)
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #170
And now you wonder why Poles are considered as a nation of thieves...

We're not but some people still have that mentality. I grew up here but I understand that my father, as much as I’m ashamed of it, did what he had to do.

Who's right? ;)

I think you should go and live in North Korea with Iron. Come back in 5 years and tell us about your experiences.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #171
Exactly you did what you had to do that ****** up system forced you to fend for yourself, they paid you almost nothing(for you young boys and girls in contrast to a capitalist country a communist chose how much they wanted to pay you, you paid no taxes utility bills were low but you were almost starving and had no material possessions, some deal) even after an education, so they robbed you of what was supposed to be your money, your health by working you like a dog, and your freedom so pardon me if i don't feel sorry.
10 Mar 2011 /  #172
as for Poland everything they built in HSW went for export to the Middle East, Iraq, Syria, Libya I double checked with him it was all for foreign customers (at least during those 5 years here was there)

Interesting that you now say that everything daddy built was for export. In the past you have twice said (here and here) that your father built "tanks and APCs for the Polish Army".

So were you lying then or are you lying now? Or were you lying then and you are lying now?

Exactly you did what you had to do

Interesting: in the past you said here that your daddy built weapons "to protect [Poland] from evil, what have you done to protect Poland?!?!" But now you claim that he did it because he had to do it.

So were you lying then or are you lying now? Or were you lying then and you are lying now?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #173
tanks and APCs for the Polish Army

that was a joke on you, silly LOL
10 Mar 2011 /  #174
The joke round here is you, dear boy. The problem is that you are not funny.
OP Havok  10 | 902  
10 Mar 2011 /  #175
So were you lying then or are you lying now? Or were you lying then and you are lying now?

As a side note: I worked with a Russian guy who used to design nukes before he came to the US. He escaped Russia in late 70's. Everyone understood that he wasn't directly responsible for what he had to do to over there in Russia. I'm not sure why you have issues with understanding that.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #176
The joke round here is you, dear boy

No you're the joke and most people on this forum seam to think so. Why don't you go complain to the admit again about how people are picking on you, crybaby.
ItsAllAboutME  3 | 270  
10 Mar 2011 /  #177
Ok, unless anyone has trouble with reading comprehension, i think we established that Penn's father wasn't a communist. The fact that the factory made some military equipment doesn't not mean his father was responsible for the oppression of democracy in the Eastern block. He worked at a factory, he didn't run it. I doubt he had much of a say about what was made there and where it was shipped.

Stealing is never admirable, but neither is passing judgment on people you don't know. And for all the self-righteous paragons of virtue here, the fact that Poland is still perceived as a corrupt country makes you hypocrites. Sure, it's the other people who steal, and the other people who lie. Who pronounced you a saint, Harry? It's still kind of interesting that you seem to know a lot about stuff going on in Poland back then but don't want to say how you learned it. I bet if you were in the same situation, you would steal that factory steel or whatever without a second thought about it.

And there is no doubt that church's mission is to mass-brainwash people, for power and material gain, but perhaps we should start a separate church thread.
puella  4 | 170  
10 Mar 2011 /  #178
I'm not sure why you have issues with understanding that.

He does not. He's just messing around. I just can't understand why he doesn't change the song from 'treason' to 'theft'...

Ok, unless anyone has trouble with reading comprehension, i think we established that Penn's father wasn't a communist. The fact that the factory made some military equipment doesn't not mean his father was responsible for the oppression of democracy in the Eastern block. He worked at a factory, he didn't run it. I doubt he had much of a say about what was made there and where it was shipped.

So what? As I said before it's better to be a communist than a thief. Period.

And for all the self-righteous paragons of virtue here, the fact that Poland is still perceived as a corrupt country makes you hypocrites

it's still corrupted because of people who say it's ok to steal because everyone does it. Guess when have they learn it?

I bet if you were in the same situation, you would steal that factory steel or whatever without a second thought about it.

Harry didn't say a word about stealing issue, yet. I wonder why...
Marynka11  3 | 639  
10 Mar 2011 /  #179
He never collaborated, he took from them and gave to his family, a noble cause.

No, Penn, he took from my family end everyone else's family and gave it to yours.
Not everyone has the moral lining to be "Czlowiek z zelaza", but everyone can choose not to be a thief.

you think when the monseigneur at that parish says "we have a 2 thousand dollar heating bill this month" or "why don't you guys just give your money to the church you'll spend it anyways" is right?

the monseigneur doesn't come to my house and take my wallet at night. I don't see any point bringing church into this.

And I think you must secretly hate your father. Why else would you share more and more revelations that bring more and more ridicule and name calling on him?
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
10 Mar 2011 /  #180
So what? As I said before it's better to be a communist than a thief. Period.

Did your mommy teach you that or you learned it from life?

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