I also meant this light heartedly, I wasn't making stabs at larger cities....I realise it didn't come out that way.
I didn't mean to sound vicious.. sorry if I did. I just don't want guests from foreign countries to think that they are being ripped off just because some polish native says that he pays less (and forgets to mention that he's having a refund)
I am polish, but I am native British, I don't have a pesel number, and I don't get treatment na kasie zdrowych, or something like that, that is available to polish residents.
I didn't get a refund and I didn't get a discount.
That is the price he charges everyone that isn't done on the polish healthcare service. (:
Just to correct you, white fillings are not NHS - they are considered "private" hence the price, £60 is about right.
Thank you, that was my point, that I would have to pay £60 privately, otherwise that would defy the point of free healthcare...I should have been clearer (: