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What do decent Poles think about true rightists ?

OP pawian  226 | 27364  
8 Mar 2019 /  #31
Who is more leftist than PiS ?

Yes, PiS is totally f..ked up, with leftist economy and rightist ideology.

So you are wrong on all counts. Alternatively you have formed your question poorly.

No, I don`t think so. But thanks for voicing your presence here and I understand your words. :) While writing the first post, I was thinking of our local Polish PiS and nationalists mainly. Now I look at those points again and see you perfectly match them, too, practically all of them. So, congrats, you might become a living example of a rightist disliked by decent people. :):)

As for explaining decent, I already did it.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Mar 2019 /  #32
Yes, PiS is totally f..ked up, with leftist economy and rightist ideology.

Kind of like national socialism, the best type of government.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
8 Mar 2019 /  #33
National socialism? :) Yes, I have always suspected those Pi-SS men of being crypto fascists. :):)
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
8 Mar 2019 /  #34
If we measure "good" government in terms solely of "efficiency" in getting certain things done, indeed National Socialism was
good (though not exactly "clean"!) government. If we measure effective government in terms of satisfying ALL of its citizens, obviously any other
form of government other than a democracy is a dismal failure!

The presence of the latter proves the eventual ineffectiveness of the former.
Churchill said it best of course when he once remarked that democracy was the most ineffectual form of government on earth, but (paraphrasing) we have

come up with none better.

If we continue to revert back to our animal forbearers rather than developing forward, we all might as well pack it in and stay home:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
8 Mar 2019 /  #35
If we measure effective government in terms of satisfying ALL of its citizens,

No government form satisfies all it's citizens. If anything western EU and n.a. democracy seems to care more about non citizen brown people than natives who built the country. National socialism doesn't. It's puts it's citizens and the country first and foremost.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
9 Mar 2019 /  #36
What makes those non-citizens any less worthy of becoming citizens, albeit they're not from the same "stock" shall we say, as those founded the country?

The whole point is that the argument unwittingly is fueled by racism, mired in the ideology of those who seek control. It's a conundrum, except of course for parties such as the AfD or PEGIDA, looking for quick fixes to difficult problems, as I've been saying.

FDR once remarked that if all the citizens of the US are not being properly served by their government to whom they pay taxes, incidentally,, then NONE are being served,

adequately or otherwise.

Such was true then, and it's true now!!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Mar 2019 /  #37
What makes those non-citizens any less worthy of becoming citizens

IQ, hard and soft skills, literacy, the inability to stop raping European women despite taxpayer funded classes teaching them they cant.....

then NONE are being served

Oh the people who don't work, don't contribute and live on disability and benefits have it pretty good all things considered...
mafketis  38 | 11127  
9 Mar 2019 /  #38
the AfD or PEGIDA, looking for quick fixes to difficult problems

AfD did not cause the difficult problems. And there's a terrible disconnect between public opinion (58% want less or no immigration) and political parties where the only party to reflect public opinion is.... AfD...
Ironside  50 | 12928  
9 Mar 2019 /  #39
No, I don`t think so.

Yes, you don't think - that is obvious. Only then you can live in a fantasy world where you're always right.

disliked by decent people.

Define those decent people? Are they somewhat like you? A mentally lazy an average IQ pen pusher with an inferiority complex? For whom appearances are everything?

You're familiar with a Polish term - 'dulszczyzna'?

If that the case those are not decent people who dislike me or someone like me. Those are F peasants! lol!
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
9 Mar 2019 /  #40
You will never hush up decent people. They will always consider you a disgusting rightist abnormality, for everything you do and say. :):)

You're familiar with a Polish term - 'dulszczyzna'?

Yes, I am but it is obvious you don`t know what you are talking about. Stop pretending you are Polish. :):)
Dougpol1  29 | 2497  
9 Mar 2019 /  #41

Which your children will end up paying for. The country will bankrupt itself very quickly, and that's a given.
Answer: make plans to get the hell out of Poland if you are of a certain age.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
9 Mar 2019 /  #42
Don`t lose hope, those mad rightists will lose majority and power soon. Give decent Poles a chance. :):)
I am not planning to leave, neither do I advise it to my children. Polish patriots must stay to do away with PiS and its henchmen. If we all leave, who will do it?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Mar 2019 /  #43

Quite the opposite. It's normal decent poles who consider things like gay marraige, demographic replacement with turd worlders, and trans children to be abnormalities.

Polish patriots

Polish patriots are the ones who despise the lewacy and EU meddling in our affairs and telling us to bring in mud people by the literal boat load
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
9 Mar 2019 /  #44
Why do you say us if you can`t even speak Polish properly? Us stands for real Poles from Poland, not some degenerated Am Pollacks. :) With your vile attitudes, you only bring shame to true Poland. I almost hate myself for having to speak to such lowlives. :)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Mar 2019 /  #45
I was born in Poland, speak write and read polish and am a polish citizen and taxpayer. Are you all of those things? If yes that makes you just as polish, if not you're a lesser pole.

The fact is that the majority of US, meaning polish citizens reject gay marraige and turd world migration. If you support such things you are moving against the wishes of the majority of polish citizens. It's that simple
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
9 Mar 2019 /  #46
The fact is that the majority of US, meaning polish citizens reject gay marraige and turd world migration.

At the same time, 80% Poles support the EU which, in your opinion, is the primary source of those "nasty" things you mentioned. :):) How about that incongruity? :)
Ironside  50 | 12928  
9 Mar 2019 /  #47
You will never hush up decent people.

Hush? What are you talking about? You Soviets are condoning a ban on a free speech. If I tell you to shut up it means don't lie and slander

Stop pretending you are Polish. :):)

What would you know about being Polish? You're a Polish speaking Soviet.
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
9 Mar 2019 /  #48
What would you know about being Polish?

I am truly Polish, and that is the second most important thing I have, next to my family. That is why I am here to defend the only country where I can and want to live, Poland, against degenerated scum like you and your sort.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
9 Mar 2019 /  #49
I am truly Polish

It is sad because you really belief that to be true.

In fact you're more soviet than Polish.
Lyzko  44 | 9711  
9 Mar 2019 /  #50
Maf, still an "us vs.them" policy helps nobody, except the person or persons calling the shots! The two nationalist parties are polarizing the country as never before since the end of WWII and I fear for Germany's future! Pandering to fear alone solves nothing. Just look at Donald Trump, Blowhard-in-Chief who'd have been long out of office, if the US had a vote of No Confidence as exists throughout much of Europe.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
9 Mar 2019 /  #51
The two nationalist parties are polarizing the country as never before

The polarization is between majority citizen opinion and the people who are supposed to be serving them and who are not!
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
9 Mar 2019 /  #52
At the same time, 80% Poles support the EU

Indeed. If someone was throwing money at you you'd like them too. Poles like the EU because it provided money and access to more markets.

That doesn't mean that poles support LGBT or migrant agendas, which the majority of poles clearly don't. Neither do they appreciate meddling in our affairs.

where I can and want to live, Poland, against degenerated scum like you and your sort.

That's rich considering the majority of poles are very much against the agendas you support. But leftists never care about what the majority of people want or a nations sovereignty, kind of like the soviets which today are simply cultural marxists. Different times, same b.s. No in their eyes they're always right and must save a population from themselves. Luckily we have a system where each person is one vote and the fact is Poland will remain a socially conservative country for a long time. They sure as hell don't want to end up like w Europe. That's why to this day there has been ZERO Islamic terror attacks. That's thanks to the Polish societies desires, and they desire to not bring in millions of turd worlders and support them to the tune of tens of billions a year like Germany, nor do they want gay marraige or other degeneracies which undermine the traditional polish family
mafketis  38 | 11127  
10 Mar 2019 /  #53
Neither do they appreciate meddling in our affairs

You thinking that you're Polish.... is the funniest thing ever!!!!!!
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
10 Mar 2019 /  #54
Luckily we have a system where each person is one vote and the fact is Poland will remain a socially conservative country for a long time.

Who knows? We will see. But judging by the recent changes in Polish attitude to various things, especially since Poland joined the EU in 2004, I don`t think this "long time" will last so long. :)

E.,g, I quoted statistics about the changing attitude to gays. With that pace, gay marriages will have become commonly accepted and legalised by 2030. Is that long enough? :)


It is inevitable, I am afraid. I suppose you realise it, hence your fury when talking about it - you are enraged because nobody can stop such course of events.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
10 Mar 2019 /  #55
ZERO Islamic terror attacks.

A Turk apparently knived another Turk to death last night in Wrocław :/
OP pawian  226 | 27364  
10 Mar 2019 /  #56
Wow, really? PPC - purely political correctness. While reading about it, I had no idea they were Turkish. Those lying media again! ):)

Reminds me of how this thread began:

One of the participants used a knife and 4 people landed in hospital. Readers` comments suggest that the group of foreigners was of Turkish origin and laugh that their nationality was kept secret due to PC.

mafketis  38 | 11127  
10 Mar 2019 /  #57
A Turk apparently knived another Turk to death last night in Wrocław :/

Turks or Kurds? In Germany at least the great majority of crime by 'Turks' is committed by Turkish Kurds...
Shitonya Brits  
10 Mar 2019 /  #58
Muslim migrants coming to Poland and killing each other? How can that be?

We are told repeatedly that these are highly skilled, over qualified teachers, doctors, lawyers and IT experts who are doing the jobs Poles refuse to do. Their presence is a living example of tolerance, peace, diversity, inclusion and respect which Polish men lack (but not women of course!).

It wasn't murder because migrants do not have hatred in their hearts and are not prone to violence.

And the prescient virtue-signalling OP already gave us the answer for what really happened!

These two migrants elected to come to Poland but that meant they had no choice but to practice self-defence on each other because:

rightists would like to round up all...Muslim immigrants etc and close them in concentration camps

See, because of "rightists", Muslim migrants are forced to carry knives to protect themselves and Polish men (not women of course!) are solely to blame.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
10 Mar 2019 /  #59
Not entirely, I am pretty much against abortion (life or death situations is when I tolerate laws/state/Police to intervene. Otherwise I am very anti state. Like, I am not happy about people talking about their sexuality all the time or making a big deal out of it. Bad manners, not an interesting topic and perverse (simply put stupid). But beating up people for being stupid or jailing them? Not so sure. In Britain it wasn't alliert being homosexual and either tortured by medicine (enforced by state) or excecuted. Which is why I understand why all this nonsense is happening in the west, especially Lutheran countries.

So in Polish politics I take a more anti-gay stance, cause I am less afraid that Polish politicians will go overboard then for instance conservatives or rightside in U.S.A or U.K.

I am open to immigration, I have a very capitalistic outlook on it. And what Poland&Poles are doing by welcoming Ukrainians to Poland for work shows the great soul of the Polish nation, especially despite WW2 experiences.

Opening borders to massive immigration from Africa and Asia is a mistake in my opinion. Smaller scale immigration yes. But big immigration I would be careful with. Especially if voulenteer organizations struggle to keep up.

I am also more Liberal then right wing when it comes to other people's opinion. I am very pragmatic during conversations. I can totally disagree with someone but, still listen if I might learn something. I have only had one situation where one in a political disucussion made me think of him as a monster and quit talking.

I think the main problem with many on the right side of (left as well) is that one is quick to judge and lock yourself out of a discussion. Good example is the name calling between pawian and Ironside.

In Polish politics I wish there was some capitalist party present that had a chance of adding anything to the table.
I see somewhat PO as social-Democrat's trying to be social-liberal and are mostly able to portray themselves as corrupt due to scandals.

PiS seems to be very state supporting&state building. It seems nationalist in the sense of building up the Polish state, but with 500+ and other socialist like promises it gives me shivers.

So I put them as socially conservative social-democrats. With a strong patriotic flavor.

Two main parties seem to have a lot influenced by PRL in how a state should be run, which makes me angry, sad and pessimistic.

On the other hand there are right wing media growing independently and many young are on the right side of politics in Poland.
Hopefully the young generation will emphasize Catholicism to a larger degree then Slavic race or culture per say.
Shitonya Brits  
10 Mar 2019 /  #60
Your preference for a Catholic "civic nationalism" in Poland is really an unsatisfactory proposal because it has no merit.

The older generation (both in the progressive dying West and the former Soviet Bloc) spent most of their decades on Earth attacking Christianity and in particular Catholicism.

Now you hope young people will revive it and give it emphasis? LOL!

The Abrahamic religions are finally getting their comeuppance because young people don't want anything to do with any of them.

The original Slavic peoples celebrated their own indigenous customs and beliefs anyway. But these have been sullied over centuries by foreign Middle Eastern monotheistic cultures and beliefs.

And introducing migrants from all over the planet will only turn Poland into a gigantic long-stay hotel with the same degree of interrelatedness and loyalty which guests staying at one have for each other.

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