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Polish culture versus rotten West

23 Feb 2016 /  #241
I any country there is a minority of idiots (Some not all IRA members.)


Britain Had Oswald Mosley and his browns hirts.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Feb 2016 /  #242
Ireland was neutral

Yes, that is what I said.

but 5,000 Irish soldiers

Makes no difference.

What interested me about Polish politics

Polish politicks should be quite easy to grasps for you. Imagine Ireland that regained independence but with loyalist in charge with all the big landowners and such in the places of power. Who would claim to be a proper Irish patriots and those who oppose them purported to be some radicals or haters.

As for the media they are talking trivia to avoid talking problems and real issues. Kinda like keeping the lid on the boiling kettle with scandals as means to divert some steam from it.
23 Feb 2016 /  #243
The Irish understand what it means to have to struggle for their own independence, I think this is why the Poles and Irish in the UK were so close.

We Irish, Poles and Italians were the only real targets for the racists back in the the day before mass immigration from the colonies.

We would be in the same Roman catholic schools, go to the same church, The Polish and Irish Clubs Were interchangeable venues for us.

Forgot to add , when my father was demobbed from the British army he couldn't speak any English, the local priest spoke to one of the Irish contractors that went to the same church, they gave him a job on the building site with the other Irish guys. they got round the language barrier some how.
23 Feb 2016 /  #244
We were too occupied with WARS thanks to foreign western invasions aka German, Swedish, Austrian to name few of the bastards, not to mention British murdering herds in the form of Christian crusaders form the order of Teutonic knights (that included the Irish not only Germans).

Funny you missed the biggest murdering bastards of all. The Empire that invaded Poland three times during and occupued it for most of the 20th century.

Not a stupid teenage, just another paid Russian Troll.
Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Feb 2016 /  #245
that is what I said

No, you said that Ireland had no part in WWII which is not strictly true. Of course Ireland suffered comparatively little in the war but we didn't exist in isolation. We had rationing and air raid shelters and plans for evacuation of children from Dublin etc. People weren't idiots. The fear of a possible invasion by the Nazis, being such a small country ,was very real.

Although we were technically neutral we did a great deal to assist the British forces, including smuggling shot down Allied pilots back to Britain, giving the use of Irish air space to the British air force, in particular the Donegal Corridor giving them access to the Atlantic in order to protect convoys there. And the Donegal Corridor played a key role in the sinking of the Bismarck.

Also Ireland's neutraity meant that we were one of the few countries to retain an embassy in Rome. This enabled Irish priest Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty to save the lives of at least 6,500 allied prisoners of war and Jews.

Finally the fact of the matter is that Irish people lost loved ones in the war in the same way that the British or any of the Allies did. Irish men and women died fighting the Nazis and that is a fact Ironside. The very first RAF pilot to be shot down was Irish, as was his navigator Larry Slattery who was the longest serving POW of WWII. More Irish men died flying for the RAF than Czech or French. At least 11 Irish men serving with the Special Forces were executed by the Nazis.

Mods, I know that all of this isn't strictly on topic but out of respect to the memory of all who served or suffered in whatever capacity in the war, I would ask that you leave it here. Thank you.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
24 Feb 2016 /  #246
@Atch: Since you obvioulsy have NOTHING to write re Poland and Polish things in general, I am sure you can find an Irish forum very easily.

Amazing that mods/administrators don't say anything about all these OFF TOPIC posts! I was suspended for 2 days because of off topic comments whereas Atch is off topic at least 99.99% of time.

Double standards! "sad"

PS: as to socalled neutrality, be aware that de Valera (who offered Ireland's condoleances to Germany on May 3, 1945 further to Hitler's suicide on April 30, 1945) was together with his friends Franco and Salazar a good friend of Hitler's and that's the reason why countries like Spain, Portugal and Ireland were not invaded. I suppose that in your history books they are silent about a lot of events ;). But never mind, POLISH fora are NOT about Ireland, Pakistan, Singapore, France or Paraguay but about POLAND and everything related hereto ;)
Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Feb 2016 /  #247
See my comments in off-topic.
24 Feb 2016 /  #248
Amazing that mods/administrators don't say anything about all these OFF TOPIC posts!

If the mods consider them to be off topic they will be binned. Besides the topic is partly about 'rotten west' and Ireland is a western country.

What I'm more surprised about is that you feel the need to constantly have a go at a person who has fought your corner when others here were giving you a hard time. Not nice InPolska.
24 Feb 2016 /  #249
I don 't think we are talking off topic here, we are talking about our experiences in western countries me as a son of a exiled Polish family , growing up in the UK and the connections that the exiled poles had with Ireland and the UK, Also contributions made to fight off the Nazis, I think that this discussion helps show that not all western countries cultures arer rotten
InPolska  9 | 1796  
24 Feb 2016 /  #250
@Dolno! please be objective! There is a difference between mentioning a few personal background facts in oder to illustrate something (what we all do) and writing only off topic messages the way Atch does. All posts from Atch concern Ireland, how great everything is over there but nothing re Poland. Obviously she does not know anything about Poland and I'm sure there are plenty of Irish fora where she'll be able to write all she wants.

As of today (well, I'll be at work at 11 so I need get ready ;)), I no longer read her because NOTHING re Poland. If I am in a POLISH forum, it is because I live in Poland and am connected to Poland through my (in-law) family. Poland and NOT Ireland or any other country is OUR link.

I don't understand why Mods put up with all Atch's off topic messages....
Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Feb 2016 /  #251
Firstly InPolska, I am Irish and my nationality is relevant because I see things from an Irish perspective just as you see them from a mixture of French and Spanish (which may account for your arrogance, what a double dose, between those two nations!!).

Secondly, the title of this thread suggests that everyone from Western Europe is the same and shares common characteristics, all negative of course. That's simply not true. I am not prepared to allow somebody to make statements like that and let them go unchallenged.

Interestingly Ktos never actually defined what Polish culture is in the 21st century. How about we turn the thread in that direction. I too have things to do now but I'm happy to give my views on that later. What is Polish culture? Get the ball rolling there Madame.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
24 Feb 2016 /  #252
@Atch: to finish, who cares what nationality you, I or others have? There is neither pride nor shame of being from X or Y country ;). I am myself a "product" of 3 different nationalities and I am not going to be awarded a medal the way you expect to be put onto a pedastal because you are ... Irish ("mdr"). Of course, we see things through our own experience (I do too obviously) but in your case, it is different because you ONLY talk about Ireland (and of course how the best you guys are in everything) and NEVER re Poland.

What % of your posts are about Poland? Not even 1% ;)
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
24 Feb 2016 /  #253
Quite possible. There's a lot of them online going on about Slavic unity and all the rest of it, when anyone that's spent 10 minutes in Poland can see that Poles really couldn't care less.

There is a lot more Americans online doing the dirty job of creating bad relations between Polish and Russians. These are Americans of Jewish background, some of them are here on Polish Forum. This manipulation is something that Polish fall victim of since Americans are fully aware of the historical tensions that continue for this day between both Slavic nations. "Divide and conquer" is the western motto that often driven Julius Caesar. Our Slavic quarreling is used by westerners and others to create more chaos and disorder and to divide us more. Slavic tribes fought each other but there existed certain unity nevertheless between them, this has been broken once an outsider began meddling in Slavic affairs and now the pioneers of causing intrigue in Slavic lands are westerners, most notably Americans or American Jews usually posing as only a businessmen (on a "business" visit to Poland)
Vincent  8 | 793  
24 Feb 2016 /  #254
I don't understand why Mods put up with all Atch's off topic messages....

A quick search through your posts revels you mentioned 'France' 156 times, and 'French' 174 times. Atch has mentioned 'Ireland' 118 times and 'Irish' 110 times. It seems to me that both of you could be working for the French and Irish tourist boards and are getting free advertising on here.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
24 Feb 2016 /  #255
I mentioned Jews in only a handful of my threads and you have not allowed any of them to be displayed here. However, it is fine for some of the others to mention French million times as well as Irish (I have no problem with that but do not be a hypocrite moderator). So why then are Jewish topics and critique of Jews censored and why are Jews being treated like sacred cow by you on this forum?
Vincent  8 | 793  
24 Feb 2016 /  #256
Probably because most of your threads/posts try to incite hatred and racism, are off topic or in the wrong forum. I would suggest you stick to the topic of this thread as it might well get closed down if you don't.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
24 Feb 2016 /  #257
@Atch: to finish re topic. 99% of my posts deal with Poland ;). When I mention France, it is only when country is attacked by low educated monolingual ignorant rednecks as I'm against letting things that are not true unanswered. Since you have so much time and you are bored, do check all my messages. Furthermore, someone in PF gave my nationality and I did not because irrelevant and like I said, no pride no shame to be x or y. Obviously you have nothing to write about Poland. All you want us to read is that you are from Ireland but who gives a dam&&& where you are from? ;

Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Feb 2016 /  #258
I thought you'd finished a couple of hours ago.

Many of your posts about Poland, ma petite, are notable only for the fact that they are scornful, contemptuous and superior, looking down on Polish people for their poor diets, their unattractive appearance, their Eastern ways etc. Your posts generally contain a fair dose of me, me, me......boasting and preening and self-congratulation about your education, your extensive travels, your language skills. Your utter delight in your fabulous self is an inspiration to all. And by the way you haven't known thousands of Poles, you've encountered thousands perhaps but to say that you've known them - now there's a bit of typically Gallic hyperbole.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
24 Feb 2016 /  #259
now there's a bit of typically Gallic hyperbole.

I was waiting for reference to Irish something, I was reading your post with great tension - where is Ireland, where is It? You are good at creating suspension, like Hitchcock, I like it, right to the end.

What you have written in your post is a testament to your lack of self-knowledge and I mentioned to you already that this gap is a great western trait that I do not associate with but I know it through my encounters with westerners. And there is another thing, just like you, typical (not all) westerner believes wholeheartedly that he/she is right and nothing in the world will change that - that is the effect of having been raised in a system which feeds you with constant: "be confident, you are a winner and don't let anyone tell you otherwise". In Poland we would call it vain, idiotic attitude coupled with low life arrogance of high degree and so pathetic that one does not know whether to cry or laugh at it.

Many of your posts about Poland, ma petite, are notable only for the fact that they are scornful, contemptuous and superior, looking down on Polish people for their poor diets, their unattractive appearance

You totally misread my posts. What poor diet? I don't even recall writing about diet. What unattractive appearance? We Slavs actually look quite subtle, one of the most desirable appearances belongs to us but it is not mainly to our credit so no point boasting about it - not polite. Again, when did I write about Polish appearance in derogatory manner? I am superior to Polish people? I am Polish hello?
Atch  21 | 4149  
24 Feb 2016 /  #260
You totally misread my posts.

Actually Ktos, I was talking to InPolska. That's what the Gallic hyperbole refers to. You know, Gallic being French which the lady is, half French anyway.

raised in a system which feeds you with constant: "be confident, you are a winner and don't let anyone tell you otherwise

No that's the American system and that's not how I was raised, nor what I believe in. I was raised in a Catholic family and Catholic education system.
24 Feb 2016 /  #261
I am Polish hello?

Obviously not. You opinions and attitude are Russian. Just in case you forgot,because no Pole will, Russians attempted to exterminate Poland and occupied it until a couple of decades ago.

We Slavs

No we are Poles and you are Russian and you are Polands enemy.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
25 Feb 2016 /  #262
Gallic being French which the lady is, half French anyway.

Gallic from Gauls otherwise known as Celtic. Celts originally inhabited the now French (shared also by other nations) Gallic region.

I was raised in a Catholic family and Catholic education system.

Your Catholic origins are what perhaps saved you from this stupid western motto - it is not only reserved to Americans. Catholic teachings preach about modest approach and although most may be forgotten of it some information will sink in if delivered time and time again. That is why Catholic Church is so important in Poland despite Its shortcomings. The West is trying to destroy the Church It once created, no reasoning behind this just systematic bombarding, this is war now between Polish Catholic Church and the West.

Just in case you forgot,because no Pole will, Russians attempted to exterminate Poland and occupied it until a couple of decades ago.

I am Polish but I would like to be Russian instead. Russians murdered millions of Polish people and I am about write an angry thread about Russians in regards to their current attitude towards Poland. Russians, however, never tried to exterminate Polish people, that was Hitler's idea shared by Jewish masons. Hitler set up a deal with rich masonic Jews to finish off poorer Jewish class and all of Slavic people (Russians were to be dealt with later). This was western manipulation at its best. Your ramblings about Poland and Russia are just a reflection of your western bias, you watch western programs, you only read western newspapers where Russia is the enemy forever, think for yourself, many Polish are capable of stepping away from media's bias but westerners for the most part are stubborn in that regard and follow their media.
25 Feb 2016 /  #263
Ktos " Russians, however, never tried to exterminate Polish people"

So you are saying that the 1 million plus poles deported to Siberia (Including my family) never existed , so you think Katyn never Happend

You disgrace Poland every time you claim to be Polish. You are either suffering from autism/ asperges or in fact you are a Russian troll.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Feb 2016 /  #264
in fact you are a Russian troll.

Hit the nail on the head.

Russians, however, never tried to exterminate Polish people

You've just missed the genocide in Katyń, then?
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
26 Feb 2016 /  #265
ou've just missed the genocide in Katyń, then?

Russians were in the minority among the perpetrators, the majority of culprits were Jews (in top ranks) or otherwise known as Russian Jews who cultivated Jewish culture (thus leading parasitic existence yet meddling in affairs between Russia and Poland and murdering Polish people). Western media portrays the situation differently with great bias, in Poland we have a more balanced view coming from Russia, Poland and the West.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
26 Feb 2016 /  #266
I am Polish but I would like to be Russian instead.

I see you are out of your padded cell and you are prowling the internet in a search of a partner, a male partner. Wrong forum mate!

As to you wanting to be Russian, there is nothing stopping you, good luck and farewell. I'm sure they'll be glad to have you. Poles not so much.

Russians, however, never tried to exterminate Polish people,

Fail! Are you sure you're not Russian already? Your views reflect their propaganda that passes for history in Russian quite closely.

was Hitler's idea

Not initially. Fail!#

you only read western newspapers where Russia is the enemy forever

You're a clueless little boy aren't you? Time to fess up or shut up! France had always a soft spot for Russia. In the Latin America there are plenty of sympathy and interest in Russian exotic being. Germany look at Russian as big economical partner. Even USA would see Russia as their junior partner in this part of the world and the future ally in conflict with China.

You are presenting a very narrow and stupid point of view, characteristic to the former KGB operatives and all those soviets spies with their egos too big for their boots with comrade Putin in tow. Paranoid delusions of totalitarian pundits.

Russians were in the minority among the perpetrators, the majority of culprits were Jews

Fail! That was a work of totalitarian Soviet regime and ethnicity of the perpetrators played secondary role in that blood scenario.
Yet, Russia today is a direct continuation of that genocidal totalitarian empire and revels in its 'achievements'.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
27 Feb 2016 /  #267
In short, the west is rotten with the regressive left movement, Poland wont accept this garbage and that makes some people here furious.

InPolska  9 | 1796  
27 Feb 2016 /  #268
@Szalawa: so why more Poles abroad than in ... Poland? And why do so many Poles continue to move west? Obviously they love it in the west and disagree with you. I'm sure that you have relatives in the west sending you western money or you are mad because they don't send you as much as you would like ;). Easy to spit into the soup once you have eaten it!
Szalawa  2 | 239  
27 Feb 2016 /  #269
Easy to make false accusations. They move for economic reasons, not because "they love it"
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #270
They move for economic reasons

But now we have a great new government in which everything is suddenly great. Why haven't they all immediately moved back?

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