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Polish culture versus rotten West

rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
22 Feb 2016 /  #211
If you had watched your small child vomiting violently for hours, finally bringing up black bile, and then being unable to eat for weeks afterwards.....you might not be so convinced Delph.

I think there should be a rule against people without kids making silly generalisations about decisions that they will never have to make.
johnny reb  46 | 7618  
22 Feb 2016 /  #212
people who think all vaccines contain mercury

O.K., most and God knows what else as we are guinea pigs as we have seen so many side effects turn up ten and twenty years later when we are forced to comply.

To often this happens when the cure is worse then the cold.

I think there should be a rule against people without kids making silly generalisations about decisions that they will never have to make.

TOTALLY right on Roz. Count my vote as a yes.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
22 Feb 2016 /  #213
If you had watched your small child...

How about...

a child dying of meningitis within two days after coming down with a headache...
a whole school getting infected with measles because one kid wasn't vaccinated...
babies being born with severe disabilities because their mothers weren't vaccinated against rubella...

You get my drift.
johnny reb  46 | 7618  
22 Feb 2016 /  #214
A whole school getting infected with measles because one kid wasn't vaccinated...

How could that happen if all the other kids had been vaccinated ?
jon357  72 | 22981  
22 Feb 2016 /  #215
Easily, sadly, and a bigger risk to anyone elderly and ill that the kid sneezed over. Not to mention anyone ill with hiv or a whole shred load of other immune disorders who could die from their coughing.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
22 Feb 2016 /  #216
How could that happen if all the other kids had been vaccinated ?

In certain "affluent" neighborhoods, the vaccination rate is extremely low because parents claim "personal beliefs" to exempt their kids. You should know this, Johnny.

22 Feb 2016 /  #217
How could that happen if all the other kids had been vaccinated ?

The vaccine isn't 100% effective, but his statement isn't logical.

About a quarter of the kids in my sons nursery got measles a few weeks ago. Apparently I can't tell me son that they got sick due to the stupidity of their parents. Still, I laughed.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
23 Feb 2016 /  #219
It's called a sense of humour.

I do not find your posts funny, I never laughed or smiled after reading any of them, to me your sense of humour does not deliver laughter. I find some humour worth laughing at but I never noticed anything like that in your comments, I never even thought of that, if it is funny then I will laugh.

I understand your culture very well, better than you. I see right through you. I know the type of humour you are trying to inspire but I do not affiliate with it one bit. To understand a culture does not equate with having to admire it, I understand your culture all too well and I do not find it motivating at all, with the exception of some human rights agendas it really lacks substance in most areas of life. That is why I do not want my country's culture to completely submerge itself into the same empty sphere your culture finds itself in, and your culture is western and only western, you do not know any other, you never experienced other culture apart from Celtic origins, but these perished long time ago.
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #220
Having a sense of humour is not about trying to make other people laugh. It's about looking at life from a certain perspective. But hey, you have a whole lifetime ahead of you to try to learn that, though you may never do so. Apparently much of our tendency to be a bit of a misery or conversely a happy person is determined by our genes.

I understand your culture

Youi haven't the remotest understanding of my culture.

your culture is western

It might surprise you to learn that Irish DNA shows that the first Irish settlers came from the Middle East and Russia. My culture is Irish, it's not French, it's not Spanish, it's not Swedish, it's not Belgian, it's not Dutch. What's your culture Ktos and how is it expressed in your everyday life? What sets you apart?

perished long time ago.

Oh really now? Have you ever been to a hurling match? Fastest field sport in the world.You could go to one in Australia because the Irish brought the sport there. Of course you couldn't go to such a thing in Poland because you don't have any ancient sports that you've been playing for three thousand years or so. And despite Poland's history of equestrianism it was in Ireland that the steeplechase originated. You won't know what that is but you can look it up, only you won't because you're not interested.

it really lacks substance in most areas of life.

Give me a list of five ways in which my country specifically, not the 'west' whatever that may be, lacks substance. And not some vague old waffle, concrete examples.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
23 Feb 2016 /  #221
Oh really now? Have you ever been to a hurling match? Fastest field sport in the world.You could go to one in Australia because the Irish brought the sport there.

No, the fastest is handball and I know all about it. In Poland we have ancient sports only as widespread as in the spoiled West. We were too occupied with WARS thanks to foreign western invasions aka German, Swedish, Austrian to name few of the bastards, not to mention British murdering herds in the form of Christian crusaders form the order of Teutonic knights (that included the Irish not only Germans). Therefore, we did not have the time nor the funds to play games when our cities were being bombarded and destroyed and people were dying, we had more important things to take care of, westerners are very spoiled. If my country was the invader time and time again it could also indulge itself in ancient competitions as national luxury. However, despite poverty we cultivate our culture and save museums and surprise, surprise we have ancient competitions still going on, one example is the archery competition in Tuchola town where town's folk engage in shooting down a wooden cock courtesy of Brotherhood Kurkowe. That is just one example of many. Please educate yourself before you start writing anything regarding Poland. Ireland can't even keep Its castles, I guess it is not financially feasible, so much for your capitalism.

Youi haven't the remotest understanding of my culture.

Stay away from my culture, don't meddle in it, I don't want Polish culture to be like yours, simple as that. I know all about your Anglo culture, more than you, because I look at it from inside and from outside, you only see it from your perspective as any self respecting westerner does. See, you are a westerner after all, you can't look in the mirror - western super trait: lack of self criticism in confrontation with non-western country's traits. Polish are more self critical, that is why you allow yourself to come to this forum and you play on it getting away with rubbish thrown at Poland as it is Polish trait to let westerner rumble on the critique.
23 Feb 2016 /  #222
!we have ancient competitions still going on"

Exiled in the UK we were taught Sabre skills by ex soldiers from the age of 8 years. boy it used to hurt sometimes (Blunt of course)


Check out the fight sequence at the end, let we know if you think the sport is too slow.
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #223
the fastest is handball

No it's not Ktos. Hurling is the fastest sport played on grass and that's a simple fact. Of course there are ball sports where the ball can reach high speeds but what makes hurling unique is that the ball is continuously in play and consistently belted around the field at over 100km per hour, I think the fastest recorded ball was about 180km. Get out on a hurling pitch and see how it feels compared to handball. And we have handball in Ireland. We've been playing it since at least the 15th century. It's believed we picked it up from the Basques who traded with Ireland.

we did not have the time nor the funds to play games

And you think the Irish did? Do you know anything about Irish history?

If my country was the invader time and time again it could also indulge itself in ancient competitions as national luxury

And when pray tell me, did the nation of Ireland ever invade anyone? Native Irish who left Ireland when it was under English rule, certainly fought in foreign armies. For example there was an Irish legion in Napolean's army, at the same time as the Polish legion. Ireland was the only foreign legion to whom Napolean awarded the Eagle.

despite poverty we cultivate our culture

Again, do you actually know any Irish history? Time and time again one can read accounts written by those who visited Ireland and were horrified at the conditions they saw there. Here's a little taster for you:

I have seen the Indian in his forests, and the Negro in his chains, and thought, as I contemplated their pitiable condition, that I saw the very extreme of human wretchedness; but I did not then know the condition of unfortunate Ireland.

(Gustave de Beaumont, French sociologist, 1835)
During those years the Gaelic sports waned somewhat, especially when the conditions referred to above were succeeded by repeated Famines. Despite dying of starvation and related diseases such as cholera and typhoid, we did actually manage to preserve the music.

Ireland can't even keep Its castles

There are still quite a few intact. As for the ruined ones, again, if you knew our history you'd know why they're in ruins.

lack of self criticism

You couldn't find a people more self deprecating than the Irish, the first to laugh at themselves and their own absurdities.

the archery competition in Tuchola town

And that's great and beautiful and to be celebrated, but it means precisely zip to your average Pole whilst in Ireland the Gaelic sports are still very important to a large chunk of our population.

you play on it

I take people as I find them Ktos, regardless of nationality. You have a very peculiar view of the world which will cause you to become more and more isolated and unhappy if you persist in it. I'm simply giving you an alternative perspective.

educate yourself before

And I suggest you do the same when writing about Ireland of which you clearly know absolutely nothing.

we were taught Sabre skills

Mr Atch's grandfather was in the Cavalry. When Mr A was a baby his grandmother left him in the garden in his little cot or whatever and Dziadek, going out to check on him, saw a rat sitting on his chest! Quick as a flash Dziadek runs in to the house, grabs his sabre which is hanging on the wall in the living room, rushes outside and decapitates the rat with one swift stroke. Cue outrage from Babcia ' You old fool, do you want to kill the child etc?' But those Cavalry men they knew their stuff!
23 Feb 2016 /  #224
Hurling, Also a dangerous painful sport

Hurling is also related to fighting.

Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #225
Well there's many an off-duty Irish policeman who's used his trusty hurly stick to subdue a miscreant. Now I wonder what an off-duty French policeman would do? Spray them with Chanel No 5? See we Westerners do have very different cultures from each other!
23 Feb 2016 /  #226
No I think a French policeman would pull out his 9mm and put a cap in the miscreants bottom these days.
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #227
But do off-duty police still carry their weapons? I suppose it varies country by country but would a French policeman out for a picnic with his family be carrying his gun with him? I wonder now, it's an interesting thought.
23 Feb 2016 /  #228
"French police officers will be allowed to carry their weapon while off duty to protect civilians as long as France maintains the state of emergency following the Paris shootings, police " Source Reuters
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #229
Very interesting, thanks Dolno.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Feb 2016 /  #230
Hurling is the fastest sport played on grass and that's a simple fact.

I beg to differ, shinty is faster ;)

And when pray tell me, did the nation of Ireland ever invade anyone?

Atch, are you familiar with Exercise Armageddon? I know, I know... :)

Still, given that Poles and the Irish get along very well, it beats me why some child is trying to stir up tension between the two.
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #231
Ah poor old Scotland and their shinty, every bit as much God's own game as hurling!

Armageddon, never knew about it till just now. Talk about surreal, like an episode of Father Ted. 'God Almighty Ted, we'll have to invade ourselves' 'Oh, yes, right so Ted'.

As for 'the child' well, he hasn't a clue about the history between the Irish and the English, after all he called my country an Anglo culture. Much as we've put the past behind us no Irish person wants to be identified as English, any more than a Scot does. However he's just not a happy person and he's decided to create a world for himself where he's the champion of some imaginary Slavic something or other and all non-Slavs are his 'enemy'.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Feb 2016 /  #232
Still, given that Poles and the Irish get along very well, it beats me why some child is trying to stir up tension between the two

What tension? Are you a drama queen Delph? He belongs to some few of wooly coddled minority of some miscreants who are talking rubbish. I bet he is against RCC and would refer to that venerable intuition as western conquerors. Sing praises of the pagan glorious past, about Slavic roots and about evil west and not so bad Russia.

I wonder whether people like that have been born stupid or have been brainwashed by a paid Russian moles.
Nevertheless those people are visible online (kids) less so in the real life.

Hurling is the fastest sport played on grass

Nope, the fasted sport is sliding down the slope on a hard plastic base.


Really? still crying about that or you are just that cryey type.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
23 Feb 2016 /  #233
have been brainwashed by a paid Russian moles.

Quite possible. There's a lot of them online going on about Slavic unity and all the rest of it, when anyone that's spent 10 minutes in Poland can see that Poles really couldn't care less.
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #234
Don't be so silly Ironside. The Poles could take a leaf out of the Irish book when it comes to letting go of the past. Not a day goes by that I don't see a picture of Hitler or some WWII related tale featured somewhere in the Polish media. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Polish society is encouraged to be obsessive about the wrongs that have been perpetrated against them over centuries by the world and his wife, and it often seems that the desire to settle old scores ,is more important than dealing with the present and future of Poland.
johnny reb  46 | 7618  
23 Feb 2016 /  #235
Nope, the fasted sport is sliding down the slope on a hard plastic base.

Nope, Bungy jumping.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
23 Feb 2016 /  #236
Played on grass, wow that's new.

Not a day goes by that I don't see a picture of Hitler or some WWII related tale featured somewhere in the Polish media.

When the WWII (in which Ireland had no part)ended and when was the great famine in Ireland? Comparing apples and oranges as usual Atch?

Polish society is encouraged to be obsessive about the wrongs

Nah, that not true. Some subjects were forbidden or falsified during soviet rule and need to be set straight.

the desire to settle old scores ,is more important than dealing with the present and future of Poland.

You lost me what are you talking about?
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #237
(in which Ireland had no part)

Ireland was neutral but 5,000 Irish soldiers deserted from the Irish Army to fight with the Brits, not to mention the other thousands of men and women who joined the British services.

the great famine in Ireland?

Preceded by? And succeeded by? Long, long history of conflict and suffering in Ireland as you know quite well. But ok, let's look at twentieth century Ireland, War of Independence, Civil War, the Troubles (as we euphemistically refer to the conflict in Northern Ireland). Bobby Sands and the other hunger strikers only died in the 1980s. The people of Ireland never supported the actions of the IRA but there were very strong feelings about their deaths. Oh and let's not forget the Loyalist bomb in Talbot St in the 1970s.

what are you talking about?

What interested me about Polish politics when I first came here was how little media time was given to matters of any real importance and how much was spent on 'scandals'. I must dig out my old diary because I wrote a few observations in it.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Feb 2016 /  #238
Ireland was neutral

One sometimes hears that the Irish were pro-Nazi through their extreme hatred towards Brits.
smurf  38 | 1940  
23 Feb 2016 /  #239
Yea, there's a statue to Adolf Hitler located in the main square in Waterford.
Here's a video of it youtube.com/watch?v=871-3XMhtAk

There's also one in Co. Kawrk (or Cork as you foreigners call it)
Atch  21 | 4149  
23 Feb 2016 /  #240
One sometimes hears

Then one hears incorrectly.

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