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Polish culture versus rotten West

goofy  1 | 39  
27 Feb 2016 /  #271
Well the Tories are not too bad I guess, are you packing up then ? ;)

On the serious note though, a lot of my friends here in the UK are moving back, I myself am planning to make a move in about 3 years, cant wait to buy a flat and bug all of my enighbours with obnoxiously loud music MWAHAHAH ;)

500zl is big step in the right direction, if they will sort out the minimum wage living wage and continue the Kredyty Mieszkaniowe for Young families, then I will be definitly packing up soon.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
27 Feb 2016 /  #272
500zl is big step in the right direction, if they will sort out the minimum wage living wage and continue the Kredyty Mieszkaniowe for Young families, then I will be definitly packing up soon.

MdM will be scrapped, the 500zł payments are unfunded, and the minimum wage legislation is going nowhere.

3 years, Goofy? Why not now?

Keep to the topic of the thread please
Szalawa  2 | 239  
28 Feb 2016 /  #273
But now we have a great new government in which everything is suddenly great.

In due time, what? did you expect this to happen overnight?

goofy, me too. In 3 years I plan to be back in Poland
porky pok  2 | 127  
28 Feb 2016 /  #274
so why more Poles abroad than in ... Poland?

Same question to you?why are you in Poland and not in that moose limb rat hole france?Cant make a decent living in france esp after living in 50 countries(as you mentioned)?seriously were you a drifter?or just back packing?I dont know anyone with a serious career living in so many countries and still be nobody in Warsaw.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
28 Feb 2016 /  #275
@porky; why personal insults?????? Have I ever insulted you? Have I insulted your country? I am family connected to Poland and should I go back to "godless devilish" France, I could even get some 1,000 EUROS/per month in welfare in the worst situation. When I retire, I will get French benefits. Also,I spend ALL my money made in Poland in Poland as I don't send it OUT of Poland and I do pay much more in tax to Poland than the average Pole (normal since I make much more money. This applies also to ALL westerners living in Poland, we don't need to be in Poland to have food on the table. We have or had (my case) spouses/partners in Poland and we westerners contribute a lot to Polish economy.

For your info, there are 1 million Poles living in France (the huge majority of them have been there for 3 generations) and around ... 2 to 3,000 French in Poland (over 98% are . expats working with French companies and don't stay long in Poland and the others are (well off) Franco(usually of Polish origin)-Polish couples. Do don't compare apples and oranges and also the forum is not ABOUT me.

PS: I have not LIVED in (around) 50 countries, I have VISITED around 50 countries (some of them only for a few days but I have added them up) but I have LIVED in altogether 7 countries (= 6 foreign countries + France). Bg difference!

PS: according to what you said, you "live" in Poland only once a year, with your American money! Well, you for sure really kno about Poland! ;).

@Atch: stop being so fascinated with me! I am saying again in public that you copy-paste ONLY parts of my messages OUT of context. Atch, when someone is honest, they do not do so. In your catholic schools, didn't they teach you not to be dishonest??? Yes, re diet, any dietetician and doctor will tell you that the traditional Polish diet is wrong: only starches (potatoes, flour and noodles), pork and grease . I suppose you eat the same way and that's why you don't see anything wrong.. A lot of Poles know it too and now eat more "international".

I eat white meat (chicken breast, turkey, veal) and (fresh) fish. I never eat pork. I eat a lof of and a big variety of vegetables and fruit, I use the best extra virgin olive oïl (I'm genetically Mediterranean) and don't use grease and articifial "vegeta" and the like. I also buy a lot of organic products. I suppose you eat mostly potatoes at all meals ;) - I haven't in fact in ... months.

Well, now off to your church to pray with peadophiles! You Tartufffe! (Google since I suppose that you won't know) ;)
28 Feb 2016 /  #276
Well said.

""Well Said", Applies to you first post only InPolska
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
28 Feb 2016 /  #277
I suppose you eat the same way and that's why you don't see anything wrong.

Well, now off to your church to pray with peadophiles!

Now, what an unprecedented personal attack on Atch coming down from the French forces on the PolishForums!
InPolska  9 | 1796  
28 Feb 2016 /  #278
@ziemo: Where do you see "attacks". She goes through my hundreds of messages (obviously she has a lot of time) to copy-paste tiny bits of sentences (NOT whole sentences/paragraphs) OUT of context and sorry, this is not honest. As to saying that Polish TRADITIONAL diet is not healthy, what is wrong with it? Even Polish dietecticians and doctors say it and that's why more and more Poles eat "international".

PS: I'm also fed up to be bashed upon my passport! Do I bash others re their passports? As to your country (whateve it is) I'm sure it is not perfect ;) so please be intelligent enough and stop your xenophobic remarks. And as to "French forces", I would like to know where they are because I'm alone and have to fight against prejudices and xenophobia from racists. You guys have NO "cojones" if you need to be so many of you against one!

PPS: when I am "attacked' based upon my nationality, do you intervene! Que nenni! Dépourvu de ... "co###illes! ;)
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
28 Feb 2016 /  #279
Now, what an unprecedented personal attack on Atch coming down from the French forces on the PolishForums!

Stick to the topic old grandpa and stop attacking a woman who is being bombarded from all sides, InPolska put it simply right that you have no testicles (or small and smelly) if you join with so many others against one, you coward, you belong with all the things that are rotten about West and that is bullying. Your geriatric self should know better and you know what I mean, in Poland especially during your days bullying was almost non-existent, not to mention showing some courtesy towards a woman, and you call yourself Polish? Maybe you spent too much time at an Irish pub with your low life male friends who do the same as you do here in PF.

Everyone, please focus on the thread topic, not on one another

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