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Polish culture versus rotten West

Ktos  15 | 432  
30 Oct 2015 /  #1
It is said to see how the descendants of the the great Slavic people have degraded themselves over the course of history by succumbing to the pressure of the westerners to adopt Western cultural ideals. We are still Slavs, let it not be forgotten!!! We are not westerners and thankfully we never will be, however, we are altering our identity too much to adjust to the culture of the West.

We criticize our Polish behaviour and social structures in light of the Western life-style from r laws, rights, religion to the way we walk, talk, eat and make express ourselves emotionally, yet we fail to see that there is no perfect standard and certainly it is not represented by the West.
30 Oct 2015 /  #2
Yeah. Our culture was fine decades ago, ages ago, a millenium ago but it is suddenly of a lower degree because the West told us so... The western culture degraded so much and so fast it makes me giggle when i hear Briton anti-EU's shouting "Britain for the British!" or "Save our Culture!".hahaThere's an expression: "The British have no culture. They have class". I find it too accurate although it seems they won't be described as "classy" anymore in some short time from now. :D
30 Oct 2015 /  #3
When was Polish culture "good?"
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
30 Oct 2015 /  #4
Yeah. Our culture was fine decades ago, ages ago, a millenium ago but it is suddenly of a lower degree because the West told us so..

Amen. However, I would not describe English as classy already at this point.

Using English as an example I could say that letting a woman struggle for herself on an eueven surface or failing to offer woman a hand while claiming a hill is not a sign of gentlemanly behaviour, yet this is nowdays typical way of going about things in England and yet it is those westerners who want to teach us manners, hehe, dobre. Just a little example. It is English who kicked out the Jews from England and it is those "nazi" Polish who then opened the doors for those same Jews - so much for so called western tolerance that westerners preach Polish people about. I think we could be the ones teaching westerners a thing or few about social etiquette and culture and what cultured and tolerant behaviour is all about. English tend to not teach their children discipline as they equate it with barbarism, it is better to simply try to persuade the child and if it doen't work then pretend that you don't see how your child id destroying its life with bad life choices
milky  13 | 1656  
30 Oct 2015 /  #5
degraded themselves over the course of history by succumbing to the pressure of the westerners to adopt Western cultural ideals

What are western ideals?
Whats are eastern ideals? Do you support Putin?

we are altering our identity too much

examples please.....

Our culture was fine decades ago,

What did you have that you don't have now?

English tend to not teach their children discipline as they equate it with barbarism, it is better to simply try to persuade the child and if it doen't work then pretend that you don't see how your child id destroying its life with bad life choices

Passive parent is not common in Poland?

I don't expect you to answer, as I know you're just a redneck Pole.
nothanks  - | 626  
30 Oct 2015 /  #6
When was Polish culture "good?"

Standards, pendulums and even sides change

But it is almost overwhelmingly forgotten/glossed over in Western Civilization that at one [extended] point Poland had the most Liberal Immigration [as well as Religious] laws in Europe. Then fast forward hundreds of years -> How many Westeners gloss over the fact Poland had Millions of Jews just 75 years ago.

So as current Western values center on immigration/PC, no one or political ideology can deny Polish culture was "good" at some point. Polish History is a holepless romanticism. Poland is Immortal and always forced to be reborn. I have had many people of many cultures comment on how interesting Poland and it's culture truly is.
30 Oct 2015 /  #7
Poland "was good" because it had lots of Jews in it?

Are you saying we are dumb peasants incapable of creating wealth by ourselves? That we needs rich Jews to bring them to us?

This makes no sense.
nothanks  - | 626  
30 Oct 2015 /  #8
Jews creating wealth? We are discussing Poland not Post WW2 USA right

I stated "So as current Western values center on immigration/PC", for many periods of Polish History we have been even naively open to outsiders. Westeners are trapped in the moment and the current picture of Poland is that of an extremely homogenous and somewhat closed off nation. But in reality Poland has been liberal and it has also been conservative.
30 Oct 2015 /  #9
Neh, hating Jews and blaming them for the universe's imperfections is a national past time in Poland.

We are superstitious Catholic rubes.

We let Rome fleece us and laugh at us behind our backs and blame others for not having income to start businesses that succeed.
30 Oct 2015 /  #10
Yes I hope Poland stays culturally and socially conservative.
Staying Catholic is okay too.
Hopefully Poland doesnt follow the LBGT lunatics.
and also stays mostly homogenous.

The problem is many support EU which can force Poland to go down a nasty road.
Just look at decadent Germany or France. Would be disgusting to turn like them.
Morrisey  3 | 7  
30 Oct 2015 /  #11
Unfortunately if Poland follows the greed of capitalism and globalisation as it is, then you too will start to see the fabric of your culture fall apart at the seams just like the West.
31 Oct 2015 /  #12

Yes, its capitalism that fell apart in 1989 due to its wonderful structure.

People in the West are fleeing on homemade boats to get to non-capitalist countries....

rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Oct 2015 /  #13
" letting a woman struggle for herself on an eueven surface or failing to offer woman a hand while claiming a hill is not a sign of gentlemanly behaviour "

'letting a woman struggle on an uneven surface"

LOL fgs I have a vagina and breasts, not a disability...:)

I would be very suspicious of a man who purported to want to 'take care' of me and treat me as though I were disabled. Perhaps he would want to 'take care' of things if I stayed out too late without his 'permission' as well.
31 Oct 2015 /  #14
Using English as an example I could say that letting a woman struggle for herself on an eueven surface or failing to offer woman a hand while claiming a hill is not a sign of gentlemanly behaviour, yet this is nowdays typical way of going about things in England

Seriously, what century are you in? And I bet you've never been to England either.........

English tend to not teach their children discipline as they equate it with barbarism,

I suppose that might very much depend on the 'discipline', but yes, we do have a tendency not to beat seven shades of sh1t out of our children.......there are other ways of disciplining kids that are more effective to be honest.........

I would be very suspicious of a man who purported to want to 'take care' of me and treat me as though I were disabled.

Me too Roz......I think i'm still capable of getting up a hill on my own lol
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Oct 2015 /  #15
.I think i'm still capable of getting up a hill on my own lol

for now dear, for now...:)

Oh and "Ktos" if British parents used 'old fashioned discipline' their children would probably be removed from their care.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
31 Oct 2015 /  #16
Yes, its capitalism that fell apart in 1989 due to its wonderful structure.

People in the West are fleeing on homemade boats to get to non-capitalist countries....

People in the West do not need to change nations, their armies and companies are doing the work for them destroying infrastructure and fueling already bad relations between rival groups (which leads to domestic wars) in almost every non-western country around the world. The nations that resist this western insurgence are labelled "evil", "incompetent", "enemy". Without the dirty work behind the scenes of capitalist countries, westerners would indeed be fleeing their countries for better life somewhere else where self sustainability instead of parasitic western existence is the norm.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
31 Oct 2015 /  #17

It is precisely that sort of isolationist arrogance on your part that similarly led the Germans down the garden path straight into hell, both for themselves as well as the rest of us!! Slavs, Germans, Magyars be damned; YOU'RE ALL EUROPEANS, sharing the same continent, and you darned well better not forget it either!!

Before you start trashing the West and, a la "Czar Vladimir I", believe yourselves superior, just remember all the things you owe the non-Slavic Occident, e.g. democracy (via the ancient Greeks), flush toilets (courtesy of the English) and haute cuisine (by way of the French) etc....

Roger5  1 | 1432  
31 Oct 2015 /  #18

President for life Putin has no need for democracy.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
31 Oct 2015 /  #19
I don't think that our western culture is so bad since it has been adopted around the world, including in Poland. Except in backwards areas of Polska B, where do we have Polish culture? Poles eat western food, shop at western shops, watch western films and tv programs, work for western companies, drive western cars on western financed roads, wear western clothes and western make up, etc etc ...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
31 Oct 2015 /  #20
Poles eat western food, shop at western shops, watch western films and tv programs, work for western companies, drive western cars on western financed roads, wear western clothes and western make up, etc etc ...

indeed, possibly because Poland is essentially a 'Western' country, isnt it?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
31 Oct 2015 /  #21
Except in backwards areas of Polska B

InPolska, you insist on using this disparaging term for eastern Poland. I have travelled through many parts of western and northern Poland that were nowhere near as developed as the area in which I live.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
31 Oct 2015 /  #22
I trust you're being more than a little facetious, Roger5.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Oct 2015 /  #23
What are western ideals?

This whole discussion is highly ahistorical. A few centureis ago it was the western "ideal" to burn heretics at the stake, but if Poland is an eastern country, you didn't have too much of that in the PLC (Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth). Goes to show that these concepts are extremely fluid and impermanent and therefore in a constant state of flux. The PLC in area was once Europe's largest land empire, but today Poland is a highly truncated medium-size European country and Lithuanian a postage-stamp-sized statelet. The largest empire was Mongolia up till around AD 1300 but today is a bleak, sparsely populated wasteland.

Most great nations were at their best and most resilient during their developmental upswing. When they achieved their "golden age" they tended to become self-satisfied, arrogant, fat, flabby and decadent, after which the decline ensued. The West as we know it is now in the intial phases of that inevitable final stage, but no-one knows when or how the ultimate collapse will occur (probably in stages?) and what civilisaiton will fill the resultant vacuum. The betting is on east Asia, but that is only a speculation.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
31 Oct 2015 /  #24
I trust you're being more than a little facetious, Roger5.

Not in the least. If you'd travelled widely in Poland in the last ten years, you'd know what I mean.
Lyzko  44 | 9745  
31 Oct 2015 /  #25
And so am I to conclude that you, along with our friend ktoś doubt the need for democracy in Eastern Europe?
To quote Sir Winston Churchill, "Democracy is the most ineffectual form of government known, yet is there anything better?"

Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Tojo and many others have offered a far more expedient form of rule than democracy. But was it worth it all in the end, some over one-hundred-million lost lives later??!
Janko Muzykant  
31 Oct 2015 /  #26
Korwin-Mikke: Demokracja to najgłupszy ustrój świata. Monarchia uratuje nas przed islamizacją.
(Democracy is the most stupid form of government, Monarchy will save us from islamification)

milky  13 | 1656  
31 Oct 2015 /  #27
The West as we know it is now in the intial phases of that inevitable final stage, but no-one knows when or how the ultimate collapse will occur (probably in stages?) and what civilisaiton will fill the resultant vacuum. The betting is on east Asia, but that is only a speculation.

I heard this line before. Even on interpretations of Homer's Iliad. Overcooked people and undercooked.
Maybe the Chinese and their Asian style capitalism will take over in the future, but not because the West got soft and stopped believing in the pie in the sky, but simply got undermined by a more ruthless version of the same system. And if the Chinese ever do arrive in their tanks, they will also consider Poland as the west--- the bible belt of the European west. You'll be eating curry bigos.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 Oct 2015 /  #28
eating curry bigos

Oh no! If there's anything I hate it's curry and tumeric-tainted American-style yucky-yellow mustard!
nothanks  - | 626  
31 Oct 2015 /  #29
Unfortunately if Poland follows the greed of capitalism and globalisation as it is, then you too will start to see the fabric of your culture fall apart at the seams just like the West.

That is the irony to me

If the previous administration had simply improved/increased the Welfare system in Poland, then more people would be inclined to support them and ultimately: more refugees.
OP Ktos  15 | 432  
13 Nov 2015 /  #30
The thread is not about the welfare but about culture. Capitalism gives birth to behaviours that are inhumane and unnatural. In capitalist system customer service personnel will smile to you from ear to ear so that you come back to the same shop again and again (fake smile, fake pleasantries), the advertisement for shampoo will claim to have the best product just to sell it, promoters learn to manipulate the audience into buying the product, manipulation upon manipulation. The doctor will allow a pregnant woman (at the risk of loosing a child) to compete in sporting events due to pressure from feminist groups but more so from sporting promoters, coaches and sponsors wanting that female player on the field because her skills will generate financial gains for the team and ultimately other share holders. And so on and on, I have more but that's for later.

The West tries to fight Catholic Church as it is the last stronghold against the western wave of complete social and cultural demise, I am glad it is losing the fight, at least in Poland.

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