You don't turn around during a test.
Oh, this isn't tests I'm talking about, it's just activities.
As for tests... I don't know how true it is but my Polish colleague, who is heavily involved with running local Cambridge exams (FCE etc), told me Cambridge had to redevise their format for staging the listening exams because of a high number of students recording the test on mobile phones (photo and recording) and then selling it over the net. Two main culprits; Greece and.... oh, maybe you can guess the other one.
All university calendars published by schools I attended in the US and Canada had a chapter on cheating. Because it is nonexistent?
Now, isn't that somethin g to do with covering their backs. I heard about a mother whose son was disciplined for cheating in an exam and she was attempting to sue the school because she claimed he'd never been told he couldn't cheat. A bit like McD's putting 'hot liquid' labels on their coffee cups.