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Cost of Living in Lodz

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2013 /  #31
A basic, central one-room apartment will start at roughly 1,200pln per month including service charges, excluding utilities.

How many young people in Europe live in the centre of cities by themselves? Not many, I'd wager... I don't know anyone among my school peers that does so - they all share or live further out.
illinois blows  
1 Jun 2013 /  #32
I really don't understand all that youth from some western countries wanting to come to Poland for less than 1,000 euros a month.

As said by others here versus a western salary it's not brilliant.

You people are totally out of touch with reality.What is this "western" salary?I live in a country (USA) far more "western" than the ones you come from and 3800 PLN is what many natives work for without making any scenes about how little they get paid.Yesterday day I talked to a 21 y/o American and he told me it took him 1 year of applying for different jobs before he got hired at Kmart (35h/week,$8.90/h),not so long ago there was an article about a 19 y/o WALKING 10 miles in snowy weather to be interviewed for a position which paid minimum wage.I myself make only half of what I used to make just 4 years ago.You were fortunate enough to be starting career in different times,good for you but don't talk about stuff you have no idea about.When my unemployment ended in September of last year I was forced to find a job and started applying for any opening.Once I went for an interview at chicken processing plant,a place where I thought only Mexicans worked and where I thought I would never set a foot in.Job was paying $8/h.I experienced utter SHOCK as there was like 50 AMERICANS of all ages and color waiting to be interviewed for that job.Times are very hard for young people entering job market as there is simply not enough jobs and employers can pay minimum wage because they will always find people willing to work for minimum wage.
DominicB  - | 2706  
1 Jun 2013 /  #33
It also has a thiriving artistic culture

Thriving is the last word I'd use to describe £ódź. While all of the other major cities in Poland have improved over the last ten years, £ódź has gotten worse. When I first came to Poland 11 years ago, I lived nearby in Skierniewice. I used to reallay enjoy spending time in £ódź, and even prefered it to Warsaw. The main street, Piotrkowska, was pulsing with life, and there were a lot of interesting shops, restaurants, cafes and hangouts, all pretty much thriving. That all changed when they build the shopping centers, Galeria £ódzka first, and then Manufactura. That sucked all the money, and life, out of the city center. Another big problem was that it suffered at the hand of the absolute worst mayor in Poland, Jerzy Kropiwnicki, who did a lot of damage to the city's economy and image.

When I go back now, it's depressing to see the decay. Lots of establishments shut down, and to those who remember what it used to be like, walking down Piotrkowska now is like walking through a post-apocalyptic landscape, or through an empty hall after the party is over. It's like watching a puppy slowly die. The city is just a shadow of its former self, and there's no sign that it will get better.

at a fraction the cost of larger cities.

That's quite an exaggeration. It's a little cheaper, but not that much.

A basic, central one-room apartment will start at roughly 1,200pln per month including service charges, excluding utilities.

low rents

Not all that much cheaper than Warsaw, Kraków and Wrocław. And probably about the same as Poznań, Gdańsk and Katowice. So much for "low" rents.

the film school

Not very much besides it, though. Wrocław is definitely a better city for film buffs, thanks to Roman Gutek. The number and quality of film festivals here is mushrooming.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Jun 2013 /  #34
Thriving is the last word I'd use to describe £ódź.

The city itself is not : the artistic culture is. It doesn't help that it's easy enough to commute to Warsaw from there.

And probably about the same as Poznań, Gdańsk and Katowice. So much for "low" rents.

Just had a look - you can get 3 roomed flats for 2000zl all in for a brand new apartment in £ódź. Not happening in Poznan.

Wrocław is definitely a better city for film buffs, thanks to Roman Gutek.

It's a good base, and with the low cost of commercial property in £ódź and proximity to Warsaw, it's bound to get better. Wrocław wasn't much better 15 years ago.
irishlodz  1 | 135  
2 Jun 2013 /  #35
What is this "western" salary? I live in a country (USA)

The USA is not the Western World. Judging from the slight grammatical errors I'd venture the poster is not a native English speaker, and guess they are coming from another EU country as there is no mention of a visa. Also Lodz has a burgeoning call-centre industry that require speakers of other EU languages like French and Swedish. That salary would be well below average for someone coming from France, Germany etc - but not Greece or Spain.

walking down Piotrkowska now is like walking through a post-apocalyptic landscape

Like drama much? Yes the new centres have taken many of the chain stores from Piotrkowska, which leaves the street free for independent stores and businesses. Also the entire street is currently being resurfaced so obviously there will be an impact on businesses. There are a few units that have been empty on the street for years, but that is because the tenants agreed crazy rents and now cannot pass on the units. I know this has happened in the case of a number of banks. They rented units and then merged with another bank, meaning consolidation. The street is also the longest high/main pedestrianised street in Europe, filling every unit is a challenge as there are hundreds, if not more than 1,000.

The poster primarily asked for information on the cost of living in the city. I have cited exapmles of costs here, and I have visited most cities in Poland. I have yet to see a large city as cheap as Lodz for socialising.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
2 Jun 2013 /  #36
Judging from the slight grammatical errors I'd venture the poster is not a native English speaker

It's actually a banned poster called Deepak. I can spot him a mile away.
22 Jan 2014 /  #37
Merged: Cost of living and general advice about Lodz - Work relcation

Hi all,

I received job offer from InfoSYS in £ódż and even there are few forums and sites here and there with some information, I just wanted to check for up-to-date information.

First of all, how high are rental flat prices? Company has 2 offers - either shared company flat for minimal monthly fee or reimbursement for own rent but only for some time. I am alone, so small studio or one bedroom would be more than enough - of course I am not looking for a palace, but would not like to rent something in old panel block house. Clean, fresh and with minimal furnishing would be sufficient.

From price perspective, what would be better - shared or own?

How good easy are bank services? Even company would help with that, I would like to get full scale services, not like in country where I am staying now - bank account & crappy Maestro card provided by bank is not even accepted over internet. Is that possible to walk in to the branch and just open it yourself (just in case I won't like the bank my company would offer). Are there any financial services available, in case I would like to get a small loan or overdraft to buy a cheap car for example, or before you get a residency, I can not get most simple and basic things from financial services?

And of course, most important question, would 4400 PLN before taxes would be sufficient salary for £ódż? I understand that's it's not Warsaw therefore expect prices to be lower. But still, 2nd largest city and in commutable distance from capital - I expect it not to be very cheap. But nevertheless, is that amount would be sufficient for sole person for modest life, allowing to eat out during the week, go out and buy things without thinking of tight budget?

Thanks for all information and advice,
jon357  72 | 23528  
22 Jan 2014 /  #38
There are threads on this already:


would 4400 PLN before taxes would be sufficient salary for £ódż?

Not really - it isn't a great salary, even for £ódź, however it's a little more than most people get:

22 Jan 2014 /  #39
Thanks, I know that there are threads, but they are like 2-3 years old. I just wanted to get a fresh outlook.
So, 4400 for one person -- is not enough? I will keep trying to negotiate higher salary then.
jon357  72 | 23528  
22 Jan 2014 /  #40
So, 4400 for one person -- is not enough?

It isn't great. I suppose it depends on who you are, if the job's entry level (in which case it's OK) or whether you're a bit older. It's better than average for £ódż, but the average for £ódż isn't great. It is however a fairly cheap city.

You won't have any problem opening a bank a/c - they usually give Visa Electron in Poland. I'd think about the shared company flat - how much is the monthly fee?
Monitor  13 | 1810  
22 Jan 2014 /  #41
Thanks, I know that there are threads, but they are like 2-3 years old.

nut much changed in 3 years
22 Jan 2014 /  #42
Well, I am reaching 30 and job is indeed entry-level, but it's a chance for me to change job focus from IT field to something new - this job in in finance field.

This may lead to relevant experience for future banking and finance jobs with better perspectives, this sector of jobs currently closed for me due to 100% IT only experience in the past.

So, I am considering it regardless of salary, just want to make sure I won't be driven on cheapskate train by Infosys, and get relevant salary to current cost of living.

Fee for company flat is 300PLN. Which is not bad, as it can give some flexibility and keep expenses low -- which means monthly income without rent/bills burden, leaving some 600-650 euro to spend. But in general, I don't mind sharing the flat from the beginning, but in future I would like to have my own pad.
Monitor  13 | 1810  
22 Jan 2014 /  #43
, and get relevant salary to current cost of living.

Salary is relevant to what competitors pay, not some cost of living.

Fee for company flat is 300PLN.

You will not find cheaper room than that.
Mid01  - | 2  
22 Jan 2014 /  #44
Hi all

Hi, I'm working in infosys too, yes its not enough the salary you'll get but it depends on your activities, I took the company flat for me its better than 1000pln or more for a private one, but in Lodz I think Infosys is one of the top salaries for foreigners, maybe futjitsu siemens is little bit more but comparing that to cost of living in Lodz yes its a fair salary, you can survive, not good if you want to party 7/7 and go for trips every weekend, having a fancy car or buying whatever you want, you have to be rational with what they will pay you

If you can negociate higher its good if not go for it than you can apply for something else.

Good luck
jon357  72 | 23528  
22 Jan 2014 /  #45
Fee for company flat is 300PLN. Which is not bad, as it can give some flexibility and keep expenses low -- which means monthly income without rent/bills burden

It's good.

reaching 30

It's also good.
11 Feb 2014 /  #46
Hi all,

I have also received a job offer from Infosys, I think under the same conditions and even if I read on the internet and forums I really don't know what decision to make.

The company apartment is actually just one room, isn't it? It is at least spacious enough, clean and with all needed furniture? And most important: it is not shared, right??

Also important: is it away from the workplace? I mean not somewhere in the suburbs.

And concerning the salary...the position would be Senior Process Executive with English and French. Even if it seems to be a start job, I already have 2 years experience in this field, technical background etc. I've been proposed 3800 gross ( 3400 PLN+ 400 PLN for the shift bonus they offered- as the shift is from 14 to 22 p.m.) .

I was thinking to ask at least 3500 PLN NET + the bonus.
Should I dare for more? I am also thinking that my contribution to the accommodation is just 300 PLN, in case I choose the company apartment option.

Thank you very mush for the clarifications. Sorry if I asked questions already answered, but I've read so many reviews and I am still not decided.

Have a great evening :)
DominicB  - | 2706  
11 Feb 2014 /  #47
I've been proposed 3800 gross

That's so low, it would probably be unwise to accept it unless you are truly desperate. You would have no choice but to live in the apartment provided by the company, regardless of conditions. There are probably a lot better opportunities out there, and your time would be better spent exploring those.

I was thinking to ask at least 3500 PLN NET + the bonus.

That would be about the minimum for the job to be worth the move to Poland. No harm in asking, if you are going to turn down the job anyway if it paid less.

The company apartment is actually just one room, isn't it?

Really, at 300 PLN a month total, it would be a real deal, even if it's a shared room far from the workplace. The apartment would most definitely be shared, and it wouldn't surprise me if you had to share the room, too. The room would be furnished with basic furniture at least. I wouldn't expect "spacious". Cleanliness would depend on the people you are sharing the apartment with. That's about the price of a shared room in a student dormitory. Maybe even a little cheaper. All in all, it's a generous offer that you can ill afford to refuse, especially at 3800 PLN gross. A basic studio apartment with all bills included is going to cost you about 1500 PLN.
18 Apr 2014 /  #48
Merged: Cost of Living in Lodz- Work relocation offer

I just got a job offer in Lodz and I am not sure how to negotiate my salary. I was offered a Senior position, and I am not sure how much to push for in regards to the financial issue.

I don't mind living further from the city center nor would I mind using public transportation. I mostly cook for myself, don't smoke and rarely drink. The only thing I tend to exaggerate with is buying books.

Could you be as kind as to give me an estimate to about how much I would need in order to have a rather good life? (As in "live" rather than "survive").

Thank you so, so much!
24 Jan 2015 /  #49
how much is PLN rate versus EURO?
I may want to buy an apartment in Lodz - what is the cost for 2 bed room apartment?
19 Sep 2018 /  #50
Hi everyone. I am thinking of applying to a job in Poland. More specifically in Lodz. I was wondering what would be a good net salary to ask in order to pay the rent , utilities and everything else that comes up?

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