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Why are Polish so conservative and religious?

24 May 2015 /  #211
That would never go over in Catholic Poland.

Care for a bet on that? Support in Poland for equal rights is growing every year.

When are you going to visit the Vatican to tell them that they are completely wrong when they say that one of the minimums required from Catholics is going to church every Sunday? You clearly think that you know better than the Pope does what it means to be a Catholic.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
24 May 2015 /  #212
The libertine slime will unfortunately eventually seap into Catholic Poland. But that'll take some time and before that happens ISIS or similar fanatics will surely attack one of the hotbeds of deviation and debauchery before they target Poland. The increasingly militant LGBTQ agenda is only bringing closer the day of confrontation and total collapse.

Since you fancy yourself as a self-styled Vatican expert, be sure to keep watching for Pope Francis' assessment of the recent Irish disaster.
24 May 2015 /  #213
"The libertine slime will unfortunately eventually seap into Catholic Poland."

I Hope not. Diffferently than canadians, british, and others, Poles were opressed during centuries and learned how to defend their cultures and values.

They will not bite the bait of "progressive thinking" that started as LGBT rights in another countries, than turned as repression against christianity and now just turned those countries into violent messes (like the riots in Paris were immigrants burn christian churches and cars).

Poles will defend their values and the civilization as much as when the Russians, Teutonics. Ottomans, Nazis and Soviets tried to destroy Polish culture and religion. And will not be this time that Poland will be defeated.
24 May 2015 /  #214
The radical LGBT lunatics are only a tiny reason why Poland should quit the EU.
The EU will be forcing nations to adapt to their rules. Poland will slowly lose sovereignty all in the name of a liberal superstate. The people in power arent stupid they will make sure things come in slowly so as not to make people angry.

Every ally of US and EU will have to bow to the Liberal Establishments demands.
In the mean time Russia banned the LBGT from parading like animals. You may not like Russia but at least they know how to stay Slavic.

Poland beware and stay Slavic and Catholic!
25 May 2015 /  #215
Poland is in the EU to give it the economic and political power to defend itself against you Russians.
Atch  22 | 4299  
25 May 2015 /  #216
84% of the population of Ireland identify themselves as Catholics. So clearly it was the Catholics of Ireland who voted in favour of equal marriage rights for gay people. Even in the most conservatve counties in Ireland the 'yes' vote was over 50%.

This discussion shall be about Poland
GodWhy  - | 5  
26 May 2015 /  #217
When will Poland become a liberal secular country ?

Hopefully never.
28 May 2015 /  #218
Why don't you join your Muslim brothers? They have similar ideas about the role of women in our society.

The similarities are striking .

Everybody please keep to the topic
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
28 May 2015 /  #219
The similarities are striking .

Between limp wristed homosexual males and women, the simulaities are very striking.
The thread (and my posts) said nothing about women or slob men taking it off topic to confuse the issue
like the last three posts have.
I stuck to the thread only posting about homo's being guaranteed respect.
I just gave an example of why Gays wouldn't get the respect that they are demanding from a Polish Christian society and how the question that the thread asked assumed being gay was a civil right.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 May 2015 /  #220
Trying to weasel out again, Johnny? You've been ranting about poofs in Poland, about "a war on Christianity by the liberals", but at the same time you whinge about the loss of some imaginary "moral values" that your church has put in your head when you were a little boy. Why don't you tell us the truth for a change? You hate homosexuals/ lesbians, you despise anyone who isn't part of your belief system, and you expect women to follow a role model that was popular in the middle ages but has no place in our modern world anymore (unless you call "19 kids and counting" modern, that is). Thank goodness that Poland isn't the backward hellhole that you and your fanatical lot want it to be.
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
29 May 2015 /  #221
Thank goodness that Poland isn't the backward hellhole that you and your fanatical lot want it to be.

Quite the opposite Frenchie.
The Polish Christian culture want to keep it the way it is ...... from your fanatical lot to change it to the hell hole like you are from (atheist France isn't it) ?

As much as you despise Christians and what they stand for you should join your Muslim brothers in Islam.
They despise Christianity also.
Poland will be the last Christian country on this earth to concede to homosexuality or Islam.
And your added lie (a little lie goes a long ways) about my role of hating women.......was that in the same dream or did you just make that up to strengthen your fanatical rant ?

Please do try and stay on thread today.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 May 2015 /  #222
You still fail to understand that European nations do not compare in any way to your little backward hick town in fly-over country (SC, right?) USA. Christian fanatics like in the American south or amongst the Tea Partiers are a very rare sight. So please keep your creationism and all the other nonsense -- Poland is already 500 years ahead of you.

Quite the opposite Frenchie.

How many times do I need to tell you? Look up "True Blue" in the Urban Dictionary if you want to know where I am from. Hint: it's not France... :)
johnny reb  49 | 8058  
29 May 2015 /  #223
So please keep your creationism and all the other nonsense -- Poland is already 500 years ahead of you.

News alert ! Polish Catholicism believes in creationism and all the other things that are nonsense to an atheist who wants to promote such opposition into their culture.

So please keep your non Christian views out of their society.

Look up "True Blue" in the Urban Dictionary if you want to know where I am from.

I didn't want to use the word Limey but it does explain why your Off Topic posts get to remain in this thread.

You still fail to understand that European nations do not compare in any way to your little backward hick town

We are not talking about all European filth, we are talking about the great Christian country of Poland that
believe in Jesus Christ. Words that sting your pointed ears.
29 May 2015 /  #224
Catholicism believes in

Catholicism believes in many things which the vast majority of Polish people do not, such as the need to go to church each and every Sunday.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
29 May 2015 /  #225
Here we go again. Obsession revisited!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
29 May 2015 /  #226
Polish Catholicism believes in creationism

Poles believe that mankind walked among dinosaurs? LOL! Have they found those cute little saddles yet that they used to ride dinos?

From the Creationism Museum:


...the great Christian country of Poland

How do you know? You've never been there.


Wrong again...
Atch  22 | 4299  
29 May 2015 /  #227
The Catholic church permits Catholics to decide for themselves whether they wish to believe in creationism or the theory of evolution. For those Catholics who wish to teach evolution to their children yet acknowledge God, a wonderful way is through the story of 'God With No Hands' by Dr Maria Montessori, a great educator, a Catholic and a scientist.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 May 2015 /  #228
I stand corrected:

For many years, the creationist movement in Poland was so marginal that the term "creationism" and its foundations were largely unknown within society..

johnny reb  49 | 8058  
30 May 2015 /  #229
Catholicism believes in many things which the vast majority of Polish people do not, such as the need to go to church each and every Sunday.

Since the majority of Polish people are Catholics and don't believe that you have to go to church every sunday (shown by your own attendance statistic Harry) to remain in the Catholic church shows indeed that

they believe other then you have suggested.
Obiwandonnelly  - | 8  
30 May 2015 /  #230
While I agree that using a single metric to measure is silly I do think that the failure to receive the sacrament on a daily basis is slightly more revealing. If these people truly believed in the sacrament why would they not want to receive it as often as allowed?
Atch  22 | 4299  
30 May 2015 /  #231
Ah come on now Obiwandonnelly, with a name like that you must be Irish. Going to mass every day hasn't been common practice in Ireland (or in Poland either I would wager) for many years. My grandmother certainly went to daily mass but she was a stay-at-home mother and lived about 5 mins walk from the church. Can you imagine the average person trying to squeeze mass into their daily commute/half hour lunch break? I don't think anyone would go that far unless they're trying to get beatified.
30 May 2015 /  #232
didnt people stop going to mass in Ireland from about 1970 onwards?
Then of course that increased exponentially after the shocking true extent of sexual and physical abuse within the church and community came out.
But according to Polonius and JOhnny, people should either be mindlessly kowtowing to an evil old man in a dress, or be 'libertine slime'.
I will tell you who was 'slime'....oh well at least P and J are ancient and will die off soon.
Obiwandonnelly  - | 8  
30 May 2015 /  #233
It is silly to use a single measure either mass attendance or receipt of the sacrament to judge the degree of religiosity because religion is not a science. The Catholic church may have rules it also believes in the concepts of sin and forgiveness these can be used to explain and excuse anything.

Religion is deeply embeded in Polish culture much more than the outward signs of mass attendance would suggest.
30 May 2015 /  #234
"religiosity" does not mean religiousness by the way. Religiosity was exemplifyed in the relatively pagan England by, for example, the public outpouring of grief at Diana's funeral, the throwing of flowers onto her hearse from motorway bridges etc. Nothing to do with religion.

but I agree that one single parameter cannot really be used to judge how religious a people are.
Atch  22 | 4299  
30 May 2015 /  #235
oh well at least P and J are ancient and will die off soon.

Le'ts not add ageism to the other 'isms' that are all too plentiful in this forum.

according to Polonius and JOhnny, people should either be mindlessly kowtowing to an evil old man in a dress, or be 'libertine slime'.

By evil old man in a dress, do you mean the Pope or senior churchmen in general?

Catholicism does not require people to kow-tow to anybody nor does it require you or encourage you to hate anyone. The essential message of christianity and of Catholicism is 'love God and love your fellow man.' If you are really to be a 'good Catholic' you must love your gay neighbour as you love your straight neighbour. It is God and not the Church who asks this of you. As Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, the Catholic Primate of Ireland recently said 'if you're homo-phobic, you're God-phobic'.
Lolek222  - | 79  
30 May 2015 /  #236
According to whom? What is and what isn't conservative? Normal for some conservative for others, what perverted radical mindset they must have.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
31 May 2015 /  #237
The war on Christianity (everything from calls to ban the New York's 9/11 memorial cross to eradicating the greeting "Merry Christmas", is part of what has been called the Culture War. With greater or lesser intensity it is occurring in every Western country. This is how Wiki defines it:

The expression culture war entered the vocabulary of United States politics with the publication of "Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America" by James Davison Hunter in 1991. Hunter perceived a dramatic realignment and polarization that had transformed United States politics and culture, including the issues of abortion, federal and state gun laws, global warming, immigration, separation of church and state, privacy, recreational drug use, homosexuality, and censorship.
Wroclaw Boy  
26 Jun 2015 /  #238
"We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further."

― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
26 Jun 2015 /  #239
'love God and love your fellow man.'

Love the sinner, not the sin. Your neighbour supports himself as a shoplifter and pickpocket. Do you meet up with him for a beer and chat amicably creating the impression that you approve of his conduct and treat it like "just anotehr job", thereby reinforcing his convicztion that he's doing the right thing?

I realise that if you were to criticise his "profession" he'd probably stop meeting up with you. So it's difficult to follow the Gospel admonitions:

Matthew 18:15-17
"If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Galatians 6:1
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted.

Titus 3:10-11
As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

The problem is that not everyone (apparently you incldued) folllows the Good Book when it describes same-sex intimacies (sodomy) as a sin. And, as was the case with our hypothetical thief, following Evangelical instruction to admonish seems to only trigger resentment and hatred.
noreenb  7 | 548  
26 Jun 2015 /  #240
Because life without religion is full of hate.
People who believe in God, who practice, have often brakes that don't allow them to hurt other.

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