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Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960  
11 Mar 2010 /  #241
I thought you said you were in America anyway lol

Yeah...you "thought"....we all witnessed it!

Does your head hurt from all this "thinking"? I better not stress you to much....you might get all red and puffy...not to mention that smoke coming out of your ears...can't have that!

Like here:

Do you have an idea how embarrassing you are for your people??? ;)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 Mar 2010 /  #242
So Brat YOU'RE IN GERMANY????????

You're not in America?

Why are you in this forum of all forums???????

I guess the same reason why other Polish-haters/Nazis are in this forum? lol

I'll bet you spend more time in this forum then any German forum. You seem to live in this forum.

I come here randomly at anytime of the year, make a comment, and within minutes your repsonding to me. lol

So your here to attack the Poles when you can ehhh?

That reminds me I must visit your Kraut forums for payback ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960  
11 Mar 2010 /  #243
So your here to attack the Poles when you can ehhh?

Actually no...I like it here....I like many people here...I have no problems with most Poles...everything else is only in your retarded mind MW...I really think you are mentally challenged because you are unable to reason logically or otherwise make any clear points through argumentation.

I don't know what but something is seriously wrong with you MW, you should seek help..."mkrsk"
Trevek  25 | 1699  
11 Mar 2010 /  #244
Today you GERMans are just a bunch of pussies. Your GERMan demographics are deteriorating. Most of you GERMans are old farts and most of the youth in GERMany HATE your EVIL GERMan guts and can't wait to bomb you ugly block head Nazi Krauts. XD

OK, now I've had enough of this racist cr@p.

Mediawatch, you're squealing on about 'racism' and 'anti-Polish' jokes, but you have some vitriolic hatred in you and you're basically a fascist. YOU are the excuse Hitler used.

I'm not even a Kraut and I despise your racist ranting.

How many Boxheads have you met? Probably they are all like you "Wah! Wah! I'm so hard done by, I'll hate someone else and make out I'm so pure!"

There was a thread recently about whether Poles are racist. Shame you weren't on there it would have proved a point.

Before you ask, YES, I have Huns in my family. My brother was married to a Jerry and we have three lovely, female Krauts in my family. I suppose you hate them and blame them just because they are Huns, yes?

You speak of German anti-semitism but I bet you ingore the fact that most of EUROPE HAS A SIMILAR IDEA ABOUT pOLES (INCORRECTLY, BUT DO YOU EVER ASK YOURSELF WHY?)

Get some therapy and enjoy being an American. They really are nice people, you know.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 Mar 2010 /  #245
Hey Trevek don't preach to me pal about this German.

First of all I got Germans in my family too and know decent Germans. But this Bratwurstboy is a closet German supremacist who thinks he's better then Poles.

Sensing how hyper ethno-centric he is about his German ancestry, being the nice guy I am, I told him before that I LIKED GERMAN PEOPLE. That was my friendly gesture to him. DID HE RECIPROCATE??? Absolutely not, because he thinks he's too high and mighty of a German. But that's OK I didn't expect him to.

Despite my nice gesture to him about his precious German ancestry, about a few days later he jumps on the Anti-Polish bandwagon here on this topic and posts a German Nazi propaganda website about "Nazi German superiority over Poles" and makes some sarcastic comments about Poles TO ME. What did I do to him to deserve that? Especially after I was trying to be nice to him???

Not to mention the fact he's trying to push this big German lie, that "Kopernicus is German" despite the fact that ALL of Kopernicus' relatives were Catholics (not protestants which most Germans were in Kopernicus' area) despite the fact that all the Germans in the area were all going protestant following the German Martin Luther German/protestant movement. This is another big German lie the German nationalists are pushing, just like the myth about the "Polish calvalry attacking German tanks".
11 Mar 2010 /  #246
"Polish calvalry attacking German tanks"

That is a French lie! They spread it until today in their comic books! That's scandalous!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
11 Mar 2010 /  #247
It was the Italians. The Polish cavalry DID attack an armoured unit (but not tanks) and successfully held it back (to the admiration of the wehrmacht). The Italians wrote about it but the Nazis distorted it for propaganda.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
11 Mar 2010 /  #248
It was the Italians.

Who cares the result was the same, dumb fvck yanks still propagate it as a fact even today.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
11 Mar 2010 /  #249
Like here:

brilliant BB- thank God for another perspective, I guess if one wants jokes about their nationality one should just ask for them;)

*going into hidding*
TheOther  6 | 3596  
11 Mar 2010 /  #250
don't preach to me pal about this German

Gheez, man. In most of your rants you were using the plural form 'the Germans', and now you want us to believe that all this crap you wrote was only about Bratwurst Boy? Give me a break. Have at least the guts to admit that you are a freaking racist.
papagarth  3 | 20  
12 Mar 2010 /  #251
HMM : Did it ever occur to you two flamers how silly you both seem?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
12 Mar 2010 /  #252
Look, being ever the peacemaker here on PF. I offer you the American redneck.. Surely you refined gentlemen of culture and education can agree that it is me and those like me who are the real scourge of humanity. Think about it, the entirety of Europe finally united by a hatred of American rednecks! Heck, Its the least we could do! (since you are my kinfolk) I'm gonna drive my big ole truck down to McDonalds (love Irish food!) and pick-up some double cheezburgers for me an the young-uns. When I come back I'll fire up this here re-puter and you kin let me know what ya think bout my idear.
rychlik  41 | 372  
12 Mar 2010 /  #253
Bratwurst Boy is a piece of s'hit. He's a filthy kraut :) I'm sick of this Nazi. He has no life and lives on this forum. What's the difference between the Dresden bombing and Germany's best comedian?? Only the first one can make you smile :)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
12 Mar 2010 /  #254
What's the difference between the Dresden bombing and Germany's best comedian?? Only the first one can make you smile :)

I like that!
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Mar 2010 /  #255
Bratwurst Boy is a piece of s'hit. He's a filthy kraut :) I'm sick of this Nazi.

I don,t know what nationality you are muppet...but your country should do something to stop you breeding...

I have never seen Bratwurst boy write anything that could in any way cause him to be labeled as a nazi , i guess you just don,t like Germans , and probably don,t like anyone who is not as dumb as you and from the same country...

I shall be very embarrassed if you are from my country...
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
12 Mar 2010 /  #256
I shall be very embarrassed if you are from my country...

Hope he/she ain't from around here! Agree, weird comments to say the least...
Sasha  2 | 1083  
12 Mar 2010 /  #257
I'm sick of this Nazi

He's not spineless. Is that what you actually wanted to say? :) Get back to Poland... that should do you good.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
12 Mar 2010 /  #258
I have never seen Bratwurst boy write anything that could in any way cause him to be labeled as a nazi , i guess you just don,t like Germans , and probably don,t like anyone who is not as dumb as you and from the same country...

I agree. Ah, but weight, if you disagree with a Pole you are obviously a nazi!

It never occurs to people that he might be winding them up?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
12 Mar 2010 /  #259
Bratwurst Boy does not deserve the name-calling diatribe against him. He is a staunch defender of things German and there is nothing wrong with that. I have had some differences with BB as well and felt like knocking his helmet off on more than one occasion, but the vicious attack(s) against him are not warranted. After all he is wrong only about 75 percent of the time.
12 Mar 2010 /  #260
Bratwurst Boy does not deserve the name-calling diatribe against him.

Of course not - he has his own opinions on Polish-German matters and he's entitled
to them. Besides, the man's family comes from Silesia, that makes him practically
Polish ;)

He is a staunch defender of things German and there is nothing wrong with that.

True. Polish forums would surely be missing something if we didn't have a regular
German member. BB plays his role perfectly ;)

After all he is wrong only about 75 percent of the time.

74.68% in March so far (which is a slight improvement compared to 77.15% in February)
TheOther  6 | 3596  
12 Mar 2010 /  #261
What's the difference between the Dresden bombing and Germany's best comedian

I like that!

If you like that, Trevek, then you will definitely enjoy Concentration Camp jokes, too. Unbelievable - both of you!
Trevek  25 | 1699  
12 Mar 2010 /  #262
I appreciate the technical humour in a lot of jokes, whether or not I choose to say them in public is a different matter.

I found it funny a few years ago that people suddenly got very sensitive about a ferry sinking off the coast of Belgium. If you told Herlad of free Enterprise jokes you were 'sick', but if you'd told Titanic jokes a week before you were funny.

Concentration camp jokes/ I've been told these by Poles, with Kowalski as the 'hero'.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
12 Mar 2010 /  #263
Trevek, I don't mind nasty jokes, but there are certain boundaries which should not be crossed. Just let me change rychlik's 'joke' for you quickly:

What's the difference between the destruction of Warsaw and Poland's best comedian?? Only the first one can make you smile.

You still like it?
Trevek  25 | 1699  
12 Mar 2010 /  #264
What's the difference between the destruction of Warsaw and Poland's best comedian?? Only the first one can make you smile.

No, because the counterbalance of the joke isn't there. There is no running joke about Polish comedy being bad. germans are not supposed to have a sense of humour. the German sense of humour is nothing to laugh about.

This is what i mean about the mechanics.

Now, it could be argued I'm being racist by laughing at a stereotype of humourless Germans, especially as I know it to be untrue as I have a few in the family. So which part of the joke then becomes unacceptable? The racist bit i don't believe or the idea the destruction of civilians (or soldiers), which i also don't believe in.

I don't mind nasty jokes

So give me an example of a nasty joke that's OK then.
f stop  24 | 2493  
12 Mar 2010 /  #265
Germany has comedians???
Trevek  25 | 1699  
12 Mar 2010 /  #266
Angela Merkel, Bratwurst Boy, are two.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
12 Mar 2010 /  #267
So which part of the joke then becomes unacceptable?

I don't think that I have to answer that. You know the answer already. So why do you hide behind a lame excuse? I will change rychlik's stuff one more time so that you can "appreciate the technical humour", the "mechanics", as you said.

What's the difference between the destruction of Warsaw and a Polack? The first one was clever.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
12 Mar 2010 /  #268
Why combat them? Why not have a laugh and laugh them off? When people make Scottish jokes, I laugh along. Jokes are just jokes.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
12 Mar 2010 /  #269
Why combat them?

Because there should be some decency left in everyone of us. But who knows, maybe it's only me who is so 'old-fashioned' to believe that jokes about war crimes and mass murder are unacceptable...?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Mar 2010 /  #270
I wasn't referring to any specific types, Other. Of course any jokes should be tasteful and not below the belt.

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