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Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11960  
8 Mar 2010 /  #181
*backs out of thread slowly....very slowly....*
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #182
You better you dam GERMan murderer. I am as someone of Polish ancestry am not going to take your genetic EVIL GERMan demonic sh*t. You filthy GERMan Nazis were NEVER able to invade Poland without Russia helping you out. You GERMans have over 21% of your population as 65+ over in age. You're pathetic and your WEAK now and you always will be for now on. The Jews like Beezelbub are controlling you and pushing you around and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You GERMans are mostly old farts and being pushed around like a bunch of WEAK pussies!

Do you know that German Americans are the LARGEST ethnic group in America (over 55 million German Americans) yet they don't have the power to control a garbage can in America? LOL ha ha ha ha

Jewish Americans with ONLY 6 million people in America (they love that number 6 million LOL) are pushing you GERMan Americans around like a raggedy An doll Ha Ha Ha Ha

You GERMan Americans with you're huge ethnic group are a bunch of WEAK PUSSIES because the Jewish Americans with their control of the media are making you afraid of your own shadows LOL ha ha ha ha ha

So much for your GERMan crap about GERMans being the "Superior race" LOL!!! Ha ha ha ha ha LMAO!!!!!!!

You WEAK GERMan pussies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha ha ha ha ha hah
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Mar 2010 /  #183
I am as someone of Polish ancestry

I believe that's referred to here as a "Plastic Pole". I actually thought you were Polish there for a minute.

The "GERMan" thing, shear non subhuman genius.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #184

You can say what you want about me. Fair enough. I respect you're opinion.

But if you were in America you know how people think in certain parts of this country.

I LOVE America and I feel blessed that I have been born in America.

But in many parts of America there is an emphasis on American people's ethnic ancestry.

I was born in this country to Polish American parents and because of that I will Number ONE be proud of being an American, but NUMBER TWO I WILL ALWAYS BE PROUD OF MY POLISH ANCESTRY!!!!!

People can insult and attack and bash Polish people like me ALL THEY WANT, BUT I WILL ALWAYS DEFEND MY POLISH ANCESTRY NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!


WHETHER its that ANTI-Polish BIGOT Jew Beezelbub/PolishNutJob or that NAZI GERMan "Bratwurstboy" I WILL ALWAY FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT these anti-Polish Bigots!!!

And if any violence comes to these Anti-Polish bigots in the media like NBC-TV or the New York Times I say GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

F*ck these mother F*cker anti-Polish bigots!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matowy  - | 293  
8 Mar 2010 /  #185
******* hell man, do you even realise how stupid this sounds? You probably intended this to sound very noble and inspiring, but I can tell you that from an external perspective, it's just retarded.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 Mar 2010 /  #186
If Hitler said that Polish Calvary attacked those MIGHTY POWERFUL GERMan tanks then it must be true!!!!!! Hilter NEVER LIED EVER!!!

Actually, it was an Italian news article which gave the world that story.

The Polish cavalry DID charge an armoured unit, successfully, but it was not a tank unit.

Matowy  - | 293  
8 Mar 2010 /  #187
Thanks for dispelling that myth. I REFUSE to believe that the Poles would do anything on the same tier of legendary as Indiana Jones.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #188
******* hell man, do you even realise how stupid this sounds? You probably intended this to sound very noble and inspiring, but I can tell you that from an external perspective, it's just retarded.

So what's noble to you? Being bashed in the head because of your ethnicity? When the media in the US is always telling us "Be nice to Jews because they were persecuted' Be nice to black people because they were persecuted" Be nice actually to all non-Christian Non-White ethnic groups because they were persecuted"


THAT'S OK??????????


WHAT THE HELL did we Polish people ever do to NBC-TV or those virulent ANTI-POLISH ARSEHOLE BIGOTS AT THE POLISH-HATING NEW YORK TIMES???????????????
Matowy  - | 293  
8 Mar 2010 /  #189
Basically, you are acting like an idiot. There are more important things in life than this. People are often going to criticize and generally not get along with other people - that's life. Learn to distinguish the significant from the insignificant, gain some perspective, and then you'll look back on this and either laugh or feel ashamed.

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
8 Mar 2010 /  #190
*backs out of thread slowly....very slowly....*

wise choice:)

Many of my Jewish friends tell me its natural for GERMans to be evil.

you seem to prove them right with producing posts like that.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #191
Basically, you are acting like an idiot.

Oh no I don't feel ashamed ONE BIT!!!

If I look at the media's favorite ethnic groups like the blacks and the Jews and I spoke out like them against what they felt was bigotry and hatred I would be applauded all night long.

Even Martin Luther King hinted at aggression in his speeches and he was applauded for itl

There is nothing I am saying against Anti-Polish Bigotry and Hatred that Jews and Blacks in America wouldn't say about perceived bigotry and hatred.

I look at what Blacks and Jews say about bigotry and hatred against them and use that as my basis when I speak out againt bigotry and hatred against Polish people.
anglikgirl  2 | 11  
8 Mar 2010 /  #192
I am not Polish.I am an english girl living in england. i have heard many jokes about many different nationalities and rarely many Polish jokes. My darling boyfriend is Polish and so are many people i work with. I find that in England we have a soft spot for the Polish and everyone i know is very fond of Polish people and when i do occasionaly hear a few jokes the people telling them mean it as a playful tease a "JOKE" as oppossed to an insult. i was looking up jokes the other day and told my boyfriend one and he laughed.

I found that many of the polish jokes are exactly the same as the blond jokes. For example the joke mentioned earlier about having to repeat a joke 3 times to a polish person i had actually read before as a blonde joke (Being Blonde i found it quite funny) that joke is not funny because of who it is about but just because it has a funny punchline. people like mediawatch are the ones giving Polish people a negative sterotype, luckily he/she is in a minority as i believe if more polish people were as sensitive as mediawatch there may soon be jokes about the sensitive poles.

Most jokes are not meant as insults and people telling them do not believe them. If a racist person wanted to insult they would just insult outright. I think we should all take jokes lightheartedly my grandad is black from the carribbean and he is always retelling the black jokes he hears. my 3 other grandparents are from Ireland and as you know Paddy jokes are very popular. There jokes are exactly the same as Polish jokes and all my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents just see them as a bit of fun.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #193
people like mediawatch are the ones giving Polish people a negative sterotype, luckily he/she is in a minority as i believe if more polish people were as sensitive as mediawatch there may soon be jokes about the sensitive poles.......

Well anglikgirl you sound like a nice girl but I respectfully disagree with you.

I'm not sure you know how things here in the US work. If you think I am "sensitive" about Insult jokes about Poles, then by that standard Jewish Americans and African Americans are Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper sensitive. They would NEVER allow any jokes about Jews being "funny rats" or Blacks as being "funny apes". And guess what, because of that sensitivity of theirs, MOST Americans are respectful to Jews and Black people when they are in their company and would never dare use their ethnic backgrounds as a punching bag. Actually I think most Americans wouldn't bash Polish Americans to their face either today (except low class Americans) BUT ONLY BECAUSE of Polish Americans speaking out against anti-Polish slurs.

When NBC-TV and Hollywood introduced subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people to the American people in the 1960's, Polish American groups initially did not want to speak out against them because they didn't want to appear as being "too sensitive". So because of that anything went when it came to bashing Polish people as being subhumans.

You mentioned that there are also jokes against other groups. That maybe true but were there jokes about killing these people? Were there jokes about how the mothers of these people are wh*res and sluts?

NBC-TV white trash Nazi Johnny Carson on newyears day in 1969 made a "joke" about "his favorite year is the year Poland was invaded by the Nazi Germans and Polish people were killed"!! NBC-TV was actually taking the side of NAZI GERMANY OVER POLAND and making fun of millions of Polish people getting killed by the Nazi Germans.

In 1985 when a Polish airplane crashed, NBC-TV's Carson was making fun of the Polish people who just DIED on the airplane. He thought it was funny to see Polish people die just like his NBC-TV bosses like George Schlatter.

That vile Anti-Polish Bigot, Joan Rivers has gone NBC-TV making "jokes" about Polish moms being "sluts" and "prostitutes".

Oh no nothing is meant by all that! LOL

Most jokes are not meant as insults and people telling them do not believe them. If a racist person wanted to insult they would just insult outright.

Very few people are like that.

If that was true these same people would be saying these same jokes about their own ethnic background but they do not!! We Polish Americans get preached to by people saying "Oh their just jokes and nothing is meant by them" BUT THE SECOND you tell the same joke about their ethnic background, they get all indignant and offended. At least that has been my experience. Oh no when NBC-TV introduced these insult jokes about Poles into the US 40 years ago they were basically bragging about how effective these would be in degrading Polish people because they said the best thing about these jokes is that you can always say afterwards "Nothing is meant by them" "I'm just kidding". So this appealed to many people who had inferiorty complexes about their won ethnic backgrounds and wanted to feel better about themselves without feeling like they are outrightly offending anyone by using the Poles as an ethnic punching bag. They only started to realize they sounded like bigots when Polish Americans told them it was hate-through-humor. Just like Jewish Americans have sensitized Americans not to make "funny rat jew Jokes" or Black Americans have sensitized Americans from making "funny ape Black jokes".

Its no accident that NBC-TV stayed away from pushing degrading "funny jokes about Jews as rats" or degrading "funny jokes about Blacks being apes" because NBC-TV has a soft spot for these groups and didn't want to push that kind of imagery of these groups into the minds of the American public. But for Polish people it was a different story. I mean come on the NBC-TV bosses back then pretty much admitted that they hated Polish people and they felt they could bash the Polish people with impunity and "there is nothing the Polish people could do about it". Well that was true until it got to the point that these media bosses realized that when they left the security of the NBC-TV building they could get their a$$e$ kicked when they went home. LOL They also didn't want to be seen as Anti-Polish bigots either.

No here in America you are RESPECTED when you speak out against bigotry. Jewish groups and Black groups have proven this time and again. In my personal experiences when I speak out against anti-Polish Bigotry, people always show me respect.

Big Lefty powerful Senator Arlen Specter made some degrading subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people about 2 years ago and he RESPECTED the Polish American groups that denounced his bigoted jokes about Poles. He also respected the NON-POLES who spoke out against his anti-Polish jokes.


"Arlen Specter apologizes for Polish jokes"

Now we just have to go after that Lefty Idiot anti-Polish Bigot Paul Krugman of the New York Times for making a recent indirect reference about Polish people having subhuman intelligence ;)
f stop  24 | 2493  
8 Mar 2010 /  #194
And guess what, because of that sensitivity of theirs, MOST Americans are respectful to Jews and Black people when they are in their company and would never dare use their ethnic backgrounds as a punching bag.

You are very wrong. Jewish and black jokes are the rage. Just about every comedian does them.
beelzebub  - | 444  
8 Mar 2010 /  #195
people like mediawatch are the ones giving Polish people a negative sterotype

Ironically he isn't even Polish. He is an American with a Polish last name and some Poles a few generations back in his family. Expats and people with Polish names seem to create more of the bad reputation than anyone. The real Poles have to suffer the consequences of this as well so I am sure they don't appreciate it.

He also keps quoting media appearances from 30-40 years ago. It's 2010 buddy. Johnny Carson has been dead for a while. Get over it.
czar  1 | 143  
9 Mar 2010 /  #196
my grandad is black from the Caribbean and he is always retelling the black jokes he hears. my 3 other grandparents are from Ireland and as you know Paddy jokes are very popular.

grethomory  1 | 155  
9 Mar 2010 /  #197
I look at what Blacks and Jews say about bigotry and hatred against them and use that as my basis when I speak out againt bigotry and hatred against Polish people.

Amen. Good for you MediaWatch. As someone said in a previous post...no one makes fun of themselves it's always some ethnic group other than themselves. As I stated before, these horrible jokes reinforce stereotypes from ignorant people and unfortunately it's the ignorant ones who are the most vocal.

I don't think it's funny when people make jokes about disabled people either. But idiots laugh and never think that one day they could have a child and their child could be disabled in some manner.

There are alot of other things in the world to laugh about than ethnicity or disability
PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
9 Mar 2010 /  #198
Absolutely correct, my good man. Race and gender are much more fruitful and valid topics which can be judiciously addressed. Equal opportunities abound in this category for so many of the inferior minority groups.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
10 Mar 2010 /  #199
...Origin of Polish "jokes"

Where did you hear that??? I was told those jokes existed waaay earlier than that.
Supposedly Poles (although many were also Ukrainians, Russians, etc.) were the first group that reached the US soil en masse without any knowledge of the English language whatsoever. Previous groups could some, although very limited English. Most Poles could say "no English - I'm Polak" and that's how it started.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
10 Mar 2010 /  #200
Exactly. Not only were they poor in English but they probably had little experience of industrial city life, so things which seemed obvious to a yankee towny might have been totally alien to a newcomer from some pinprick village in east poland.

I recall hearing a story of a Jewish immigrant to US in the 1930's who amazed his relatives because he knew how to drive a car... They thought Europeans didn't have them. It would have been even worse in the 1800s.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
10 Mar 2010 /  #201
*backs out of thread slowly....very slowly....*

What, are you French now? ;) Just keedin' - backing out was probably a smart idea, things got kind of strange here very fast...
Softsong  5 | 492  
10 Mar 2010 /  #202
MediaWatch, I am an American of Polish ancestry. I can understand you being proud of your roots. But to be so ugly to Bratwurst Boy is uncalled for. For one thing, he is ALWAYS proclaiming that Poles and German are equals in the IQ department.

And while he is proud of his German roots, he has never condoned what Hitler has done. Somehow you have imputed a lot of things to him that you believe are true. Maybe you need to see more of his posts to understand how he can love Germany, enjoy talking about war strategy and also see that Hitler was not in the best interest of anyone.

Otherwise, you are just as prejudiced as you claim him to be. All human beings are genetically very close to each other. All people have been noble, all people have done evil. Be proud of your Polish roots, but be prouder still to be in the human race.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
10 Mar 2010 /  #204
Most Poles could say "no English - I'm Polak" and that's how it started.

As I have already explained before there were always jokes about Poles in America ALONG WITH jokes about every major ethnic group. There was a time when there were jokes against Irish people along the lines of "Irish and dogs need not apply" "Irish are white monkeys", jokes against Italians, Jews, Blacks, etc. Most jokes back then before WWII were about Poles being stubborn Kielbasa eaters or Pierogi eaters, etc.

But I am focusing specifically on the subhuman intelligence jokes against Polish people that my parents and others of their age NOTICED became "popular" in the 1960's, LO and BEHOLD right when NBC-TV was blanketing the nation with them.

My parents and others their age said they never heard of these subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles when they were growing up in the 40's and 50's.

If jokes about an ethnic group are supposedly because of a reactionary bias against them when they come into the US (which is true to a certain degree) and settle in a certain area of the nation, then how is it people can be surveyed in parts of the US where there are NO Polish people and say they have an opinion of Poles that "Poles have inferior intelligence"?

The Polish American Guardian Society did an opinion survey in the US in the 1960's and 70's and asked Americans who did NOT live near any Poles or KNOW ANY Poles and these Americans said they had a low opinion of Poles because they said they didn't think Poles were intelligent. When the person giving this opinion of Poles was asked the question "Well how can you say this about Polish people when you DO NOT KNOW ANY"? The person would then say "Oh I feel this way about Polish people BECAUSE OF WHAT I SEE ON TV ABOUT THEM!". The surveyed person would then continue to say "When they talk about Polish people on TV and I HEAR THOSE POLISH JOKES, TO ME Polish people can't be too smart!"

Its also very interesting that many of the subhuman intelligence jokes that Polish Americans have reported to be ridiculed with by others in the 70's were the SAME anti-Polish jokes the late night bigots on TV were saying the night before. Or in the case of Polish Americans being ridiculed as being "meat head dumb Polacks" these defamatory remarks about Polish people were taken from the Anti-Polish character "Archie Bunker" from the CBS-TV show "All in the Family" the night before. Although the Leftist producer of All in the Family, Norman Lear, claimed his show was suppose to be "against bigotry" it actually stirred up bigotry against Polish poeple, which many Polish American groups feel was his true intention. There were a couple token episodes of "All in the Family" which portrayed the Polish character Michael Stivic in a positive way, but most of the episodes he's portrayed as a Slob and in almost every show Archie Bunker kept calling him "A meathead dumb Polack"

Its no accident that these sound bytes of "Meathead dumb Polack" became "popular" with MILLIONS OF AMERICANS especially considering the show "All in the Family" was getting ratings as high as 40 to 50 million American viewers since there were only a few networks at that time in the 70's.

All this constant conditioning of the American public of hearing REPEATEDLY one anti-Polish slur after another by the bigots at the TV networks pushing it, made all these subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people "popular" in the US especially in the 60's and 70's.

This all further created an atmosphere where vultures like Anti-Polish Leftist Bigots like Larry Wilde felt he could write anti-Polish joke books so that he could profit off of Bashing Polish people while getting off on it at the same time.
beelzebub  - | 444  
10 Mar 2010 /  #205
Most kids are into video games or sports....Media Watch is into obscure TV history relating to Polish jokes. I bet you get picked on a lot right?

What is it with expats and people of long ago Polish decent being more nationalistic that real Poles? You haven't even BEEN to Poland...you are several generations removed apparently... yet you have an obsession with this one obscure idea. It is abnormal.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
10 Mar 2010 /  #206
What is it with expats and people of long ago Polish decent being more nationalistic that real Poles?

This kind if stuff affects them directly in US, no surprise there. Besides those jokes are to compensate for average yanks own short coming and what the rest of the world really think of the him, not too bright now, is he? Projecting their own image onto others, hoping it catches on. There’s nothing abnormal about it or nationalistic that the Poles in Poland don’t pick on you for that. It just wouldn’t be fair to pick on someone who is disadvantaged in the first place. Besides one is suppose to take care of special needs child.
grubas  12 | 1382  
11 Mar 2010 /  #207

You do a great job bro!keep it up!those who do not live or lived in the US have no idea what you are talking about.Do not let anybody call you "polack" even if you have to resort to violence.break one or two noses and they will learn respect.(first hand experience)
beelzebub  - | 444  
11 Mar 2010 /  #208
Haha right. Try breaking my nose and you won't get respect in return but you will get something. Way to show the sensitivity I speak about so much. Hypocrites.
czar  1 | 143  
11 Mar 2010 /  #209
Bratwurst Boy is uncalled for. For one thing, he is ALWAYS proclaiming that Poles and German are equals in the IQ department.

And while he is proud of his German roots, he has never condoned what Hitler has done.

what a guy, firstly, germans are inferior intellectually for example following hitler, so bratboy hasnt condoned what hitler did? like i said, what a guy.

joan rivers is relevant because its on nearly all the god damned time and it looks like hell and sounds like satan. and i am another in favor of what media watch is saying although for his own good I would hope would let it going knowing he is right rather than argue with a guy like beezlebub who i honestly have no idea why you would come on polish forums and stir it up unless your looking for broken nose.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
11 Mar 2010 /  #210
Be proud of your Polish roots, but be prouder still to be in the human race

Very well said!

Bratwurst Boy "luvs" Softsong

How about me, huh???

As far as jokes, in Sweden many of our jokes were about Norwegians (ok, pretty much ALL of them!) and some were about Finns. In Norway it's all reversed, the very same jokes but now about Swedes. In New York I hear a lot of jokes about Canadians. Chicagoans probably joke about Poles a lot - there are lot of Poles living there... Many yankees (northerners) joke about Southerners and vice versa (note which group I capitalized LOL). Some jokes are funny, some are vulgar, sexist, some are rasist... However, I don't see an anti-Polish joke conspiracy anywhere...

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