people like mediawatch are the ones giving Polish people a negative sterotype, luckily he/she is in a minority as i believe if more polish people were as sensitive as mediawatch there may soon be jokes about the sensitive poles.......
Well anglikgirl you sound like a nice girl but I respectfully disagree with you.
I'm not sure you know how things here in the US work. If you think I am "sensitive" about Insult jokes about Poles, then by that standard Jewish Americans and African Americans are Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper Hyper sensitive. They would NEVER allow any jokes about Jews being "funny rats" or Blacks as being "funny apes". And guess what, because of that sensitivity of theirs, MOST Americans are respectful to Jews and Black people when they are in their company and would never dare use their ethnic backgrounds as a punching bag. Actually I think most Americans wouldn't bash Polish Americans to their face either today (except low class Americans) BUT ONLY BECAUSE of Polish Americans speaking out against anti-Polish slurs.
When NBC-TV and Hollywood introduced subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people to the American people in the 1960's, Polish American groups initially did not want to speak out against them because they didn't want to appear as being "too sensitive". So because of that anything went when it came to bashing Polish people as being subhumans.
You mentioned that there are also jokes against other groups. That maybe true but were there jokes about killing these people? Were there jokes about how the mothers of these people are wh*res and sluts?
NBC-TV white trash Nazi Johnny Carson on newyears day in 1969 made a "joke" about "his favorite year is the year Poland was invaded by the Nazi Germans and Polish people were killed"!! NBC-TV was actually taking the side of NAZI GERMANY OVER POLAND and making fun of millions of Polish people getting killed by the Nazi Germans.
In 1985 when a Polish airplane crashed, NBC-TV's Carson was making fun of the Polish people who just DIED on the airplane. He thought it was funny to see Polish people die just like his NBC-TV bosses like George Schlatter.
That vile Anti-Polish Bigot, Joan Rivers has gone NBC-TV making "jokes" about Polish moms being "sluts" and "prostitutes".
Oh no nothing is meant by all that! LOL
Most jokes are not meant as insults and people telling them do not believe them. If a racist person wanted to insult they would just insult outright.
Very few people are like that.
If that was true these same people would be saying these same jokes about their own ethnic background but they do not!! We Polish Americans get preached to by people saying "Oh their just jokes and nothing is meant by them" BUT THE SECOND you tell the same joke about their ethnic background, they get all indignant and offended. At least that has been my experience. Oh no when NBC-TV introduced these insult jokes about Poles into the US 40 years ago they were basically bragging about how effective these would be in degrading Polish people because they said the best thing about these jokes is that you can always say afterwards "Nothing is meant by them" "I'm just kidding". So this appealed to many people who had inferiorty complexes about their won ethnic backgrounds and wanted to feel better about themselves without feeling like they are outrightly offending anyone by using the Poles as an ethnic punching bag. They only started to realize they sounded like bigots when Polish Americans told them it was hate-through-humor. Just like Jewish Americans have sensitized Americans not to make "funny rat jew Jokes" or Black Americans have sensitized Americans from making "funny ape Black jokes".
Its no accident that NBC-TV stayed away from pushing degrading "funny jokes about Jews as rats" or degrading "funny jokes about Blacks being apes" because NBC-TV has a soft spot for these groups and didn't want to push that kind of imagery of these groups into the minds of the American public. But for Polish people it was a different story. I mean come on the NBC-TV bosses back then pretty much admitted that they hated Polish people and they felt they could bash the Polish people with impunity and "there is nothing the Polish people could do about it". Well that was true until it got to the point that these media bosses realized that when they left the security of the NBC-TV building they could get their a$$e$ kicked when they went home. LOL They also didn't want to be seen as Anti-Polish bigots either.
No here in America you are RESPECTED when you speak out against bigotry. Jewish groups and Black groups have proven this time and again. In my personal experiences when I speak out against anti-Polish Bigotry, people always show me respect.
Big Lefty powerful Senator Arlen Specter made some degrading subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people about 2 years ago and he RESPECTED the Polish American groups that denounced his bigoted jokes about Poles. He also respected the NON-POLES who spoke out against his anti-Polish jokes.
"Arlen Specter apologizes for Polish jokes"
Now we just have to go after that Lefty Idiot anti-Polish Bigot Paul Krugman of the New York Times for making a recent indirect reference about Polish people having subhuman intelligence ;)