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Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
4 Mar 2010 /  #151
Nazis were Darwinian Socialists too. Does Darwin and Socialism get a free pass yet Polish jokes dont?

I actually respect the passion you appear to have with this issue. I think you would have better results with a more finely tuned approach. Shouting Nazi or racist or something like that has lost its effectiveness for the most part.

beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #152
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
4 Mar 2010 /  #153
Tell me that often enough and it will become true. (I have a sudden urge to buy a pair of Doc Martens)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Mar 2010 /  #154
I think some jokes are healthy but are not well received oftentimes. Even the slightest insinuation that Poland isn't a paradise or some Poles aren't at Einstein's level of IQ can offend them.

I don't mind jokes against Scots at all as we can laugh at ourselves.
czar  1 | 143  
5 Mar 2010 /  #155
beezlebub ill take no response as a yes,

the dumbest polish people i know make "smart" people look stupid haha

ive never met a smart person, i see dumb people

we need a joke thread with jokes from polish not dumb polish jokes but they can be dumb too hah

im the smartest human ever but its a gift and a curse cause im also the dumbest.

nobody cares about the scottish
convex  20 | 3928  
5 Mar 2010 /  #156
Nazis were Darwinian Socialists too. Does Darwin and Socialism get a free pass yet Polish jokes dont?

Perhaps more significantly, most Nazis were members of the Catholic and Protestant churches.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
5 Mar 2010 /  #157
nobody cares about the scottish

Funny you should say that.

In 17th century there was a Polish gentleman,John Stercovius, who went to Scotland, wearing his Prussian/Polish clothes. he was laughed at. When he returned he wrote a rather nasty pamphlet against Scotland.

The Scottish king, James VI, got to hear of it and wrote to his old buddy, the King of Poland. The Prussian chap was arrested and was publically beheaded by sword in Kętrzyn (not sure which was worse, the beheading or having to go to Kętrzyn). Even this wasn't enough for james, and all the pamphlets were seized or ordered to be returned.

So, we Scots take our jokes VERY seriously.
beelzebub  - | 444  
6 Mar 2010 /  #158
beezlebub ill take no response as a yes,

I did not see your question. No I do not use ICQ and have not used this name anywhere else.

Not sure why you would assume no answer means "yes".
czar  1 | 143  
6 Mar 2010 /  #159
I did not see your question

i think it was a comment about religion you made, ok my bad nice to meet you.

Funny you should say that.

heh yeah trev the second time i heard a polish joke was the last time heh

i still say we need a polish humor thread and not this dumb polish joke thread like this whole website has more anti poles than anyone else, thats fine im a walking stereotype myself.
grethomory  1 | 155  
6 Mar 2010 /  #160
I'm glad that Polish guy called in and told them about the origin of Subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people.

I truly don't know the station. I was riding in the car with my friend and it was on. Kinda new to Chicago so I am still getting the radio stations down. I will ask him if I see him this weekend for you.
pantsless  1 | 266  
6 Mar 2010 /  #161
Mexican jokes? Russian jokes? Irish jokes? All of them make fun of a nationality for being dump, alcoholics, poor etc etc. Why are Poles any special? Oh yea, the infamous Polish complex.

I was driving in my car with another Polish guy talking about this very thing. He said a lot of the same things mentioned here but I had to cut him off because I had a feeling my turn signals werent working since a few people honked when I changed lanes.

I stopped the car and asked him to get out and let me know if they were working, 'no spoks bez problemu', he gets out, I turn them on and ask "so are they working?"

He says, 'Yes theyre working, wait wait, no theyre not working, now theyre working, now theyre not working.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
6 Mar 2010 /  #162
What will be interesting is IF people stop telling Polish jokes whether Polish TV will stop using comedy material with stereotypes of other nations ethnicity (Russian gangsters, stupid Americans, Blacks etc).

Occasionally it's a matter of the pot calling the kettle 'ethnic'.
grethomory  1 | 155  
7 Mar 2010 /  #163
I agree. As I have already said, in the US, Polish jokes like Polish Kielbasa jokes or Polish Pierogi jokes were always around but the Subhuman Intelligence jokes about the Polish were introduced and pushed mainly in the 1960's.

I'm not Polish, MediaWatch, but I agree with you. Jokes are jokes and there are funny things about all groups...I won't say races...groups of people, but when the jokes are at the butt of subhuman intelligence...it reinforces a stereotype. See, most people know how ridiculous these jokes are...but there are some who truly believe that Polish have subhuman intelligence and unfortunately...those are the ones that are most vocal. When that guy called into the station...I never knew about Hitler stating those things about Polish, but see...Hitler was an idiot...and he was very vocal. Those are the dangerous ones.
czar  1 | 143  
8 Mar 2010 /  #164
What will be interesting is IF people stop telling Polish jokes whether Polish TV will stop using comedy material with stereotypes of other nations ethnicity

in fact trevok that wouldnt be interesting at all
like i said, nobody cares about the scottish
not enough to make fun of them
beelzebub  - | 444  
8 Mar 2010 /  #165
What will be interesting is IF people stop telling Polish jokes whether Polish TV will stop using comedy material with stereotypes of other nations ethnicity (Russian gangsters, stupid Americans, Blacks etc).

Of course they won't. Hypocrisy is rampant there.

He says, 'Yes theyre working, wait wait, no theyre not working, now theyre working, now theyre not working.

Hahaha...that's great!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #166
What will be interesting is IF people stop telling Polish jokes whether Polish TV will stop using comedy material with stereotypes of other nations ethnicity

Is that the same Polish media that likes to cause problems for Poland by bashing Poland itself, accusing Poland of being anti-semtic, homophobic, etc?

Sounds similar to the element of American media that trashes America.
czar  1 | 143  
8 Mar 2010 /  #167
He says, 'Yes theyre working, wait wait, no theyre not working, now theyre working, now theyre not working.

beezlebub, are you saying youve never heard that joke before or do you sincerely think that its funny which one or both. i need to know because if youve never heard that joke before and you think that its funny you might just be the dumbest person on the planet.
beelzebub  - | 444  
8 Mar 2010 /  #168
I have heard it before...and I think it is hilarious. What does that make me now?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #169
What offends you more?

Insults about Polish people or Insults about Jewish people?
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
8 Mar 2010 /  #170
MW? Is that anti-polish or just funny?


First Modern Usage

13 of June 1938. The first day that the Panzers rolled across the Polish Border (coincidentally they also rolled a natural 20 at their attack check). Their first action was parking next to the border, and letting the infantry fight the Polish.
The Polish fought primarily using grenades, but the Germans retaliated by pulling the pins out and throwing them back. The Panzers only began to contribute when the Polish began to run out of Grenades. They then used their secret weapon: Cavalry. Charging German tanks with Rifle and Sword they sought to defeat the German armor in hand to hand combat. The Tanks merely opened fire with their machine guns and simply ran over the horses using their tanks.

czar  1 | 143  
8 Mar 2010 /  #171
a guilty concious combined with attempts to assimilate
PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
8 Mar 2010 /  #172
The Polish media's alleged accusations of Poland being anti-semitic and homophobic does not qualify as "bashing" this great country. Polish boys must learn to embrace their culture and traditions, and not perceive the Polish media's accurate depictions of Poland as "bashing."

Indeed not!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #173
Oh boy, it looks like my pal Beelzebub doesn't want to answer my simple question to him so he switches to his other name "Polish Nut Job"

Again I am going to ask you Beelzebub/PolishNutJob or whatever you call yourself.

Are you more offended by Insults against Polish people or Insults against Jewish people?????????

Its a simple question.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 Mar 2010 /  #174
nobody cares about the scottish
not enough to make fun of them

Funny, I've heard enough Scottish jokes. I can tell you some, if you like.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #175
MW? Is that anti-polish or just funny?


Oh my Good Germ-an pal Bratwurst Boy

I read what you said and I just want to say OH BOY YOU ARE FUNNY!!!!

oooooohhhhhhh you got me!

In that article you have about the powerful Germ-ans, that sounds like its very funny and at the expense of the Polish people!! Which I know you LOVE!!! THATS THE GERMan in YOU!! LOL I see you got that propaganda about Polish people from your Fuerher Hitler!! I see you see that Hilter is a wonderful man. That must be the GERMan in you!!!!!

You know what you and Hitler think about Polish people are the truth!

If Hitler said that Polish Calvary attacked those MIGHTY POWERFUL GERMan tanks then it must be true!!!!!! Hilter NEVER LIED EVER!!!

Yes Bratwurst boy you and Hitler are right!!!!!!!!! GERMan people are superior in intelligence to Polish people!!!!!!!! We Polish people will always have subhuman intelligence. I mean afterall your HERO HITLER said that so it has to be true!!!!

But joking aside, I personally have nothing against Germ-an people. Like I told you earlier I LOVE the German Rock Group Ramstein!!!!!!!

They have to be one of the best Rock Groups around!!!!

But since you are a proud Germ-an and think all things revolve around GERMany can you tell me why a Great German Rock group would have the following videos?????

Mein Teil


Bratwurst boy why is the GERMan rock band Rammstein putting human beings on LEASHES?? Is that a GERM-an thing???

You complain about Muslim brutality but these Germans think its 'cool" to put children - little boys and girls in CAGES. Is that a GERMan thing?? WTF???

Ramstein putting little boys and girls in a cage for fun and putting snakes on women LOL WTF??



YOU KNOW that will OFFEND out JEWISH friend Beezelbub/PolishNutJob!!! LOL




Is it the GERMan in them BratwurstBoy?????????

Oh man Why does Rammstein have to do these sick things????

Just like the GERMans in WWII it seems like

Somethings never change!! lol

Oh and to think I wanted to like Ramstein :( :( :(
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
8 Mar 2010 /  #176


But you really should take a break sometimes and surf this site...it's really funny! ;)

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #177
But you really should take a break sometimes and surf this site...it's really funny! ;)

Mr. GERMan Bratwurstboy, has anyone in your family ever murderded any Poles or Jews for fun??

Why is Germany spelled GERM-any???

Many of my Jewish friends tell me that Germany is spelled as GERM-any because GERMans are naturally demonic and evil.

Is that true??

I mean Rammstein which is PRO-GERMan likes to show sick demonic human nature. Is that a GERMan thing??

Many of my Jewish friends tell me its natural for GERMans to be evil.
convex  20 | 3928  
8 Mar 2010 /  #178
I read what you said and I just want to say OH BOY YOU ARE FUNNY!!!!

I don't get it. Are you getting offended because of uncyclopedia? If so, that's hilarious in itself.

But seriously here, I would suggest doing some research into satire, particularly the use of irony. If you didn't like uncyclopedia...you're going to hate sickipedia.

Many of my Jewish friends tell me that Germany is spelled as GERM-any because GERMans are naturally demonic and evil.

Yes it's true, May 19th is whack-a-jew day in Germany (whack-a-polak day is sometime in September.).
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11682  
8 Mar 2010 /  #179
What is it with Mediawatch and Rammstein?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 Mar 2010 /  #180
But seriously here, I would suggest doing some research into satire, particularly the use of irony. If you didn't like uncyclopedia...you're going to hate sickipedia.

Oh no I think its HILLARIOUS!

Can't you see I'm just joking around??

I just think its very interesting and funny when Proud Nazi GERMans like Bratwurstboy and Jewish supremacists like Beezelbub/PolishNutjob have the identical hatred of Polish people!! LOL

Jewish supremacists like Beezelbub and GERMan supremacists like Bratwurstboy both think Polish people have subhuman intelligence!! THAT IS SO DAMN FUNNY!!!

In light of that I am so surprised that GERMan Nazis like Bratwurstboy and Jewish surpremacists like Beezelbub/PolishNutJob have the same common hatred for Polish people!! LOL

I can't believe that the Nazi GERMans and Jews hated each other so much when the one thing they have in common is that "Polish people have subhuman intelligence" LOL

The Rabbis all throughout Europe were teaching their fellow Jews that Polish people have subhuman intelligence EXACTLY when Adolf Hilter and his fellow Nazi GERMans like Bratwurstboy's GERMans parent were being taught the same thing that Polish people have subhuman intelligence!!!!!! LOL Isn't that funny!!!! ha ha ha ha

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