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f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Mar 2010 /  #91
I tell people that all the Polish jokes they hear are actually about Italians. I don't think anyone I ever told that to tried to disprove that point.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
2 Mar 2010 /  #92
Why even try to play one ethnic group against another?

Why is it so important to tell insult jokes about anyone?
beelzebub  - | 444  
2 Mar 2010 /  #93
I am going to keep doing it just to spite you. If you had made a calm and rational case I might have considered it but because of your insane rants and copy pastes I am going on a Polish joke marathon. In fact I hadn't heard or told one for years until you incited all of this.

All your fault.Well done wannabe Polak ;)
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Mar 2010 /  #94
Why even try to play one ethnic group against another?

I just do that as proof that these jokes have nothing to do with ethnicity, since they can so easily be transferred from one to another. Most important is a good punch line.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
2 Mar 2010 /  #95
If you had made a calm and rational case I might have considered it but because of your insane rants and copy pastes I am going on a Polish joke

Well if that's your mentality. Its not like I would ever deny you of free speech.

So OK then you will have no problems with a Jewish joke marathon since you're obviously very touch about those?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
2 Mar 2010 /  #96
What do you call a person who speaks 2 languages? Bilingual

Huh, I'm above par then. I speak American, Spanish (North American) and love.(cunnilingual)

That's not true. As Hitler said, if you repeat something over and over and over and over and over again, especially something ABSURD, a LIE, it gives the apperance of BEING TRUE.

I've read Mein Kampf from Mein Kumpfy chair. Nothing unusual or original about leaders trying to influence populations. Pharaohs and Caesars understood this. Al Gore does too. :)

Rat jokes have not really been in vogue during my lifetime here. Anyways, most jews that I know are pretty self-effacing anyways. If I hear one of these rat jokes it will probably be from a jew.

White folk aren't the majority where I live. I probably forgot more about Black people than your professors ever knew. I've told more black jokes and heard more redneck jokes than you could possibly believe. East Asian jokes too.

Let me guess, You think everyone is stupid and can't find a way to get along in the world without your help and ideals right? You are just the kind of person who is needed to take charge of things and straighten out this whole mess right? Good luck Mr/Ms. Stalin.

Go bend the ear of some hipsters in the coffee shop because grown-ups know exactly how things work already.
beelzebub  - | 444  
2 Mar 2010 /  #97
Go bend the ear of some hipsters in the coffee shop because grown-ups know exactly how things work already.

Beautiful :)
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
2 Mar 2010 /  #98
I just do that as proof that these jokes have nothing to do with ethnicity, since they can so easily be transferred from one to another. Most important is a good punch line.

Correct, they are in fact Immigrant jokes here in the US. Poles, Irish, Italian, Cuban, Mexican... Just fill in the blanks.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Mar 2010 /  #99
not necessarily.. A lot of jokes about stupidity lately have changed to be redneck jokes!
Interestingly, when I tell people here that in Poland, the jokes about stupidity are more often than not about Americans, they do not believe me!
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
2 Mar 2010 /  #100
Oh no! I have a banjo.

Well, Its the only group without special legal rights and representation.
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Mar 2010 /  #101
Well, Its the only group without special legal rights and representation.

Damn right. When I'm visiting, I'll keep a journal. There's got to be a law suit there somewhere.
Matowy  - | 293  
2 Mar 2010 /  #102
Especially when this is done in mass media like TV or motion pictures. Its called "the Big Lie" technique.

This is a good point, but it doesn't change the fact that you are being too serious about this. If someone is stupid enough to believe something irrational, then that person will be their stupid self and cling on to their belief no matter how much you demonstrate they are wrong (this is known as the "No true Scotsman" fallacy). So, quite simply, it's pointless for you to be so against ethnic jokes because of the hypothesis that they reinforce stereotypes. The mentality that allow stereotypes to exist will not disappear even if you get rid of stereotypical jokes/humour. You cannot change anyone's nature but your own.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
2 Mar 2010 /  #103
I actually agree with much of what you say. People who have a prejudice against a given group of people based on an internal grudge, personal hatred, insecurities about their own ethnic background which prompts them to have a need to use another ethnic group/the Poles as an ethnic punching bag so that they can feel better about their own ancestry, etc. - that group will always tell ethnic slurs against that group no matter what you say to them or how much you explain to them where prejudice against that group came from. My comments on Anti-Polish prejudice were directed to people who are not in that group who are more fair minded.

There will probably always be a bias against Blacks and Jews but these two groups in the US have been effective in keeping prejudices against Blacks and Jews on the fringes of society because of their constant efforts to educate the public where Anti-Black and Anti-Jewish prejudice comes from. Even if somebody will continue to have negative feelings towards Blacks and Jews, at least they will be more mindful of their negative comments towards them because of all the speaking out Blacks and Jews have done on these issues.

Since this is a Polishforums forum, I have to think there would be people on here who don't have a rock solid prejudice against Polish people and therefore may be interested in where Anti-Polish slurs have originated from. Don't forget my comments were in response to others here asking where Anti-Polish slurs/hate-through-humor against Poles come from. Should I be silent on answering that question because I may offend those who are bent on hating Polish people no matter what? I say no.

The day I see Blacks, Jews and other ethnic groups speaking out against slurs against them stop, will be the day I stop informing people of where certain anti-Polish slurs come from.

And to be frank, I could say a lot more here on Anti-Polish prejudice but I have not.
beelzebub  - | 444  
2 Mar 2010 /  #104
And to be frank, I could say a lot more here on Anti-Polish prejudice but I have not.

Thank God
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
2 Mar 2010 /  #105
Trying to attach Polish jokes to Nazis and then saying that American media promoted it is just silly. Especially since most visual media has had a disproportionate number of jews in it forever. Unless you mean to say that jews took swipes at Poles after the war via American media. Is that what you are insinuating?

You seem to be bigoted against white males only. Why is that?
f stop  24 | 2493  
2 Mar 2010 /  #106
it's groups of people trying to differentiate themselves. Making jokes about each other is better than cussing each other out.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
2 Mar 2010 /  #107
You seem to be bigoted against white males only. Why is that?

No I definitely am not bigoted against white males. Frankly white males in general have been taking it on the chin lately lol

Also I do NOT see this as a "Jewish thing" even if there are Jews in Hollywood, since I know Jews who are pro-Polish and decent people. There is good and bad in all groups of people. There are good and bad Poles, Jews, Germans, etc.

I see this as a Leftist ideological thing in the US from those days.

See my post #13 in the topic Origin of Polish jokes is Nazi Propaganda

Basically Leftists in 60's Hollywood adopted similar slurs against Poles the Nazis used because they had similar negative feelings towards the Poles but for their own ideological reasons. Its not unheard of for opposing ideologies to have overlapping things they believe in.
convex  20 | 3928  
2 Mar 2010 /  #108
Frankly white males in general have been taking it on the chin lately lol

Louis CK sums it up pretty well
grethomory  1 | 155  
3 Mar 2010 /  #109
Jokes about any ethnic group are not funny. Why? Because there are idiots out there who will believe these stereotypes. Here in America...alot of people think that Polish people are dumb and stupid. Those of us who happen to know Polish people know better, but the average uneducated person will believe this. Jokes about any type of people are not funny.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
3 Mar 2010 /  #110
Other than maybe Bill Cosby, You just put every black comic out of work.
rychlik  41 | 372  
3 Mar 2010 /  #111
I don't hear any Polish jokes in Toronto. Maybe the population is more educated here.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
3 Mar 2010 /  #112
I haven't heard them for 30 years here in the states.
grethomory  1 | 155  
4 Mar 2010 /  #113
They were making Polish jokes on the radio here today in Chicago. They said since they didn't celebrate Pulaski Day they were going to do it. So, people were calling in telling Polish jokes. Every joke was about how dumb Polish people were. Then this one man called in and stated he was 3rd generation Polish and the origin of Polish jokes came from when the Nazis invaded Poland and Hitler thought the Polish people were not not smart enough for anything but to be slaves. That kind of shut them up when he called in and said that.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134  
4 Mar 2010 /  #114
lol, someone learned their lesson
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
4 Mar 2010 /  #115
They were making Polish jokes on the radio here today in Chicago.

Chicago. If they gave the US an enema, Chicago is where they would stick the hose. -Lol.

Seriously though, Most Americans I know couldn't tell you what a pollack was.
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #116
lol, someone learned their lesson

What lesson? That Poles are overly sensitive and have no sense of humor?

I am not going to let you whiners get away with the constant "we are so persecuted" nonsense. Get over your victim mentality.
Matowy  - | 293  
4 Mar 2010 /  #117
They were making Polish jokes on the radio here today in Chicago

Such jokes are acceptable in a personal space, but on the radio?! That's extremely unprofessional for whichever radio station did that.
f stop  24 | 2493  
4 Mar 2010 /  #118
Guess you guys never heard of Howard Stern, huh? I think this is taken way too seriously. Doth thou protesteth too much?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
4 Mar 2010 /  #119
What lesson? That Poles are overly sensitive and have no sense of humor?

In the US there are many other groups ahead of the Poles when it comes to whining.

What about all that Jewish whining?
beelzebub  - | 444  
4 Mar 2010 /  #120
What about all that Jewish whining?

You have a Jew obsession. We are not talking about Jews...we are talking about Poles. That is another thing Poles ALWAYS do...deflect and say "oh yeah what about so and so".

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