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beelzebub  - | 444  
27 Feb 2010 /  #61
Hey! This is on topic so stop moving it.

A Polish man had a bandage on each ear. What happened? "I was ironing, and the phone rang!" "What about the other ear?" "Had to call the doctor!"

That might be true. But than again, most of them are not funny at all.

Only Poles think so. They would laugh if they were about Russians or Germans. Hypocrites.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
27 Feb 2010 /  #62
Only Poles think so. They would laugh if they were about Russians or Germans. Hypocrites.

What? Do you really find that joke about ironing hilarious?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
27 Feb 2010 /  #63
Why trouble yourself to write a half a page essay when an average American reader won’t get it? Simply put, American media particularly the one owned and operated by American Jews is responsible for publishing and promoting Polish Jokes starting in the 60’s reaching its apex in late 70’s and early through mid 80’s and continuing to do so today. Deliberately misrepresenting historical facts and misinforming American reader who does not know any better, with false statements like “Polish concentration camps” etc. etc. To be fair this could also be attributed to their own insecurity, ignorance and hatred.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
27 Feb 2010 /  #64
That might be true. But than again, most of them are not funny at all.

Its not true.

Beelzebub hates Polish people so of course he's going to say that.

People who hate any group - such as Blacks, Italians, Irish - say that everyone against them.

Beelzebub is not even of Polish ancestry. He lived in Poland for a couple months and so he thinks he's some big expert on Poland. In general the only Americans who like racist jokes against Poles (or any ethnicity) are low class Americans like Beelzebub.

Origin of Subhuman Intelligence Jokes about Polish People

polishforums.com/off-topic-lounge-47/origin-polish-jokes-nazi-propagan da-42309/
beelzebub  - | 444  
27 Feb 2010 /  #65

He has cut and pasted that "essay" here 5 or 6 times in the last month alone.

I like jokes because they make me laugh. They are not some secret plot to oppress anyone. Get over yourselves. The Polish cultural insecurity is the problem not the jokes.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
27 Feb 2010 /  #66
Well Polish jokes like Kielbasa jokes or Pierogi jokes were made up by Polish people. But not the Subhuman Intelligence Jokes about Polish people.
beelzebub  - | 444  
27 Feb 2010 /  #67
Did someone hurt your feelings with a Polak joke when you were a kid? You sound like you have been harboring this grudge for a very long time. You are pathetically obsessed with it.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
27 Feb 2010 /  #68
The Polish cultural insecurity is the problem not the jokes.

Maybe I'm just joking with you.

Do you like jokes about Jews having big noses and Jews being ugly?
beelzebub  - | 444  
27 Feb 2010 /  #69
Do you like jokes about Jews having big noses and Jews being ugly?

No I only mock Poles...it is part of my global plan to demean the Polish race. I am but one of an army of people whose sole mission in life is to persecute you and spread hate about your horrible cuisine and business practices.

In fact....our supreme leader IS a Jew...it is against charter rules to tell Jewish jokes.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
27 Feb 2010 /  #70
I'll bet there's some truth in that LOL

How does a Jew break a mirror?

By looking into it.
beelzebub  - | 444  
28 Feb 2010 /  #71
How does a Jew break a mirror?

By looking into it.

I want to quote this so you can't edit it out as it makes everything you have ever complained about irrelevant. By telling this joke you have taken away any credibility your complaints may or may not have. Thanks for that...you discredited yourself better than I ever could have ;)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
28 Feb 2010 /  #72

So I thought you LOVED ETHNIC JOKES??? OH so you don't like Jokes when they are ABOUT JEWS?????????

My little joke obviously HIT A BIG NERVE WITH YOU. GEE I WONDER WHY????

I HAVE ALWAYS NOTICED that the people who love to find EVERY EXCUSE POSSIBLE to RATIONALIZE why its OK to tell degrading Jokes about Polish people are the FIRST TO SCREAM and complain about anything that is about Jews!

I WONDER WHY????????

beelzebub  - | 444  
28 Feb 2010 /  #73
I don't mind the joke at all...I chuckled :))....I mind YOU telling it after all your outrage against such jokes. Quite obvious you are the hypocrite.

You also clearly have an anger management issue with all your capitalized screaming and !!!! marks.

ETA: I am not Jewish and have no feelings one way or the other about them as a people just in case you had some tirade prepared. You seem to have some odd Polish/Jewish/Nazi love triangle thing going.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
28 Feb 2010 /  #74
Yeah Right. I'm sure you chuckled LOL

So then, you think ethnic Jokes about Jews are OK?
beelzebub  - | 444  
28 Feb 2010 /  #75
So then, you think ethnic Jokes about Jews are OK?

Go take your meds and stop trying to talk with the adults.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
28 Feb 2010 /  #76
99% of the non-Poles who tell Poles that they should be able to "laugh at themselves with Subhuman intelligence jokes" are the first to complain if a degrading joke is made about their ethnic background.

I am a Paddy, insult away......

There are thousands of Paddy jokes too, some are humorous, some are not. Get over yourself.
madparasol  2 | 12  
1 Mar 2010 /  #77
the thing with polish jokes is that they are about one subject (for the most part), and that is on how stupid Polish people are. Hardly will you hear anything else, thats whats insulting...the jokes aren't bad per say, but if you keep hearing the same joke over and over on how stupid your nation and people are, well...it just looses its comedic punch and becomes something that for some is taken personally.

don't worry peeps, with all the f'uck up the Americans have made in the last couple of decades the jokes 'bout them will ring louder then anyone else...

and its true....they're only jokes
Ironside  51 | 13083  
2 Mar 2010 /  #78
I guess I won't tell that joke after all. I'd have to explain it three times."

sure, how drunk he was at this stage? or did he counted on generous nature of said gentlemen ?
beelzebub  - | 444  
2 Mar 2010 /  #79
Ah I figured him a Pole with that reply....so he is a Yank who is offended by a Polish joke yet ok with US jokes?

Madparasol are you a yank or a Pole living in the US?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
2 Mar 2010 /  #80
You didn't answer my question before.

So do you think ethnic Jokes about Jews are OK?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
2 Mar 2010 /  #81
"I guess I won't tell that joke after all. I'd have to explain it three times."

That joke is funny every time!

Ethnic jokes are funny usually because there is some truth to them. I'm not sure when It became criminal to realize and discuss similarities among groups of people, but this censorship needs to die. Quickly. I have engaged people of all sorts in this kind of thing and it has always been a great time. Its a chance to observe your group from the outside.

If you have some Yank jokes I'd be glad to hear them. Unlike some groups, we can handle it.
Ironside  51 | 13083  
2 Mar 2010 /  #82
If you have some Yank jokes I'd be glad to hear them. Unlike some groups, we can handle it.

you must be kidding me ! maybe you personally but not yanks I know...
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
2 Mar 2010 /  #83
Being offended doesn't take any intelligence. Besides, the joke only hurts if its true.
beelzebub  - | 444  
2 Mar 2010 /  #84
If you have some Yank jokes I'd be glad to hear them.

What do you call a person who speaks 3 languages? Trilingual

What do you call a person who speaks 2 languages? Bilingual

What do you call a person who speaks 1 language? American

Now see I know Poles would laugh at that because it makes us Yanks seem "stupid" and them feel "superior"...yet how dare we do it to them. Not to mention I can find just as many monolingual Poles percentage wise as Yanks. They are just jokes. As I get older I get more and more annoyed by Politically Correct BS and the whiners that go on about it.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
2 Mar 2010 /  #85
Being offended doesn't take any intelligence. Besides, the joke only hurts if its true.

That's not true. As Hitler said, if you repeat something over and over and over and over and over again, especially something ABSURD, a LIE, it gives the apperance of BEING TRUE. Especially when this is done in mass media like TV or motion pictures. Its called "the Big Lie" technique.

This is why in the 60's and 70's when the Hollywood-NBC-TV media complex introduced and repeated over and over and over subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people, American people who were surveyed (who did not live near any Polish people) who said they DID NOT KNOW any Polish people, BELIEVED Polish people had inferior intelligence and should be treated accordingly.

Why do you think Jewish groups and Black groups fight so hard NOT to hear untrue jokes about Jews being Rats, or Blacks being Apes, in mass media like TV???

I would love to see you say that untrue Rat jokes about Jews are OK, to a Jewish person's face, since they are untrue.

I would love to see you say that untrue Ape jokes about Blacks are OK, to a Black person's face, since they are untrue.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
2 Mar 2010 /  #86
well if Hitler said it then it must be true. lol
beelzebub  - | 444  
2 Mar 2010 /  #87
He has a Hitler and Nazi obsession. It's a little creepy.

People who are so easily offended usually have some deep rooted psychological issues about self worth. Normal people just don't get that upset about things. At least not upset enough to spam a forum about it.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
2 Mar 2010 /  #88
well if Hitler said it then it must be true. lol

Black groups and Jewish groups believe it too that repeating anything negative about their groups, especially in mass media, is detrimental to their groups because people tend to believe it for no other reason that its repeated and in the media.

This is why Black groups like the NAACP and Jewish groups like the B'nai Brith Anti-Defamation League are always scanning different forms of media for negative things said about their groups in any context.
Ironside  51 | 13083  
2 Mar 2010 /  #89
Now see

not funny ......

I personally don't care about polish jocks its just show who half wit is ......but some people - and I mean American people, could be offended !

Black groups and Jewish groups believe it too that repeating anything negative about their groups, especially in mass media, is detrimental to their groups because people tend to believe it for no other reason that its repeated and in the media.

This is why Black groups like the NAACP and Jewish groups like the B'nai Brith Anti-Defamation League are always scanning different forms of media for negative things said about their groups in any context."

What a funny brigade will say ?
To your own people ......?
I say I'm a curios spectator:)
beelzebub  - | 444  
2 Mar 2010 /  #90
Never said I was a GOOD joke teller ;)

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