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PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
8 May 2010 /  #391
Oh, I'm sure he tells them in retaliation to some lame ass, retarded "how many Pollacks does it take to mow a blade of grass". Seems redundant, dull jokes are contagious.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 May 2010 /  #392
No, just the usual shite and Ive told him that its fooking offensive!

Its not though. A jokes a joke.
rychlik  41 | 372  
8 May 2010 /  #393

Polish jokes are about as humorous as the Three Stooges. Most people require more than a pie in the face to laugh.

In America late night comedians still mock Germany- imitating their accents and perpetuating the Nazi image. They mock the funny clothing that Germans used to wear and those funny hats with the feathers. The happy slap dancing is always good to poke some fun at. "Inglorious Basterds" poked fun at Germans ("anybody want another sour kraut sandwich?"). A couple of the Nazi officers were portrayed in this movie as overly masculine and butch - another jab at Germans. Truthfully I see more jokes/stereotypes of Germans than of Poles.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 May 2010 /  #394
funny thing is the person who is sending them doesn't understand what Mick and Paddy means! He just thinks the Irish are stupid!

So what's your point? That all Polish people are saying deragatory things?

You say "YOU can dole it out but can't take"?? What do you mean by that? Is that meant to me? To all Polish people? Are you generalizing?

So assuming you're not just making up that you "get 5 jokes a week that are deragatory to Irish people from a Polish person!", you're going to generalize about a whole group of people like the Poles?? (I find it hard to believe you would you put up with somebody saying the things you allege)

Should I generalize about Irish people (or any group of people) when I hear some of them make deragatory comments about Poles or other people?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
8 May 2010 /  #395
Truthfully I see more jokes/stereotypes of Germans than of Poles.

And you won't see us organising zealeous crusades against the joker...should tell you something! ;)
I wish you would grow up too....

You say "YOU can dole it out but can't take"??

Seems that way....cry babies!

But it really seems to be only a "problem" for you Plastic Poles. Must have something to do with growing up so far away from the Heimat...;)

Real Poles react differently if at all!

anton888  - | 82  
8 May 2010 /  #396
organising zealeous crusades against the joker

If they don't react this way, probably no one joke about them long time ago, that's the whole funny apart about it.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
8 May 2010 /  #397
That's what I try to tell them all the time...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
8 May 2010 /  #398
A little less defensiveness and the jokes wouldn't be so funny. Many Poles are all so quick to laugh at others (I tell Scottish jokes) but they can't take it back. They just can't let the joke slide and tail off, they have to take the point up and defend it, even though it was a JOKE.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
8 May 2010 /  #399
In the US right now, in general you can't go openly telling put down ethnic or racial jokes about anyone.

What, like the US general who was recently addressing a group of Israeli generals and told a joke about the Jew and the Taliban fighter. The audience general-ly laughed (see what I did there?) but ONE persoan from anti-defamation league complained and US general had to apologise.

Funnily enough, nobody from the Taliban complained.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
8 May 2010 /  #400
And you won't see us organising zealeous crusades against the joker...should tell you something! ;)

Oh please Bratwurst Boy. There is no crusade against anything. Poles/Polish Americans like me aren't saying against normal jokes. Only the SUBHUMAN INTELLIGENCE jokes against Poles which then make them ETHNIC SLURS. We don't speak out any differently then any other ethnic group against ETHNIC SLURS. I don't hear you complaining against all the other groups that speak out against ETHNIC SLURS.

But it really seems to be only a "problem" for you Plastic Poles. Must have something to do with growing up so far away from the Heimat...;)

Your such a German Hypocrite.

After all your anti-Polish jokes I one time gave you a dose of your own medicine and made jokes about how Germany has a rapidly growing old population (Average German is 45 years old) and is a nation with a rapidly growing young Muslim population that's taking over Germany (1/3 of Germany's youth are Muslim) and you started freaking out on me.

If I made jokes about you Germans being stupid NAZI Blood thirsty idiots for following a maniac like Hitler and kept making jokes about you Germans being NAZI "GERM-ans" and NAZI Bloodsuckers who are bloodthirsty sickos, not to mention jokes about that feminine German dance where German men wear short shorts and like to slap the bottom of their feet because their weird, your telling me that wouldn't offend you?? You're so touchy about your German hertiage you would be dishing back anti-Polish slurs right and left if I made these jokes about your Germany. Stop being such a hypocrite.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
8 May 2010 /  #401
If I made jokes about you Germans being stupid NAZI Blood thirsty idiots for following a maniac like Hitler and kept making jokes about you Germans being NAZI "GERM-ans" and NAZI Bloodsuckers who are bloodthirsty sickos,

If that rocks your boat? Who is stopping you? I surely not!

and you started freaking out on me.

Really? When? You aren't worth it to "freak out" about.... I slowly start to doubt that you know the difference between slurs, jokes and the truth? When you are calling everbody a Nazi with whom you disagree I can call you stupid Pole..
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 May 2010 /  #402
that feminine German dance where German men wear short shorts and like to slap the bottom of their feet

I always thought it was 'cute'. although now I understand they slap the tushies of the other guys......
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
9 May 2010 /  #403
They mock the funny clothing that Germans used to wear and those funny hats with the feathers.

They did on Hogans Heroes.

I find the Hogans Heroes type humor to be just as boring and distasteful as Polish knock knock jokes. It lacks imagination. The show, Everybody Hates Chris is funny considering it's the same type of humor. For some reason it's just funnier on that show.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
11 May 2010 /  #404
I find the Hogans Heroes type humor to be just as boring and distasteful

I found it unfair to people who suffered during the war. Kids watching Hogans Heroes grew up thinking that the war was just a lot of fun with little to no suffering. The show marginalized the trauma suffered by those who survived and by those who were killed.
KWnorow  - | 22  
11 May 2010 /  #405
It's hard to find anything funny about a race of people who perpetrated some of the worst atrocities on mankind. However, that is the past and you have to move on. I have no problems with ethnic jokes per se, except when they are meant in a demeaning way and when you get upset the retort is "I was only joking". The intent is masked by it being a joke in the first place (at least on the surface). That is the problem with these jokes in general.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 May 2010 /  #406
When you are calling everbody a Nazi with whom you disagree I can call you stupid Pole...

Oh no of course not you never freak out! ROFL!!!

When I was making German jokes referencing the German movie the "Eternal Jew" in REACTION to your anti-Polish jokes/slurs and AFTER I was trying to be nice to you, you started freaking out by searching every anti-Polish joke smut site you could find and fast and furiously copying and pasting them here in this forum in retaliation to my jokes on Germans.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
11 May 2010 /  #407
in retaliation to my jokes on Germans.

I'm usually a nice guy and being of different opinion is no reason for me to not accept, respect and even like my counterpart...but who p*isses on my leg get's answered in kind.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
11 May 2010 /  #408
Seanus is right. There are jokes about ppl from other countries galore in the world. Most of them are just the same old jokes with the nationality replaced. For example, I saw a few jokes about Irish which I heard before about Belgians. Heck, I myselft told a lot of jokes about Belgians. And the Belgians make jokes about us. Who gives a shyte?

Example of one that I've heard with many different nationalities:

A German, a Dutchman and a Belgian all have an empty swimming pool and there is no water hose anywhere near, so they can't fill it up and swim. Depressed they sit on the edge of the pool until an esotheric entity, also known as a god, comes floating by and tells the men that if they climb on the highest treadboard, dive down and shout with what they want the pool to be filled, it will be filled with just that. So, the German climbs up, jumps down and shouts: "Beer!" His pool is filled with beer. The Dutchman does the same and shouts "money!" and his pool is filled with money. The Belgisn climbs up, walks to the edge of the treadboard, slips and shouts: "Shyte!" and his pool is filled with shyt.

I've heard this joke also with an Englishman, a Scot and an Irishman; an Italian (wine), a Spaniard (money - as Spanish seem to have a stingy reputation) and a Portugese (shyte). I am sure there is a version with somewhere a Pole in there.

In short; who gives a flying freak? They're just jokes and it's rather childish to take offence of it, imo. And besides, many of them so-called "Polak" jokes are jokes in which the Pole is replaced with a "blonde" as well.


M-G (did you hear that one about that Belgian who sat on the bottom of a hole? He fell out!)
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
11 May 2010 /  #409
I'm usually a nice guy and being of different opinion is no reason for me to not accept, respect and even like my counterpart...but who p*isses on my leg get's answered in kind.

You conveniently forget that YOU were the one who started the p*ssing. One can hardly say that I started "p*ssing on your leg" when I was saying positive things about Germans and then AFTER that you direct anti-Polish slurs towards me and other Poles.

If me saying "I like German people" you think is "p*ssing on your leg" then you are mentally ill. Am I suppose to say "I like German people" more then once for your brain to think that I'm NOT "p*ssing on your leg"?

Should I have said "I like German people" 2 times? 3 times? 5 times? 10 times? In order for it to kick in inside your brain that I was trying to be nice to you and German people in general? How big of an ethno-centric German egomaniac are you?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
11 May 2010 /  #410
You conveniently forget that YOU were the one who started the p*ssing.

No it was YOU! *stomps foot*

when I was saying positive things about Germans and then AFTER that you direct anti-Polish slurs towards me and other Poles.

That sounds so not like me....I want proof!

How big of an ethno-centric German egomaniac are you?

You have no idea!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 May 2010 /  #411
Try this:


...village located on a small island in the Baltic Sea, Poland is famous for its corridor, which was a big political issue. The Polish Corridor was the origin of corridor politics. About 50% of all people who are alive today that come from Poland now live in Ireland.

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
24 May 2010 /  #412
Try this:

Leave it to an anti-Polish Bigot to bash Poland with anti-Polish Hate websites.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 May 2010 /  #413
anti-Polish Hate websites

LOL. You have no idea what uncyclopedia is all about, do you?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
24 May 2010 /  #414
I have read many of your posts and all I know is you keep knocking Poland either mildly or overtly. This website is just more of your pattern.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
24 May 2010 /  #415
Leave it to an anti-Polish Bigot to bash Poland with anti-Polish Hate websites.

Did you read the entry about Germany? Or that about France? Or that about any other country and ethnie??? ;)



...quite funny...really...no hate sites at all because they take the p*iss out of everybody...(in my opinion at least)...
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 May 2010 /  #416
you keep knocking Poland either mildly or overtly

Nah, just some friendly criticism occasionally to prevent a few Plastic Poles from getting too excited... :)

no hate sites at all

MediaWatch doesn't get it. Hey MediaWatch, check this one out:

MediaWatch  10 | 942  
26 May 2010 /  #417
Did you read the entry about Germany? Or that about France?

Yes I can see uncyclopedia is basically sarcastic humor/dirty humor on different countries.

I can also see how you wouldn't be that offended at the unclycopedia comments on Germany since they are SO MILD. The uncyclopedia guy writing on Germany, despite some token anti-German comments, was really PULLING HIS PUNCHES on Germany. He even BASHED the Poles in the beginning, letting the reader know he thinks Germans are superior to Poles. (I'm sure you liked that part).

Half of the uncyclopedia Germany article was talking about how Germans like making pûrnography, like to dominate, are rigid, how Germans like that actor Hasselhoff WOW SUCH degrading sarcasm!!!! LOL ooooohhhh that's SO EDGY!!!!

But when the uncyclopedia people or person writes about Poland they jump right to sarcasm about Poles having Subhuman intelligence which is the most deragatory sarcasm against Poles. They jump to selected propaganda to push the subhuman intelligence stereotype of Poles.

I wonder why Uncyclopedia didn't have any sarcastic comments about Germans being GERMans?

or about:

Germans like drinking blood because they have spilled so much of it?

Germans being Stupid ManBeast Robot followers of Hitler?

Germans making German houses out of the skeletons of the millions of people?

German car makers now working on using human blood to fuel their cars?

German car makers use German death camp victim human hair as stuffing for their seats??

These uncyclopedia people seem like they are closet German supporters/Neo Nazis.

The Unclyopedia people seem very reluctant to use any real sarcasm on the Germans.

You would think if they wanted to be edgy about Germany they would at least make a sarcsatic comment about the word GERMANY having the word GERM in it.

Uncyclopedia can't use any sarcastic humor to talk about GERMans coming from Germs?

NO NO Uncyclopedia can't do that.

When people brought up Uncyclopedia before and I went to the Germany page, ALL it had was just a swastika on it and NOTHING ELSE. oooooooooohhhhhh WOWWWWW that's SO EDGY!!!! LOL

These guys behind uncyclopedia are either German or sympathizers of Germany. They were such wimps on Germany. It seemed like part of their sarcasm actually made Germany look good.
mafketis  38 | 11125  
23 Dec 2016 /  #418
moved from

made the term "dumb Polack" kind of "popular" amongst some kids in the cities

Polish jokes seemed to peak in the US in the late 60s to early 70s. I remember hearing Polack jokes when I had no idea what a Polack was. There were I realize now, some people in the town I grew up with Czech heritage (at least names) but anything east of Germany was the great unknown.

A couple I remember

Hear about the Polack who died raking leaves? He fell out of the tree.


A Polack was talking to a police officer after a traffic accident.
Officer: Didn't you see the 'yield' sign?
Polack: I did, I yield and yield but that other car just kept on coming!

The supposed Polack on All in the Family had a very unPolish name - Stivic

A few years later, a Polish character, Wojo, was maybe the most sympathetic character on Barney Miller, a long running police sitcom.
Helianthus  - | 4  
23 Dec 2016 /  #419
The only time I ever heard Polish jokes were from my ex (I live in the U.S). He would tease me about being Polish and I would tease him about being Jewish, but neither one of us took it seriously or would say those jokes to anyone else...

Some of these are pretty funny, but you can always replace the Polish part for another word, like idiot, etc.. (that raking leaves one in a tree is pretty good!)

Obviously there was a lot of rejection over immigrants in the early 20th century, but this was towards more than just Poles. I think people began to ignorantly fear any Slavic person during the cold war, and that feeling remained a little while after.
25 Dec 2016 /  #420
Poland is a joke country that achieved nothing.

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