But right now you appear to be just a bitter, humourless, unsympathetic, uneducated, fanatical bloke who isn't very inviting for anyone to change his prejudices he might harbour about Poles and Poland, sorry!
Oh please. Stop with your nonsense.
German Hypocrite.
You're the last person to make these kind of judgements.
Everything you just accused me of applies to you and your Germany.
So what about you? For all the advantages Germany has been given by the US with tons of aid, Billions of dollars of aid and loans, etc. a country that should have been whiped off the face of the earth because of its disgusting actions, your country has gotten away litterally with murder, with breaks and chances that it never deserved. The fact that Germany was ALLOWED to live on after WWII was an incredible break you were given and I'm sure you take for granted.
But even with all that Germany has been given and all that "Germany has achieved", you are paranoid about all the things said about Germany and you feel this burning need to see other nations put down to take away attention from all the negative imagery of your Germany. That's your MAIN reason for you coming to the POLAND forum. To make sure you see Poland put down. Nothing like that German "Schaudenfreude". Taking pleasure at others being put down. You probably spend more time here then any German forum. Or you probably also go to another national forum putting them down in order to boost your German self esteem.
The last person's opinion I care about is someone like you. Especially with your subtle Nazi overtones.
By the way, seeing that you are so paranoid about all things German and sensing that you're Hyper sensitive German-Centric attitude on the world, being the nice guy I am, I DID TELL YOU that I like Germany (at least non-Nazis) and I generally have been cordial to you. How did you respond? You then started pushing your Pro-Nazi German anti-Polish propaganda links. Yeah way to go!!!! Way to do the things that you preach to others! LOL
Dude you're the biggest hypocrite LOL