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PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 May 2010 /  #361
It's just that the jokes are so innane they capture the imagination of the proletariat thus became timeless. Lame humor is the prefered among the masses.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #362
Yeah...hence the name "National SOCIALISTS".
Or as one famous Nazi once said: "Polish jokes are opium for the masses"
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 May 2010 /  #363
But they are still popular 70 years after...good quality! ;)

Of course a lowlife white trash Nazi GERMan like you loves Nazi subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles because of your hatred of Poles.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
7 May 2010 /  #364
Yeah...hence the name "National SOCIALISTS".
Or as one famous Nazi once said: "Polish jokes are opium for the masses"

Communists must of have got hold of the copy of that playbook, you’ll be surprised how many German jokes are out there.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2010 /  #365
Jola, please have some respect for PD and Wrocław. They are pro-Polish in quite a few ways and have shown plentiful neutrality in the past. I see what balatun is trying here and it's just an opinion, people are too quick to knock him. Although I disagree with what he is saying, I do so by stating it and not by launching into an attack on him. I see some really good posters here like MW and SHT being defensive. Don't be that way, let the strength of your posts do the talking and prove him wrong rather than attacking.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 May 2010 /  #366
Seanus, you ignore the silly pun he made. He is the one doing the attacking. And the mocking!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 May 2010 /  #367

I see what your saying, but I only "attack" people like the German Bratwurst Boy AFTER his sarcastic attacks. There was a time when I told this Bratwurst Boy, knowing all about his hyper-German ethno-centrism ,that, I LIKE GERMAN PEOPLE, to put his German-centric mind at ease. So here it is, I told him I LIKE GERMAN PEOPLE. What did he do next?, he just started to make sarcastic anti-Polish comments and posting Pro-Nazi German anti-Polish links. So what am I suppose to do, be a nice guy and have a conversation with him when he gets belligerent like that?

My recent comments to him were only a reaction to his sarastic attacks. If he dishes it out, he should be able to take it as well.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
7 May 2010 /  #368
If you are comfortable with the truth, you will not let the views of one poster take you from it :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #369
*applauds wildly and cheers loudly from Seanies corner*
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
7 May 2010 /  #370
So what am I suppose to do

Fight fire with fire.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #371
Oh please! Compare a highly intellectual and witty bonmot like this:

Yeah...hence the name "National SOCIALISTS".
Or as one famous Nazi once said: "Polish jokes are opium for the masses"

with the crude club approach as in:

Of course a lowlife white trash Nazi GERMan like you loves Nazi subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles because of your hatred of Poles.

I win on all accounts! ;)

(Not to mention that Media Watch with his highly repetitive argumentation "You anti-polish/Poland-hating Nazi you" get's really boring after awhile...
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 May 2010 /  #372
If you are comfortable with the truth, you will not let the views of one poster take you from it :)

Don't worry that will never happen lol

But sadly for Poland and Poles, Poland has lost the information war on the truth about it because of the oppression Poland has been under by its enemies up to 1990. Sadly the truth of Poland has been defined largely by Poland-haters in certain media and by Poland's past enemies. So to the degree I can, I will always try to counteract lies and slander against Poland. But I will say, this for me goes way beyond BBoy.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
7 May 2010 /  #373
I win on all accounts! ;)

Oh Ja Ja Ja, like In the last joke.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #374
So to the degree I can, I will always try to counteract lies and slander against Poland.

You might have more success if you don't appear to confirm any anti-polish prejudice there is during your "crusade".
Try abit more of wit, intelligence and humour instead of your one and only "Nazi" club at every perceived slight and you could do alot to improve Polands image with foreigners on this international talk board....

But right now you appear to be just a bitter, humourless, unsympathetic, uneducated, fanatical bloke who isn't very inviting for anyone to change his prejudices he might harbour about Poles and Poland, sorry!
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
7 May 2010 /  #375
Ein Amerikaner, ein Deutscher und ein Tiroler sitzen in einer Tiroler Skihütte beisammen.

Der Amerikaner bestellt ein Glas Budweiser, trinkt es auf einen Zug aus, wirft das Glas in die Luft, zieht seinen Revolver und zerschiesst das Glas in tausend Scherben. "Wir haben in Amerika so viel Geld, wir trinken nie aus einem Glas zweimal!"

Das kann sich der Deutsche nicht bieten lassen, bestellt ein Glas Warsteiner, trinkt aus, wirft das Glas in die Luft, schnappt sich den Revolver des Amerikaners, zerschiesst das Glas und meint: "Wir haben in Deutschland so viel Geld, wir trinken auch nie aus einem Glas zweimal!"

Da bestellt sich der Tiroler ein Glas Gösser, trinkt aus, nimmt die Pistole des Amerikaners, knallt den Deutschen ab, und meint: "Wir haben in Tirol so viele Deutsche, wir trinken nie mit einem Deutschen zweimal!"

What a nice man that Tirolese.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #376
You..you....you....Deutschland-hater you!!!! You anti-german trash you! How dare you to make jokes about the greatest country on Earth!!! You belong to the world wide anti-german conspiracy surely....

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 May 2010 /  #377
nobody here is comfortable with truth
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
7 May 2010 /  #378
Deutschland-hater you!!!! You anti-german trash you!

I have some other kleine Witzchen, if you please.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #379
Of course! :)

PS: Your german is good...do you live in Germany?

please, keep the german language to an absolute minimum. thanx.

please, keep the german language to an absolute minimum. thanx.

That's again some anti-german discrimination by some anti-german mod, right??? You are all Germany-haters...I will fight you at every turn...*screams louder*...*waves fist*...You won't escape my righteous punishment!!! *shrill crescendo*...I will fight you germanophobes till my last breath!!!
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
7 May 2010 /  #380
please, keep the german language to an absolute minimum. thanx.

Just a short one:

Beim Begräbnis von Diana fragt Prinz William seinen Vater Charles: "Warum sind denn hier so viele Leute?" "Das ist immer so, wenn Elton John singt..."
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #381
*snicker* :):):)

I'm going to write a protest letter....*binds helmet*
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 May 2010 /  #382
But right now you appear to be just a bitter, humourless, unsympathetic, uneducated, fanatical bloke who isn't very inviting for anyone to change his prejudices he might harbour about Poles and Poland, sorry!


Oh please. Stop with your nonsense.

German Hypocrite.

You're the last person to make these kind of judgements.

Everything you just accused me of applies to you and your Germany.

So what about you? For all the advantages Germany has been given by the US with tons of aid, Billions of dollars of aid and loans, etc. a country that should have been whiped off the face of the earth because of its disgusting actions, your country has gotten away litterally with murder, with breaks and chances that it never deserved. The fact that Germany was ALLOWED to live on after WWII was an incredible break you were given and I'm sure you take for granted.

But even with all that Germany has been given and all that "Germany has achieved", you are paranoid about all the things said about Germany and you feel this burning need to see other nations put down to take away attention from all the negative imagery of your Germany. That's your MAIN reason for you coming to the POLAND forum. To make sure you see Poland put down. Nothing like that German "Schaudenfreude". Taking pleasure at others being put down. You probably spend more time here then any German forum. Or you probably also go to another national forum putting them down in order to boost your German self esteem.

The last person's opinion I care about is someone like you. Especially with your subtle Nazi overtones.

By the way, seeing that you are so paranoid about all things German and sensing that you're Hyper sensitive German-Centric attitude on the world, being the nice guy I am, I DID TELL YOU that I like Germany (at least non-Nazis) and I generally have been cordial to you. How did you respond? You then started pushing your Pro-Nazi German anti-Polish propaganda links. Yeah way to go!!!! Way to do the things that you preach to others! LOL

Dude you're the biggest hypocrite LOL
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 May 2010 /  #383
I never hear any Polish jokes, either. They are so lame and cliche. Nobody wants to tell another Polish knock knock joke for the fifty millionth time, nor do they want to hear one.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #384
Might be because real Poles from Poland are generally more sympathetic, wittier, more intelligent and all around nicer than Media Watch and other polish "originals" from the US...
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 May 2010 /  #385
I never hear any Polish jokes, either. They are so lame and cliche. Nobody wants to tell another Polish knock knock joke for the fifty millionth time, nor do they want to hear one.

You're right.

In the US right now, in general you can't go openly telling put down ethnic or racial jokes about anyone. America has grown up from the 1960's and 70's when that was more tolerated. The only people today who make ethnic slurs about other people are low-class people and Neo-Nazis.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 May 2010 /  #386
It's not because of PC. Last I heard a Polish joke in person, it was while in the third grade. They are considered unfunny and immature. People get tired of hearing them. Other things are much funnier so they get ridiculed, instead.

Polish jokes are about as humorous as the Three Stooges. Most people require more than a pie in the face to laugh.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
8 May 2010 /  #387
You know what makes me laugh about this thread is that I get about 5 jokes a week that are derogatory to Irish people from a Polish person! Lifes sweet in it! You lot can dole it out but can't take? Always funny when its another another nationality? ;0)

funny thing is the person who is sending them doesn't understand what Mick and Paddy means! He just thinks the Irish are stupid!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
8 May 2010 /  #388
The only people today who make ethnic slurs about other people are low-class people and Neo-Nazis.

And to which category do you belong?

a lowlife white trash Nazi GERMan like you

German Hypocrite

you white trash Nazi Germans

RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
8 May 2010 /  #389
You know what makes me laugh about this thread is that I get about 5 jokes a week that are derogatory to Irish people from a Polish person! Lifes sweet in it! You lot can dole it out but can't take? Always funny when its another another nationality? ;0)

Any good ones?
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
8 May 2010 /  #390
No, just the usual shite and Ive told him that its fooking offensive!

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