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jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Mar 2010 /  #331
someone littering by throwing a candy wrapper on the ground hurts other people

And that is illegal too. Are you suggesting she should have got away with her crimes because of who she is? That her prosecution was somehow 'anti-polonism'?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
16 Mar 2010 /  #332
Hmmm its interesting you mentioned anti-polonism. You said it not me lol

As to your question,

Why no I don't think anyone should get away with any crime no matter what it is or who you are ;)

If you litter by throwing a candywrapper on the ground (assuming its true), I think you should get SIX MONTHS in jail like Martha Stewart did LOL
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
16 Mar 2010 /  #333
Somewhat less. If that were true though, what does it say about Wall Street.

It speaks volume, you just don’t listen. The Federal Reserve is comprised of the heads of private Wall Street banks, every time a decision is made by the Fed its insider trading wouldn’t you say? Which brings us to the second point.

Are you mad? How many people a year are prosecuted? Many. Governments take it seriously.

Obviously not seriously enough. It’s a fact that Wall Street firms are making tons of money trading with Fed. Fed has obligation to announces its intention to buy particular securities in advance and Wall Street banks sell these securities to the Fed at inflated price yet another example of insider trading, so the answer should be obvious even to you. They do prosecute many, for petty crime and occasional joint but not for what Martha Steward has been accused of, an exception in this case rather than a rule.

That makes it better?

Compared to Bernie Madoff, a fine example of an upstanding Jew and his $65 billion Ponzi scheme which you haven’t commented on I would say definitely.

Martha was acting on information given to her. She did not build her wealth and a career of insider trading. It was a one-time fluke which involved a relatively small amount of money. What was it $220 thousand and the stock was not even one of her own companies.

And they made it stick. Conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding, and making false statements to federal investigators.

They did not make it stick!!!! Surprise, surprise a Jew lying again, by your own admission I don’t see insider trading there, DO I?

She did act on the information passed to her to save her own money. Frankly speaking so would anyone in her place and wouldn’t even think twice it might be considered insider trading since she was not the owner and had no interest in it other than owning stock. If it was a stock in her own company even I would accuse her of being a manipulating cvnt but that’s not the case is it? The alleged lies she told the FBI were not told under oath so technically she has not even commited a perjury.

I would check the title of this thread once again if I was you, It’s COMBATING "POLACK" JOKES In your zeal to attack Poles you forgot that and you’re way off topic.

I think both approaches were wrong and that's why I speak out.

Provided I take everything you said at face value, you speaking out against Jewish jokes yet poking fun at French as you did here and at the same time condoning the use of Polish joke make you a hypocrite which was the very point I was making. If you have a strong enough conviction that the use of ethnic or racial jokes has no place in our society, I’ll respect that view, hell I might even agree but you can’t have it both ways.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
20 Mar 2010 /  #334
Read my full reply please.

I was replying to this:

Perhaps you are correct, jews no longer spread Polak jokes, they are just being outright liars, obnoxious and willing to use any trick up their sleeve to demean Poles without even trying to be funny....

The contention was that "Polak jokes" are created by Jews and reading this thread one would think "Polak jokes" are very common. My contention was that they were not created by the Jews and that furthermore they're very rare indeed. Also, if there was a nation that should be getting upset over being made fun of it wouldn't be the Poles but rather the French because the French jokes are so popular here.

I'll laugh to all jokes no matter what nationality it's about as long as it's not racist, xenophobic, denies or glorifies the holocaust, etc. Doesn't matter if it's a Jewish, a Norwegian, Polish or French joke. That's what I meant. Now, Swedish jokes are unacceptable of course! ;)

SHT - I am so glad you are not French because if you were you'd have died of a heart attack long time ago if silly jokes bother you so much. If there's one nationality that ALWAYS gets made fun of in the US it'd be the French. Very often it's pretty innocent stuff but still - French are the true "victims" in this despicable "joke-gate"! ;)


Seriously, I've lived in the States for quite some time and it's extremely rare to hear "polak jokes" whether on the East or the West coast.

grethomory  1 | 155  
21 Mar 2010 /  #335
And personally, I always thought Archie came off looking like the jerk. He put down everyone! Edith (the dingbat according to Archie), deserved a medal for patience and devotion.

That's what it was all about. Archie exemplified ignorance and it truly gave you a chance to realize how stupid and ignorant a person was....which made it funny. This show touched on alot of topics...including blacks or "coloreds" as Archie called them. Also women's issues such as rape and women's rights. The funniest turn of events was when a black family(The Jefferson's) moved next door...and this black family was doing better economically than they were. The tv show the Jefferson's was a spin-off from All In The Family.
KWnorow  - | 22  
25 Mar 2010 /  #336
I stayed up reading this thread last night because I was curious about other's opinions of these "jokes". It was a wake-up call in many respects. I learned how these conceptions got started and how they've been perpetrated through time by the media. Very interesting. And it also made me realize the extent that manipulation has on all of our concepts, and the damage this can cause.

There seems to me to be two schools of thought here. The "these jokes apply to any race of people, just switch the subject because they're harmless". As opposed to the "these jokes are humiliating and degrading because they reinforce the belief that the Polish are inferior" train of thought. I think both have creedence and some truth behind them, but I also think the jokes are more damaging to the Polish psyche than any other group because the propaganda has been so persistent over time.

What hasn't really been touched on is the psychological damage these beliefs can have on a child. You're made to feel unworthy, meaningless, and stupid. They can't pronounce your name in school, year after year after year. It probably is not true, but a child thinks anyway "why are you excluding me"? You feel like it's ostracism, like you're not part of that world. And that's just one example. These jokes are no joke, especially when it produces wounds and scars that can last a lifetime. Not only that, but no matter how capable you are there are many that want to down you and keep you in your place. I've been hit with the phrase "you can't do this" more times that it would make your head spin. I hate to use trite sayings, but you get the picture.

I tend to agree with MediaWatch and SHT for the most part (although MediaWatch can get a bit too zealous at times). I like them for their passion and pride. I also think there are others on this thread that will instigate and are here to cause a problem and downplay the message. Discussion is a good thing - but there are limits. I try to respect everyone's opinions. However, I did see bratwurstboy take personal swipes at MediaWatch by including him in many Polish jokes. This, to me, is an example of downgrading, which only supports and proves MediaWatch's claims.

I recently went back to visit my old neighborhood church I went to as a boy. I never thought much about it back then. I really hated to be dragged there every week. However now it's different. I was able to see the incredible beauty and workmanship that went into building it. It was built 100 years ago by my ancestors and other Polish people that came to this country at that time. It truly is a magnificient Church. The difference now is that I loved being there. The difference now is that I am proud to be who I am whereas I didn't back then. We all go through life blind to some extent, but God makes you see when you are ready to see.
convex  20 | 3928  
25 Mar 2010 /  #337
Hey, stop worrying about the jokes and fix the streets. Smile a bit, and stop trying to cheat people. Start being proud in the work that you do. That would help the psyche a lot more than to stop telling lame jokes.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
25 Mar 2010 /  #338
Some jokes are funny, including ethnic ones. The Scots supppsedły love jokes about their ultra-mean compatriots: The limbo (dance where you bend backwards and inch forweard beneath a constantly lowered pole - no pun intended!) was invented by a Scot trying to get into a pay toilet...Copper wire was invented by two Scots trying to pull a penny out of each other's hands....

But not too many Jews will laugh at this one: How many Jews can fit in a VW beetle? --
100, 4 in the seats and the remaining 96 in the ash-tray...

The original Polish jokes went along these lines: A sign on a garbage truck in a Polish Chicago neigbourhood: WE CATER TO POLISH WEDDINGS.... A bit milder: Why are there so few suicides in Poland? - Because it's pretty hard to jump out of a basement window! Or --How can you tell the bride and groom at a Polish wedding? - They're the only ones wearing clean bowling shirts. (That is probably incomprehensible to non-Americans.)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
25 Mar 2010 /  #339
The Scots can laugh at any allegations of stinginess. We aren't that defensive as a people generally. We know the truth and that only Aberdonians are truly stingy. We have many foreigners there, you know?
papagarth  3 | 20  
25 Mar 2010 /  #340
One does not need to be Jewish, to not like such jokes; there are plenty of Jewish Jokes by Jewish comedians/writers, and some of them are funny even to those of us not from that background - many jokes are universal -there are also jokes like tat from 'The Two Ronniess' -about a man trying to get insurance against becoming Jewish -only because he seems to already be Jewish, or at least a Yiddish speaking person with Ashkenazi characteristics -which are more eastern european than Jewish, btw.

It's not funny, if you sound like this certain obnoxious kid I saw on the bus, who was making awful remarks about how fat some woman was-he didn't seem to know her from Adam - and other rude reamrks about fellow passangers.

You can be Witty or you can be vulgar, but you can't be both.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
25 Mar 2010 /  #341
The original Polish jokes went along these lines: A sign on a garbage truck in a Polish Chicago neigbourhood: WE CATER TO POLISH WEDDINGS.... A bit milder: Why are there so few suicides in Poland? - Because it's pretty hard to jump out of a basement window! Or --How can you tell the bride and groom at a Polish wedding? - They're the only ones wearing clean bowling shirts. (That is probably incomprehensible to non-Americans.)

No the original Polish jokes in the US were along the lines of Poles being stubborn Kielbasa eaters, eating too much Peirogi, etc.

The Jokes against Poles you reference are the subhuman intelligence jokes about Polish people which were introduced and saturated into the American public in the 1960's and 1970's by Hollywood and the TV networks like NBC-TV.

Polish American friends and relatives I know said they never heard the subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles until the 1960's. Gee I wonder why. LOL

The interesting thing to note is that people in the US in the 1960's and 70's, who did NOT KNOW any Polish people were telling Polish jokes and claiming that they felt Polish Americans/Polish people are stupid and should be treated as such. When these people were asked "WELL how can you feel that Polish people are stupid WHEN YOU DON'T KNOW ANY??? Their response in so many words was: "OH I SEE THE GUYS ON TV TELLING POLISH JOKES SO I GUESS POLISH PEOPLE CAN'T BE SMART".

Also is it ANY COINCIDENCE that in the 60's and 70's, people in the US were ridiculing their fellow Polish Americans with the same so called Polish joke, or anti-Polish sound byte that they heard on TV the night before???? What does that say???

As for people saying that there were plenty of Jewish jokes, that's true. But they generally were pretty mild as far as tearing down the image of Jewish people since many of those Jewish Jokes were told by Jews. They never dared, and understandably so, told jokes that degraded Jews as being "rats" "ugly" or "parasites" "evil blood suckers" which was popular in Nazi propaganda (and still popular among some people today).

But the same type of subhuman intelligence jokes against Polish people, told by the Nazis (and even in Hilter's speeches) was perfectly fine for Hollywood/media "entertainers" for some reason. Evidently they felt, as long as they didn't tell the US public the Nazi propaganda origin of these subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles, it will be OK. Which is quite ironic since many of these media bigots telling anti-Polish jokes were the first to cry and whine about what the Nazis did to Non-Poles.
grubas  12 | 1382  
29 Mar 2010 /  #342
Fudge the yanks telling polack jokes.they suck azz as much as these jokes.here is a german joke about Poles and I find it funny(I am Pole).what do you guys think?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Mar 2010 /  #343
Haben sie hinweise? :P: The Pole had it all :) Wo ist mein schreibshrift? LOL Yeah, pencils and pens go missing very quickly at my workplace. The Poles have mastered sleight of hand ;)
PolishNutjob  1 | 74  
29 Mar 2010 /  #344
MediaWatch: ... As for people saying that there were plenty of Jewish jokes, that's true. But they generally were pretty mild as far as tearing down the image of Jewish people since many of those Jewish Jokes were told by Jews ...

How utterly amazing.
The Jews pop up again. Envy is a debilitating condition.
God bless.
grubas  12 | 1382  
29 Mar 2010 /  #345
grethomory: Softsong:
And personally, I always thought Archie came off looking like the jerk. He put down everyone! Edith (the dingbat according to Archie), deserved a medal for patience and devotion.
That's what it was all about. Archie exemplified ignorance and it truly gave you a chance to realize how stupid and ignorant a person was....

I have to agree, just watched couple of episodes on YT and I am a bit dissapointed.Not very antipolish IMO more like about Archie being ignorant.They all nuts in this family anyway. Also had a talk with 2 Yanks who used to watch it in seventies and they said same thing.

Hey ,All in family is acctualy pretty funny and I do not see it bashing Poles at all ,whoever say this show is portraying polish ppl as stupid,pls see "The commercial" episode and explain it to me how and where director is bashing Poles,coz I dont get it ,even though Archie is using the "P"word :).Besides Mike seems to me to be the most educated person in this family ,so how on earth is this show antipolish?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
30 Mar 2010 /  #346
Hey ,All in family is acctualy pretty funny and I do not see it bashing Poles at all ,whoever say this show is portraying polish ppl as stupid,pls see "The commercial" episode and explain it to me how and where director is bashing Poles,coz I dont get it ,even though Archie is using the "P"word :).Besides Mike seems to me to be the most educated person in this family ,so how on earth is this show antipolish?

As I said before, some of the "All in the Family" shows actually potrayed the Polish character positively. But those were token shows. I don't think the Polish character's chronic unemployment and inability to provide for a separate house for he and his wife Gloria to live in made him look intelligent.

How many middle age men are living with their wives at their parent's house for a long period of time without being seen as inept stupid losers??

Also, you probably didn't see the shows where the Polish character had food drooling out of his mouth hunched over at the dinner table and Archie looks at him in disgust and says "Just look at what a dumb Polack you are". And of course the audience laughs along WITH Archie Bunker.

Its interesting how when people talk about the Polish character "Michael Stivic" they always refer to him as "the meathead Polack" or the "Dumb Polack" of the show.

The many times when I talk to people who remember the show, I have never heard them describe Michael Stivic as "the guy unfairly ridiculed as being a dumb Polack". I never heard that once.

It was also common for people, especially more impressionable young kids, to say to Polish Americans the next day after watching "All in the Family": So why are you Polacks so dumb?? "Why are you Polish people such meatheads?"

Non-Poles would also have conversations among themselves in front of Polish Americans saying "I'm SO GLAD Archie gave it to that DUMB POLACK last night!" "He was acting SO DUMB!" "What MEATHEADS those Polacks are!"

Oh yes that "Archie Bunker Show" was just so pro-Polish! LOL
grubas  12 | 1382  
1 Apr 2010 /  #347
I dont know bro, maybe I did not see enough episodes (yet)to judge the show ,but from what I saw its clear to me that the Archie character is a complete idiot and jerk.(isnt he Italian btw,coz I think he kinda talks like one?)He "jokes" about everyone jews,mexicans,gays,dems, you name it.How about when he says "England is a fags country"?Mike(Stivic is not even Polish name but more like Yugoslavian one) on the other hand talks with sense (for the most part),have goals , is focused on his education(not to mention that he is acctualy a nice guy) and he dont take s**t from Arch.What about Edith?She is not very smart,is she?(she is my favourite character and I think she is great}

Anyway, I think its worth to consider the possibility of misunderstanding the show by part of its audience.Or maybe these people heard only what they wanted to hear.I consider myself 100% Pole(some would argue) and would be the first one to feel offended but so far I watch AITF, laugh my azz off and did not feel offended once.
papagarth  3 | 20  
3 Apr 2010 /  #348
"All In The Family" was supposed[to make the 'Silent' (later 'moral') majority type of 'conservative' look bad, but, in fact, it does make the other characters look bad -despite "Archie's" jerk -... behavior. But that was the only show I know of which made those sort of jokes - I don't say others didn't exist, but perhaps they were not as popular as some of you seem to think.

There was the 'official [dumb] Polish Joke book', ditto Italian, btw, but I do not know how well it actually sold.
'B.C.' comics made fun of Polish jokes, encluding some 'American' jokes, as, I think, 'The Wizard Of Id' -'Hägar the Horrible' did a Burgundian joke, instead. I can't remember for sure, but it seems maybe MAD magazine was guilty early on, but they also panned 'All In The Family'. 'Playboy' may have been guilty.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
6 May 2010 /  #349
What is AMAZING. IS that these Anti Polish Jokes were CREATED by Nazis originally.

Then, it was the JEWISH Media Outlets that Promoted these NAZI Created Jokes.

The Crazy part is the EXACT TIME Polish Jokes were promoted is the EXACT Same Time JEws & The Rest of Society were promoting Black Civil Rights & Womens lib.

It is completely Amazing how Society went from hating blacks, to feeling sorry for Blacks & At this same time started hating on Poles.

It is AMAZING. Because it is Estimated that 80 percent of the World's Jews were Saved by Poland.
That Many Jews were Saved in WW2 by Poles.

What is Even More Amazing is that the Jewish Media Outlets promoted NAZI Polish Jokes

This is how we are repaid?

I have even heard Jews say that Poles are Responsible for the Holocaust.
guzzler  1 | 88  
6 May 2010 /  #350
What is Even More Amazing is that the Jewish Media Outlets promoted NAZI Polish Jokes

The same jokes you hear about the Poles the Brits were telling about the Irish for hundreds of years. And in Australia when I was there they were telling the most vile jokes about the Poms and Italians. The Nazi's told jokes about the Jews and the Poles, and before the Nazi's Germans told jokes about the Bavarians and still do. I bet the Romans told jokes about Greeks I have an English joke book two hundred years old and there is Irish jokes in it. But there is a positive side to this, if they are laughing at you they are not watching you. And you will have taken all their money and their women before they have stopped laughing.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
6 May 2010 /  #351
Bratwurst BoyThreads: 3
Posts: 8361
Joined: Apr 2, 07
Gender: Male Edited by: Bratwurst Boy Mar 11, 10, 11:43 / #229
Better "demonic" than dumb! ;)

Hey Bratwurstboy I got some German jokes for you. But, They are more humiliating than your jokes.

1:What is the Ethnicity of the Best Philosopher of Germany who the Nazis adored?
A:Polish Friedrich Nietzche

In it Nietzsche is even more adamant about his Polish Identity. “I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood.”On yet another occasion Nietzsche stated: “Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins... I am proud of my Polish descent.

Even by virtue of my descent, I am granted an eye beyond all merely local, merely nationally conditioned perspectives; it is not difficult for me to be a "good European." On the other hand, I am perhaps more German than present-day Germans, mere citizens of the German Reich, could possibly be—I, the last anti-political German. And yet my ancestors were Polish noblemen: I have many racial instincts in my body from that source—who knows? [...] When I consider how often I am addressed as a Pole when I travel, even by Poles themselves, and how rarely I am taken for a German, it might seem that I have been merely externally sprinkled with what is German

Even the Term Ubermensch in German was Termed by Nietzche before the Nazis. According to Nietzche (Which I agree with)
Poles are the Ubermensch that are the only reason Germany is a great nation. Much more accurate words from a Polish Genius Nietzche. Than, a delusional inbred Austrian.

2. What was the Ethnicity of the person who invented Television in Germany?
A:Polish Kashubian Ethnic Paul Nipkow
Who the Nazis ADORED for inventing Television

3: What was the Ethnicity of the Person who invented Modern Bee Hives & Bee Keeping & The Study of Bees in Germany?
A: Polish
Jan Dzierżon (16 January 1811 – 26 October 1906), was a pioneering apiarist who discovered the phenomenon of parthenogenesis among bees, and designed the first successful movable-frame beehive.

Dzierzon came from a Polish family in Silesia

In 1835, Dzierzon discovered that the drones are produced from unfertilized eggs. The discovery was published in 1845. The publication proposed that while queen bees and female worker bees were the result of fertilization, drones were not, and that the diets of immature bees contributed to their subsequent roles. His results caused a revolution in bee crossbreeding and may have influenced Gregor Mendel's pioneering genetic research

In 1936 his birthplace, Lowkowitz, was renamed Bienendorf ("Bee Village") in recognition of his work with apiculture. (Around that time the Nazi German government changed many Slavic-derived placenames, of which Lowkowitz was an example.) The village was renamed £owkowice after the region came under Polish control following World War II.

(Yes the Nazis Worshipped another Pole)

4: What was the Ethnicity of the German who Discovered Leukemia, Created Modern Pathelogy & Anthropology.

A:Polish Ethnic Rudolf Virchow

5: what is the Ethnicity of one of the Best Physicists of Germany who came up with String Theory?
A: Polish Silesian Ethnic Theodor Kaluza

6: Who created the First Cinema, Movie Projectors to Germany
A: Max Skladanowsky (Although I can't confirm Polish) That seems to be a most likely Polish or West Slavonic Surname,.

7: What was one of Hitlers favorite Movie & His Favorite Actress Ethnicity?
A: Polish Pola Negri she played an actress in The 1935 Willi Forst picture Mazurka gained much popularity in Germany (Which was one of Hitler's Favorite Movies)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
6 May 2010 /  #352
That Poland,Russia, Belarus & Ukraine actually have more Blonde hair & Blue eyes than Germany & Yet Hitler saw as the Lowest in Europe.

Probably he hated how Slavs are more attractive and superior-looking than him..or his people ,for that matter.
1jola  14 | 1875  
6 May 2010 /  #353
I hope you are not making fun of these beautiful specimens of the Aryan race. :)
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
7 May 2010 /  #354
Polish jokes originated with Polish-Americans poking fun at newly arrived Polish immigrants. It didn't start with NBC or Jews or what have you.

All ethnic groups in the US have done the same thing. It's an immigrant thingy. Actually the Norwegians are worse than the poles. You can still buy Norwegian joke books in the book stores.

I haven't heard Polish jokes since the 1960's but if they are starting up again it's because the Poles are still immigrating to the U.S. I don't hear Irish or Italian jokes because those nationalities are not immigrating to the U.S. BTW Jewish jokes were quite popular on American television in the 1960's. There aren't any Black jokes because Blacks can't laugh at themselves. Redneck jokes come from the American South and are told by Southerners (Jeff Foxworthy).

Polish jokes are kinda like an inside joke among Poles. Get it?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 May 2010 /  #355
Their are different types of Polish jokes.

The Kiebasa jokes, Pierogi jokes, stubborn jokes, came from Poles themselves and were inside type jokes.

The subhuman intelligence jokes about Poles came from Nazi propaganda that was ironically imported into the US by Leftist Anti-Polish Bigots in Hollywood and NBC-TV in the 1960's and then pushed in the 70's.
Husariawiktoria  1 | 7  
7 May 2010 /  #356
I have also heard ( although without proof so if someone knows better.....) that Polish jokes started after the Nazi's invaded and occupied Poland in WWII.

The Nazi's thought the Poles so stupid because they could not carry out orders and work for them. However, that was the Poles plan. You have invaded us went the thinking but, we are not working for you. A lot of the food farmed and things manufactured in Poland were used for the third reich's war effort. For example, the area around Oświęcim was very rich in coal and other minerals and deposits and the Nazi's exploited this heavily.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
7 May 2010 /  #357
Its a lot more simpler then that. The Nazis felt the Poles and all Slavs were inferior people who had inferior intelligence. It has nothing to do with Poles doing or not doing something for them.

Actually the people who are most stupid are all the idiots who supported the Nazis in Nazi Germany.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #358
Actually the people who are most stupid are all the idiots who supported the Nazis in Nazi Germany.

At least they had a good laugh! :)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
7 May 2010 /  #359
The Nazis started the jokes as negative propaganda with no validity whatsoever. It was pure pyschological intimidation with no basis in reality. A Nazi induced neuroses.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
7 May 2010 /  #360
But they are still popular 70 years after...good quality! ;)

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