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Polish Brand names in everyday usage.

szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
16 Dec 2009 /  #1
Are there any brand names in Poland that are in everyday use to describe the object ?

In Scotland for example
Sellotape is a brand of adhesive tape but everyone just calls it sellotape.
Hoover is the brand name of a vacuum cleaneer, but everyone just uses the name "Hoover".

Any examples from Poland ?
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Dec 2009 /  #2
Maybe 'gorÄ…cy kubek' and 'inka'?
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
16 Dec 2009 /  #3
pampersy - any disposable nappies
adidasy - any sports footwear
ksero - photocopy (from Xerox)
rower - bicycle, from the brand name Rover (AFAIK)

I'm sure there are more, but my mind is a blank ;-)
strzyga  2 | 990  
15 Jan 2010 /  #4
elektroluks for vacuum cleaner - I think Electrolux was the first available brand here
neska for instant coffee (Nescafe) - not so much now, but it used to be in the past, when there weren't that many brands available
5 Jun 2014 /  #5
Interesting topic. It may not apply today, but back in the 90ties Poles would call a personal computer (PC) as an 'IBM.' There may be more these days (especially related to technology).
BohdanBazooka  - | 24  
2 Aug 2014 /  #6
adidasy - any sports footwear

I heard some Polish (female, if I remember corretly) reporter almost caused a scandal by asking at Puma's (or Nike's) press conference 'how many adidases are you planning to produce in the next year?"

Also not a brand name, but Poles often call every martial arts movie a karate movie (althought it seems at last to change nowadays).

Back to the topic:

Junkers for any hot water storage tank.

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