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Anti establishment Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski

Wroclaw Boy  
27 May 2014 /  #1
Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski has worked in satirical illustration since 2004, specializing in thought-provoking images that make his audience question their everyday lives. His subjects deal with everything from social media to politics to poverty, and all have a very distinct message if you look closely enough...

These 29 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The World


  • keeping the masses dumbed down
28 May 2014 /  #2
Really interesting works my personal favourite is the black guy painting his chains.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
28 May 2014 /  #3
I have to admit these are good, I liked them. My favorite was the one with the Politicians going in the garbage truck
smurf  38 | 1940  
28 May 2014 /  #4
They're very very good. Good find Wroclaw Boy
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
28 May 2014 /  #5
a very distinct message if you look closely enough...

What is the message then?
OP Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2014 /  #6
That one is sheep mentality as sheep are known to follow each other.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
28 May 2014 /  #7
Maybe so but IMO, the way we are being led to vote / act / behave as per the master's directive. Note the sheep dog there to keep any wayward sheep directed back to the pack.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2014 /  #8
Maybe so but IMO, the way we are being led to vote / act / behave as per the master's directive.

WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
28 May 2014 /  #9
Any chance we could possibly paste them in to here and go through some of them? They are interesting and I understand some of them, but others are trickier to work out.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
28 May 2014 /  #10
OK so this is a good one, thoughts?


I think its symbolising mans ludicrous growth consumption, as in living for today and not thinking about tomorrow.

Humanity in reverse...or the older you become the more backward your thoughts.

Note the sheep dog there to keep any wayward sheep directed back to the pack.

Hes directing the sheep to the grass patch, right.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
28 May 2014 /  #11
I think its symbolising mans ludicrous growth consumption,

This is an example of how your perspective helps frame what you interpret in the environment around you.

From my perspective, it could be one of the following:

a) a commentary on poverty in general forcing people to sacrifice their long term opportunities to get by day to day, or,
b) the guy got to "the top of the ladder" and didn't like what he saw (grass really wasn't greener?) and stayed with what he knew.

Much like beauty being in the eye of the beholder, art is subjective to those beholding it.
Bieganski  17 | 888  
29 May 2014 /  #12
a very distinct message if you look closely enough...

What is the message then?

Sheep instinctively vote europeangreens.eu/countries/poland
OP Wroclaw Boy  
29 May 2014 /  #13
a) a commentary on poverty in general forcing people to sacrifice their long term opportunities to get by day to day, or,

Thats also what i meant, as in living for today and cancelling out tomorrow. "Cutting off the head to cure the headache" - if you will.

Sheep instinctively vote

I don't think so Biaganski, the proof is quite the contrary.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
29 May 2014 /  #14
Sheep instinctively vote Green Party

There are so many sheep and such a small green island to feed on!

Does the Green Party leader is misleading his/her sheep followers that do not take any initiative but follow him/her blindly and mindlessly?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
29 May 2014 /  #15
Wroclaw Boy "OK so this is a good one, thoughts?"
The man is living in the darkness and cold of his ignorance. The means to enable him to climb up into enlightenment are available to him, but he choose the temporary warmth of his ignorance because it is easier and comforting, so he ignores or destroys the means of his escape.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
29 May 2014 /  #16
Sheep instinctively vote Green Party.

Ohh i see what you mean now, "they vote green because the grass is green" thats what your saying right? I think its grass because sheep eat grass and the shepherd is telling them thats where the grass is. In the same manner that the establishment may tell us to vote for whomever political party because it will be best for our interests. Interesting how the art works seem to have multiple meanings the more you look at them.
Szalawa  2 | 239  
29 May 2014 /  #17
What I think it is - Grass patch is on one candidate to lure the sheep (to represent sheeple) with a herdsman (media propaganda etc) to re-enforce the establishment, the rest is left empty. perhaps to indicate the exclusion for people voting based on policies and third parties etc.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
29 May 2014 /  #18
The shepherd is not a shepherd. Shepherds do not wear suits to work, unlike businessmen and politicians. He has a big stick at the ready, just in case the sheep take a wrong turn. His trusty dog serves the same purpose. The sheep are offered only one attractive place to go.

I like Kuczynski's work but it's a little heavy-handed and at the same time ambiguous. He's no Ralph Steadman. If he wants to make a clear political point, he should make it (as he does in many of his pieces); otherwise he can leave interpretation up to each viewer, in which case it's art. In any case, thanks to the OP for putting this up. Food for thought.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
29 May 2014 /  #19
The shepherd is not a shepherd. Shepherds do not wear suits to work, unlike businessmen and politicians.

a business man/politician with a dog and a 'big stick' directing sheep.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
29 May 2014 /  #20
Humanity in reverse...or the older you become the more backward your thoughts.

Or, could be contemplation of a life lived. It is often said that one can re-live key moments in life on ones death bed.

Or, could be the gradual slide into feebleness of the mind, less sharp as time goes by to the point where one is back to where they were when they were young / in diapers....

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Anti establishment Polish artist Pawel KuczynskiArchived