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Alcohol problems of Polish people

Ranj  21 | 947  
9 Dec 2006 /  #31
and it isnt genetic, no one forces that bottle to your lips. but once your body needs
it, your stuck forever.

This statement is right in the fact that nobody forces an alcoholic take their first drink, but alcololism is a medical condition brought about by genetics. People with the propensity to become alcoholic have a brain chemistry that produces the chemical, Tetrahydrolsoquinoline (THIQ). Moderate or social drinkers don't produce this chemical which is why they can stop when they want to. Once produced in the brain, it's there forever. This is why an alcoholic who stops drinking for any period of time and decides to drink again will immediately show the same symptoms displayed before they stopped drinking. Often times their symptoms are worse, because alcoholism is a progressive disease.

Unfortunately, the exact gene that determines whether one will become alcoholic if they start drinking is not known at this time, but there's more than enough evidence to show that if one member of a family is an alcoholic, then the potential for other family members to be alcoholic increase dramatically, compared to someone who has no history of alcoholism in their family. It's like many other diseases---if a parent or a sibling has some form of cancer, for example, the likelihood that you carry the gene that produces that same form of cancer is increased sometimes tenfold. It doesn't necessarily mean you will develop cancer, but your chances are much higher than someone who has no history of it.

Just wanted to add my two cents!:)
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
9 Dec 2006 /  #32
but there's more than enough evidence to show that if one member of a family is an alcoholic, then the potential for other family members to be alcoholic increase dramatically, compared to someone who has no history of alcoholism in their family. It's like many other diseases--

I used to drink every day of the week, then stopped. havent done it since, I had no
symptoms of wanting it again, even on the days that I didnt drink, no shakes, no
nothing, my dad drank, mom drank, my mom was alcoholic, but, once someone told
my dad, well stop drinking or you will have another stroke, he did. same with smoking

my mom, she could drink every day, then stop for a week, then drink two days, stop
drink again, then go a month without it, but she would get so belligerent when she
did drink, my dad was quite, he would just sit and drink, no loudness, no anger, just
worked in the garage, but he drank like my brother as he was younger, and many
nights come home penniless.

my whole family minus my sister, <~she drank too, but moderately, then once in while.
so , you see, there was plenty to blame it on, but, the real blame is within the person!

I dont drink, maybe once every six months, one small drink, then I am done, it dont
make me want it more, when I was out Partying when I was in my 20's yes, it was the
cool thing to do. but never had any shakes, and I see plenty of women who are
alcoholics come thru my hospital, yes, they say proof that it is a gene, but
what did they blame it on back when the cavemen were here? after all, the cavemen
didnt drink, but yet, they are part of our history if we want to use genes?

Maybe they smoked dinosaur poop! lol that is why we are all messed up.

Tetrahydrolsoquinoline (THIQ). Moderate or social drinkers don't produce this chemical which is why they can stop when they want to. Once produced in the brain, it's there forever.

yes, I drank, I went out to bars, nightly, and no, didnt do it to me, so this theory
might be right in some ways, but, I dont buy it.

science has been proven wrong before many times, this is a temp fix till they find the
real truth, but I am living proof that the chemical described is not the reason, least
my opinion , and I am sure there are many more like me.

put it this way, with the money I spent in bars, I should own one.
I dont doubt, that chemical is not produced, but I dont believe in that gene theory
at all.

Ps, I started going to bars to meet guys when I was young, I hated beer, and it took
me a long time to actually choke down mixed drinks when I started trying them.

like I said, cavemen didnt drink, Hey, who knows when the first alcohol beverage was

Is alcoholism inherited?

Research shows that the risk for developing alcoholism does indeed run in families. The genes a person inherits partially explain this pattern, but lifestyle is also a factor. Currently, researchers are working to discover the actual genes that put people at risk for alcoholism. Your friends, the amount of stress in your life, and how readily available alcohol is also are factors that may increase your risk for alcoholism.

But remember: Risk is not destiny. Just because alcoholism tends to run in families doesn't mean that a child of an alcoholic parent will automatically become an alcoholic too. Some people develop alcoholism even though no one in their family has a drinking problem. By the same token, not all children of alcoholic families get into trouble with alcohol. Knowing you are at risk is important, though, because then you can take steps to protect yourself from developing problems with alcohol. (See also "Publications," A Family History of Alcoholism - Are You at Risk?; Alcohol Alert No. 18: The Genetics of Alcoholism.)

All of the above, contradict each other.

The genes a person inherits partially explain this pattern, but lifestyle is also a factor.

then it says BUT:

Risk is not destiny. Just because alcoholism tends to run in families doesn't mean that a child of an alcoholic parent will automatically become an alcoholic too. Some people develop alcoholism even though no one in their family has a drinking problem

Sorry, but Again, I say, science can be wrong, "WHICH GENE?"

I do believe it is a disease. but not a gene.
Nor will I buy that story ever.

but, I do Question Science when they will find the gene that makes us smoke
cigerettes also. I will definately give up on emm then.
Ranj  21 | 947  
11 Dec 2006 /  #33
like I said, cavemen didnt drink, Hey, who knows when the first alcohol beverage was created??

Do you understand anything about the Genome Project?

First of all, congratulations, because you are not an alcoholic. You may have abused alcohol when you were younger, but alcohol abuse does not equal alcoholism.

Secondly, alcoholism is a very complex disease---of course social factors will contribute to alcoholism---if one is susceptible to it, the more prevalent alcohol is around them, the more likely they are to drink.

As for the cavemen, how do you know there were not any alcoholic cavemen? Fermented berries could have been a nice "treat" for our neandrethal breathren for all we know. Even if there were not alcoholic cavemen, the whole point of genetics and most diseases boils down to mutations.

The fact that you say you will never "buy" the story that alcoholism is genetic tells me your mind is closed and cannot be reasoned with, even when there's scientific proof, so I will not try to change your mind.

If you decide you would like to explore further, though, here is a link for you:

FISZ  24 | 2116  
11 Dec 2006 /  #34
how do you know there were not any alcoholic cavemen?

Alcohol has been produced by humans for over 12,000 years. It has been speculated that many ancient farming efforts were undertaken not so much for the food they would yield but rather to create the raw materials for alcohol production. Alcohol has impacted every society since caveman times in one way or another. Some have used it in worship rituals, some in social customs, some have had widespread social problems with alcohol and some have banned it altogether.

Source: Patrick, Charles H. Alcohol, Culture, and Society. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1952
Ranj  21 | 947  
11 Dec 2006 /  #35
Thanks FISZ!:)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
11 Dec 2006 /  #36
I watched a disturbing programme last night about English women and the increasing violence which is booze related, it was so scarey watching these women kicking other women on the floor, one women bit part of a guys ear off....Aparently whilst a mans testostarone level reduces with the more he drinks a womens increases...I was disgusted to see how they acted, they were animals to me that is not acceptable, Im a happy huggy drunk (when I say drunk I mean when Im tipsy not someone with a drink problem).
FISZ  24 | 2116  
11 Dec 2006 /  #37
Im a happy huggy drunk

This is the best type of drunk... tipsiness er:)
11 Dec 2006 /  #38
I don't like alcohol as much anymore. Occasionally it's fine but it just does not appeal to me anymore. I know I said I like beer, but only in the summer.
11 Dec 2006 /  #39
When a Polish girls get drunk are they easier to go out with a man and spend a night with him?
iwona  12 | 542  
11 Dec 2006 /  #40
You see Miranda....In UK with this huge drinking culture if you said it, some people would think that you are not "cool", boring.....got drunk is main aim here.

Aorry maybe i sound bit rude but I have impression taht soem poepel even they don't like alcohol they get drunk here as everone does.

I am probbaly like you I like few drinks in summer , glass of wine with my meal.....that is all.
11 Dec 2006 /  #41
I watched a disturbing programme last night about English women

Actualy a lot of the footage was from Cardiff, surely some of them were Welsh?
11 Dec 2006 /  #42
You see Miranda....In UK with this huge drinking culture if you said it, some people would think that you are not "cool", boring.....got drunk is main aim here.

Oh, I don't care about that. I had my fun a travels in life. If I slow down a little it doesn't mean that I am not cool. I never really cared what other thought of me, but what I think of myself.
Ranj  21 | 947  
11 Dec 2006 /  #43
I never really cared what other thought of me, but what I think of myself.

That's a great way to live your life! I found as I got older, there were better ways to have fun, without having to get drunk. I know for me, I tend to experience the moments of life to the fullest when I have a clear head and body.:)
11 Dec 2006 /  #44
that' exactely my point:)
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
11 Dec 2006 /  #45
The Alcoholics studied had not been using heroin so how did the THIQ get there.


so what your saying is I should believe it because they said these guys who were
winos and picked up on the street , and they were homeless winos, how do you
know that they didnt have heroin, they were homeless, I doubt they had much of
a medical history , and even so, most Druggies dont tell the truth till they get tested
for it.

I am sure if someone was desperate enough to get heroin, they would do what
ever it was to get it, homeless or not that is a powerful drug.

another thing that raises questions for me is the fact that they called them wino's
that dont sound like a professional scientists words. if you know what I mean.

Researchers, using animals, have yet to identify a single gene responsible for any alcohol-related behavior.

found this in some research I was looking at about this,


so lets shoot animals up with alcohol and tell everyone that its a frickin gene in
humans that is hereditary.. yeah thats it!

they dont know, so it isnt fact, there is suggestion, but not proven.
but hey shooting innocent non alcoholic animals up with thiq to see if its true.

hmmm thats science for ya.

but this gives ,me an idea, I think I will advocate with the animal cruelty groups
on this one, cause it seems pretty pathetic that this occurs just so they can prove
a gene exists in humans that leads to alcoholism.

You may have abused alcohol when you were younger, but alcohol abuse does not equal alcoholism.

I have all the genetic makeup, mom dad both drank, older brother, younger
brother, grandfathers (both) grandmother 1 before that I dont know, I drank
for 12 years, never had shakes, nothing, no side affects, and

my head might be thiq (LOL) but no poison in it.

anyway, I dont mean to sound so stubborn, I just wont buy the genome project
as the reason for lifestyles.

what about marjuanna? Nicotine? cocaine? are all these part of that project?

so we are all really made up of drugs and not flesh?

its hard for me to grasp that concept, not that I dont believe alcohol dont
produce chemicals that cause us to become one, but that our genetic make
up is a part of it.

yes if you grow up in a home with alcoholics, the risks are higher.
I am sure children with adhd and add and bipolar are also born from
alcoholic parents, that I would believe that it altered their chemicals during
pregnancy, I am not closed to that, but the gene theory and the shooting up
animals <~really convinced me that its another excuse .

for all my life, I believed that Pluto was a planet, taught this in school, then
science came along and bursted my bubble! its not a planet after all!
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lol

they should focus on a cure, what makes the brain to stop wanting it.
so they can recover.
iwona  12 | 542  
12 Dec 2006 /  #46
Oh, I don't care about that. I had my fun a travels in life. If I slow down a little it doesn't mean that I am not cool. I never really cared what other thought of me, but what I think of myself.

You have good attitude.

I find it a bit shallow getting drunk.....main attitude for Saturday night.
Ranj  21 | 947  
12 Dec 2006 /  #47
anyway, I dont mean to sound so stubborn, I just wont buy the genome project
as the reason for lifestyles.

You are totally misunderstanding everything I say. I'm not saying that genes determine lifestyle. Look at it this way, let's say in the case of a smoker---that's a choice someone makes despite the fact that we know it's unhealthy. Some people can smoke for 40, 50 and 60 years without developing cancer (of course they probably have emphysema or COPD) while someone else smokes for say 20 years, gets lung cancer and dies. Both people were smokers but only one developed cancer because that person was genetically predisposed to developing it. Same thing with alcohol. You can have 2 people who start drinking at the same time, and one will continue on without any adverse effect while the other crosses over into alcoholism. Both made a choice to start drinking, but at some point, one stop having the ability to control their drinking. I think this is where you and I differ in opinion. You think a person has a choice when they are alcoholic and in fact they do have the choice not to drink, but once they put the first drink in there mouth, all bets are off. This is my point. It is not an excuse for alcoholics to continue drinking, because there are things they can do to stop, but just because they stop drinking does not mean they are no longer alcoholic. It's like with diabetes---one may be able to control there blood sugars with diet and exercise, but once you have diabetes, you have it for life.

Damn, I have a headache---it's too early in the morning for me to even try to think before I have had my first cup of java! I'll continue later!:)
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
12 Dec 2006 /  #48
it's too early in the morning for me to even try to think before I have had my first cup of java! I'll continue later!

:) I am with ya on that one, I'm Non functional before my first cup of tea as well!
hello  22 | 890  
21 Jan 2007 /  #49
I drink a lot of less in the US than when I'm in Poland (here one glass of wine or 2 shots of vodka a week; in Poland 3-4 times as much).
21 Jan 2007 /  #50

The reason people drink a lot at the weekends in England is because the pubs all used to close at 11:30pm, so when it gets to about 10 everybody would order as much drinks as they can to keep them going for the rest of the night, if they were to go to a club again the clubs would all close at 2:30am so another binge drinking session would take place near to closing time.

Thankfully the government are slowly changing the laws. I know since my local pub stays open till 2, i've found myself getting a lot less drunk as there is no pressure to "drink up"
Eurola  4 | 1898  
21 Jan 2007 /  #51
Drinking it accepted as a way of socializing nowadays. Unfortunately, some people tend to socialize this way too often. At some point, the person may drink at home alone or look for a company at the neighborhood bar. That's all it takes. A "drinking gene" or not.

My father was also drinking - a lot. I should be having the "drinking gene", but I don't think I do. And, I'm never afraid to have a drink when I go to a party.

The 'drinking gene" is just an easy excuse for many and a valid one for a small percentage of true alcoholics.
Ranj  21 | 947  
21 Jan 2007 /  #52
The reason people drink a lot at the weekends in England is because the pubs all used to close at 11:30pm

WOW, I would never have survived in England, back in my drinking days----I usually was just getting started around 11 pm.:)
iwona  12 | 542  
21 Jan 2007 /  #53
You would struggle in England. I think that around 11pm there was last round and closing time.:)
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
21 Jan 2007 /  #54
You see Miranda....In UK with this huge drinking culture if you said it, some people would think that you are not "cool", boring.....got drunk is main aim here.

Im not sure about that, I know people that dont drink and I dont consider them odd for not wanting to....Like I have said everything in moderation I enjoy a few glasses of wine with friends of a weekend since I dont usually drink through the week (once in a blue moon) I think my drinking habbits are acceptable and yes I will get a little bit tipsy now and again, but I still know how to conduct myself

You would struggle in England. I think that around 11pm there was last round and closing time.

laws have changed bars can open 24 hours if they like, most local pubs will open until 12/1 and bars in the city centre will close at about 2am and clubs about 4am
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
15 Mar 2008 /  #55

as to sterotypes.

and who is right ... with some judgments.
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
15 Mar 2008 /  #56
Scotland has an average of 11.1 litres per person, which from the above chart, seems to put it up there with Ireland.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
22 Mar 2008 /  #57
A good posting by Szkotja2007, the Scots are right up there with the Magyars. Luxembourg no1, that's a shock!!
isthatu  3 | 1164  
22 Mar 2008 /  #58
Well,I drink maybe 5 or 6 times a year.....so go smoke that stereotype :)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
22 Mar 2008 /  #59
One person doesn't affect stats that much Colonel. How do u smoke stereotypes btw? Just curious
El Gato  4 | 351  
23 Mar 2008 /  #60
How do u smoke stereotypes btw? Just curious

Just role a big fattie.... :]

Archives - 2010-2019 / Life / Alcohol problems of Polish peopleArchived