Poles are associated with either strawberry fields or car theft...
So you have problems giving a normal answer to a normal question. That says a lot.
If you had earned your money legally and through hard working, you wouldn't have any problem telling us about it.
2. intelligent people strive for the best and yeah, you are right
You don't understand my question, so far for your "intelligence".
Studying in Europe is much more expensive than studying in Africa. The cost of living without working, the visa and the plane tickets make it even more expensive.
So it makes no sense to come to Europe for study purposes only. You can do much more with your $$ (from God knows what sources) in Africa than in Europe. And don't tell me that Africa hasn't any good universities.
So i'm pretty sure your reason to study in Europe is because you want to live here permanently. It's a common trick that many 3rd world people use to get EU citizenship.
You probably try hard to find a Polish girl who takes your money to help you get a permanent visa.
You don't give clear answers to normal questions, so it looks like you have problems hiding your true intentions.
The Polish embassy in your country does a good job trying to make it less easy for people like you to come to Europe. We don't need your kind.