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Student Visa NON-EU Student (an entry-visa for a Nigerian citizen)

jarnowa  4 | 499  
29 Apr 2010 /  #31
Poles are associated with either strawberry fields or car theft...

So you have problems giving a normal answer to a normal question. That says a lot.
If you had earned your money legally and through hard working, you wouldn't have any problem telling us about it.

2. intelligent people strive for the best and yeah, you are right

You don't understand my question, so far for your "intelligence".
Studying in Europe is much more expensive than studying in Africa. The cost of living without working, the visa and the plane tickets make it even more expensive.

So it makes no sense to come to Europe for study purposes only. You can do much more with your $$ (from God knows what sources) in Africa than in Europe. And don't tell me that Africa hasn't any good universities.

So i'm pretty sure your reason to study in Europe is because you want to live here permanently. It's a common trick that many 3rd world people use to get EU citizenship.

You probably try hard to find a Polish girl who takes your money to help you get a permanent visa.

You don't give clear answers to normal questions, so it looks like you have problems hiding your true intentions.

The Polish embassy in your country does a good job trying to make it less easy for people like you to come to Europe. We don't need your kind.
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
29 Apr 2010 /  #32
Studying in Europe is much more expensive than studying in Africa.

No it depends who you talk to. I am from India and for me to live here and study its not a problem and its quite cheap to be honest with you as compared to some other places I have lived in. Not every one from a poor country is poor. And not everyone from a rich country is rich.

So it makes no sense to come to Europe for study purposes only.

Of course it does. You see the world and that is a real education. No university really teaches you anything different. For me, I mix education and travel and experience a different culture.

You probably try hard to find a Polish girl who takes your money to help you get a permanent visa.

This is a blanket statement and basically proves that you stereotype everything. well you business i guess...

We don't need your kind.

You spent a huge amount of time in other peoples countries...centuries actually which has lead to all the problems we all experience today...
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
29 Apr 2010 /  #33
Yeah sure. Blame colonialism for everything. Easy way out.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
29 Apr 2010 /  #34
Poland is not the most expensive country in the world, that's true.
But compared to studying and living in Nigeria or India, it's very expensive.

Of course these countries have also a rich elite for who money isn't an issue, but for most 3rd world people, studying in Europe instead of in their own country is a bad choice money-wise.

So i'm sure that the majority of 3rd world people who comes to Europe "to study" is to get something in return for the much higher cost they need to pay: a permanent visa, a career and of course as many white p#ssies as they can get.

Of course it does. You see the world and that is a real education

That's a wonderful motive, but do you really think that Indians and Africans in general want to study in rich countries to "experience a different culture"?

You spent a huge amount of time in other peoples countries...

Still blaming the bad white people for all the problems in your country, after decades of independence. How sad.
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
30 Apr 2010 /  #35
But compared to studying and living in Nigeria or India, it's very expensive.

This shows how little you know about India...ever heard of Bombay? try living there on 1500 zl a month(and i mean a decent life).

That's a wonderful motive, but do you really think that Indians and Africans in general want to study in rich countries to "experience a different culture"?

No i dont, but then i wouldnt be foolish enough to put everyone in the same bracket.

Decades?? read some history...
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 Apr 2010 /  #36
Less than a century. Cry me a river. Try nine centuries and counting.
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
30 Apr 2010 /  #37
you are Irish right? There was a difference btw your country and colonies...but yes you suffered a lot too.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
30 Apr 2010 /  #38
Yes, I am sure Indias population dropped by over 75% over a six year period, right?

Anyway, the past is the past, I dont want an apology nor reperations. Just the Brits to vacate my country. All I ask for a is re-united homeland for the indigenous people of this island.

Ireland and Indias problems are not due to the past wrong doings of the Brits.

I admit my countries failings, maybe you lot in the 3rd world should do so too? Its not the Brits who have you by the balls, it your ruling elites.

Just because some Brit/White man/European committed an atrocity in your nation in the distantpast, does not give you carte blanche to migrate to whatever part of europe you so wish.
grubas  12 | 1382  
30 Apr 2010 /  #39
You probably try hard to find a Polish girl who takes your money to help you get a permanent visa.

She is a female bro.

1. in western europe, Poles are associated with either strawberry fields or car theft....

So ,what you are about to study in Poland? stawberry picking?car theft? or maybe this:
Varsovian  91 | 634  
30 Apr 2010 /  #40
Can't they read and write in Nigeria? Doesn't the internet work? Try the Open University in England.
agugu6210  2 | 17  
2 May 2010 /  #41
Varsovian..why do you think that Nigerians can read and write?
i am a polish/germany black that has my roots to Nigeria Nigeria because my grandmom is a nigeria.i have family there and most Nigerians i no are educated..Here in Poland education is considerably free with no tution paid but some people dont even finish collage here,some cant read and write ,dony have access to the internet. so is a general thing with most countries in the world..Nigeria and poland is not exceptional..

Some say Africans are despirate to get polish citizenship/EU status well it goes along with other european that are keen to get the British and American passport!! i dont see any diffrence in situations..

Talking about Nigerian been a poor country ??/ certainly not!!!Nigeria is in western part of Africa richly blessed with alot of Natural resources,Nigeria is 5th world producing crude oil in the world they also possese other Natural resources,like tin,timbler,coal,agricultural produces just to mention a few.But the problem with Nigeria is the political ,religious and ethnical system which has resulted in an un-even distribution of wealth and development in the whole country..that the situation there...

irrespective of that most people can read and write there is access to internet facilities and more than 35 collages and university in the country..
just check google about Nigeria as a country..that willl clear issues
grubas  12 | 1382  
2 May 2010 /  #42
Africans are very rich and their favorite hobby is to sail to Europe for some vacation.

Seanus  15 | 19668  
2 May 2010 /  #43
Agugu, they won't be after the oil companies secure more contracts and give nothing to Nigeria. This is the unfortunate reality and why Westerners are despised by many there. My friend needed an armed escort around the clock due to the level of animosity there.
grubas  12 | 1382  
2 May 2010 /  #44
Then why don't you go back to your rich country of Nigeria.Go back you will be better off there with all the oil and natural resources.Most Europeans don't need or want you nor your countrymen in Europe.Go back to the Nigerian paradise.I don't understand what keeps you in Europe???And don't give me this BS how great Nigeria is ,coz I have Nigerian friend and I know that your country suck azz big time.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
2 May 2010 /  #45
Talking about Nigerian been a poor country?

Yeah, so Irak is also a rich country. I am sorry, but having a lot of resources and only makes your country a stupid one, like mine.

If your people are so educated and your country is so good, why the hell do you all want to emigrate and spam romance forums with adds?
2 May 2010 /  #46
Talking about Nigerian been a poor country ??/ certainly not!!!

just check google about Nigeria as a country

Well, I just did: your GDP per capita is $2,400 which means that you are about
4 times poorer than Cuba or about 5 times poorer than Romania.

Damn - even Western Sahara (which is pretty much just a big pile of sand) is wealthier
than Nigeria...

... and still Nigeria manages to be poorer than Western Sahara.
grubas  12 | 1382  
2 May 2010 /  #47
Let's not bash Nigeria too much,they are 140th richest country in the world leaving another 41 nations behind.So in my book they are relatively rich.they are 6 times richer than Congo Democratic Rep or Zimbabwe.Ain't that something?:)

They are messed up at the embassy and you want to make sure they don't push you around...Cheers

Oh yea?And what are you going to do?Go complain to Goodluck Johnatan?They can push you around as much as they want to and you can't do s**t about it.
jarnowa  4 | 499  
2 May 2010 /  #48
i am a polish/germany black that has my roots to Nigeria

So you are Nigerian that has been given a Polish/German passport. That doesn't make you a real Pole/German.

Here in Poland education is considerably free with no tution paid

It is not free. If it was free for you it means that Polish tax payers, sadly enough, paid for your education. That's probably one of your reasons to come to Europe, isn't it?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 May 2010 /  #49
You will now get your share of cultural enrichers in Poland.

The EU's top migration official, Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot said efforts to harmonise the member states' rules on asylum processing seek to set common standards while allowing for constructive flexibility.

Barrot said: "Understood, if a member state has a tradition of asylum and generosity, it should continue. There's no question of making it reduce the percentage of requests it accepts. Simply, I believe the asylum seekers must be better distributed, and then attention must be paid to see that each person asking for asylum is treated in a fair way, no matter which country he is in."
agugu6210  2 | 17  
2 May 2010 /  #50
jarnowa..sure i have 3 nationalities nigeria,polish and germany nationality and i am compose of a mixture of the black and white gene..So dont tell me to go to Nigeria because i have roots in Europe and AFRICA..Your problem is that you must be poorly school or relatively a pole that hasnt left the shores of Poland..I travel to Nigeria sometimes for summer so that my choice..

Most of you tell africans to go home why dont poles in UK go home?Do you think that poland is a rich countty??Lets forget about african I agree they are poor.Now compare poland and other European countries .what is you findings??

grubas.....if poland is so good and a paradise as you compare it to African why dont poles come back to their paradise.Do You no why they can get US visa waiver?hmmm too bad..Grubas...But my germany nationality affords me that opportunities.You must be one of those poles that hate ,jews,germans and muslems..i having a feeling about that..can you confirm it??
Seanus  15 | 19668  
2 May 2010 /  #51
Yeah, Poland will have to get used to the influx of foreign nationals but Nigerians should be a special cases as they are obviously not EU.

Enjoy the cultural enrichment aspect :)
agugu6210  2 | 17  
2 May 2010 /  #52
jarnowa....i will never be a real pole ..and i dont want to be.there is no big deal..hehehheh
so forget it!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
2 May 2010 /  #53
i have roots in Europe and AFRICA..

All humans trace their ancestry back to Africa.

Polish tax payers, sadly enough, paid for your education.

WHat is worse? Tax payers paying for this guy's education or for him to stay at home and not do anything productive for society? You got to give him props for wanting to study.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
2 May 2010 /  #54
just check google about Nigeria as a country..that willl clear issues


Remember at the time of the 1970s oil boom Nigeria was awash with money. Yet due to corruption, criminality, incompetence and laziness they blew it all. Now they are over here in their millions, and still swarming in, while 'rearing' squads of children. Apparently, circa 80% of Nigerians who enter the EU do so without any documentation, ie they destroy their passport. Il try and root out a link for that one.

All humans trace their ancestry back to Africa.

Thats a theory. Humans once believed that the earth was square.
agugu6210  2 | 17  
2 May 2010 /  #55
Seanus....I guess britons for years has gotten used to immigrants from,india,jamica,africa and e.t.c but presently the influx of Poles has then their area of concern and it was highligted in the last ministeral election debate by gordon brown and his competitors....
Seanus  15 | 19668  
2 May 2010 /  #56
Yeah, they are the worst scammers in the world too. I saved a guy here from a huge trap involving a rather convincingly written letter that had a slip that I spotted. We don't that kind of nonsense here, Poland is trying to move forward but has mohair berets of its own to contend with.
2 May 2010 /  #57
The EU’s top migration official, Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot

And what country does mister Jacques Barrot come from? Isn't that the same country
that colonized half of Africa? Well, then I guess it's only fair if those African asylum seekers
come to their former colonial masters in search for asylum.

Simply, I believe the asylum seekers must be better distributed

Ain't gonna happen, monsieur Barrot. Those asylum seekers already speak very good
French/English. No reason for them to learn Polish - it's such a difficult language, we
can't be as cruel as to make those poor people learn it.

Poland never had any overseas colonies, so we have no moral obligation whatsoever
to accept immigrants from those countries. If, on the other hand, some citizens from
the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth countries (Lithuania, Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus,
even Moldova, as they were our vassals at some point) wish to come to live and work
in Poland, they should be allowed and encouraged to do so.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
2 May 2010 /  #58
Thats a theory. Humans once believed that the earth was square.

Do you know how ignorant you sound for denying that humanity's cradle is located in Africa?
TIT  5 | 208  
2 May 2010 /  #59
Humans once believed that the earth was square.

not flat?
agugu6210  2 | 17  
2 May 2010 /  #60
well, 2 answers:

1. in western europe, Poles are associated with either strawberry fields or car theft... and cheap cigarettes of course... cheap, illegal cigarettes
can you comment?Seanus??
I dont see any difference between Nigerians and polish..they are birds of the same feather..heheheheh

Archives - 2010-2019 / Law / Student Visa NON-EU Student (an entry-visa for a Nigerian citizen)Archived