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Staly Meldunek / Karta Pobytu - achievable for an EU resident?

Richfilth  6 | 415  
6 Dec 2010 /  #1
Is this achievable for an EU resident? I've got the stupid piece of paper from the Wydzial Spraw Cudziozemcow that says I have the Permanent Right to Stay*, but the woman at the Urzad Gmina effectively rejected it, saying that without a Karta Pobytu I can only register myself in my own apartment for 5 years.

So, is there any possibility at ALL to get permanent Meldunek?

*Zaswiadczenie O Zarejestrowaniu Pobytu,
Avalon  4 | 1063  
6 Dec 2010 /  #2
I am still trying to figure out how my "Permanent Residence" is only valid for 10 years.
Maybe  12 | 409  
7 Dec 2010 /  #3
When I took my British passport to the local council to get my temporary residence card, the woman at the counter asked me if i had a Visa!!!! So Permanent for 10 years is par for the course.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
7 Dec 2010 /  #4
Is this achievable for an EU resident? I've got the stupid piece of paper from the Wydzial Spraw Cudziozemcow that says I have the Permanent Right to Stay*, but the woman at the Urzad Gmina effectively rejected it, saying that without a Karta Pobytu I can only register myself in my own apartment for 5 years.

She's speaking nonsense - as you have the permanent right to stay, she has to register you for as long as it's valid for - 10 years. It's nonsense that it expires after 10 years, but I think the idea is that you should be getting citizenship during this time.

Best bet is to try another dragon - preferably armed with the law in question.

I am still trying to figure out how my "Permanent Residence" is only valid for 10 years.

I think I understand this, actually. You have the right to permanent residence, but the certificate itself is only valid for 10 years - presumably to give them a chance to check into your background every 10 years to make sure that you haven't been naughty. But the next application should be a formality - though you can apply for citizenship in that time instead.
OP Richfilth  6 | 415  
7 Dec 2010 /  #5
Yes, I had a friend call the Urzad Gmina to confirm this, and was told that the document I had was enough for Meldunek Stale. So the toxic old battleaxe who serves me every time I go there is wrong, but I'm not sure how I can avoid her when I go back, other than calling for her boss.
Olaf  6 | 955  
7 Dec 2010 /  #6
Do not avoid her, tell her it is her duty and she's got nothing. Do talk to her supervisor, some officers don't know the law exactly, so straighten this up, and she'll know it for the future and you will get your zameldowanie stałe.
OP Richfilth  6 | 415  
9 Dec 2010 /  #7
Ok, dashing between the two offices, it seems that Zaswiadczenie O Zarejestrowaniu Pobytu is NOT stale, or permanent. It is, however "bezterminowy". Although the woman at the Urzad Gmina agreed that it was a stupid system, she couldn't give me stale meldunek based on this piece of paper.

So I went back to the Wydzial Spraw Cudziozemcow, to complain to the girl who issued me this paper, and in her snotty tone she asked me why I hadn't filled out the application form for "Dokumentu potwierdzajacego prawo stalego pobytu", which is the Permanent Residence Right card, which INCLUDES A PHOTO!

"You told me I could only have pobytu," I told her.

"No I didn't," she replied.

"Yes you did, that's why you gave me the other wniosek."

"That wasn't me."

"Can I see my other wniosek? The one in my file?" She gives it to me.

"Is this your signature at the bottom?" I ask.

At which point she gets upset, rants a lot in Polish that I don't understand, thrusts the four copies of the new form at me very quickly and says "Dzien dobry." Which seems very much like a pyrrhic victory.

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